LICENSING AND APPEALS SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee held on 22 October 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am. Sub-Committee Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs A Green Mr R C Price (Chairman) Members in Attendance: Mr R Reynolds Mr J A Wyatt Officers in Attendance: The Legal Advisor, the Licensing Manager, the Environmental Protection Team Leader, the Environmental Protection Officer and the Democratic Services Team Leader (MMH) 1 APOLOGIES None received. 2 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 4 APPLICATION FOR NEW PREMISES LICENCE – BRISTON PAVILION AND RECREATION GROUND, STONE BECK LANE, BRISTON NR24 2LG The following were present: In support of the Application Ms J English Mr P Moulton Mr T Serne Objector to the Application Mr K Craske The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. The Legal Advisor confirmed the names of those present and outlined the procedure for the Hearing. She explained that, at a later stage, the Panel would withdraw to make a decision. She would accompany them to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons but would not take part in the making of the decision. The Licensing Manager presented the report. The Management Committee of The Higginbottom Recreational Charity for the Briston Pavilion and Recreation Ground, ( a registered charity number Licensing Sub-Committee 22 October 2012 243194) had made an application for a new premises licence in respect of Briston Pavilion. The full details of the application were contained in the report. From 1 October 2012 when the Live Music Act 2012 became effective the following activities (although originally applied for by the applicant and shown on the application form) were no longer licensable: a. Facilities for making music (indoors and outdoors) b. Facilities for dancing (indoors and outdoors) In addition the following activities (although originally applied for by the applicant and shown on the application form) were no longer licensable between the hours of 8am and 11pm on any day c. Live Music (indoors and outdoors) The applicants had also applied for the mandatory alcohol condition requiring a Designated Premises Supervisor to be disapplied. This application had been made to the Licensing authority with copies served on the Norfolk Constabulary as prescribed by law. An application for this was not required to be more widely consulted upon. The premises had previously been licensed. The Briston Sports and Social Club held a Club Premises Certificate covering supply of alcohol and a range of regulated entertainment 24/7. This certificate was surrendered on 7 April 2009 and the premises had not been licensed since although events had been held under Temporary Event Notifications. The responsible authorities had concerns about the potential for nuisance, particularly noise. The Police had discussed several issues with the Applicants and had subsequently withdrawn their objections. Environment Health would recommend the addition of conditions over and above the mandatory ones if Members were minded to grant the licence. One of the letters of objection had challenged the validity of the Applicant. The Higginbottom Recreational Charity had made the application. The Licensing Manager was satisfied that this was a bone fide charity registered with the Charities Commission. Copies of the Briston Pavilion letting agreement were confirmed by the Applicant as genuine and were examined by the Sub Committee before the meeting proceeded further. Mr Serne put the case of the Applicant: Briston Pavilion had been run for some years, as the Sports and Social Club, as a private members’ club but had got into financial difficulty and handed the lease back. The Higginbottom Recreational Charity had appointed a project management team to run the building which had been hired out for various activities including mother and toddler groups, sports and fitness. A management committee had been appointed to bring the building into better use. The management committee had obtained a grant from the Big Society Fund to replace all the windows in the premises and had applied for grant funding for a new heating system. At present the utility bills were paid by the Licensing Sub-Committee 22 October 2012 Higginbottom Recreational Charity. There was a need to raise more income from hire of the Pavilion. There was also a community need for this facility because the Copeman Centre got fully booked. The Pavilion was used regularly by a football club who had requested a small bar. The bar would only be opened when needed. There was no intention of serving alcohol 24/7. There had been no objections from residents of immediately adjacent properties. It was true that only one notice had been posted outside the premises but there had also been notification in the North Norfolk News and all the village notice boards. Briston Pavilion was a community venue which needed an increased income. If the licence was granted it would enable the management committee to widen the scope of activities. Questions were asked of the Applicant and the application was discussed: a) In response to a question from Mrs A Green the Applicant said that the capacity of the hall was limited to 100 people. b) Mr Craske said he supported the application in principle and agreed that there was a need for the facility. His question regarded confusion as to who the Applicant was. He also doubted the capacity of the management committee to manage the premises. The Legal Advisor explained that these were not relevant representations which could be made by a member of the public under the Licensing Act. Representations must relate to the Licensing Objectives, although Mr Craske’s letter of objection did touch on some of these points. The concern regarding the management committee was addressed by Home Office guidance: if a management committee is granted a licence with an alternative condition they are advised to keep the Licensing Authority informed of any changes. Failure to do so could result in the licence being reviewed. c) Mr R C Price queried the condition in the letting agreement