Please Contact: Linda Yarham Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516019 9 July 2015 A meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Monday 20 July 2015 at 10.00 a.m. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: Anyone attending this meeting may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and report on the meeting. Anyone wishing to do so must inform the Chairman. If you are a member of the public and you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please be aware that you may be filmed or photographed. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mr N Coppack, Mrs H Cox, Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr B Hannah, Mr P High, Mr J Lee, Mr P Moore, Mr R Price, Mr R Reynolds, Mr P Rice, Mr S Shaw, Mr R Shepherd, Mr B Smith, Mrs V Uprichard All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 3. MINUTES (attached – page 4) To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held on 22 June 2015 and also the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing SubCommittee held on 29 June 2015. 4. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 6. MOBILE PARK HOMES FEES POLICY (page 11) (Appendix – p.14) Summary: To implement the Mobile Homes Act 2013 and the Park Homes Fee Policy. The Park Homes Fees Policy allows fees to be charged for residential Park Homes within the District Conclusions: Adoption of the Park Homes Fees Policy. Recommendations: That the proposed Park Homes Fees Policy, as contained in the Appendix attached to this report, be adopted with immediate effect. That the Head of Environmental Health be authorised to make any minor amendments to the Policy, including increasing fees to enable costs incurred to be recovered. Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer Telephone Email 7. Councillor J Oliver All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 UPDATE ON GENERAL LICENSING ISSUES To give an oral update on licensing issues. 8. UPDATE ON TASK & FINISH GROUPS To give an oral update on task and finish groups. 8. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 9. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA Agenda item ___3____ LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held at 10.00 am on 22 June 2015 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer. Members Present: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr N Coppack Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P Moore Mr R Price (Chairman) Mr R Reynolds Mr S Shaw Mr B Smith Mrs V Uprichard Mrs J Oliver, Cabinet Member for Licensing Officers in attendance: Public Protection Manager and Committee Officer (Regulatory) 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr P High sent apologies. 2 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. 3 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held on 2 March 2015 and also the minutes of meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 24 February 2015 were approved as correct records and signed by the Chairman. The Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on issues relating to caravan site licensing issues. Project work was ongoing. An information gathering exercise was underway. Responses would be input on the Environmental Health database which would enable the service to be more proactive in dealing with sites in the future. In response to an issues raised by Members, the Public Protection Manager stated that a report relating to caravan site fees would be considered by the Committee in the near future. The Council was unable to licence its own sites but steps were being taken to ensure compliance with the standards set for licensed sites. The Public Protection Manager stated that she would speak to Property Services with regard to a report on the assessment of the Council’s sites. 4 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 4 5 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 6 UPDATE ON GENERAL LICENSING ISSUES The Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on the following issues: Gambling and Licensing The Gambling and Licensing Policies were being reviewed. A County Working Group had been set up to ensure a consistent approach across the County, and initial meetings were due to take place in the next two to three weeks. Consultation would then be undertaken over a six-week period. A report would be presented to the Committee in due course. Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Handbook & Testing Stations The Handbook was under review. A meeting would be set up with the task and finish group prior to consultation with the taxi trade. Tenders had been sought for testing stations and three had now been appointed to allow more choice and flexibility for vehicle owners. However, the Wells and Fakenham area still had no testing station. Testing fees would now be payable directly to the testing station rather than as part of the licensing fee, and minor faults could be rectified by the testing station (in line with MOT testing standards) without the need to return the vehicle for a retest. Skin Piercing An up to date list of premises and practitioners was being compiled. The Public Protection Manager answered Members’ questions: Approximately 50% of those contacted had responded to date. Those who had not were being sent reminders but may possibly no longer be in business or practising. Health and Safety legislation only required checks of high-risk premises. Many of these establishments were not considered to be high risk. Licensing legislation was being used more frequently to ensure that standards were maintained. Officers had lists of premises which they could check when they were in the area. Some new operators had been discovered. The Public Protection Manager was asked to provide an update at the next meeting. Animal Boarding and Breeding Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Model conditions had been issued some time ago. NNDC conditions were similar but not up to date and the model conditions would be adopted in the future. Councillor P W Moore raised an issue relating to a kennel business in North Walsham which had given rise to noise complaints. The Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on matters relating to the premises. 5 Caravan sites This matter had been dealt with earlier in the meeting. In response to an issue raised by Councillor R Reynolds regarding safety issues, the Public Protection Manager explained that some requirements were covered by Licensing legislation and others by Health and Safety. Model standards for gas and electrical safety would be incorporated into caravan site licensing where they were relevant to the licensing regime. 7 UPDATE ON TASK AND FINISH GROUPS Councillor R Reynolds expressed concern that little progress appeared to have been made in respect of the important issues which were to be tackled by the Task and Finish Groups. The Chairman reported that discussions had been held with the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Mrs J Oliver, with regard to securing sufficient funding to take the Task and Finish Groups forward. Charitable Collections (Councillors Mrs P Grove-Jones, R Reynolds and B Smith) The Public Protection Manager stated that it had not been possible to progress this matter to date and a meeting would be set up as soon as possible. This would be dealt with by the Licensing Enforcement Officer. Councillor R Reynolds expressed concern regarding people who went door to door persuading people to sign standing orders which were difficult to rescind. He was concerned that the District had a large elderly population and many people could be vulnerable to such persuasion. The Public Protection Manager stated that the Licensing legislation did not cover standing orders as nothing was being taken. She would ask the Licensing Enforcement Officer to see if there was anything the Council could do. Complaints were a Police matter. The Chairman suggested that Council mailings and the website could be used to warn and advise people on this matter. Alternative Trading (Councillors Mrs H Cox, Councillor P W Moore and one vacancy (formerly Mrs A Green)) One meeting had taken place. The Public Protection Manager stated that she was tasked to draft a policy and would set up another meeting to move matters forward. She had had to prioritise her workload and resources were needed to enable the work to be completed. Councillor Mrs V Uprichard volunteered to fill the vacancy on this group. At the request of Members, the Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on staffing matters. The last year had been difficult as there had been a number of vacancies and restructuring issues which resulted in a backlog of work. The backlog had now been cleared but the workload was heavy. There was a need to be proactive and any increase in funding and resources would be welcome. 6 Members raised concerns in respect of resource issues. Councillor Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds stated that the Portfolio Holder would take the concerns on board. The meeting closed at 10.45 am. ___________________ Chairman 7 LICENSING AND APPEALS SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 29 June 2015 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.30 am. Sub-Committee Mr H Cox (Chairman) Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr S Shaw Officers in Attendance: The Legal Advisor, the Public Protection Manager and the Democratic Services Officer. 1 APOLOGIES None received. 2 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 4 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. 