Please Contact: Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516019 10.00 a.m.

Please Contact: Linda Yarham
Please email:
Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516019
18 February 2015
A meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held
in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Monday 2 March 2015 at
10.00 a.m.
At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running
for approximately one and a half hours.
Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to
arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to
accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange
the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information
on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263
516010, Email:
Anyone attending this meeting may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and
report on the meeting. Anyone wishing to do so must inform the Chairman. If you are a member
of the public and you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please be aware that you may be
filmed or photographed.
Sheila Oxtoby
Chief Executive
To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mrs H Cox, Mrs A R Green, Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr B Hannah, Mr
P W High, Mr B Jarvis, Mr P Moore, Miss B Palmer, Mr R Price, Mr R Reynolds, Mr R Shepherd,
Mr B Smith, Mrs A C Sweeney, Mr J A Wyatt.
All other Members of the Council for information.
Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public.
If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting,
please let us know in advance
If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format
or in a different language please contact us
Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby
Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch
Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005
Email Web site
(attached – page 1)
To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10
November 2014 and also the minutes of meetings of the Licensing Sub-Committee held
on 19 November, 16 December 2014 and 21 January 2015.
To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be
considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government
Act 1972.
Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the
following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that
declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary
(Report attached – page 19; Appendix 1 – page 23)
To seek adoption of the Department of Communities
and Local Government “Model Standards 2008 for
Caravan Sites in England” (Appendix 1) and to consider
the process involved in applying any appropriate
standards/conditions to new and existing Caravan Site
Licences within North Norfolk.
For the Licensing and Appeals Committee to consider
the contents of the report and adopt the Model
1. That the Licensing and Appeals Committee adopts
the Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in
England for caravan sites within North Norfolk for
permanent residential use.
2. That the Public Protection Manager be given
delegated authority to agree and impose conditions
on new Caravan Site Licences or to revise
conditions on existing Caravan Site Licences where
no representations have been received or on
agreement with the site operator following receipt of
representations from the consultation process.
3. That in the event of agreement not being reached
with the site operator following receipt of
representations from the consultation process, a
Licensing Panel be convened to determine the
imposition of conditions on new Site Licences or
alteration to the conditions on an existing Caravan
Site Licence.
4. That the Public Protection Manager be given
delegated authority to disapply one or more
conditions for specific sites where considered
Cabinet Member(s)
Cllr John Lee
Ward(s) affected
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Gemma Faircloth, 01263 516139,
To give an oral update on licensing issues.
To give an oral update on task and finish groups.
To pass the following resolution, if necessary:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be
excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they
involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of
Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”
Agenda item ________
Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held at 10.00 am on 10
November 2014 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer.
Members Present:
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds
Mrs H Cox
Mrs A Green
Mrs P Grove-Jones
Mr P W High
Mr P Moore
Mr R Price (Chairman)
Mr R Reynolds
Mr R Shepherd
Mrs A Sweeney
Mr J Wyatt
Officers in attendance:
Public Protection Manager, Legal Advisor and Regulatory Officer.
Mr B Hannah sent apologies.
None received.
The minutes of the meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee held on 15
September 2014 and also the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee
held on 27 August 2014 were approved as correct records and signed by the
The Public Protection Manager referred to Minute 6 of the Licensing Sub-Committee
held on 27 August. She stated that no appeal had been made against the SubCommittee’s decision to revoke a taxi driver’s licence and the deadline for such an
appeal had now passed.
The Public Protection Manager presented a report which gave details of the decision
of the High Court in the case of R (Singh) v Cardiff City Council [2012] which had
implications for the process the Council followed when revoking a Hackney Carriage
or Private Hire Driver’s Licence, and proposed options for changes to the current
delegation in cases where there were had been serious allegations or incidents.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Further to the consideration of this matter on 21 July 2014, the Section 151 Officer
had advised that it was not possible to call a Committee meeting within 24 hours, as
had been the preference of the Committee, as the statutory notification period for
such a meeting was five working days. Further consideration of this matter was
necessary to ensure that matters of public safety could be dealt with immediately.
