Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party Please Contact: Linda Yarham Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516019 25 November 2015 A meeting of Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Monday 7 December 2015 at 9.30 am. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: Anyone attending this meeting may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and report on the meeting. Anyone wishing to do so must inform the Chairman. If you are a member of the public and you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please be aware that you may be filmed or photographed. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs S Arnold, Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mrs J English, Mrs A Green, Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr P High, Mr N Pearce, Mr J Punchard, Mr R Reynolds, Mr S Shaw, Mrs V Uprichard All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 2. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 3. MINUTES (attached – p.1) To approve as a correct record the Minutes of a meeting of the Working Party held on 9 November 2015. 4. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 6. PLANNING POLICY UPDATE (page 6) (Appendix A – page 9) Summary: This report provides a summary of the work of the Planning Policy Team and in particular the preparation of the new Local Plan Recommendations: The report is for Information only Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mark Ashwell - Planning Policy Manager – 01263 516325 7. NORTH NORFOLK LOCAL PLAN: EVIDENCE SCOPING (page 27) (Appendix B – page 29) Summary: The report sets out the requirements of the NPPF in terms of the evidence needed to support production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036) and seeks delegated authority to the Planning Policy Manager to commission the evidence required. Conclusions: That members note the evidence requirements to support the Local Plan. Recommendations: That delegated power be given to the Planning Policy Manager to commission evidence to support the production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036) in consultation with the Portfolio holder. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Sarah Ashurst, 01263 516144, 8. NORTHERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD (NDR) (Page 37) (Map – page 38) Summary: This report provides a short update in relation to the Northern Distributor Road. Recommendations: The report is for information only Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mark Ashwell, 01263 516325, 9. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution (if necessary):“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 10. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA Agenda item 3 . 9 NOVEMBER 2015 Minutes of a meeting of the PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am when there were present: Councillors Mrs A Arnold (Chairman) R Reynolds (Vice-Chairman) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs J English Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones P High N Pearce J Punchard Mrs V Uprichard N Dixon – Portfolio Holder for Business & Economic Development Ms M Prior – observing R Shepherd - observing Officers Mr M Ashwell – Planning Policy Manager Mrs M Moore – Planning Officer 28. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S Shaw. 29. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. The Planning Policy Manager reported that the appeal decision reported to the previous meeting was now subject to a High Court challenge by the applicants. If successful, a further inquiry would be held with a different Inspector. 30. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which she wished to bring before the Working Party. 31. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No interests were declared. 32. PLANNING POLICY UPDATE The Planning Policy Manager gave an update on the work of the Planning Policy Team, with particular focus on the review of the Local Plan. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 1 7 December 2015 Councillor P W High referred to the proposed Town Council workshops and suggested that surrounding parishes be invited to participate. The Working Party supported this idea. At the suggestion of the Chairman it was agreed that meetings of the Working Party be brought forward to 9.30 am to give more time for the proposed site visits. The Chairman invited Councillor N D Dixon to make a presentation on employment. Councillor N D Dixon explained that BE Group had been commissioned to carry out a study into Business Growth and Investment Opportunities across the District for the next decade. The Study was intended to help inform strategic business growth and investment plans and also the next Local Plan. Councillor Dixon reminded the Working Party that he had previously set out a case for the next Local Plan to address the deficit in the provision of much greater employment opportunities and infrastructure capacity in an effort to support the scale of past and future housing schemes to enable the creation of more sustainable communities. He outlined the key points arising from the study. On current trends job creation between now and 2030 could be as few as 400, mostly in retail, food processing & construction. The Planning Policy Manager stated that the projection had been based on previous trends rather than an in-depth analysis of what will happen in the future. Some of the points would be subject to challenge to verify the claims. Most jobs locally would be retail, food processing and construction, with no significant manufacturing content. North Norfolk did not have enough employment land, quality industrial units or serviced multi-use premises in the right places. There were some locations in the District which had these units, but they were not occupied and some businesses could not find suitable premises. Several LDF employment land allocations had not been delivered . The reason for this was that they may be in the wrong place, or did not have an appropriate delivery mechanism. There was a strong recommendation that it was not sufficient to have deliverable sites, but there was a need to be much more proactive in ensuring that appropriate delivery methods are developed to ensure the allocation is built out. Councillor R Reynolds stated that it was necessary to take infrastructure and sustainability into consideration. Our next Local Plan must rebalance the employment land/premises and infrastructure deficits and we need our housing growth focused on key worker/ affordable units in the right places to support economic growth. Members referred to a number of issues which would influence the next Local Plan, eg. Northern Distributor Route (NDR), Scottow Enterprise Park. The Chairman requested more information regarding the NDR for the next meeting. Councillor R Reynolds was pleased that NCC had agreed to link the NDR to the A1067. Councillor N D Dixon considered that the next debate regarding NDR would be Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 2 7 December 2015 linking to the A47 to the west, which would be a key point in opening up North Norfolk. We must be more proactive and creative in ensuring land allocations are actually delivered and there are several funding and incentive models we should consider to attract inward investment. In response to concerns raised regarding funding, Councillor