5 APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK (WK/150009875) The Chairman introduced the application to Members. The Public Protection Manager asked the Legal Advisor to provide an overview of the process. The Legal Advisor said that the Public Protection Manager would introduce the report for the application and then questions could be asked. This would be followed by a statement in support of the application from the applicant’s representative and then questions could be asked. He said that there would be a summing up and then the final statement would be made on behalf of the applicant. The Legal Advisor said that Members would then retire to make their decision and then announce this with their reasons. The Public Protection Manager said that the report was regarding a taxi drivers licence and that the criminal records check had warranted further consideration. She said that these checks were always made and that the enhanced DBS held details for Members to consider and that there was a summary in appendix B of the report. The Public Protection Manager said that references had been requested and there were available with the report. She Licensing Sub-Committee 1 8 29 June 2015 said that the applicant had previously held a licence and that this was heard by the Licensing Sub-Committee due to the additional DBS information. The licence had expired in December 2014 and therefore had to be heard as a new matter in accordance with the scheme of delegation. The Public Protection Manager advised that Members could grant the licence, grant the licence with conditions, or reject the application. The Legal Advisor clarified that the applicant had held a licence for one year from December 2013 to December 2014 and that he had appeared before the Licensing Sub-Committee about his previous convictions and asked whether the convictions were the same as before. The Public Protection Manager confirmed that they were. The Legal Advisor asked if when the licence was previously granted, whether any conditions had been attached. The Public Protection Manager said that there had not been any conditions. The Chairman said that the second reference for the applicant explained why he had not applied since the expiration of the licence as he had a different job. She commented that the information provided was very helpful. The Chairman said that there were no objections and asked the representative of the applicant to speak on the applicant’s behalf. The applicant’s representative said that the applicant had previously attended the committee as the conviction was within the five year period of the DBS check and that he had held a licence for longer than one year in total. He said that the references were glowing and that he was liked by customers and colleagues. He said that the applicant wanted to do school contracts and that Norfolk County Council had issued a badge on 31st May 2015 that enabled the applicant to transport vulnerable people and children. The Chairman commented that this was to the applicant’s credit. The applicant’s representative said that the incident behind the DBS was drink related and that the applicant no longer drank and was better for it. Mrs P Grove-Jones asked about the gap from December 2014 to the present and asked what had happened. The applicant’s representative said that the applicant had secured a job at a hotel but that he hadn’t enjoyed the role and wanted to return to driving. The Legal Advisor asked the Public Protection Manager if she could confirm that the badge issued from Norfolk County Council allowed the applicant to drive vulnerable people and children and she confirmed that it did. The Legal Advisor said that the applicant had previously applied for a one year licence and asked for clarification as to the length of licence for this application. The applicant’s representative said that in the past all licences were for one year and then from 2012, three year licences were made available and that the application was for a three year licence. Licensing Sub-Committee 2 9 29 June 2015 The Legal Advisor asked whether the Council objected to this and they advised that they did not. The Chairman said that it was sensible to consider a three year licence. The Public Protection Manager said that it was previously cheaper to apply for a one year licence but now a similar cost applied. The Legal Advisor said that he wanted to establish that the council could grant one year and that the application was for three years and that the council did not object to this. The applicant’s representative said that if the three year licence had been available previously, the applicant would have applied for this rather than the one year licence. The Chairman asked if there were any other questions and if the applicant’s representative wanted to say anything further. There was nothing else to add. The Committee retired to deliberate the case at 10.52 and returned at 11.05am. The Chairman said that following discussions, the Committee was mindful to grant the licence. She said that they were satisfied that the applicant was a fit and proper person and they acknowledged that a person goes through changes. The Chairman said that the applicant was subject to the same licensing conditions as any other person. She wished the applicant luck. 6 READMITTANCE OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The press and public were readmitted to the meeting. 