Mr P Moore considered that there should be Member involvement in making such a
decision and that an Officer should not carry the burden. He supported delegation to
the Head of Environmental Health subject to consultation with both the Chairman
and Vice-Chairman of the Licensing and Appeals Committee.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds supported Mr Moore’s suggestion and referred to the
delegated powers used to deal with matters relating to planning. She proposed that
the Head of Environmental Health, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of
Licensing and Appeals Committee, or if the Chair or Vice-Chair is unavailable, a
Licensing Sub-Committee Chair, be authorised to immediately revoke a hackney
carriage and/or private hire vehicle driver’s licence where it is considered to be
urgently necessary to safeguard the public. She requested assurance that this
power would only be used in exceptional circumstances.
Mr P Moore stated that he was happy with Mrs Claussen-Reynolds’ suggestion.
Councillor R Shepherd considered that cases should be heard by a Licensing SubCommittee.
Mr P High seconded Mrs Claussen-Reynolds’ proposal.
The Chairman stated that consideration by a Sub-Committee was not an option given
the time factor. However, the suggestion as proposed was an alternative to the
printed recommendation.
Mr R Reynolds stated that a similar arrangement worked very well for planning
Mrs P Grove-Jones stated that there was an appeal process and a revoked licence
could be reinstated using the previous documentation.
The Public Protection Manager confirmed that delegated powers would only be used
in exceptional circumstances.
1. That the Head Environmental Health, in consultation with the Chair and
Vice-Chair of Licensing and Appeals Committee, or if the Chair or ViceChair is unavailable, a Licensing Sub-Committee Chair, be authorised to
immediately revoke a hackney carriage and/or private hire vehicle driver’s
licence where it is considered to be urgently necessary to safeguard the
2. That any decision made under the above authorisation be reported to the
next meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Committee.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
3. That where a hackney carriage and/or private hire vehicle driver’s licence is
revoked, but after investigation a Licensing Sub-Committee does not
uphold the revocation, the licence be re-issued and the pre-grant checks be
accepted up to the point at which they would have required renewing had
the licence not been revoked.
The Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on the following issues:
DBS status
The Council was no longer a registered body for the Disclosure and Barring Service
as its registration had been removed at short notice due to the low volume of checks
carried out. However, an alternative online service had been found which incurred a
small administration charge but resulted in an overall reduction in cost if applicants
used the online update service. In addition, the service should be quicker than the
previous postal service.
Riding Establishment complaint
Complaints had been received in respect of a riding establishment in the District.
The Public Protection Manager updated the Committee on the current position and
stated that a report would be submitted to the Committee in due course.
Fees and Charges
Revised fees and charges for the main part of the Licensing function had been
considered by the Corporate Leadership Team and would be going through the
normal Council process.
The Committee had delegated authority to deal with Gambling Act fees and a report
would be submitted to the Committee in January.
No change was proposed to taxi licensing fees and charges. There would be a
reduction in the cost of issuing taxi plates as the dates had now been removed so
they would not require replacing every year.
The Chairman had suggested that fees for animal establishments were reviewed.
There had been a benchmarking exercise on fees and charges. The Council had
been in the middle of the range.
Membership of the groups was as follows:
Alternative Trading: Mrs H Cox and Mrs A Green (one vacancy).
Mr P Moore volunteered to fill the vacancy.
Charitable Collections: Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr R Reynolds and Mr B Smith.
Hackney Carriage & Private Hire: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mr P High, Mr R
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The Public Protection Manager stated that she intended to set up meetings of the
Task and Finish Groups prior to Christmas and would report back in January.
The meeting closed at 10.30 am.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 19 November
2014 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Chairman)
Mr P W Moore
Mr R Reynolds
Officers in Attendance:
Legal Advisor, Public
Regulatory Officer
Apologies for absence were received from Mr R C Price. Mr R Reynolds
attended the meeting as his substitute.
None received.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds and Mr R Reynolds declared an interest in minute
7 as set out in that minute.
That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press
and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of
business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A
(as amended) to the Act.
WK/140006659 – Application for a Licence to Drive Hackney Carriage or
Private Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk
The applicant was not present.
The Sub-Committee and Officers introduced themselves. The Legal Advisor
outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the procedure for the
The Public Protection Manager presented the report. The applicant had
applied for a licence to drive hackney carriage or private hire vehicles in North
Norfolk. The applicant’s DBS disclosure merited further consideration.
Checks had been carried out and the documents in support of the application
had been appended to the report. The applicant had not attended the
meeting and the application would be determined as if he were present. The
Public Protection Manager outlined the options for determining the application
as set out in the report.
