Please contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please direct dial on: 01263 516010 04 November 2013 Please note change of venue A meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at North Lodge, Cromer on Wednesday 13th November 2013 at 9.30a.m. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A Green, Mr B Jarvis, Mrs B McGoun, Mr P Moore, Mr J H Perry-Warnes, Mr R Reynolds, Mr E Seward, Mr R Shepherd, Mr N Smith, and Mr P Terrington. All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us. Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. SUBSTITUTES 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive questions from the public, if any 4. MINUTES (Page 1) (9.30 – 9.35) To approve as correct records, the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 17 July 2013. 5. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 7. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To consider any petitions received from members of the public. 8. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER To consider updated information from the Corporate Director (NB) on the budgetary impact of the reception improvement works at the council offices. 9. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS To consider any responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee‟s reports or recommendations. 10. THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME 11. BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION (Page 10) (9.35 – 9.40) To discuss the Cabinet Work Programme and to consider the programme of business for Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny, and Full Council. (9.40 – 10.15) (Cabinet Agenda 04 November 2013 p. 59) (Appendix 1- Customer Management Strategy 2013 – 2016 – Electronic Only) (Appendix 2- IT Strategy 2014- 2017 electronic only) (Appendix 3 – p. 73) (Appendix 4 – p. 74) Summary: This report outlines proposed strategies for IT and Customer CABINET DECISION Services, which together with associated management support, will provide a comprehensive Programme to improve and upgrade the Council‟s IT infrastructure and the way in which we deal with customers. Key to this will be laying a foundation by reviewing and improving the IT infrastructure, from which we can then build improvements across the Council. This will include enabling many more customer transactions to be completed via electronic means and facilitating much more flexible working arrangements, including more efficient, mobile working solutions across our services. The suggested improvements are shown with the required investment and indicative savings arising directly from them. However, there is a wide range of further savings, which are likely to arise from the suggested improvement Programme and others, which will be enabled by it. Going forward, the Programme will consist of a number of projects, each of which will be subject to an individual business plan and procurement process, to be placed before Cabinet in due course. Together, these will form the following five work streams: Telephony Document management IT Infrastructure Website and Channel shift Customer management In addition, there will be an overarching project around business process review and management change, in order to support the more defined work streams and to ensure that every opportunity can be taken to drive efficiency in our service delivery through better use of IT The report shows a wide range of potential technologies which, it is proposed, will be implemented at different times and to different levels, depending on more detailed business cases. These will be brought forward as the Business Transformation Programme progresses. Options considered: To do nothing is simply not an option. Our customers expect to be able to deal transact business with us efficiently and via electronic means and we need to ensure future financial stability. The existing infrastructure will not allow us to achieve either the quality levels or efficiencies we will require in the future. Recommendations: That Cabinet approves the Business Transformation Programme, which will be based on the reports attached. That Cabinet allocates funds of £153,000 from the Invest to Save Reserve to allow appointment of a Business Transformation Manager and IT support staff as soon as possible, in order to support the Programme. That for each major project forming part of the Programme, a further report will be made to Cabinet, in order that approval can be given for the funding of such projects. That progress on the Programme will be governed by the Business Transformation Board, which will report regularly to Cabinet. 12. 13. Reasons for Recommendations: To set out the management, funding and reporting arrangements for this programme. Cabinet Member(s) Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: Cllr T FitzPatrick & Cllr R Wright Nick Baker 01263 516232 DOMICILIARY CARE PRESENTATION (10.15 – 11.00) To receive a presentation by Christine Futter of the Norfolk and Suffolk Care Support Group regarding Domiciliary Care in the district. MANAGING PERFORMANCE Q2 2013/14 (11.15 – 11.35) (Cabinet Agenda 04 November 2013 p. 75) (Appendix H – Electronic Only) Summary: The purpose of this report is to give a half year progress report in delivering the Annual Action Plan 2013 – 14 and achieving targets. It gives an overview, identifies any issues that may affect delivery of the plan, the action being taken to address these issues and proposes any further action needed that requires Cabinet approval. Options considered: Options considering action regarding performance are presented separately, issue by issue, to the appropriate Council Committee. Conclusions: 1. The majority of the 49 activities in the Annual Action Plan 2013/14 are on track and performance is being closely monitored. Some activities have already been completed successfully (four) and a further 35 are on track or progressing to plan. 2. Of the 19 performance indicators where a target has been set or assessment against the previous year‟s performance is taking place 7 are on or above target, 3 close to target, 5 below target, 3 improving and 1 worse compared to last year. 3. Both of these positions are an improvement on Quarter 1. 