7 APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE - M FUEL, 1-3 PRINCE OF WALES ROAD, CROMER, NORFOLK, NR27 9HR This application had been withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting. The meeting closed at 11.08 am. __________________________ Chairman Licensing Sub-Committee 3 10 29 June 2015 Agenda Item No_____6_______ MOBILE PARK HOMES FEES POLICY Summary: To implement the Mobile Homes Act 2013 and the Park Homes Fee Policy. The Park Homes Fees Policy allows fees to be charged for residential Park Homes within the District Conclusions: Adoption of the Park Homes Fees Policy. Recommendations: That the proposed Park Homes Fees Policy, as contained in the Appendix attached to this report, be adopted with immediate effect. That the Head of Environmental Health be authorised to make any minor amendments to the Policy, including increasing fees to enable costs incurred to be recovered. Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer Telephone Email Councillor J Oliver All Gemma Faircloth 01263 516139 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (CSCDA 1960) introduced a licensing system to be operated by local authorities to regulate the establishment and operation of caravan sites. The Mobile Homes Act 2013 (MHA 2013) amended the CSCDA 1960 in order to provide greater protection to occupiers of residential caravans and mobile homes. These changes apply to permanent residential sites (known as relevant protected sites) 1.2 Part of the changes included enabling local authorities to monitor site licence compliance more effectively. Authorities have now been given the necessary power to take enforcement action where site owners are not managing their sites. This will ensure that health and safety of residents is better protected. 1.3 The fee policy must be published must be transparent and reasonable. The powers within the Act allow for; 11 Fees to be charged for applications for new residential site licences, transfers of licence, variations to a licence and deposition of site rules. Fees to be charged for an annual fee, to existing residential site licence holders To refuse a licence (or to refuse a transfer of a licence) if necessary To serve and enforce compliance notices and undertake emergency works together with the power to recover expenses and costs relating to works in default. 1.4 North Norfolk District Council has 9 licenced Park Home sites with a total of 46 homes, 6 of these sites are single unit homes and the final 3 have multiple homes. Additionally there are 2 sites for the sole use of the owner and their families with a total of 11 homes. 1.5 Sites that do not fall within the definition of protected sites are still subject to the licensing requirements contained within the Caravan Sites and Control of Development act 1960, but the provisions relating to payment of fees do not apply. This exemption includes sites used for holiday use only and those sites that are only allowed to have units stationed/used at certain times of the year. 2. Policy Justification and Conclusions 2.1 The Licensing Sub Committee previously agreed caravan site licence fees on 7 May 2014; however a review of these fees based on other policies from Local Authorities in Norfolk and Suffolk and a cost analysis determined that the fees were not set in accordance with the guidance, in that they were not transparent and reasonable. There was a risk of challenge, and potential judicial review. It was felt that it was better to develop a complete policy in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 2013 and guidance. The fees applicable in the new policy have reduced from those previously set. 2.2 Charging for services where appropriate supports the Corporate Plan commitment to run the Council more efficiently and creatively so residents get even greater value for money. Using the income stream to enhance the scrutiny of this sector will support the Corporate Plan commitment to strive to deliver service excellence and additionally to ensure the health and wellbeing of residents at these sites. 2.3 To enable better regulation of park home sites and in compliance with section 10A (2) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 as amended by the Mobile Homes Act 2013 (the Amended Act) which requires a Local Authority to publish a Fees Policy if exercising their power to charge fees for the licensing of park home sites. 2.4 To enable the effective scrutiny of this sector in line with the expectations in the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) publication “Mobile Homes Act 2013 Guide for Local Authorities on setting site licencing fees” of Feb 2014. 2.5 The costs of fees proposed in the policy have been calculated using a cost matrix. Only reasonable costs can be included within the calculation, for 12 example administration and officer time to carry out inspections. Costs for undertaking enforcement cannot be included in the fees. 2.6 The Policy will be sent to sites affected for notification and to allow sufficient time to make comments and provide information about the use of their site. 3 Implications and Risks 3.1 Failure to implement licence fees will adversely impact on local taxpayer and Local Authority resources. This will be mitigated by the implementation of charging a fee for the licensing functions associated with mobile home sites, in accordance with the policy. 