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2 March 2015
The Public Protection Manager referred to the offences which the applicant
had declared on the application form. These differed slightly from the DBS
disclosure and she advised the Sub-Committee to accept the information on
the DBS disclosure as correct.
The Chairman invited questions from the Sub-Committee to the Officers.
Mr P Moore stated that this was the second time he had attended to hear this
application and the applicant had not attended. There were questions which
he wished to ask the applicant with regard to his criminal record. He
considered that unless he could get satisfactory answers to those questions
there was no option but to recommend refusal.
The Legal Advisor advised that when the Sub-Committee considered an
application to drive taxis, the applicant had to prove to the Sub-Committee
that he/she was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi. The applicant had
been contacted with regard to this hearing. Given his non-attendance, the
Committee could consider that it was not satisfied that a licence could be
Mr R Reynolds referred to the application form which stated that the applicant
had received a suspended sentence for fighting. He referred to the
Documentary Evidence Sheet relating to his DBS disclosure and specifically
the offences of battery. He asked the Legal Advisor to explain what battery
entailed. He stated that he would have liked to have heard from the applicant
as to how they occurred. The applicant was not present to answer questions.
The Legal Advisor explained the offence of battery and stated that it was
sometimes known as common assault. The applicant had received a
conditional discharge for one of those offences. He had not received a
suspended sentence, which was a much more severe penalty.
Mr Reynolds reiterated that he would have liked to know the background to
the offences and whether they were as a result of drink or temper. He was
concerned as to the possibility of recurrence when someone was in a taxi
being driven by the applicant.
The Chairman asked if the applicant’s medical report had been received. The
Public Protection Manager confirmed that it had been received and there
were no issues of concern. She added that following the previous hearing of
this case she had written to the applicant requesting a correct application
form and a further reference, as requested by the Sub-Committee. He did not
respond to that letter. She had subsequently had a telephone conversation
with the applicant and sent text messages, as this was the applicant’s
preferred communication route, but no further information had been supplied.
The Public Protection Manager had been in contact with a prospective
employer who had informed her on 27 August that the applicant wished to
continue with his application.
Mr P Moore stated that he was not too concerned regarding the applicant’s
disqualification under the totting-up procedure, but the offences involving
fighting concerned him greatly. He asked how much weight should be
attached to them.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The Legal Advisor stated that the case should be considered on its merits.
The applicant had not received a suspended sentence; this had been a
conditional discharge. However, the applicant had stated on his application
form that it was for fighting. He had also received a caution for fighting. The
Sub-Committee should consider the type of offending and its relevance to taxi
driving. The Sub-Committee should also take into account the number and
frequency of offences and how historic they were.
The Sub-Committee retired at 10.37 am and returned at 10.43 am.
The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had taken into account the
information from the Public Protection Manager, presented in her report, in
considering the applicant’s suitability to hold a taxi licence in North Norfolk.
The Sub-Committee noted that the applicant had been given the opportunity
to attend the hearing and to provide an additional reference. He had failed to
provide this reference and had not attended the hearing to put any additional
information before the Sub-Committee or respond to any questions at the
hearing. The Sub-Committee had noted his two previous incidents, detailed
on his application form where fighting was involved and for which he received
a caution and a conditional discharge. It was noted that he also received a
disqualification from driving in 2010. The Sub-Committee was not satisfied
that the applicant was a fit and proper person to hold a taxi licence.
That the application be refused.
WK/140011172 – Failure to provide Disclosure and Barring Service
Certificate in accordance with the Council’s Hackney Carriage or Private
Hire Vehicles in North Norfolk policy
Present: Licence Holder
The Sub-Committee and Officers introduced themselves. The Legal Advisor
outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the procedure for the
The Public Protection Manager presented the report. The licence holder had
been summoned as she had failed to provide an up to date Disclosure and
Barring Service Certificate (DBS) as required in accordance with the Council’s
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy and Handbook. The Public
Protection Manager outlined the attempts that had been made to contact the
licence holder to obtain the certificate but nothing had been received. She
referred to the correspondence appended to the report.
The Public Protection Manager outlined the options available to the SubCommittee regarding imposition of penalty points, suspension or revocation of
the licence.
The Chairman invited the Licence Holder to put her case.