4. The delivery of the Annual Action Plan is progressing according to plan but there are some performance issues in achieving targets. These are detailed in the document „Managing Performance Quarter 2 2013/14‟ attached as Appendix H. 14. Recommendations: It is recommended that Cabinet notes this report, welcomes the progress being made and endorses the actions laid out in Appendix H being taken by management where there are areas of concern. Reasons for Recommendations: To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: Cllr T FitzPatrick All Helen Thomas 01263 516214 BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2013/14 – PERIOD 6 (11.35 – 11.55) (Cabinet Agenda 04 November 2013 p. 10) (Appendix A – p.19) (Appendix B – p.20) (Appendix C – p. 25) (Appendix D – p.27) Summary: This report summarises the budget monitoring position for the revenue account to the end of September 2013. Conclusions: The overall position at the end of period 6 shows a forecast under spend of £46,475 for the current financial year on the revenue account. Recommendations: COUNCIL DECISION Reasons for Recommendations: It is recommended that: Cabinet note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position. 2) Cabinet agree and recommend to Council the updated budget as set out in section 5.1, Table 3. 3) Cabinet agree to the release of £100,000 included within the approved capital programme for the Wells Maltings Project (6.2 (h)). 1) To update Members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report and which do not contain exempt information) System budget monitoring reports Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: Cllr W Northam All Malcolm Fry 01263 516037 15. TREASURY MANAGEMENT HALF YEARLY REPORT (11.55 – 12.00) (Cabinet Agenda 04 November 2013 p. 33) (Appendix E – p. 38) (Appendix F – p. 40) Summary: This report provides information on the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first six months of 2013/14. Options considered: It is a requirement of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy‟s (CIPFA) Code of Practice for Treasury Management that this mid-year review is prepared and presented to Full Council. Conclusions: That the treasury activities for the year have been carried out in accordance with the CIPFA Code and the Council‟s Treasury Strategy. Recommendations: That the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2013/14 be approved. COUNCIL DECISION Reasons for Recommendations: The recommendation is being made in compliance with the CIPFA Code. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report and which do not contain exempt information) Arlingclose Report Template – Semi-Annual Treasury Report 2013/14 Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: 16. Cllr W Northam All Tony Brown 01263 516126 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: (12.00 – 12.10) (Page 15) (Appendix A – p. 17) (Appendix B – p. 22) This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix A) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee‟s working style and role is attached at Appendix B. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Ward(s) affected Contact Officer telephone number and email: 19. Mr R Oliver All Emma Denny 01263 516010 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 20. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA Agenda item no._______4_______ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Minutes of a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 16 October 2013 in the Council Chamber, North Lodge Park, Overstrand Road, Cromer at 9.30 am. Members Present: Committee: Mr E Seward (Chairman) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs A Green Mr B Jarvis Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Reynolds Officers in Attendance: Members in Attendance: Mr N Lloyd (sub) Mrs V Uprichard (sub) Miss B Palmer (sub) Mr D Young (sub) The Head of Finance, The Head of Economic and Community Development, the Head of Planning, The Economic and Tourism Development Officer, The Sports and Leisure Services Manager, The Housing Team Leader- Health and Wellbeing, The Democratic Services Team Leader, The Democratic Services Officer, The Health Improvement Officer Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr P W High, Mrs L Brettle, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Democratic Services Officer (TGS) 67. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Ms V R Gay, Mrs B McGoun, Mr P W Moore, Mr N Smith, Mr P Terrington 68. SUBSTITUTES Mr N Lloyd for Ms V R Gay, Miss B Palmer for Mr N Smith, Mr D Young for Mr P Terrington, Mrs V Uprichard for Mr P W Moore 69. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. 70. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 11 September 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 16 October 2013 71. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 72. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None received. 73. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None received. 74. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER None received. 75. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS None received. 76. THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds enquired about the item regarding the new telephony system. The Head of Finance replied that the item was due to go to the Cabinet meeting in November and it could potentially go to the following meeting of the Scrutiny Committee. Mrs P Grove-Jones asked whether the fraud policy was with regards to internal or external fraud, and the Head of Finance replied that she believed the policy was an overview of the current Fraud Policy which aimed to combat issues such as Benefit Fraud. The Chairman updated the committee with regards to item from the previous meeting on Closed Circuit Television. He stated that Cabinet had voted to decommission the CCTV service, but that individual Town Councils had been offered the option to take over control of their local services and had been given 6 weeks to make any proposals with regards to this. 77. OVERVIEW OF THE LEISURE SERVICE The Sports and Leisure Services Manager introduced this item. He gave an update on Sports and Leisure Facilities and commented that the year 2012/13 had surpassed the visitor target by 14,000. He also commented that for the current year, they were already 2,000 visits ahead of target. He discussed a number of items, including the successful delivery of the Mobile Gym, Fit Together Walks across the district, and the ParkRun. He explained to members the changes in how Blue Flag statuses were awarded to beaches. He further commented on the successful events run at various parks across the district during the summer, and informed members that Council-owned play equipment which was most at need would be replaced following a capital bid of £100,000.The Chairman then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mr N Lloyd commented on the rise in prices at Sports Centres and asked the Sports and Leisure Services Manager if usage had been affected by this. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that whilst usage at Cromer and Stalham had gone Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 16 October 2013 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. down over the summer, this was to be expected due to the good weather. He further commented that usage at North Walsham had remained stable. He commented that whilst it was possible that price rises may have an effect on usage, it wasn’t possible to extrapolate that information from the data they collected. Mr N Lloyd went on to comment on the restructuring that had taken place at the Sports Centres and commented that he felt these sports centres might benefit from feedback and further engagement with the council. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager agreed and said that meetings had been happening but would be on-going. Mr N Lloyd queried what the future looked like for the Sports Centres. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that whilst restructuring was still on-going, the future looked positive for the centres. Mr R Reynolds queried if it would be possible in the future to also receive figures regarding visitor numbers and costings. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied this would be fine and he would bring the figures the next time the report came to the committee. Mr R Reynolds queried what the upkeep costs were for the Cromer pier. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that whilst they were not responsible for pier upkeep, they were responsible for the theatre and would be able to bring those figures. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds queried why the team’s bid for funding for Women and Girls’ Sport had been unsuccessful. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that those who had been successful had significantly more resources than North Norfolk District Council to support their bid, and also had a longer time frame to put their bid in place. He commented however that the feedback they had received had been good and would improve their future bids. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds went on to question if the District owned playground in Fakenham was being considered for funding for renovations. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that he did not believe the Fakenham playground was being considered for renovations at this time. Mrs P Grove-Jones commented that she was concerned about high entry costs and restricted times at the Stalham sports centre. She also commented that whilst she was happy that the area was getting a new youth facility with the creation of the Poppy Centre, she was concerned this may impact on the services offered by the council. Mr D Young mentioned the 12% drop in sales for the Summer Show and the pier and queried if that would be an issue for the council. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that whilst the Summer Show had seen a drop in sales, due to good sales at other shows, there had only been a 2% drop overall. He also reiterated that the management fee the council paid to Openwide to provide services was a fixed price in the contract and not index linked and therefore would not be affected. He further commented that he would be interested to get members’ feedback on the pier theatre and its provision of services. Mr D Young queried if the use of wildflowers in council owned flower beds would continue. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that whilst growth, particularly at Mundesley, had been slow, the flowers were coming into bloom now and the council would be continuing to use wildflowers. Mr N Lloyd commented that the Sports Centre open day at North Walsham had been very successful, and he was pleased to see the facilities be so well promoted. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that he was also happy with the open day and that they were looking to repeat them at other sports centres. The Chairman questioned if the council collected demographic data on Sports Centre and facility usage. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager replied that currently they were not collecting that data, however at some Sports Centres they were asking members to do surveys to provide them with further information. He also commented that he was in talks with Kate Sullivan, Community Liason Officer, with regards to engaging disabled groups in sporting activities. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 16 October 2013 9. Mrs A Green noted that she was concerned that entry prices at the Fakenham Sports Centre were too high, and that this was putting off young people from using the facility. The Sports and Leisure Services Manager commented that schools did use the Sports Centre considerably during the day but this was an agreement between the School and DC Leisure. The Chairman thanked the Sports and Leisure Services Manager for his informative report and suggested that the Overview of the Leisure Service report become an annual report, to include as much data regarding demographic usage as possible for the following reports. Members of the committee agreed and it was NOTED That the Overview of the Leisure Service become an annual report for presentation to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 78. TOURISM UPDATE The Economic and Tourism Development Officer presented this report which provided an update on tourism in North Norfolk with regards to the season so far. He commented that due to the cold start of the season, that tourism had seen a slow start to the year, however the better weather later in the season would be reflected in the following quarter’s results. He commented that the estimated figures for tourism were usually reported a year behind in the Economic Impact of Tourism Study which Tourism South East carried out, they were awaiting the 2012 results. Consequently, the Tourism Business Confidence Monitor for Norfolk for the quarter to 30 June 2013, undertaken by Larking Gowen had been used, which included 18 businesses from the district. Of these businesses, a variety of types of business had taken part, including accommodation providers, pubs, outdoor venues and holiday parks. He commented that with regards to the survey, the outlook on tourism appeared to be optimistic in the district, showing a 61% increase in visitor numbers from the previous year. This showed to be particularly good in comparison to other areas in the county. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer then went on to discuss Tourist Information Centres (TICs), marketing North Norfolk, improved signage in north-east Norfolk, and Car Parking. The Chairman queried what the costs were for improving signage across the district, and the Head of Economic and Community Development replied that it was money set aside from the Pathfinder Project. The Head of Economic and Community Development suggested that a lot of information for the current season was not yet available, but initial indications were good, partly reflected by the fine weather.. The Chairman thanked the Economic and Tourism Development Officer for his report and the Head of Economic and Community Development for her comments, and then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mrs V Uprichard queried using a survey for the report which appeared to be costly. She further commented that the council should utilise information made readily available by those TICs which were not council owned. 2. Mrs P Grove-Jones queried why only 18 businesses from North Norfolk had taken part in the survey and asked approximately how many businesses there were in North Norfolk. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer replied that there were approximately 1,700 tourism related businesses in North Norfolk and commented that the survey was working to increase uptake through incentivising participation. Mrs P Grove-Jones commented on the issue of signage, suggesting that the Stalham area in particular suffered from a lack of signage, however that in other areas there appeared to be too much signage, and that it was important for the council to strike a balance. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 4 16 October 2013 3. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds commented that she was concerned over a level of inconsistency on colour coding of the charts and graphs throughout the survey report which did not facilitate easy reading. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer replied that this could be rectified for any further survey reports. 4. Mr R Reynolds queried whether there was any further data regarding visitor numbers that could be looked at before 2012, and also commented that he believed whilst work on improved signage had been needed for a long time, that these seemed to be positive steps forward. 5. Mr D Young queried the information provided on car parking and asked if the numbers included the use of the £5 season ticket, which may be useful information to look at. He further commented that figures around who was using the car parks would also be useful to see. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer commented that Maxine Collis, the Property Business Manager, was preparing r further details regarding car parking figures, which would be available soon. The Chairman questioned if Car Parking was due to come to scrutiny, and the Democratic Services Team Leader replied that it was due to come in January. 6. Mr D Young went on to query the lack of availability of facilities at TICs for booking events, referring to the report which suggested tourists would be directed to the Visit North Norfolk website. He questioned if it was sensible to no longer supply booking facilities at the TICs and questioned if a hard copy of available accommodation was still available for tourists. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer replied that they had discontinued the North Norfolk Holiday Guide, but that TICs were still providing computers for users. Mr D Young further reiterated that a lack of available facilities at TICs may put off some of the key demographic of tourists who visited North Norfolk due to a lack of web literacy. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer commented that staff at TICs do help individuals with bookings and guide them to the right resources. 7. Mr B Jarvis queried whether or not tourism in the Broads came under the remit of the new destination management organisation (DMO), Visit North Norfolk Coast and Countryside Ltd. The Economic and Tourism Development Officer replied that tourism businesses in the North Norfolk part of the Broads are welcome to join the DMO. Visit North Norfolk also includes the Broads in their marketing activities. However, there was an aspiration that Broads Tourism would become a full DMO to promote the Broad from its current structure as an association of tourism businesses being supported by the Broads Authority. Mr B Jarvis commented that this was promising as the Broads were an important part of tourism in the area. 8. Mr N Lloyd questioned the cost of the survey provided and the Economic and Tourism Development Officer replied that it costs £200. 9. Mrs A Green commented that she was concerned about the viability of TICs when they appeared to have unsuitable opening hours which left people unable to find suitable local accommodation. The Chairman asked the committee if they thought it would be useful for the Tourism update to come back to a later committee meeting when further data had been received by the council. The members of the committee agreed with this and it was AGREED for the Tourism Update to come back to the January meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide further information. 