4. Financial Implications and Risks 4.1 The Government’s intention is that the cost of administering the Park Homes licensing regime will be met from fee income. The current number of sites in North Norfolk is small; any income from fees is likely to be minimal. However, the policy will ensure that the costs incurred are recovered from site owners. Where enforcement action becomes necessary due to non-compliance of a Notice charges will be on a cost recovery basis. 5. Sustainability 5.1 Not Applicable to this report 6. Equality and Diversity 6.1 There are no direct equality and diversity implications on persons or groups with protected characteristics arising from the content of this report. 7. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations 7.1 There are no implications associated with this report. 13 North Norfolk District Council Mobile Park Homes Fees Policy Contents Page Summary 1 1 Introduction 2 2 3 3 Fees for New Licence, Transfer/Variation and Annual Fees 2.1 Overview 2.2 Exemptions from paying fees 2.3 Fees for New Licences, Transfer/ Variation and Annual Fees 2.4 Review of Annual License Fees 2.5 Time when fees are payable Enforcement Costs 4 Fees for Depositing Site Rules Appendix 1 – Calculation of Fees 14 4 6 Summary The Mobile Homes Act 2013 (MHA 2013) was introduced with the aim of providing increased protection to occupiers of residential caravans and mobile homes. This legislation amends the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (CSCDA 1960) and introduces important changes to mobile home site licensing. Enacted on 1 April 2014, these changes allow Local Authorities (LA) to charge site owners a fee for applying for a site licence, for amendments or transfers of existing licences, for annual fees and for site owners depositing site rules with the LA. Publication of this Fees Policy is a statutory requirement and will enable Councils to recover fees associated with the licensing function and enable site owners to recover these costs should they opt to increase pitch fees at the next pitch fee review date. The fees associated with applying for a new site licence, for transfers or variations of existing licences and for annual fees are as follows: Item New Park Home Licence Licence Transfer Licence Variation Units 1–5 6 – 24 25 – 99 100+ 1–3 4–5 6 – 24 25 – 99 100+ N/A N/A Deposit of Site Rules N/A Annual Licence Fee Fee (£) 210.00 225.00 240.00 270.00 Nil 120 180 240 270 97.50 97.50 (plus inspection fee if applicable) 45 This policy is applicable to ‘Relevant Protected Sites’ (RSP) only. An RSP can be defined as any licensable caravan site other than those solely for (a) holiday use or (b) where conditions exists specifying times during the year where caravans may not be stationed on the land for human habitation. Sites where there are a mix of RSPs and sites falling within (a) and (b) above will be deemed as RSPs. The MHA 2013 enables LAs to introduce a scale of fees according to the size and character of the RSP. The LA may also determine that no fee is required to be paid in certain cases. Upon consideration, it is decided that sites containing 5 or fewer pitches will be exempt from annual inspection fees due to their low risk factor and infrequent inspection schedule. Collecting such fees in these instances is not deemed to be cost effective. 15 The LA now has powers under the MHA to serve enforcement notices on site owners for failing to comply with site conditions. They may also carry out works in default to secure a remedy for such failures. Any reasonable expenses incurred while doing so may be recovered by the LA. The Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (England) 2014 requires site owners to replace existing site rules with new ones and deposit these with the Local Authority. The LA has a duty to publish this information in a register of site rules. The costs incurred by the LA in doing so may be recovered by them. A fee of £45.00 has been set for the depositing of site rules. 1. Introduction A licensing scheme was introduced under The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 (CSCDA 1960) to regulate the establishment and operation of caravan sites. The Act defines what constitutes a caravan and caravan site. It also sets out cases where a site licence is not required, including; Local Authority owned sites Use incidental to a dwelling-house and within the same curtilage Sites for stationing of a caravan for not more than 2 nights (as long as caravans had not been present for more than 28 days during the previous year) Sites where caravans are stationed on land not less than five acres for not more than 28 days and no more than three caravans are stationed at any one time Sites where caravans are solely for seasonal agricultural/forestry workers employed on land owned by the site owner Sites where caravans are solely for workers employed in building or engineering operations on that or adjacent land Sites used by travelling showmen who are members of a relevant organisation Sites occupied by organisations holding a certificate of exemption Licences can only be issued to the owners of sites that have obtained valid planning permission. The MHA 2013 introduced powers to enable LAs to recover costs