The Licence Holder stated that she was not aware of the need to update the
DBS as her badge ran until 2016 and she thought the DBS ran for the same
period. She had rung the Council to explain it was an error on her part and
that she would try to get the DBS as soon as she could. She had obtained a
DBS certificate for Norfolk County Council and if she had known she needed
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
one for NNDC she would have got it at the same time. She had telephoned
the Disclosure and Barring Service to get the forms but they did not arrive.
She then telephoned the DBS again and they had sent the forms to the wrong
address. The DBS sent more forms which she received, then she was told by
other drivers that she could not obtain a certificate through NNDC as it was
no longer registered. She then telephoned the Public Protection Manager to
say she would get a certificate through NCC.
The Licence Holder answered questions from the Sub-Committee and the
Legal Advisor with regard to the correspondence sent to her on this matter
and her reasons for not submitting an up to date DBS certificate.
The Chairman asked the Public Protection Manager why the certificate
obtained by the Licence Holder for Norfolk County Council’s purposes could
not be used by NNDC. The Public Protection Manager stated that it could not
be accepted as it had been obtained for a different purpose. She added that
applicants could subscribe to an update service which would mean the
certificate was transferrable, but the Licence Holder had not subscribed to this
service at the time. She explained that the Council’s registration with DBS
had ceased, but it had since subscribed to a new service which meant that
people could apply online via NNDC. However, the Licence Holder had now
decided to use the service offered by the County Council and also subscribe
to the update service.
In response to a question by the Chairman, the Licence Holder stated that
she could not recall this happening before as she had always provided the
In answer to questions by the Sub-Committee, the Public Protection Manager
explained that this was not an application, as the Licence Holder currently
held a licence but the DBS certificate had expired. The DBS did not send
reminders but renewal dates were noted on the Council’s records and in a
box on the licence. Reminders were sent by the Council. Renewal dates for
licences and DBS certificates were out of synchronisation as taxi licences
used to be issued for one year but now people could apply for three-year
In response to further questions, the Licence Holder stated that she did not
have her own business but was responsible for her own paperwork. She had
not been aware of the information on the licence as she had filed it away
safely. She accepted that it was her fault and that she should have checked
The Chairman invited the Licence Holder to make a closing statement.
The Licence Holder stated that she had made a genuine error. She had got a
DBS certificate for Norfolk County Council when it was due. She would have
got one for NNDC if she had realised she had to.
The Legal Advisor referred to the options available to the Sub-Committee.
Following advice from the Public Protection Manager with regard to penalty
points, she confirmed that the number of penalty points which could be
imposed was at the discretion of the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee retired at 11.11 am and returned at 11.37 am.
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2 March 2015
The Chairman referred to the importance of the DBS procedure in the
licensing regime and stated that the lack of a DBS certificate impeded the
Licensing Sub-Committee in its aim to protect the public. Whilst the SubCommittee accepted that the Licence Holder had made a mistake, it
considered that some action must be taken.
That 6 North Norfolk District Council Penalty Points be imposed on the
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle driver’s licence.
Mr P Moore stated that the licensing procedure was for the protection of the
public and not having the correct paperwork was a problem. He urged the
Licence Holder to put in place a system for keeping such matters up to date.
Mr R Reynolds requested that the Licence Holder set up a better system of
contact between herself and NNDC and to take notice of any advice given,
otherwise she was in danger of losing her licence.
The Licence Holder stated that she had set up a better system of contact with
the Public Protection Manager whilst the Sub-Committee was considering this
The following application was considered under Public Business.
Application for a new Premises Licence - Shell (Hillside) Fakenham,
Hillside Filling Station, Creake Road, Sculthorpe, Norfolk, NR21 9HT
For the applicant: Mr Leo Charalambides (Counsel) and Mr Corrigan Lockett
(Lockett & Co)
For Norfolk Constabulary: Mr Tony Grover (Licensing Officer) and Mr A
Owens (Solicitor)
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds and Mr R Reynolds declared a non-prejudicial
interest in this application as they lived close to the site, although it was
outside their Ward. At the request of the Legal Advisor, Mr Charalambides
and Mr Lockett confirmed that they had no objection to the case being heard
by these Members.
The Sub-Committee and Officers introduced themselves. The representatives
of the applicant and the Police introduced themselves at the invitation of the
The Legal Advisor outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the
procedure for the meeting.
