Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5 April 2011

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Report Title
5 April 2011
Overview and Scrutiny Update
Are there background papers?
Key Decision?
If Key Decision is it on the Forward Plan?
Decision for Full Council?
Reason for Exemption?
Ward(s) affected?
Responsible Cabinet Member name
Eric Seward
Contact Officer
Mary Howard
E-mail address
Telephone number
01263 516047
Are there Non Electronic Appendices?
List of Background Papers
File Location:
909/WPData/New Committees/Overview and Scrutiny/2010 – 2011/5 April
2011/Overview and Scrutiny Update
Implications / Risks:
Have you identified & explained within the report the
implications of the options available to members?
(Implications should include financial, legal and links to the
Council’s existing policies and strategies)
Have you highlighted the Risks to the Council?
Financial Implications and Risks to the Council should
have their own separate headings. It is not acceptable to
simply state that financial implications or risks have been
alluded to in the main body of the report.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Have you considered Sustainability issues in relation to
this report?
5 April 2011
Sustainability should have its own separate heading. It
is not acceptable to simply state that Sustainability has
been alluded to in the main body of the report.
Have you considered Equality and Diversity issues in
relation to this report?
Equality and Diversity should have its own separate
heading. It is not acceptable to simply state that Equality
and Diversity has been alluded to in the main body of the
This report has been subject to the following processes:
Consultations with:
Cabinet Member
If not please state
reason below
Local Member
If not please state
reason below
If not please state
reason below
Monitoring Officer
If not please state
reason below
Democratic Services Manager
If not please state
reason below
Communications Manager
If not please state
reason below
Not apt
S151 Officer
Not apt
Other Head(s) of Service:
Chair of Overview and Scrutiny
Please confirm this report has been signed off by:
Management Team
Not apt
Relevant Strategic Director
Not apt
The Chief Executive
Not apt
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
5 April 2011
Agenda Item____7__
This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its
agreed work programme (attached at Appendix A) and invites
Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The
Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at
Appendix B.
That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be
monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed.
That Members should consider any follow-up actions required
on these topics.
Cabinet member(s):
Ward(s) affected:
Contact Officer, telephone
number, and e-mail:
Mary Howard, 01263 516047, mary.howard@northnorfolk.gov.uk
1. Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Report and Guidelines 2010 - 2011
Members of the Committee have been circulated with the first draft of the Overview and
Scrutiny Annual Report and Guidelines 2010 - 2011. Although the report will be going to the
first annual meeting of the new Council it needs to be signed off by the present Overview
and Scrutiny Committee because it is a record of their work in the past year. Members are
asked to recommend the report to Full Council and to delegate to the Democratic Services
Team Leader any amendments made at the meeting of 5 April 2011.
2. Report on Multi-Agency Community Safety Team
A report on the Multi-Agency Community Safety Team was scheduled for the meeting of 5
April 2011 but has been taken off the Work Programme after discussion with the
Community Safety Manager and with the consent of the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny.
When the last report was received on 14 December 2010 the Community Safety Manager
asked the Committee to consider which issues they would like her to cover in future reports
as the Work Programme included two reports from her team but she felt it would be more
useful to present one report, tailored to Members interests. At the present time she does
not believe that she has anything new to report. In addition, the Community Safety team is
undergoing a restructure. Members were apprised of this at the special meeting on 18
February 2011. A report on the restructuring of the Active Communities Team is on the
Work Programme for 20 July 2011.
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
5 April 2011
3. Gypsy and Traveller Site Update
After discussion with the Environmental Health Manager and with the approval of the Chair
of Overview and Scrutiny the Gypsy and Traveller Site Update scheduled for the meeting of
5 April 2011 has been postponed to June. This is because all the figures will not be
available until the end of the financial year.
4. Norfolk Development Company
At the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 March 2011 the Economic and
Tourism Development Manager informed Members of a proposal to set up a Norfolk
Development Company. At his request all Members have been circulated with a copy of the
report which went to Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet on 7 March 2011. The decision of
Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet was “to agree to the Norfolk Development Company in
principle and to delegate power to the Director of Environment, Transport and Development
and the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development to take such action as was required
and to take any ancillary or subsidiary decisions to progress the project.” The reason for the
decision was “the Norfolk Development Company would enable the financial, construction,
property, place-making and project management skills of partners to be brought together to
provide greater capacity to deliver regeneration projects. The initial focus of the Norfolk
Development Company would be physical regeneration, and the Norfolk Development
Company was seen as a natural successor to 1st East in Great Yarmouth. 1st East would
cease operation on 31 March, and it was hoped to have the Norfolk Development Company
in place for 1 April 2011.
Members will be kept updated on any developments as they affect North Norfolk.
5. Development Control Committee Structure
At the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2 March 2011 the following
recommendation was made and will go to Full Council on 6 April 2011:
“To recommend to Full Council the retention of the single Development Control Committee
structure comprising approximately 14 members (depending on political balance) with effect
from May 2011”
Members may wish to note that a related recommendation will be going to Full Council from
the meeting of Cabinet held on 21 March 2011. This is to rename the Development Control
Committee the Development Committee. The reason for this is to reflect the change of
priorities for the Planning Service.
7. Changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Agenda
Members will be aware that a revision of the Constitution has been in progress and, at the
time of writing, it is intended that the revised document will go to Full Council for approval on
6 April 2011. The revised Constitution specifies the following items to be on the agenda for
meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:
(a) Minutes of the last meeting;
(b) Receipt of urgent business;
(c) Declarations of interest;
(d) The receipt of petitions from members of the public;
(e) Public questions, statements or deputations
(f) Consideration of any matter referred to the Committee by a Member under Rule 2.1
above (this refers to a provision that any non-executive Member may, with a minimum of
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
5 April 2011
seven clear working days notice, request the Monitoring Officer to include an item on the
agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee).
(g) Responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the committee’s reports or
(h) Any Councillor Call for Action in accordance with procedure set out in Rule 9 below;
(i) Any other business specified in the agenda for the meeting, and
(j) The Forward Plan and its work programme.
Those Members returning to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee after the forthcoming
election may expect to find these items on the June agenda.