associated with its function to grant, amend or transfer caravan site licenses under the CSCDA 1960. Fees may also be charged for annual inspections of licensable sites and for the depositing of site rules with the LA by site owners. Before these fees can be recovered, N o r t h N o r f o l k D i s t r i c t Council has a legal duty under Section 10A of CSCDA 1960 (as amended by MHA 2013) to publish a Fees Policy. This document has therefore been developed to allow for this. In setting the fees published in this Fees Policy, North Norfolk District Council has given attention to the document “Mobile Homes Act 2013 – A guide for Local Authorities on setting site licensing fees” produced by the Department for Communities and Local Government. The level of fees and how they are charged are, subject to legal restrictions, at the discretion of North Norfolk District Council. 16 2. Fees for New Licences, Transfer/Variation and Annual Fees 2.1 Overview The owners of Relevant Protected Sites are required by the CSCDA 1960 to obtain a licence from the Local Authority. Failure to possess a licence is an offence under this legislation and is punishable by a fine, upon conviction in a magistrates court, of up to Level 4 on the Standard Scale (currently £2500). The MHA 2013 amends the CSDA 1960 and now enables LAs to impose fees in respect of: Relevant Protected Site applications (s.3 (2A)) Annual fees in respect of RPSs (s.5A (1)) Alterations to site licence conditions (where requested by the site owner) (s.8 (1B)) The transfer of a site licence to another party (s.10 (1A)) When requiring a licence holder to pay an annual fee, the LA must inform them of matters to which they have had regard to in fixing the fee. The costs associated with monitoring conditions on sites and dealing with licensing matters informally can be included within annual fees. However, annual fees should not take into account any costs incurred in relation to enforcement activities such as serving compliance notices, emergency action, and works in default as these costs can be recovered by other means. 2.2. Exemptions from paying fees Sites that fall outside the definition of a Relevant Protected Site are exempt from licensing fees. These include sites for holiday use only or where conditions exists specifying times during the year where caravans may not be stationed on the land for human habitation. The MHA 2013 also allows LAs to determine that no fee is required to be paid in “certain cases or descriptions of case” (s.10A(3)). North Norfolk District Council will make sites that have three or fewer pitches exempt from annual fees. These sites are generally deemed as being of low risk, often consisting of single family units and do not contain the hazards associated with larger sites, e.g. fire separation. Formal annual programmed monitoring would therefore not be deemed necessary or cost effective. The costs associated with monitoring sites that have less than three pitches would be met through existing budgets. Sites for the sole use of the owner and their families (does not include sites that are run for financial gain) are also exempt from the annual licensing fee. 17 2.3 Fees for New Licence, Transfer/ Variation and Annual Fees In determining the fee structure contained within this Policy, the Council has referred to the document “Mobile Homes Act 2013 – A guide for Local Authorities on setting site licensing fees”. This involved a notional costing exercise based upon the amount of time taken during the licensing process to include administration, site inspections, travelling to and from site and any associated consultations or meetings and was multiplied by relevant officer costs. Costs associated with enforcement or licensing duties outside the MHA 2013 cannot be taken into consideration. The subsequent fee structure has been reviewed by officers responsible for licensing park home sites at North Norfolk District Council and are considered comparable with nearby Local Authorities. The fee structure was devised to be as simple and clear as possible to prevent any future ambiguity. When requiring a licence holder to pay an annual fee the Council will inform them of the matters to which they have had regard to in fixing the fee. 2.4 Review of Annual Licensing Fees Section 5A(2) of the CSCDA 1960 provides that a LA in setting annual fees must advise the site owner of the extent to which they have had regards to deficits and surpluses from the previous year. In terms of deciding surpluses and deficits a local authority must not make a profit and can only pass on to the site owner their costs incurred in carrying out the licensing function. Equally, a local authority is not expected to make a loss in carrying out its licensing functions. Overall licensing can be a self-financing function which local taxpayers are not required to subsidise. The Council will therefore carry out an annual review of licensing fees, taking into account deficits and surpluses and advise site owners of the outcome of this review. 