The Public Protection Manager presented the report. She understood that
discussions had taken place ahead of this hearing.
Mr Charalambides confirmed that discussions had taken place regarding the
conditions requested by Norfolk Constabulary and listed on pages 40 and 41
of the agenda. As a result of those discussions, amendments had been
made to the requested conditions, as follows:
Conditions 1, 2, 3 and 7 to be deleted.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Condition 4 to read “The venue must have a Secure Alcohol Store.” The
remainder of the condition to be deleted.
Condition 5 to read “A fully Monitored Alarm System must be installed at
the premises.” The remaining wording to be deleted.
Condition 6 to remain except for the deletion of the sentence “At least
one member of staff … use of the system.”
As a result of these amendments, there were no longer any issues in dispute
between the applicant and Norfolk Constabulary.
Mr Owens confirmed that that constructive discussions had taken place prior
to the hearing and that the conditions as set out by Mr Charalambides were
very acceptable to the Police.
The Legal Advisor confirmed with the Police and the applicant that the agreed
conditions were to form part of the operating schedule and that all
representations were withdrawn.
The Legal Advisor advised the Sub-Committee that unless there were any
other issues which Members wished to raise it may be minded to grant the
licence, subject to conditions 4, 5 and 6 as amended.
Mr R Reynolds asked if CCTV would installed to cover the rear of the filling
station. There had been issues regarding young people congregating in this
area out of sight of the existing system.
Mr Corrigan confirmed that a CCTV camera would be installed at the rear of
the premises and it would be monitored 24/7.
In response to a question by the Chairman regarding staff training, Mr
Charalambides stated that training was carried out internally and supported
externally. He referred to the summary of the due diligence pack which was
appended to the report.
The Chairman referred to concerns which had been expressed locally with
regard to the proposal to open until midnight. Mr Charalambides stated that
the reason for this was to match the planning permission.
Mr Reynolds stated that concerns had been raised locally with regard to
people buying alcohol after the pubs closed and moving on elsewhere. He
asked if the Police were happy with this situation.
Mr Grover stated that the issue was not so much the sale of alcohol, but
monitoring of people consuming alcohol at the rear of the premises. As
CCTV was to be installed there would be ample opportunity to monitor it after
midnight and the person manning the premises could call for assistance if
Mr Reynolds expressed concern regarding the safety of staff at the premises,
particularly if working alone.
Mr Corrigan stated that there would be a panic button in the till area which
was connected to a third party and a shunt lock on the front door which could
be activated at the same time. There would be a robust system in place.
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2 March 2015
Mr Charalambides stated that risk assessments were carried out and if there
was a risk the site would be double-manned.
Neither party wished to make a closing statement.
The Sub-Committee retired at 1.10 pm and returned at 1.29 pm.
That the licence be granted.
The meeting closed at 1.32 pm
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 16 December
2014 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am.
Mr P High (Chairman)
Miss B Palmer
Mrs A Green
Officers in Attendance:
Legal Advisor, Public
Regulatory Officer
None received.
None received.
That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press
and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of
business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of
exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 12A
(as amended) to the Act.
WK/140014599 – Review of fit and proper person test for driving a
Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle in North Norfolk
Present: Licence Holder
The Sub-Committee and Officers introduced themselves. The Legal Advisor
outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the procedure for the
The Public Protection Manager presented the report. The licence holder had
failed to inform the Council that he had been issued with points for two
speeding offences, leading to an accumulation of 12 points on his DVLA
licence and was awaiting a Court date as a result of the totting up of points.
He had also been issued with 8 points on his NNDC licence as a result of
failing to inform the Council.
The Public Protection Manager reported that since writing the report, the
applicant had been arrested and bailed for an alleged sexual assault. It was
for the Sub-Committee to decide whether or not it wished to take this into
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
There were no questions to the Public Protection Manager.
The Chairman invited the licence holder to put his case.
The licence holder apologised for the speeding offences. He explained that
he had been changing lanes and inadvertently allowed his vehicle to go to
approximately 35mph twice in three days. He normally tried to keep to the
speed limits.
The licence holder answered questions by the Members and Officers.
a) He had no passengers in the car at the time of the speeding offences.
b) He had received three points for each offence. The accumulation of 12
points included points he had received two years ago for speeding
offences of a similar nature to those recently committed. One of these
was in his own car and the other while driving a taxi.