79. HEALTH UPDATE The Health Improvement Officer introduced this item. She reminded the committee that the update was one which was due to go to the September meeting however had been pushed Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5 16 October 2013 back to October due to time constraints. She explained to the committee a number of different issues, including the successes of the MyTime Active service and the Living Well with Dementia service. She further commented that Warm and Well in Norfolk had been a successful campaign for the 2012/13 winter period. The chairman then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mrs P Grove-Jones gave positive feedback on the Mytime Active Scheme. Whilst not a NNDC run initiative the Council has worked proactively with the NHS to establish the scheme in North Norfolk. Locating the scheme at the Council has been mutually beneficial for both organisations. She asked the Health Improvement Officer about the success of the Energy Boxes scheme. The Housing Team Leader- Health and Wellbeing responded to this. She commented that the Energy Boxes scheme had been funded from the Department of Energy and Climate Change and consisted of a set of information relating to energy usage, information about staying warm in winter, information regarding bills and tariffs, as well as an energy monitor. She commented that it was informal and was intended to be placed within parishes for members of the public to use at their leisure. She commented that whilst some people had found it useful, some parishes had said they had nowhere to keep their box, and that they would be doing more to work on the scheme in the coming months. 2. The Health Improvement Officer responded to questions regarding the Warm and Well scheme. She commented that funding had been received from the Department of Health to help improve heating in cold houses through a number of projects. She commented that funding had not been made available for this year however they would be working with partners from the scheme to try and implement some of the more informal elements on an ad-hoc basis. 3. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds asked about the Living Well with Dementia project and queried if it would work with other mental health issues also. The Health Improvement Officer replied that the North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group had set up the project specifically to improve the low level of dementia diagnosis in North Norfolk. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds queried was a ‘dementia friendly’ garden was. The Health Improvement Officer replied that it was a garden which included sensory elements, such as sight and smell, to encourage and trigger the memory. She further commented it was a safe and secure environment for those with dementia. She commented that if members were interested, she could arrange for them to visit the garden when it was finished. 80. BUSINESS RATES POOLING The Head of Finance introduced this item. She commented that the report outlined the potential for establishing a pooling arrangement in Norfolk, which North Norfolk District Council would be part of. She commented that the treatment of Business Rates in terms of the Council’s funding had changed from April 2013, previously the total amount collected was paid over to Central Government and then redistributed but under the new Business Rates Retention scheme an element is retained locally, and the new scheme is hoped to incentivise local authorities to increase economic growth, through retention of a share of the locally collected business rates. She further explained that, in two-tier authority areas, the county council would receive a top up from the government whilst district authorities paid a tariff, when an authority experiences growth in the business rates incomes then a proportion of the growth, a levy is paid over to the government. She explained that with the pooling system, the district would no longer have to pay this levy to central government and this would be retained in the pool. She did however explain that outside of a pooling arrangement, a safety net existed for authorities when their business rates income fell by more than 7.5%. Within a pool, the mitigation of these falls would be met by the pool. She summarised that the pooling arrangement was to be put in place to support the economic growth of Norfolk as a county, and that risks to the district were mitigated by the fact that Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 16 October 2013 pooling could be re-evaluated on an annual basis, and that those authorities which could potentially fall below the 7.5% baseline funding level in the following year, were not due to join the pool. The Chairman queried how North Norfolk would see benefits from the pooling system, and the Head of Finance explained that the leaders of the pool (being the leaders of the individual councils), and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) made decisions regarding allocation of funding. She further reiterated that money that would otherwise not be made available to the county, which would be paid to central government, would through the pooling system remain within the county itself. She added that it had been approximated to be about £40,000 which would be kept in-county by the district in the pooling system. The Chairman then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds queried if it was possible to leave the pool once an authority had entered. The Head of Finance said that once an authority had made the decision to enter the pool, they would be in the pool for that coming year, however business pools were re-evaluated annually. She further explained that if the district decided to leave the pool following entry, the entire pool would collapse. 2. Mr R Reynolds questioned if Norwich City Council were to be included in the proposed pooling arrangement. The Head of Finance replied that no, they were not proposing to enter the pooling arrangement. 3. Mr N Lloyd questioned if there were any hidden costs regarding joining the pool. The Head of Finance replied that there were not any significant costs and that most costs were being met by the county council for administering the pool. Mr N Lloyd then queried if authorities would then be tempted to raise business rates, and the Head of Finance replied that these were set with central government so this couldn’t happen. 