2.5 Time When Fees are Payable Section 10A(5) of the MHA 2013 states that the Fees Policy must include provision about the time at which the annual fee is payable. For the purpose of this policy the period covered by the annual fee will mirror the financial year (1 April to 31 March) and will be paid in advance. Invoices will be sent out during the month of April requiring payment within 30 days. Where a new site is licensed part way through the year then an invoice with the same payment terms will be sent shortly after the licence is issued, pro rata for this date to the beginning of the next financial year. Transfer or variation must be paid at application. 3. Enforcement Costs The MHA 2013 allows LAs to serve compliance notices on site owners where site licence conditions are breached. Where a notice is not complied with, an offence is committed and the LA will enforce the notice which may involve legal proceedings. Upon successful prosecution, the Council has the power to carry out works in default. 18 The cost of deciding whether to take action, preparing and serving the various enforcement notices and the actual work itself can be recovered by LAs at the Court’s discretion. Unpaid expenses can be placed as a charge against the site owner’s land. 4. Fees for Depositing Site Rules The Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (England) 2014 requires site owners, after consultation with residents, to deposit site rules with the local authority by 3 February 2015. These rules constitute a pitch agreement between the site owner and the mobile home occupier, setting out the residents’ rights and obligations and are not enforceable by the Local Authority. LAs will need to satisfy themselves that rules deposited with them have been made in accordance with the statutory procedure. They will also be required to establish, keep up to date, and publish a register of site rules. In doing so a LA may levy a fee for the depositing of site rules, or the variation or deletion of site rules. It is estimated that the cost to the North Norfolk District Council associated with the administration and publication of site rules will be £45.00. Therefore a fee of £45.00 will be charged for the depositing or replacement of site rules. 19 Table 1: Park Home Fees - Issue of new licence Processing Examine application documentation, associated certificates. Check to ensure that details are correct and correct fee is Make assessment of site layout, attached. of provision amenities/utilities, examine Finance receive payment of fire fee,risk process assessment payment and issue receipt Inspection Pitches Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site 1-5 6-24 25-99 100+ Issue of New Licence Prepare licence documents and certificates Check and sign certificates / licence as necessary, and serve by postregister and public Update database register Time (minutes) 60 Hourly Rate (£) 30.00 30.00 60 Total (£) 60 30.00 30.00 Total 90.00 Time (minutes) 60 90 120 180 Hourly rate (£) Total (£) Time (minutes) 120 30 Hourly rate (£) 30.00 30.00 30 Total 30.00 45.00 60.00 90.00 Total (£) 60.00 15.00 15.00 90.00 Combined Total fees for new park home licence applications Number of Pitches 1-5 6-24 25-99 100+ 20 Total Fee (£) 210.00 225.00 240.00 270.50 Number of Band Z pitches Formula A Admin Time B Inspection (minutes) Time (minutes) 120 120 4-5 1 =((A1+B1)/60 x C 6-24 2 =((A2+B2)/60 x C 180 25-99 3 =((A3+B3)/60 x C 240 100+ 4 =((A4+B4)/60 x C 240 (Formula based upon Local Authority guidance) 180 240 300 Fee (£) 120.00 180.00 240.00 280.00 Table 3: Variations and Amendments Variations and Amendments Examine amended application documents and associated certificates. Check to ensure details site are correct andany correct fee is Check history for outstanding attached issues Make decision as to whether amendments are appropriate Prepare new license documents Check, sign and post new documents Update database and public register Time (minutes) 60 30 30 Hourly rate (£) 30.00 30 15 30 Total Fee (£) 30.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 7.50 15.00 97.50 Table 4: Licence transfer fee Transfer Check from is correct including correct fee. Check site history and any outstanding issues. Examine request documentation and make decision. Prepare new licence documents. Check, sign and post new documents. Update database and public register. Time (minutes) 30 30 60 Hourly rate (£) 30.00 30 15 30 Total 21 Total (£) 15.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 7.50 15.00 97.50 Table 5: Verification Inspections The Council may decide to carry out a verification inspection upon receipt of a variation, amendment or licence transfer application. The following fees will apply. Site Inspection Fees Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site Verification inspection of the site Pitches 1-5 6-24 25-99 100+ Time (minutes) 60 90 120 180 Hourly rate (£) Time (minutes) 30 30 15 15 Hourly rate (£) 30.00 Total (£) 30.00 45.00 60.00 90.00 Table 6: Deposit of site rules Deposit of site rules Examine rules, checking for banned rules Check site history Accept rules or suggest amendments Update database and public register 30.00 Total 22 Total (£) 15.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 45.00