In response to a question by the Legal Advisor regarding the alleged sexual
assault, the licence holder explained the nature of the allegation and stated
that he was not guilty of the alleged offence.
The Chairman invited the licence holder to make his closing statement.
The licence holder stated that he normally drove within the speed limit but
when driving it was necessary to look at what else was going on around him.
He asked if he would be treated as innocent until proven guilty in respect of
the alleged offence.
The Legal Advisor explained that the Sub-Committee could take any
information into account but the weight given to it would depend on the nature
of the information. A rumour would be given little if any weight, whereas a
conviction could be given considerable weight.
The Legal Advisor gave legal advice to the Sub-Committee. She referred to
the speeding offences and the licence holder’s explanation of them. She also
referred to the accumulation of points for which the licence holder was
awaiting a date for a Court hearing, at which the starting point was
disqualification unless there were found to be mitigating circumstances of
exceptional hardship.
With regard to the alleged sexual offence for which the licence holder had
been bailed, this was in the early stages of investigation and was little more
than an allegation at this stage. It was for the Sub-Committee to determine
what weight should be given to it.
In considering all the information, the Sub-Committee would need to take into
consideration how recently they occurred, what relevance they had to a
person driving a taxi, the frequency of the offences and the licence holder’s
statement. The Sub-Committee would need to consider the Human Rights
Act and balance the public protection issues against the licence holder’s right
to earn a living. The Legal Advisor advised that the main concern was public
The Sub-Committee retired at 10.21 am and returned at 10.36 am.
The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had considered that the failure
to report the two recent speeding offences was an aggravating factor as it
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
was necessary for the Council to know about such matters to exercise its role
of public protection. The Sub-Committee had not taken into account the
additional information relating to the alleged offence as this was in the early
stages of investigation. However, the speeding offences and failure to inform
the Council were considered to be extremely serious and the Sub-Committee
had deemed that he was not a fit and proper person to drive a taxi.
That the licence be revoked.
The meeting closed at 10.41 am
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 21 January
2015 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am.
Mr P High (Chairman)
Mr R Reynolds
Mrs P Grove-Jones
Officers in Attendance:
Legal Advisor, Public Protection Manager, Senior Public
Protection Officer, Licensing Enforcement Officer,
Regulatory Officer and Technical Administrator
None received.
None received.
Present: Mr Ben Fabb, Mrs Rose Fabb (applicants) and Mr Dave Bamford
The Sub-Committee agreed that this matter could be heard in public and that
a statement would be issued to the press following the meeting.
The Sub-Committee and Officers introduced themselves. The Legal Advisor
outlined the purpose of the hearing and explained the procedure for the
The Public Protection Manager presented the report. A complaint had been
received from a member of the public regarding the riding establishment and
the applicants had subsequently applied to renew their Riding Establishment
Licence. The Public Protection Manager referred in detail to:
 The description and location of the premises
 Licensing history and background
 Conditions attached to the applicants’ licence
 Details of licensing enforcement visits to the premises
 Details of the complaint
 Vet’s report regarding condition of the premises and the horses
 Relevant representations
The Public Protection Manager reported that, in addition to the above, a
website which appeared to be newly created included two horses as part of
the establishment which were not included in the licence. A further visit to the
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
premises on 9 January found two horses being kept in a kennel block of
inadequate size.
Subsequent to the publication of the report, Mrs Fabb had requested a
meeting and had provided a letter dealing with some, but not all, of the points
raised by the officers. The letter had provided some explanations but did not
give any further information as to how improvements would be made. The
letter was handed to the Sub-Committee and time given to read its contents.
The Public Protection Manager outlined the options available to the SubCommittee when considering this matter.
The Chairman invited questions of the Officers.
Mr Fabb stated that he could not read the vet’s handwritten report. The
Public Protection Manager explained that the handwritten notes were taken
on the inspection and the vet had formed her report from the notes.
Mrs Fabb referred to the vet’s report, stating that it referred to cosmetic issues
and Cat (one of the horses). She asked if the vet had said anything about the
welfare of the horses, other than Cat.
The Public Protection Manager explained that the vet’s report gave details of
the condition of the premises, stable facilities, welfare issues, grooming,
general care and diet. There was evidence of biting of trees which indicated
mineral deficiency.
