Agenda item ______3_____ LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held at 10.00 am on 21 May 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer. Members Present: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr B J Hannah Mr B Jarvis Miss B Palmer Mr R Price (Chairman) Mr R Reynolds Mr B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Mr J Wyatt Officers in attendance: The Licensing Manager, the Environmental Health Manager, the Legal Advisor, and the Democratic Services Officer (AA). 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mrs A R Green, Mr P W High, Mr R Shepherd and Mrs L Walker. 2 PUBLIC QUESTIONS Mr A Coleman, Chairman of the Taxi and Private Hire Association, Mr S Heels, representing North Norfolk Taxi Association and Mr C Andrews, representing North Norfolk Taxi Association and also an operator, requested to speak on agenda item 6 – Revision of the Taxi Licensing Policy, Handbook, Licence Conditions and Associated Licence Fees. 3 MINUTES The Legal Advisor informed Members that an email had been received from a member of the public who had attended the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 25 April 2012 and had stated that some comments made at the meeting were absent. The Legal Advisor asked Members whether they wished for any amendment to be made. She informed Members that the minutes were not verbatim but a reflection of what happened at the meeting. Members agreed that the minutes were a reflection of the meeting and did not need to be amended. The minutes of the meetings of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held on 26 March and 2 April 2012 and also the minutes of the meetings of the Licensing SubCommittees held on 7 March and 25 April 2012 were approved as correct records and signed by the Chairman. 4 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT The Chairman informed the meeting of the tragic death of a young taxi driver the previous week. 5 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. Licensing and Appeals Committee 21 May 2012 6 7 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr B Hannah 48 Revision of the Taxi Licensing Policy, Handbook, Licence Conditions and Associated Licence Fees Personal – was previously a Chairman of the Taxi Drivers Forum Mr B Jarvis 48 “ Personal – as a regular private hire user REVISION OF THE TAXI LICENSING POLICY, HANDBOOK, LICENCE CONDITIONS AND ASSOCIATED LICENCE FEES The report provided an update on consultation feedback from the taxi trade. The Chairman reminded Members that this report had been considered to the Committee on 26 March 2012 which was just before the end of the consultation period and it had been deemed appropriate to bring the matter back before the Committee in order to consider additional feedback and if necessary revise its recommendations to Full Council. The Licensing Manager said that the key issues were the fees which the Council was to set for the forthcoming year. The taxi trade had sought to make representations and this matter was now back before Members to reflect on their recommendation for setting the fees. Originally the fees were to take effect from 1 May 2012 but would now be recommended to Full Council to effect from 1 July 2012. The report showed proposed revised transitional arrangements and a proposed revised licence fee structure for 2012/13. The taxi trade had expressed the wish to have a one-year licence as well as a three-year licence. There was now a requirement for new drivers to undertake a driving test and for a cyclical medical assessment to take place threeyearly or five-yearly. The majority of the taxi trade had opted for three-yearly. Mr A Coleman, Chairman of the Taxi and Private Hire Association spoke on the proposals. He expressed concern over the proposed increase in fees as he considered that this would lead to a loss of part-time drivers, many of whom undertook school drives and weekend drives and would impact on the individual companies. The formation of the Taxi and Private Hire Association had been a good thing and enabled taxi drivers to work with Council. Mr S Heels, representing North Norfolk Taxi Association, was pleased that the handbook had been revised but felt that it could go further. He expressed concern at what he considered were ill-timed and costly changes. Many people lived in isolated locations and were retired and used taxis frequently. He considered that the proposed fees could cause a loss of taxi drivers and as a result Norfolk County Council would struggle to cover some of its services. He felt that savings could instead be made administratively by moving to three-year licences and the subsidy gradually being reduced. Mr C Andrews, a taxi operator and representing North Norfolk Taxi Association said that the handbook did not include contract work and if it was revised, the taxi trade Licensing and Appeals Committee 21 May 2012 should be consulted further. The trade would prefer more clarity on rights and wrongs. He asked that the proposals be deferred for further consultation. The public should have more access to taxis but the proposals could restrict this. The Chairman reminded Members of the working party which had been set up to look into the revision of the taxi licensing policy, handbook, licence conditions and associated licence fees. As part of the review, they had looked at a legislation handbook for all districts in Norfolk. It was a reasonable expectation for neighbouring districts to have the same rules, so this was an opportunity to move closer towards that. Members also needed to consider looking at a cost neutral service at the end of this administration. In response to a question, the Licensing Manager explained the reason for the proposed revised licence fee structure. Historically, the Council had always sought to cover its direct costs. Further representations from the taxi trade had shown that the original proposed increase was considered to be too steep. In response, the minimum costs which needed to be recovered had been looked at and £90 was