that hirers must ensure that the premises are cleared out by 11.00 pm or 12.00pm at weekends. He was concerned that this would result in a curtailment of drinking up time which could lead to discontent and potential disorder. The Licensing Manager said that the timings for clearing up had been discussed with the Applicant and the Police. d) The Environmental Protection Team Leader told the Sub Committee that the venue had been the cause of nuisance problems in the past. He and the Environmental Protection Officer had discussed additional conditions with the Applicant and reached agreement. The conditions included: • The use of automatic closers on external doors. • External doors and windows to be closed after 9.00 pm. • External music, including music performed in a marquee, to cease at 9.00 pm. • Indoor timings for all licensable activities to be as follows: 8.00 am to 11.00 pm (Monday to Thursday), 8.00 am to 12.00 pm (Friday and Saturday), 8.00 am to 10.00 pm (Sunday). He suggested that the management committee might consider installing noise limiters which had proved an effective tool in other premises. e) Mr Serne said that the management committee would agree to these conditions. In addition they had imposed a condition that any event advertised on social networking sites would be cancelled. Licensing Sub-Committee 22 October 2012 f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds asked if there had been any nuisance arising from the events which had taken place under a Temporary Events Notice. The Environmental Protection Team Leader said that there had not. In response to a question from Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds it was explained that the members of the Higginbottom Recreational Charity were all members of the Parish Council which was the trustee. However the management committee included other people who were not on the Parish Council. In response to a question from Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds the Licensing Manager explained that Performance of Dance usually referred to performance on stage. “Entertainment of a similar nature” was a reference to Karaoke. Mr Serne told Mrs Claussen-Reynolds that the provision of outdoor events was envisaged. Mr R C Price expressed concern about the management committee’s ability to manage the licence. Mr Serne said that they were willing to undertake training if required. In response to a question from Mrs A Green it was explained that the Applicant had agreed that there would only be 6 events per year when music would be played outside. These events would be in the summer months. In response to a question from Mr Craske the Applicant explained that any training would be funded by income from lettings. Mr R C Price asked that the management committee supply the Council with a copy of their terms of reference within 7 days. In response to a question from Mrs A Green the Licensing Manager explained that, for community premises, certain activities like Bingo and Race nights did not require a gambling licence. This was monitored by the Licensing Team with advice given accordingly. Mr Serne told the Legal advisor that the Applicant agreed to the conditions detailed at 3.2 of the officer’s report. The Environmental Services Team Leader confirmed that the additional conditions suggested by Environmental Health had been agreed and that this was in writing. The Applicant provided the Sub Committee with the maximum number of people the premises could accommodate for each licensable activity. Before the Sub Committee retired to make their decision the Legal Advisor explained that Members would consider only relevant representations and would disregard any comments which did not assist with considering the likely effect of grant of the premises licence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. The Sub Committee retired at 11.25 am and returned at 11.50 am. The Chairman told the Applicant that it was important that the letting agreement should give clarity regarding the arrangements for clearing up at the end of the session. The Sub Committee considered that the management committee should have a minimum of 2 members trained to Personal Licence Holder level. The Applicant agreed to this. The Sub Committee, in granting the licence, would impose the following further conditions to which the Applicant had agreed: • Automatic door closers shall be installed to all doors leading to external parts Licensing Sub-Committee 22 October 2012 • • All external doors and windows must be kept closed, other than for access and egress, in all rooms when events involving amplified music or speech are taking place after 21:00 hours. External music must not continue beyond 21:00 hours, other than six times per year where music can continue until 23:00 hours. External music includes music played within a marquee. The Sub-Committee recognised the concerns raised as to the issue of potential noise and approved the above conditions as suggested by the Environmental Health Department. These conditions were considered, by the Sub-Committee, as necessary and proportionate to promote the licensing objective of the prevention of public nuisance. The Sub-Committee considered that the mandatory conditions, along with the conditions consistent with the operating schedule and the 3 additional conditions imposed were sufficient to promote the licensing objectives and did not find it necessary to add any further conditions relating to the prevention of Crime and Disorder; Public Safety and the protection of Children from Harm. The Sub-Committee considered that granting the licence accordingly would promote the licensing objectives, but that the conditions attached were a necessary and proportionate way of addressing the concerns raised in the written representations and in evidence. Subject to these conditions and the mandatory licence conditions applicable it was RESOLVED to grant the Licence. It was further RESOLVED that the mandatory alcohol condition requiring a Designated Premises Supervisor be disapplied. The meeting concluded at 11.57 pm. __________________________ Chairman Licensing Sub-Committee 22 October 2012