Dixon explained that his comment was in the context of the briefing the final report was not available. He considered that the Authority could not look to the Government to provide large amounts of funding. It was likely that it would involve engaging private sector funding without exposing NNDC or NCC to major risks, using an enabling concept. BE Group had considered the character of the area and the type of people and businesses which would want to locate in North Norfolk. It would not attract large industries. A number of businesses had expressed an interest and they needed to be brought in and established as sustainable businesses. Councillor R Reynolds referred to specialist businesses which were already located in the area. Councillor Ms M Prior considered that the work of BE Group was positive as they were trying to ascertain why people had gone elsewhere and ways in which land could be promoted. She stated that Holt had found it difficult in the past. Councillor Dixon agreed that it was important to retain businesses in the area and to ensure they had what they needed. Councillor Dixon stated that the Government was investing in infrastructure in some areas. He considered that Scottow could become an enterprise zone where new businesses did not pay rates for the first five years. It was important to incentivise private finance to invest. We need to be more proactive in ensuring future business growth skill needs are identified in good time to ensure High Schools, Colleges and training providers respond to those needs in sufficient volume. Councillor Dixon stated that the Authority needed to take a holistic view to ensure that skills were available to fill the jobs which would be created. 33. HOUSING BILL UPDATE The Planning Policy Manager presented a summary of the Housing Bill insofar as its provisions related to the preparation of Local Plans, Neighbourhood Planning, Starter Homes and the holding of registers of brownfield land which is suitable for development. He answered Members’ questions. Planning permission could be refused if developers did not deliver sufficient starter homes. Starter homes could be sold at market value after five years. The Housing Bill did not specify if the starter home scheme would be in place of other types of affordable housing. Councillor P W High considered that this could mean less affordable and social housing which would penalise people who could not afford to buy. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 3 7 December 2015 It was not clear what the mechanism would be for the brownfield register. It could involve a large amount of officer time. The Planning Policy Manager explained the difference between CIL and Section 106. A charging schedule was required for CIL and S106 could not be used for items on the charging schedule. Councillor R Reynolds considered that a leaflet should be produced in layman’s terms to explain CIL and S106. The Working Party noted the report. 34. REGULATION 18 CONSULTATION RESPONSES The Planning Policy Manager presented a summary of the responses received in relation to the first stage of public consultation on the new Local Plan (Regulation 18 Consultation). The Chairman stated that some villages which were not currently designated as Service Villages had indicated they would welcome some development. She asked if it was intended to review the coastal areas. The Planning Policy Manager explained that coastal communities would like a more positive response to the impact of coastal erosion, such as allocated sites for rollback. There was a move away from risk zones which had been set by the Shoreline Management Plan. Areas within the current coastal erosion zone affected areas which were not within it, but Coastal Management Zones would relate to the whole community. The Planning Policy Manager stated that whilst the consultation period had formally closed, responses which were received in the next few weeks would be added. The Working Party noted the comments made, together with the officer responses which would inform the later stages of Plan preparation. 35. STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT The Planning Officer presented a summary of the responses received to the public consultation on the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and suggested updates to the document. The Planning Officer reported that an additional response had been received from Potter Heigham Parish Council suggesting that consultation periods for local plan documents should be longer to allow responses to be properly considered. In response, it was suggested that an additional paragraph be inserted into the SCI to allow more flexibility in consultation periods. The Planning Officer drew attention to the key changes set out in the appendix to the report. The Chairman stated that it was important that people felt their views were valued. Councillor Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds requested that Members were informed prior to information being sent out to Parish and Town Councils. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 4 7 December 2015 The Planning Policy Manager and Planning Officer answered Members’ questions. There were many examples of shared services, eg. Shoreline Management Plans were prepared through partnership with neighbouring authorities. The Duty to Co-operate was a shared model. There was however no appetite for producing a joint local plan. There was concern at Government level that the local plan process took too long and pressure was being put on authorities to complete the process in three years. However, authorities were concerned that the process was too complicated and general comments had been made to Government in respect of streamlining, central support, less complexity and more certainty. RECOMMENDED to Cabinet That the amendments outlined in Appendix 4 to the report, and as reported above, be incorporated into the Statement of Community Involvement and that the document be approved. The meeting closed at 11.35 am. _______________________ CHAIRMAN 7 December 2015 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 5 7 December 2015 Agenda Item No_____6______ PLANNING POLICY UPDATE Summary: This report provides a summary of the work of the Planning Policy Team and in particular the preparation of the new Local Plan Recommendations: The report is for Information only Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mark Ashwell- Planning Policy Manager – 01263 516325 1. Introduction 1.1 This report provides a short up-date in relation to the work of the planning policy team with a particular focus on the review of the Local Plan. 1.2 The preparation of a new Local Plan is expected to take around 3 years to complete. There are a number of key stages which must be undertaken in order to comply with the plan making regulations and ensure a sound and legally compliant plan is produced. These stages include: Preparing to produce the plan – this includes publishing a timetable (LDS), consulting on consultation arrangements (SCI), seeking initial views on the issues to be included for consideration (Regulation 18 consultation), and establishing processes to discharge the duty to cooperate. This stage is complete. Preparing evidence – Plans must be based on comprehensive evidence. This evidence should identify all the future need and demand for development of all types and assess the capacity of the district to accommodate the required growth. (See separate report) Considering options – This includes considering policy options and the merits of alternative sites that might be suitable for development. In preparing the plan the Council must be able to demonstrate that it has considered reasonable alternatives. Options for future development sites will start to be considered in the first half of 2016 (the ‘Call-for-sites – see below). Consulting on options – Statutory period of at least six weeks public consultation during which the Council explains the proposals and seeks community feedback. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 6 7 December 2015 Preparing the final Plan. A final Plan is produced incorporating any required changes from the options consultation. This is subject to a further round of public consultation. Representations made at this stage are considered by the Inspector as part of the independent examination process. Submission, examination, and adoption. The Plan is submitted for independent examination by a government inspector who will consider if the Plan is ‘Sound’ and legally compliant. 2. Local Plan Evidence 2.1 The Strategic Housing Market Assessment, is nearing completion and will shortly be published. This document will help to determine both the quantity and type of new homes that are likely to be required in the District over the plan period. The study was jointly commission by five planning authorities and has been overseen by the Duty to Co-operate Members forum and the Strategic Planning Officer Group which includes representatives of all Norfolk Authorities. 2.2 A wide range of further evidence and technical documents will need to be prepared. (See separate report) 3. Duty to Co-operate 3.1 The Duty to Co-operate is a legal requirement when preparing a Local Plan and is being discharged via a Members Forum supported by a Strategic Planning Officers group drawn from each of the Norfolk Authorities. The forum is preparing the Norfolk Strategic Framework which is expected to be published in around 18 months. This will consider evidence such as the joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment, commission further evidence as necessary, and seek to establish where, and in relation to which issues, a cooperative approach involving more than a single planning authority may be desirable. The Framework will establish if growth in one area will have impacts in other areas, for example, by using limited infrastructure capacity. 3.2 The Forum has recently appointed a Project Manager and Support Officer who are being hosted by Norwich City Council on behalf of the partner authorities and officer level working groups have been established to consider specific areas including housing, the economy, infrastructure and delivery. North Norfolk District Council chairs the Housing Group. 4. Next Steps in Plan Preparation – The Call for Sites. 4.1 In the next stage of the process the team will be focusing on the identification of sites that might be suitable for future development. In the first instance this involves what is referred to as a ‘call for sites’ which entails providing the opportunity to land owners, developers, local businesses, communities and others to suggest sites for development. The initial stage is designed to establish what is called unconstrained capacity. This means that sites can be suggested in any location irrespective of current policies and other known Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 7 7 December 2015 constraints. To ensure that there is a broad selection of options the Council can independently identify sites which it thinks might be suitable. The call for sites is not limited to housing proposals and will include all other types of development. 4.2 It is planned to start this process early in the new-year. Those wishing to register sites for consideration will have an initial five month period to do so and will need to complete a specific registration form and provide basic details of their proposal. The proposed Registration Form and supporting information are attached as Appendix A (NB these are working copies of the documents). 4.3 To support the Call for sites process a number of Parish and Town Council workshops are proposed. These are intended to: 5. Provide a further opportunity to explain the plan making process and timetable. Provide Town and Parish Councils with an opportunity to identify the issues which they consider should be addressed in their communities. Identify those sites or broad areas which Council’s consider may be suitable options to consider for development. Recommendation: This report is for information only. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 8 7 December 2015 APPENDIX A Site Reference: OFFICE USE ONLY Site Registration Form Please complete a separate form for each site and submit to the Council. Please return to North Norfolk District Council no later than 31 May 2016. By Email: By Post: Planning Policy, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN The submissions received as part of the Call for Sites will be published for public scrutiny. By submitting this form you are consenting to the details about you and your individual sites being stored by the Council and the details about the site being published for consultation purposes. Further advice and guidance can be obtained by visiting the North Norfolk District Council Website or by contacting the planning policy team directly: 01263 516138 Guidance notes are available to download to support completion of this form. Please see OFFICE USE ONLY DATE REFERENCE Received Added to Database and site reference generated Acknowledged 1 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 9 7 December 2015 1. Your details (required) Title Name Organisation Address Postcode Telephone Email Address 2. Agent details (where relevant) Title Name Organisation Address Postcode Telephone Email Address 2 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 10 7 December 2015 3. Site details A site location plan must be submitted alongside this form (see guidance notes). Site Address Site Postcode Site area (hectares) Northing 4. Easting I am, ☐ A Private Landowner ☐ A Planning Consultant ☐ A Public Land-owning Body ☐ A Land Agent ☐ A Registered Social Landlord ☐ A Developer ☐ Parish or Town Council (see below) Other (please specify) Name of Town and Parish Council (if applicable) 5a) Do you own all or part of the site? ☐ All of Site ☐ Part of Site ☐ I Do Not Own Any Part of the Site (If you own all of the site proceed to question 6, if not please complete question 5b.) 5b) If the site is in multiple ownership(s), please provide the name(s), address(es) and contact details of all other landowners and whether they support the proposal. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Please provide a plan showing the extent of individual land holdings (See guidance notes). 3 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 11 7 December 2015 Current and potential use 6. 7. Current use: Has the site been previously developed? ☐ Yes ☐No 8. Briefly describe the previous uses of the site. 9a) Are any existing buildings on the site proposed to be converted? ☐ Yes 9b) ☐No Are there any existing buildings/structures on the site that would require relocation / demolition before the site could be developed? ☐ Yes 9c) ☐No Provide further details of buildings to be converted /relocated and demolished: 4 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 12 7 December 2015 10a) What use(s) are you proposing? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 10b) Market Housing Affordable Housing Residential Care home Gypsy and traveller pitch Retail Assembly and leisure Open space Holiday accommodation Business and offices General industrial Storage or distribution Other, please specify: If you have ticked more than one use box above, would you consider a mixed use scheme? ☐ Yes 10c) 10d) ☐No Please provide any further details of your proposal: (for example: number of houses and bedrooms or floorspace for other uses). Are you submitting a site to be considered for designation as local green space? Please refer to the guidance notes for the criteria against which sites will be considered. ☐ Yes ☐No 5 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 13 7 December 2015 Site Constraints Are there any limitations that may prevent or constrain development on this site? (Please give details) 11a) Access Issues (e.g. limitations or problems relating to site access, public rights of way or cycleway crossing the site). 11b) Topography or ground conditions (e.g. site slopes, varying site levels etc). 11c) Stability and contamination (e.g. unsuitable ground conditions, potentially contaminated land). 11d) Local flood risk issues (e.g. liability of site to flooding and if so, nature/source of flooding and frequency). 6 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 14 7 December 2015 11e) Legal issues (e.g. multiple ownership, covenants, tenancies, ‘ransom strips’). 11f) Environmental issues (e.g. located adjacent to a watercourse, mature woodland or would result in loss/access to open space. 11g) Heritage Assets (e.g. listed buildings, Conservation Area or Scheduled Monuments on the site or nearby). 11h) Neighbouring uses (describe the neighbouring uses, will either the proposed use or the neighbouring use have any implications?) 7 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 15 7 December 2015 11i) Other considerations (any other issues that may affect the development of the site). Utilities 12a) Please tell us which of the following utilities are available to the site. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 12b) Mains water supply Mains sewerage Electrical supply Gas supply Public highway Landline telephone Public Transport Other, please specify: Please provide any further information on the utilities available on the site. 8 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 16 7 December 2015 Availability 13a) Is the site currently being marketed? ☐ Yes ☐No If Yes, please provide details: 13b) Please indicate when the site could be made available for development (tick the most relevant box): ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 13c) Can be available for development immediately Within 5 years (by April 2021) 5 -10 years (between 2021 and 2026) 10 –15 years (between 2026 and 2031) 15 – 20 years (between 2031 and 2036) Please indicate over what timeframe would you anticipate development could start? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Immediately in 2016 Within 5 years (by April 2021) 5 -10 years (between 2021 and 2026) 10 –15 years (between 2026 and 2031) 15 – 20 years (between 2031 and 2036) 13d) If not available within 5 years, please explain why: 13e) Once started, how many years do you think it would take to develop the site? 9 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 17 7 December 2015 Viability 14a) Do any existing uses / buildings need to be re-located elsewhere? ☐ Yes 14b) ☐No Are there any abnormal costs affecting viability. e.g infrastructure, demolition, ground conditions. ☐ Yes ☐No If Yes, please specify: 14c) Will neighbouring uses have an effect on the marketability of the site? ☐ Yes ☐No If Yes, please explain: 14d) Does the site offer an opportunity to provide any benefits to the local area? ☐ Yes ☐No If Yes, please specify: 10 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 18 7 December 2015 14e) If you’re not intending that you would develop the site yourself, has there been any developer interest? ☐ Yes ☐No Additional Comments Checklist Your details (Required) ☐ Agent details ☐ Site details ☐ Current and potential use ☐ Site Constraints ☐ Utilities ☐ Availability ☐ Viability ☐ Additional Comments ☐ Declaration ☐ 11 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 19 7 December 2015 We will write to you upon registration of your completed forms. Please ensure all sections are completed. Any blank sections may lead to delays in the processing of your details. Based on the information you have given in this form we may request additional evidence to support your submission. You will be notified of this. Data Protection and Freedom of Information This information is collected by North Norfolk District Council as data controller in accordance with the data protection principles in the Data Protection Act 1998. The purposes of collecting data are: - To assist in the preparation of a Local Plan - To contact you, if necessary regarding the answers given in your form. - For evaluation of the site submitted by one of the Planning Policy Officers. Disclaimer The submissions received as part of the call for sites will be published for public scrutiny. By submitting this form you are consenting to the details about you and your individual sites being stored and the details about the site being published for this purpose. If there is confidential information you wish to submit but remain out of the public domain please indicate to that effect within the form. I agree that the details within this form can be held by the Planning Department of North Norfolk District Council, and I understand that they will only be used in relation to Town Planning matters. Signature Date We will handle this information responsibly and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Please ask any member of staff for details of our Data Protection Policy or view it online: If you would like this document in large print, audio, braille or in a different language, please contact our Planning Policy team on 01263 516318 or 12 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 20 7 December 2015 North Norfolk District Council Local Plan Call for Sites Guidance Notes 1. Your details Fill out your name (first name and surname) and all contact details, if you are an agent please fill out your clients details. This section is mandatory. 2. Agent Details If you are an agent please fill in your full name and contact details. If you do not have an agent acting on your behalf, leave this section blank. 3. Site Details Submitting a Location Plan When you submit a location plan, it is recommended that this is at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500, showing at least two named roads and surrounding buildings. The properties shown should be numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the application site is clear. The proposal site must be edged clearly with a red line on the location plan. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (e.g. land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays (access around a road junction or access, which should be free from obstruction), landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings). Potential access points (if identifiable) should be shown on the map (vehicular and non-vehicular). A blue line must be drawn on the plan around any other land you own, close to or adjoining the application site. All plans must be to a metric scale and any figured dimensions given in metres and a scale bar should be included. Each plan should show the direction of North. Please enter the full postal address of the site. If the site does not have an address please provide a grid reference or describe its location as clearly as possible indicating what road it is likely to be accessed from. ( e.g. ‘Land adjacent to 12 High Street.’) Site Area Please provide the total area of the site in hectares. 4. Indicate what your interest is in the site. Please tick which one applies to you. Are you a developer connected to the site? Or the landowner? If you are representing a Parish or Town Council, please indicate which Parish or Town Council in the box provided. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 21 7 December 2015 5a) Do you own all of the site? If you do own all the site, then select yes and skip to question 6. If you own part of the site, select no and fill out question 5b. 5b) Ownership Details If the site does not fall solely in your ownership and there are multiple owners, please provide details of all other landowners including: Full name Address Contact details. If known please also indicate whether the other landowners support the submission of the site to be considered for development as proposed. Plan showing land holdings When you submit a plan showing the extent of individual land holdings, it is recommended that this is at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 and the site is clearly defined. This should be a separate plan from the Location Plan as required in question 3. Please indicate clearly on the plan what land falls into your ownership and what falls into different ownerships. This could be done through different colours. If you need further guidance or need to find out who the other owners are then please contact Land Registry Current and potential use 6. Current Use Please describe the current lawful use of the site (i.e. employment, agricultural uses etc). If the site currently has more than one use (mixed use) then please describe all the uses on the site. 7. Has the site been previously developed? Or would it fall under the definition of Previously Developed Land? (Definitions are enclosed within the Glossary available [INSERT LINK TO WEBSITE]) 8. Please describe all known previous uses of the site. 9a) Indicate whether there are existing buildings on the site that would be converted as part of the development. 9b) Please indicate whether these structures/buildings (e.g. buildings, pylons, substations, overhead wires) would need to be demolished or relocated to make way for development? 9c) Please provide further details of what if any buildings would be converted and any buildings or structures that would need to relocated or demolished. 10a) What are you proposing? Please tick the use or uses you are proposing. If the site is for mixed use please indicate all uses intended for the site. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 22 7 December 2015 10b) If you have ticked that you would consider more than one use in question 10a then please indicate whether you would consider a mixed use scheme. A mixed use scheme could be the ‘Provision of a mix of complementary uses, such as residential, community and leisure uses, on a site or within a particular area.’ Please indicate all of the uses that you would consider. 10c) Please provide as much detail as you can about the proposed use(s). Indicate the key parts of the proposal that would require planning permission, stating the number of units, the proposed floor space etc. Example: ‘Mixed use development comprising 150 dwellings, B1 (a - c) employment buildings (3150sqm), public open space, landscaping and associated highways and drainage infrastructure’ 10d) Please state whether the land put forward would be suitable to be designated as Local Green Space, meeting the following criteria: - The green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves. The green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, recreational value, tranquillity or richness of it wildlife. The green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land. Nature sites and areas of countryside can be ‘designated’, which means they have special status as protected areas because of their natural and cultural importance, differing to land allocations for development. Site Constraints For this section please fill in as much information as possible to complete the form. 11a) Access Issues (Vehicular access, Highway safety & Public rights of way) - Do you think safe vehicular access can be achieved to the site? Is sufficient space available for visibility splays in the control of the site owner? Do any public rights of way such as footpaths, cycleways and bridleways cross the site or run adjacent to it? Example: ‘The site would access off North Walsham Road (B Classification), with clear visibility in both directions. A housing development for 15 dwellings has just commenced within 100 metres of the site boundary which is also accessed off North Walsham Road. The site including space for visibility splays are fully in my ownership. There is a public right of way running through the middle of the site (the coastal footpath). ‘ 11b) Topography or Ground Conditions - Detailed description of the surface features of the site. Describe the land levels on site (do land levels vary within the site?) Explain the implications the topography would have for development. Example: ‘the land slopes by 2.5m from north to south. This may affect building heights and have implications for drainage.’ Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 23 7 December 2015 11c) Stability and Contamination - Does the site have unstable ground conditions? What is causing the instability? Is the site contaminated or is there potential for contamination from a previous or nearby use? Has any survey work or remedial measures taken place? (if yes, please provide further details). Example: ‘the site’s former use associated with agricultural activities has led to a potential contamination issue making the ground unstable. Therefore a contamination survey was completed as part of a previous planning permission and is attached’. 11d) Local Flood Risk Issues - - Is the site liable to flooding? Is any part of the site within an identified Flood Zone? See Environment Agency for further information on flood zones ( ) Does the site have any issues with surface water drainage? Would the site be impacted from coastal erosion? Describe the nature and source of the flooding and its frequency. Does it impact on neighbouring uses or highways. Have you had a site specific flood risk assessment done (if yes, please submit this with your completed form)? Example: ‘There is a reservoir along the southern boundary of the site and 2 hectares (of the total 10 hectare area) falls within Flood Risk Zone 2 and 3a. There have been no cases of flooding in the past 50 years and it would not be impacted by coastal erosion. No known issues from surface water drainage. ’ 11e) Legal Issues (including boundary disputes, squatters, compulsory purchases, access and services) - Is the site subject to any ransom strips? Do third parties have access rights over the land? Are there any restrictive covenants affecting the land? If a legal matter is known, then please provide brief details explaining its implications on development. Example: ‘Land along the northern boundary of the site falls under different ownership to the rest of the site and would need to be acquired in order to provide access to the highway. There has been verbal agreement that this land would be available to buy once the site has got planning permission.’ Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 24 7 December 2015 11f) Environmental Issues - Does the site have any natural features such as woodland, hedgerows, nature reserves etc? Is the site adjacent to a watercourse? Would development result in the loss of or prevent access to open space? Would biodiversity of the land be affected by development? Is the site covered by, or partially covered by, a local environmental designation? Example: ‘There is woodland and associated biodiversity (including different planting and animals) in the south-west corner of the site which would need to be removed as part of redevelopment of the site. This part of the site also falls under a Special Area of Conservation.’ 11g) Heritage Assets - Are there any heritage assets, such as listed buildings, on site or nearby? Is any part of the site within a Conservation Area? Does the site contain ancient scheduled monuments? Example: ‘The site includes a Grade 1 listed building which is currently vacant; the retention of this building would be part of the housing development proposed for this site. The site falls 300m outside of Holt Conservation Area.’ 11h) Neighbouring Uses - What are the neighbouring land uses? Would the neighbouring uses have implications on the proposed development? Would the proposed development have implications on any neighbouring uses? Will development of the site reinforce distinctive places and communities? How would development fit within the wider context of the area? Example: ‘The site is surrounded by agricultural farmland and should not have any adverse implications on the proposed development. Northrepps aerodrome is within 1 mile of the site which may cause noise issues, etc.’ 11I) Other considerations - Are there any other issues that may affect the development of the site? Utilities 12a) Please indicate whether utilities are available on site. 12b) Provide further information on the utilities available, and if not available on site how this can be overcome. Give an indication of any discussions with utilities providers regarding provision on site. Availability 13a) Please indicate whether the site is currently being marketed. If yes, please provide details. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 25 7 December 2015 Timescales 13b) Indicate when you think the site is likely to become available. 13c) When could development start? 13d) if you have stated that your site is not immediately available for development please briefly describe why. 13e) Please indicate approximately how long it would take to develop the site. If applicable and if known, please also provide an annual expected build-rate for the site, such as dwellings/floor space. Viability 14a) Indicate whether any existing uses or buildings would need to be re-located before development? 14b) Indicate if there are any abnormal costs which would affect the viability of the site and how these can be overcome. 14c) Please indicate whether neighbouring uses would have an effect on the marketability of the site? 14d) Please indicate if and how the site will offer an opportunity to provide desirable or necessary benefits to the local area. e.g. removing unsightly buildings from the site or by providing public open space. 14e) Has there been developer interest in the site? Additional Comments Please provide details of any other relevant information which supports the case for the delivery of your site. Checklist Please ensure that you have completed all sections of the form. All sites should be submitted to the Council before the 31 May 2016. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 26 7 December 2015 Agenda Item No_____7______ NORTH NORFOLK LOCAL PLAN: EVIDENCE SCOPING Summary: The report sets out the requirements of the NPPF in terms of the evidence needed to support production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036) and seeks delegated authority to the Planning Policy Manager to commission the evidence required. Conclusions: That members note the evidence requirements to support the Local Plan. Recommendations: That delegated power be given to the Planning Policy Manager to commission evidence to support the production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036) in consultation with the Portfolio holder. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Sarah Ashurst, 01263 516144, 1. Introduction 1.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that Local Plans are based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant evidence (NPPF, paragraph 158). The evidence should clearly establish the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the area, and should inform and justify the policies and allocations proposed in the Plan. 1.2 The evidence is tested at the local plan examination against the ‘soundness’ test ‘is the plan justified’, i.e. does the plan represent the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives and based on proportionate evidence (NPPF, paragraph 182). To be ‘justified’ the inspector will need to be satisfied that the Local Plan is founded on a robust and credible evidence base demonstrating how the choices made in the plan are backed up by facts, alongside evidence of participation of the local community and other stakeholders in the area. 2. NPPF requirements 2.1 The NPPF sets out the minimum evidence requirements the Local Plan must address in paragraphs 150-181, including housing, business, infrastructure, defence requirements, the environment, the historic environment, health and well-being, public safety from major incidents, viability and deliverability, and the Duty to Cooperate. 2.2 The table at Appendix B to this report sets out these requirements in more detail, alongside other local evidence requirements already identified, and Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 27 7 December 2015 considers whether these might be prepared under the Duty to Cooperate, by North Norfolk District Council officers, or whether an external consultant would need to be commissioned. 2.3 The wider Norfolk authorities are considering the table appended to this report with a view to making recommendations to the Duty to Cooperate Member Forum about the level at which the evidence might be prepared. No recommendations have been made yet. As such, columns 5-7 of the table may be subject to change. 3. Financial Implications 3.1 A budget of £180,000 has been agreed for the commissioning of evidence to support the Local Plan. 4. Conclusion 4.1 Members are asked to note the contents of the table in Appendix B and the evidence required to support the production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036). 4.2 Members are asked to recommend to Cabinet that delegated power be given to the Planning Policy Manager to commission evidence to support the production of the North Norfolk Local Plan (2016-2036), in consultation with the Portfolio holder. Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 28 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Housing Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) Incorporates up to date Housing Needs Assessment. APPENDIX B Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Yes Yes Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) Yes Methodology to be agreed under DtC. Gypsy & Traveller Needs Assessment Yes Yes Assessment of second homes and vacant homes Yes No Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Older people Yes Yes Viability Study Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party Yes No Prepared locally Yes Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Why required / Status Commissioned (ORS) Why required: Required to establish objectively assessed need for housing. Status: All partners taking final draft report through reporting structures. Minor changes still to be made with ORS. Likely publication date December 2015. Why required: To ascertain unconstrained capacity for development in the district. Status: Call for Sites currently being prepared (site registration form / consultation letters / sites database / web pages). Expected to go live January 2016. HELAA – methodology being scoped out by NNDC officers. Methodology to be agreed by DtC Housing task and finish group. Why required: To establish the needs of G&Ts Status: Not started Why required: To establish if the data from the Census in 2011 which is used in the SHMA is an accurate reflection of reality in the housing market of North Norfolk. What proportion of new housing development is likely to be used as a second home? Status: Not started. Why required: To ascertain the needs of older people in the Housing Market Area in light of assumptions made within the SHMA about the split of owned/rented accommodation need. Status: Currently being prepared. Why required: Prepared in-house Commissioned (TBC) Yes Prepared in-house Norfolk County Council No Commissioned (TBC) 29 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Affordable Housing Delivery Assessment Yes No Yes Prepared in-house Older Persons Housing Support & Care Study in North Norfolk Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) No Yes Commissioned (BE Group) Business Business Growth and Investment Opportunities Study Yes Why required / Status All allocation typologies must be tested to assess their viability and district wide viability will inform affordable housing percentages and other planning obligations policies. Status: Not started Why required: To ascertain the levels of affordable housing being achieved across the district to inform new affordable housing policies. Status: Not started Why required: To assess housing and care requirements in the district and establish if particular land use policies are required or allocations need to be made.. Status: Brief being prepared. Why required: Required to establish objectively assessed need for employment growth (land and floorspace, qualitative and quantitative), potential changes in the market, barriers to investment, and investment opportunities. To include a review of the sufficiency and suitability of land available including reviews of currently allocated land. Retail and Commercial Leisure Study Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Status: Minor changes still to be made with BE Group. Likely publication date December 2015. Why required: To ascertain the function and role of town centres, the relationships between them and trends in performance of such centres, and the capacity of existing centres to accommodate new town centre development. To include a review of the sufficiency and suitability of land available including reviews of currently allocated land. To 30 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Why required / Status understand the needs of the commercial leisure sector for growth. Status: Not started Non-Commercial Leisure and Tourism Study Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Why required: To understand the needs of the non-commercial leisure sector and tourism sector for growth (land and floorspace). To include a review of the sufficiency and suitability of land available including reviews of currently allocated land. Status: Not started Locations of Deprivation Yes No Yes ? Why required: To understand whether there are any locations of deprivation and to ascertain if they would benefit from planned remedial action. Status: Not started Infrastructure Strategic Infrastructure Study Yes Yes No TBC Why required: To develop a comprehensive understanding of the strategic infrastructure issues across the area to include impact of known investment, the need for further investment, capacity issues and constraints in relation to: Local Infrastructure Study Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Roads, rail and public transport; Green Infrastructure Flooding Water (waste and supply) Electricity Secondary Education Status: Not started Why required: To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 31 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Why required / Status strategic infrastructure issues across the area to include impact of known investment, the need for further investment, capacity issues and constraints in relation to: Transport? Health facilities (doctors, dentists) Community facilities Telecommunications? Coastal change management Police? Primary Education Local Services (shops, pubs, post offices, etc) Places of worship Status: Not started Defence, National Security and Counter-terrorism resilience Defence and Security Yes Assessment No Yes Prepared In-house Why required: To understand the needs for defence and security in the area Status: Not started NB NOT FOR PUBLICATION Why required: To meet the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010) Status: Not started Why required: To meet the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2010) Status: Not started Why required: To meet the requirements of Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) Environment Habitats Regulations Assessment Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Appropriate Assessment Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Sustainability Appraisal Scoping report Yes No Yes Prepared In-house Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 32 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Sustainability Appraisal (required at various stages of plan production) Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Yes Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) No Yes TBC Landscape Character Assessment Yes No Yes TBC Ecological Networks Assessment Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Open Space and Green Space needs Assessment Yes No Yes Prepared In-house Assessment of physical constraints on land use Yes No Yes Prepared In-house Shoreline Management Plan Yes No Yes Prepared In-house No Yes TBC Surface Water Management Plan Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party Yes 33 Why required / Status Status: Not started Why required: To meet the requirements of Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) Status: Not started Why required: To understand the specific landscape characters of the district. Status: Not started Why required: To understand the nature and location of ecological networks across the district, and to ascertain scope for improved linkages. Status: Not started Why required: To understand the existing capacity and need for additional open and green spaces within the district. Status: Not started Why required: To understand the constraints on