found to be the minimum. Option 1 was for an increase whilst option 2 was for a subsidy to be reviewed after three years. The cost of a new licence had been reduced to the same cost as a renewal so that it did not become a barrier to entry. A Member expressed concern over the effect of a move towards a non-subsided taxi service which would affect coaches. She also suggested that perhaps councils should move towards one overall licensing authority. The Environmental Health Manager explained that any subsidy system was carried out through Norfolk County Council. The Council had to identify a series of savings including additional income. The Chairman added that it was in the Council’s interest to make contact with other authorities as approximately 80% of the handbook could be the same. The Chairman stated that as the Council issued taxi licences, it was the Council’s responsibility in law to protect the rights of the public and it would be inappropriate for Officers not to interview a taxi driver. With reference to 3.2, Mr B Hannah considered that the proposals brought in too much too soon and proposed instead a fee of £60 be made to be increased to £90 in three years’ time. It was proposed by Mr R Reynolds and seconded by Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds that the Councils adopt Option 1. Mr B Hannah withdrew his proposal. It was proposed by Mrs P Grove-Jones and seconded by Mrs A Sweeney that the Council adopts Option 2. Upon being put to the vote, 5 Members voted in favour of Option 1 and 4 against; and 4 Members voted in favour of Option 2 and 5 against. Option 1 was therefore carried. An amendment to proposal 3.4 in the report, was proposed by Mr B Hannah and seconded by Mrs A Sweeney - That in introducing the requirement for all drivers and applicants to have a group 2 medical on a three yearly basis, that flexibility be given for those individuals who currently hold alternative driving qualifications (such as PSV or HGV drivers licences) to submit their medical reports on a six yearly cycle unless medical contradictions exist. Upon being put to the vote, this was carried by 7 votes to 2. RECOMMENDED to Full Council a. That the Council offers applicants the ability to apply for either a 1 year licence or a 3 year licence. The fees for a 3 year licence (new or renewal) would be set at a level that covers the Council costs (£170). Licensing and Appeals Committee 21 May 2012 b. That the fee for 1 year licences be set at a level to provide preferential transitional arrangements for drivers on a stepped incremental basis (i.e. 1 year licence would increase to £90 for the current year with a review on an annual basis). c. That the requirement for a Driving Standards Assessment is introduced on a voluntary (rather that compulsory) basis at the present time with the ability for the Licensing authority to make it a mandatory requirement in cases where concern over a particular drive for applicant has been raised. The Council encourage all taxi drivers to obtain recognised professional training and qualifications throughout their career to assist with probity checks. d. All drivers and applicants to have a group 2 medical on a six yearly basis, unless medical contradictions exist. e. That the following licence fee structure for 2012/13 be approved: LICENCE TYPE Existing fee new fee 2012 £90 likely fee 2013 For review likely fee 2014 For review Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles New licence valid for 1 year £102.38 Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles New licence valid for 3 years Not applicable £170 £170 £170 Renewal of licence valid for 1 year £48.82 £90 £130 £170 Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Private Hire Vehicle Licence Private Hire Operators Licence Renewal of licence valid for 3 years Not applicable £170 £170 £170 New or renewal – valid 1 year New or renewal – valid 1 year New or renewal – valid 5 years £138.43 £190 £190 £190 £138.43 £190 £190 £190 £145.33 £150 £150 £150 f)That, for the avoidance of doubt, the proposed Penalty Points System table “using a mobile phone, radio hand set, eating or drinking whilst the vehicle is in motion” be amended by adding the expression “unless specifically exempted by law”. Mr B Smith voted against (f) and Mr B Hannah abstained from voting on (f). The Legal Advisor clarified that the penalty points scheme in the handbook did not put points on to a driver’s DVLA driving licence and also, there would be the possibility to appeal against penalty points. The Licensing Manager added that the proposed penalty points system had been in use by several authorities around the country. Licensing and Appeals Committee 21 May 2012 Members suggested a number of amendments to the handbook but it was explained that it would be an ongoing process. The meeting was adjourned at 12.10pm and reconvened at 12.20pm. 8 CHANGES TO THE LAW AFFECTING SALE OF ALCOHOL AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSING The report updated Members on recent changes to the law. With reference to health authorities being able to make representations, Mr B Hannah considered that they should be made to respond. 9 TO RECEIVE UPDATES ON MEMBERS TASK AND FINISH GROUPS Taxi Driver Association The Chairman asked whether now that there was a Taxi Driver Association, whether a representative from the Council should be invited to attend their meetings. Members of the Committee agreed with this. Street Trading The Licensing Manager said that this working party needed to meet more frequently in order to move things on. Recommendations should come from the working party to the September meeting of the Committee. Gambling Policy The Licensing Manager said that by the end of year, by law, the Council needed to have reviewed its Gambling Policy and a working party would be needed to be set up for this purpose. He would email all Members of the Committee to ask for any interest in being on the working party. The meeting closed at 12.55pm. _____________________ Chairman Licensing and Appeals Committee 21 May 2012