4. The Chairman commented that the proposals could put pressure on members to increase the number of new businesses in North Norfolk to increase the amount levied via business rates. He further commented that it would be useful to receive a briefing on the arrangement when it was proposed to be put into place in April in order to fully understand the impact of the arrangement, and to understand public perceptions. He further commented that it would be useful for members to receive a simple to understand example of how business rates worked in order to increase understanding. The Head of Finance commented that she could produce a simple to understand guide for members, and replied that an overview of the arrangement could be incorporated into the Budget Monitoring report if members were happy with this. NOTED To incorporate any future information regarding Business Rates Pooling into the cyclical Budget Monitoring Report. 81. PLANNING UPDATE The Chairman introduced the new Head of Planning, and stated that this was an opportunity for her to introduce her hopes for the service and for members of the committee to comment on important issues. The Head of Planning then introduced herself. She commented that she had worked in planning in local authorities for a considerable amount of time, and that she would be interested to hear where members thought the issues lay at North Norfolk. She further stated that the service was responding to recommendations from the peer review which should come into practice soon. She stated that she hoped to see improvements in the service performance by quarter three of the financial year. The chairman then invited members to ask questions and raise relevant issues, to be taken at once. 1. Mr J Perry-Warnes welcomed the Head of Planning to North Norfolk and mentioned his concerns regarding issues in the district around renewable energy sources. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7 16 October 2013 2. Mr N Lloyd commented that he was concerned with the planning department and its’ organisational structure, and hoped to see improvements to create a more transparent structure. 3. Mrs P Grove-Jones commented that she was concerned that town and parish councils were not given a good overview of planning applications and wanted to ensure that their views were taken into account when considering applications. The Chairman reiterated this point by stating it would be useful if officers engaged more with towns and parishes and should consider attending more parish meetings. 4. Mr D Young also commented on the issue of towns and parishes and stated there was often confusion over dates leading to parishes to make rushed decisions. He further commented that isolated working often resulted in the planning department not being aware of other applications when the lead planning officer was away. 5. Mr B Jarvis commented that he felt sometimes members were not given a full understanding on applications and that they needed further support in order to support their decision making. He also stated that officers should be available to give a second opinion if a member disagreed with the lead officer on an application. 6. Mrs L Brettle commented on the previous organisation of the Development committee and stated that when they were split often workloads were easier to manage. The Chairman responded to this and stated that he felt issues had arisen following the committees’ merging. He commented that previous to the committees’ merging 77% of minor applications had been dealt with in 8 weeks, whereas now the number stood at 35%. He commented that there seemed to be too much of a hierarchical decision structure which created inefficiencies. He summarised by stating it was important for the department to get back on target by ensuring there was a range of experience levels and knowledge within the planning team, and that consistency should be foremost. 7. Mrs V Uprichard commented that she felt towns and parishes would benefit from further planning training. The Head of Planning then responded to some of these concerns. She stated that the government policy framework encouraged the support of renewable energies, but that this had to be balanced with local needs and wishes. She stated that a result of the service peer review had been to encourage better policy notes in this area to encourage transparency. She stated that she hoped to encourage team work in the service early on through a case support system, to increase efficiencies. She stated that whilst she had only been in post a short time, she hoped to quickly make progress. With regards to issues surrounding town and parish councils, the Head of Planning stated that she hoped to get feedback from them, potentially through the creation of a planning forum. She hoped to further encourage officer engagement with local members and stated that members should not be put under pressure to agree with the officers or to make a decision quickly. Mrs V Uprichard then raised the issue that occasionally parish and town councils were aware of planning applications before the local member was, and that this needed to be addressed. The Head of Planning responded that she would try to ensure members were always the first to know about relevant applications, but sometimes developers went direct to their local area before putting in a planning application which may sometimes cause issues. The Chairman thanked the Head of Planning for her informative and useful update and the committee hoped to see improvement in the service area soon. 82. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE The Democratic Services Team Leader introduced this item. She stated that a presentation on domiciliary care was due to go to the following committee, and that members may find it useful to feed into a discussion at county council regarding the topic, following the presentation. She stated that she was still working on securing the Police and Crime Overview and Scrutiny Committee 8 16 October 2013 Commissioner for an upcoming meeting but would keep members updated with the status of this. She further commented that Victory Housing had offered to come to the committee to discuss their disposals programme and that if the committee were agreeable, they could come to the December meeting of the committee. She further stated that Sue Lake from the National Association of Local Councils in Norfolk would be coming to the committee in December to provide members with an update on issues in parish and town councils. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds raised the issue of waste framework which had been in the news, and asked the Democratic Services Team Leader to respond on this issue. The Democratic Services Team Leader replied that she would find out the relevant information and return it to members. The meeting concluded at 12.26 pm ____________________ Chairman Overview and Scrutiny Committee 9 16 October 2013 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 November 2013 to 28 February 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) 4 Nov 2013 Business Transformation – IT Strategy and Customer Services Strategy Tom FitzPatrick & Russell Wright Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 Cabinet 4 Nov 2013 Playground Equipment Review John Lee Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 Cabinet 4 Nov 2013 Scrutiny 13 Nov 2103 Budget Monitoring Period 6 Wyndham Northam Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Cabinet 4 Nov 2013 Treasury Management half yearly report Wyndham Northam Tony Brown Technical Accountant 01263 516126 Performance Management Update Q2 Tom FitzPatrick Helen Thomas Policy & Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 Nov 2013 Cabinet Scrutiny 13 Nov 2013 Cabinet 4 Nov 2013 Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Status Key Decision * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 10 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 November 2013 to 28 February 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Cabinet 4 Nov 2013 Sheringham Fisherman’s Ramp Access Ramp – match funding request for a FLAG application Angie FitchTillett Cabinet 2 Dec 2013 Review of Leisure Service/Contracts John Lee Cabinet 2 Dec 2013 Cabbell Park Tom FitzPatrick Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 Cabinet 2 Dec 2013 Fraud Policy Wyndham Northam Louise Wolsey Revenues & Benefits Services Manager 01263 516081 Dec 2013 11 Dec 2013 18 Dec 2013 Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Status Steve Blatch Corporate Director 01263 516232 Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure01263 516330 Key Decision * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 11 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 November 2013 to 28 February 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Cabinet 2 Dec 2013 Big Society Fund & Enabling Fund Proposals Trevor Ivory Rob Young Coast & Community Partnerships Manager 01263 516162 Cabinet 2 Dec 2013 Trevor Ivory Scrutiny 11 Dec 2013 Enforcement Board Update Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 Status Jan 2013 Cabinet 7 Jan 2014 North Lodge Park Rhodri Oliver & Trevor Ivory Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure01263 516330 Cabinet 7 Jan 2014 Scrutiny 15 Jan 2014 Revenues & Benefits shared services Wyndham Northam Steve Blatch Corporate Director 01263 516232 Performance Management Update Q3 Tom FitzPatrick Feb 2014 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Delivering the Vision (A) Helen Thomas Policy & Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 Cyclical Key Decision * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 12 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 November 2013 to 28 February 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Status Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 12 Feb 2014 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Tony Brown Technical Accountant 01263 516126 Annual Scrutiny Treasury Strategy 2014/15 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Overview & Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Council 26 Feb 2014 2014/15 Base Budget and Projections for 2015/16 to 2017/18 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Overview & Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Budget Monitoring Period 9 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 4 Nov 2013 New Telephony System Russell Wright Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 4 Nov 2013 North Norfolk Business Loan and Grant Scheme Russell Wright Jill Fisher Head of Economic and Community Development 01265 516080 Cyclical To be confirmed: Cabinet Scrutiny Cabinet Key Decision * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 13 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 November 2013 to 28 February 2014 Key Decision * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 14 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 13 November 2013 Agenda Item 16 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix A) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix B Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Ward(s) affected Mr R Oliver All Contact Officer: Telephone number: Email: Emma Denny 01263 516010 1. Introduction The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Ambulance response times Replies have now been received from Norman Lamb MP and Keith Simpson MP. Copies of the responses will be circulated to Committee members via email. 2.2 Police and Crime Commissioner A presentation by the Police & Crime Commissioner was originally scheduled for November. His PA has now come back to me with the suggestion that he attends the February Committee meeting. I have provisionally accepted this date. 2.3 Waste Contract query The following reply has been received from Barry Brandford, Environmental Services Manager, in response to Councillor Claussen-Reynolds query regarding new regulations for the separation of recycled waste. 15 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 13 November 2013 ‘The letter from Lord de Mauley was widely covered in the print media. However, it does not represent any new legal or policy position and this has been confirmed by our legal advisers working with the councils in the new MRF contract. Initially the Governments transposition was challenged by part of the recycling industry in the High Court by way of Judicial Review. The outcome of the court case was that the challenge failed. It is up to a local authority to determine its best collection method and for its contractor taking the collected material to produce high quality outputs capable of being recycled by the end processors. The collection of glass in a comingled stream is perfectly acceptable; we will not be requiring any additional containment. Our proposed contractor has yet again confirmed today that they will meet the requirements of the specification to produce high quality recyclable materials with the characteristics of single stream materials acceptable to the industry in compliance with the current regulations, which become operational in 2015, and are fully appraised with the proposals for a ‘Code of Practice’ for their operations. The risk of a challenge is extremely low and the potential for risk has been carefully considered by the procurement team on the new contract.’ 