development sites from land conditions. Status: Not started Why required: To set out the strategy for managing the shoreline of the district. Status: Complete Why required: To develop an understanding of the causes, probability and consequences of surface water flooding, of where surface 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need AONB Management Plan (20142019) Yes Marine Policy Statement Yes APPENDIX B Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally No Yes No Yes Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Prepared externally by AONB Partnership Water Cycle Study Yes Yes No Commissioned (TBC) Visitor Pressure Surveys Yes Yes No Commissioned (Footprint Ecology) No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Renewable Energy Assessment Yes Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 34 Why required / Status water flooding will occur, to identify measures to mitigate surface water flooding and identify opportunities where SuDS can play a more significant role in managing surface water flood risk and to contribute to fulfilling the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and helping to meet the requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) and the proposed Flood and Water Management Bill. In addition, to have an increased awareness of the duties and responsibilities for managing flood risk of different partners and stakeholders and improved public engagement and understanding of surface water flooding. Status: Not started Why required: To set out the strategy for management of the AONB. Status: Adopted 2014. Why required: To demonstrate how we will apply integrated coastal zone management. Status: Not started Why required: Recommended by Anglian Water in Reg 18 consultation. To identify the programme of water services infrastructure and implementation that will be needed to support delivery of sustainable growth up to 2036. Status: Not started Why required: To understand the pressures on Natura 2000 sites and other sites of interest from visitors (either local or tourists). Status: Surveys being completed at present. Why required: 7 December 2015 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Why required / Status Assessment of needs of energy industry and identification of potential sites for renewable energy allocation. Status: Not started Historic Environment Historic Landscape Assessment Yes No Yes Prepared-In-house Why required: To provide an assessment of the characteristics of the Historic Landscape as well as the natural landscape. Status: Not started NPPF advises incorporating into the Landscape Character Assessment (see above) NB May mean we commission an external consultant. Health and Well-being Indoor Sports Needs Assessment Yes No Yes Commissioned (Neil Allen Associates) Yes No Yes Commissioned (TBC) Why required: To establish the capacity of existing indoor sports facilities and establish the needs for growth in particular locations. Status: Endorsed by Cabinet 05.10.2015. Awaiting publication Why required: To establish the capacity of existing outdoor sports facilities and establish the needs for growth in particular locations. Status: Not started Yes Prepared In-house Why required: To understand the locations of major incidents and how such incidents can be mitigated. Status: Not started Yes Commissioned (TBC) Why required: To assess the implications of policy options on viability and deliverability of allocated sites and development in general and 7 December 2015 Outdoor Sports Needs Assessment Open Space needs assessment To be prepared under Environmental section Public Safety from Major Incidents Major Hazards and Incidents Yes No Assessment Viability and Deliverability Viability Assessment Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party Yes No 35 NPPF and Local Evidence requirements – November 2015 Evidence Document Requirement from? Act/Bill NPPF Local /Regs need Prepared under Duty to Cooperate (DtC) Prepared locally Commissioned (Consultants)/ Prepared inhouse (Department/Responsible officer) Why required / Status to assess the viability of allocations in terms of numbers of dwellings, density, tenure mix and other site requirements, e.g. open space. Status: Not started Duty to Cooperate Duty to Cooperate Statement Yes Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party No Yes Prepared In-house (Planning Policy / MM) 36 Why required: To demonstrate how the Duty to Cooperate has been complied with. Status: In draft format. Will be completed throughout the process of plan-making. 7 December 2015 Agenda Item No_____8_______ NORTHERN DISTRIBUTOR ROAD (NDR) Summary: This report provides a short update in relation to the Northern Distributor Road. Recommendations: The report is for information only Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All members All wards Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mark Ashwell, 01263 516325, 1. Introduction 1.1 Norwich Northern Distributor Road (NDR) is a 20km dual carriageway road that will run from the A47 at Postwick, east of Norwich, to the A1067 north of Taverham. (Plan appended). 1.3 The road will cost £178.45m, paid for by the Department for Transport, the Community Infrastructure Levy*, Norfolk County Council, New Anglia LEP, and Growth Point funds. (*CIL – with the agreement of Norwich City, Broadland and South Norfolk councils.) This includes the Postwick Hub A47 junction improvement, which is on course for completion before the end of 2015. 1.4 Development Consent was granted by the Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin, on 2 June 2015, with work starting on site in the autumn of 2015. This preliminary work involves site clearance, archaeology, utility service diversions and other preparatory work ahead of main construction which will begin in February or March 2016. This timetable is dependent upon the Department for Transport approving the release of funding. 1.5 At the eastern end, work on the Postwick Hub is nearing completion. This scheme began in May 2014 to overcome capacity and potential safety issues at the junction with the A47, and so unlock business and housing development in the area. It will also provide the connection to the A47 for the NDR. Use the link below to find out more about the Postwick junction improvement. 1.6 Balfour Beatty Civils is the main contractor for both the Postwick Hub and the main length of the NDR, which will be constructed in seven sections. The sections are numbered from west to east, so that Section 1 covers the first 3km from the A1067 Norwich to Fakenham Road. Each section covers between 2.4 and 3.4km of the dual carriageway, plus structures such as bridges and junctions, environmental and wildlife protection measures, and modifications to the surrounding road network 1.7 The NDR is a key ‘ Transport for Norwich’ project, opening up road capacity for other travel and transport improvements in and around the city by taking around 40,000 vehicles a day* from congested and unsuitable roads, bringing relief to local communities and the city centre, It will provide a high standard link from the national road network to Norwich International Airport, existing and planned business and housing areas, and much of Broadland and North Norfolk. Recommendation: This report is for information only Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 37 7 December 2015 Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party 38 7 December 2015