Mr Fabb explained that mineral blocks were provided but the horses did not
use them.
The applicants were invited to put their case.
Mr Fabb and Mrs Fabb explained the steps they had taken to address some
of the issues raised in relation to the condition and tidiness of the premises
and accommodation for the horses.
Since the inspection, 11 horses had been removed from the premises with
the intention of selling them.
Referring to issues which had been raised in the vet’s report, Mr Fabb and
Mrs Fabb explained that the lame horse (Sarah) had been treated with
painkillers on the advice of a vet and was no longer on the premises. The
horses had been tied up because the vet and officers had been on the
premises for so long. Suitable food was provided and prepared daily. Tack
was checked before and after use. One of the stallions would be gelded on 3
Mrs Fabb expressed her concerns regarding privacy in her home and officers
listening to private telephone calls. She referred to the comments which she
alleged had been made to her by the Licensing Enforcement Officer.
Mrs Fabb referred to the statement in the report that she had been tardy and
commented that it had taken six months to issue a written licence after the
previous hearing.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Mrs Fabb considered that the Council should have taken action to address
problems of rat running and speed on Carr Lane. The Chairman explained
that this was the responsibility of Norfolk County Council as highway
Mr Fabb and Mrs Fabb made the following additional points:
There had been a licence in place at the time of the fatal accident.
Licences should run from the date of issue, not the date put on it.
Records had been kept for each horse.
With regard to point 4.5 of the report, Mrs Fabb had called the Licensing
Enforcement Officer to make another appointment. She apologised for
not recalling it.
Mrs Fabb could not understand what the vet had said as she had
mumbled and did not speak up.
Regarding the DBS certificate, Mrs Fabb had called at the Council many
times and did not receive help until 14 January. Mr Fabb already had his
Mr Bamford, who had been present for the vet’s inspection, explained that the
horses in the field had not been examined. He had explained that they were
fed when they were brought in. He considered that the twisted collar referred
to may have been put on wrongly.
The horses were tied up in the yard so they could be examined and left longer
than normal due to the length of time that the officers and vet were there. He
had been asked to give the names of the horses, which he did. He had been
asked to run Ghost up and down the field and nothing had been wrong. A
further lame horse had been purchased from Mr Bickell and was nothing to do
with the riding stables and had adapted to its injury, which had probably been
from a kick some years ago.
With regard to Cat, she was not used as she had had a fall. He explained
that her injury had got to the stage where it could heal, but it would not do so
as the horse had adapted to it.
Horses were on the yard as Redwings were due to come but they had
Mr Bamford considered that nobody had listened to what he said, and he was
misquoted as saying his daughter would not keep her horse at the premises,
whereas he had actually said she did not keep it there. He had explained to
the vet that the young horse described as ‘poor’ was half its current weight
when it came in.
Mrs Fabb circulated photographs to the Sub-Committee.
Mr Fabb, Mrs Fabb and Mr Bamford answered Members’ questions.
There were approximately 35 horses on site at the present time.
10 acres of pasture was available at home, and other pasture was
available at Hindolveston (20 acres), Banningham (3 acres) and
Roughton (3 acres).
The authority had not been informed of the additional horses as they were
not used in the riding school.
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2 March 2015
The tethered horses had been brought in from pasture, had been sprayed
with mite protector and were going back out to pasture again.
Sarah was now at Hillside Sanctuary. She had been purchased in a lame
condition and had been treated.
All horses were now passported and id chipped.
At the request of Councillor R Reynolds, the Public Protection Manager
explained that there had been swearing on the telephone about the officers,
but not directly to them. The Licensing Enforcement Officer stated that she
had made no insinuations, had not been rude or made the alleged comment.
The Senior Public Protection Officer confirmed this.
The Public Protection Manager referred to the Riding Establishments Act
1970 which had been appended to the report, and in particular the reference
to subsection 4 of section 1 relating to the qualifications and suitability of
persons and health and care of the horses. She drew attention to the
relevant details in the report. She stated that the premises had been licenced
for a long time but there were longstanding issues. Conditions had been
added to the licence specifically regarding the keeping of records. Officers
had visited the premises to ensure compliance but had not been supplied with
such records.
The applicants were invited to make their closing statement.
Mrs Fabb stated that if she were not on site nobody would know where her
records were kept. She had kept the records. Accidents were recorded, the
farrier lived on site and Mr Fabb would call him if he found something wrong
with a foot. She handed passports and record books to the Sub-Committee.