3. Items of interest to the Committee: Victory Housing Disposals Programme VHT will attend the December meeting to discuss their disposals programme. Planning Workshops Starting from January 2014, The Member Development Group will be organising a series of workshops on areas of interest to all members – aimed at widening your knowledge and building on existing skills. The first workshop will focus on planning. It is intended that this will be the first in a series of workshops on planning which will run throughout the year. The Head of Planning, Nicola Baker will be running these sessions and has asked if there are any specific areas that members would like to see covered. 4. Changes to the Work Programme and Future Topics The updated work programme is attached at Appendix A. Please note that some items have been moved to make sure that the schedule for each meeting is not too heavy. 16 Appendix A OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2013/2014 Period November 2013 – March 2014 Date of Topic Meeting Nov 2013 Domiciliary Care Presentation Officer/ Responsible Portfolio Holder Angie Fitch-Tillett Notes Requested by members Business Transformation ~ IT Tom FitzPatrick Strategy and Customer Services Russell Wright Strategy Nick Baker Cabinet Decision (Labelled as Key Decision) Budget Monitoring Period 6 Wyndham Northam Karen Sly Cyclical Treasury Management Half Yearly Report Wyndham Northam Tony Brown Cyclical Council Decison Performance Management Update Quarter 2 Tom FitzPatrick Helen Thomas Cyclical Trevor Ivory Nicola Turner Cyclical Dec 2013 Update on Empty Homes Policy to include an overview on how the Council is progressing with reducing empty homes. Enforcement Board Update Nick Baker Trevor Ivory Victory Housing: Disposals Trevor Ivory 17 Requested Date of Meeting Topic programme - presentation Big Society Fund Grants Panel – update on how new body is working. Projects being funded and whether they added value. Parish & Town Council Update Jan 2014 Waste contract update Officer/ Responsible Portfolio Holder Nicola Turner Notes Rob Young / Sonia Shuter Trevor Ivory Requested Sue Lake (NALC) John Lee Nick Baker Cyclical Shared services update Wyndham Northam Cyclical Environmental Sustainability Update Nick Baker John Lee cyclical Review of Car parks – to include income by ticket type and figures for specific car parks. Report on the Internal Boards – to cover Functions/powers, who sits on them, and where the minutes go Duncan Ellis Rhodri Oliver Feb 2014 Performance management update Q3 Sheila Oxtoby Tom FitzPatrick Requested by Councillor Terrington Helen Thomas Tom FitzPatrick Cyclical 18 Date of Meeting Topic Treasury Strategy 2014/15 2014/15 Base Budget and Projections for 2015/16 to 2017/18 Budget Monitoring Period 9 Update on Tourism across the District – overview of the 2013 season. Include figures for Mundesley & Wells TICs. Challenges & progress in addressing shortcomings Planning service – overview & future March 2014 Officer/ Responsible Portfolio Holder Tony Brown Wyndham Northam Karen Sly Wyndham Northam Notes Annual Annual Karen Sly Wyndham Northam Jill Fisher Russell Wright requested Benjie Cabbell Manners Nicola Baker Equalities Data Annual report Kate Sullivan Tom FitzPatrick Annual Customer Access Strategy Nick Baker Russell Wright Annual Annual Action Plan 2014/15 Julie Cooke Tom FitzPatrick cyclical 19 Date of Meeting TBC Topic Officer/ Responsible Portfolio Holder Housing Renewal Policy Nicola Turner Trevor Ivory Health Update Sonia Shuter Angie Fitch-Tillett Notes cyclical Customer Service Update Police & Crime Commissioner presentation Internal Boards Membership May 2014 Housing Allocations Scheme Oct 2014 Leisure Services – an overview of the leisure services across the District – to include costings, input by stakeholders, profit etc. Requested by Peter Terrington – scheduled for January Nicola Turner Trevor Ivory 20 Date of Meeting Topic Also figures on running of Pier Theatre and Openwide contract Profile of those using leisure centres Officer/ Responsible Portfolio Holder 21 Notes Appendix B Working Style of the Scrutiny Committee Independence Members of the Scrutiny Committee will not be subject to whipping arrangements by party groups. Member leadership Members of the Committee will take the lead in selecting topics for scrutiny and in questioning witnesses. The Committee will expect members of Cabinet, rather than officers, to take the main responsibility for answering the Committee’s questions about topics, which relate mainly to the Council’s activities. A constructive atmosphere Meetings of the Committee will be constructive, and not judgmental, accepting that effective scrutiny is best achieved through challenging and constructive enquiry. People giving evidence at the Committee should not feel under attack. Respect and trust Meetings will be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. Openness and transparency The Committee’s business will be open and transparent, except where there are sound reasons for protecting confidentiality. In particular, the minutes of the Committee’s meetings will explain the discussion and debate in a balanced style, so that they could be understood by those who were not present. Consensus Members of the Committee will work together and, while recognizing political allegiances, will attempt to achieve consensus and agreed recommendations. Impartial and independent officer advice Officers who advise and support the Committee will give impartial and independent advice, recognizing the importance of the Scrutiny Committee in the Council’s arrangements for governance, as set out in its Constitution. Regular review There will be regular reviews of how the scrutiny process is working, and a willingness to change if it is not working well. Programming and planning The Committee will agree the topics to be included in its published work programme and the extent of the investigation to be undertaken in relation to resources, and the witnesses to be invited to give evidence. Managing time The Committee will attempt to conclude the business of each meeting in reasonable time. The order of business will be arranged as far as possible to minimize the demands on the time of witnesses. 26 22