The Sub-Committee retired at 11.06 am and returned at 12.13 pm.
The Chairman stated that due regard had been given to all the information in
the report and the statements made by the parties. Limited regard had been
given to the photographic and written records as the Sub-Committee
considered that they should have been made available to the officers prior to
the meeting. Whilst the Sub-Committee was pleased that steps were being
taken to make improvements, professional confirmation was required. The
Sub-Committee had based its decision on the evidence and considered that
conditions would not be effective given previous breaches and it would not be
appropriate to grant a licence at the present time.
That the application for a Riding Establishments Licence be
The meeting closed at 12.15 pm
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Agenda Item No______6_____
To seek adoption of the Department of Communities
and Local Government “Model Standards 2008 for
Caravan Sites in England” (Appendix 1) and to
consider the process involved in applying any
appropriate standards/conditions to new and existing
Caravan Site Licences within North Norfolk.
For the Licensing and Appeals Committee to consider
the contents of the report and adopt the Model
Cabinet Member(s)
Cllr John Lee
1. That the Licensing and Appeals Committee
adopts the Model Standards 2008 for Caravan
Sites in England for caravan sites within North
Norfolk for permanent residential use.
2. That the Public Protection Manager be given
delegated authority to agree and impose
conditions on new Caravan Site Licences or to
revise conditions on existing Caravan Site
Licences where no representations have been
received or on agreement with the site operator
following receipt of representations from the
consultation process.
3. That in the event of agreement not being
reached with the site operator following receipt
of representations from the consultation process,
a Licensing Panel be convened to determine the
imposition of conditions on new Site Licences or
alteration to the conditions on an existing
Caravan Site Licence.
4. That the Public Protection Manager be given
delegated authority to disapply one or more
conditions for specific sites where considered
Ward(s) affected
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Gemma Faircloth, 01263 516139,
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Under Section 5(6) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act
1960 (the Act) the Secretary of State may from time to time specify model
standards with respect to the layout and provision of facilities, services and
equipment for caravan sites or particular types of caravan site; the local
authority shall have regard to any standards so specified.
These standards only apply to those sites which contain caravans that are
used as permanent residential units. They do not apply to sites used
exclusively for holidays or touring caravan sites (for which separate model
standards have been issued and adopted previously). The standards also do
not apply to sites occupied by gypsies or travellers or those used to house
agricultural workers.
These standards should be considered when applying licence conditions to
new or substantially redeveloped sites. In considering variations to existing
site licences or applications for new licences for existing sites Local
Authorities should consider whether it is appropriate for these standards to
apply. In relation to variation of a licence the Local Authority must consult
with residents or residents association, where appropriate. Where a current
licence condition is adequate in serving its purpose, the Authority should not
normally apply the new standard.
Where it is appropriate to apply the new standard to a condition the Local
Authority should be able to justify its reasons for doing so, having regard to all
the relevant circumstances of the site. In deciding whether to apply a new
standard the Local Authority must have regard to the benefit that the standard
will achieve and the interests of both residents and site owners (including the
cost of complying with the new or altered condition).
The model standards represent those standards normally to be expected as a
matter of good practice on caravan sites. They should be applied with due
regard to the particular circumstances of the relevant site, including its
physical character, any relevant services, facilities or other amenities that are
available within or in the locality of the site and other applicable conditions.
The annex to the standards provides advice on the application and
enforcement of the model standards when considering attaching conditions to
the licences.
Background Information
It is a statutory requirement under the Caravan Sites and Control of
Development Act 1960 (“the Act”) for local authorities to issue licences on all
caravan sites and to determine what (if any) conditions to attach to those
licences. This applies to all caravan sites, including residential sites, static
holiday sites and touring caravan sites. The term "caravan‟ is used for
legislative purposes, however this is synonymous with the terms "mobile
homes‟ and "park homes‟ which are also descriptions of permanent
residential sites.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The new Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England were issued in
2008 by the Department for Communities and Local Government. Local
Authorities are not limited by the standards and may attach extra local
conditions, where required.
Under Section 8 of the Act, the Local Authority may also consider from time to
time altering the conditions held on an existing site licence. When doing so,
the authority must consider whether it is appropriate to apply the new
standard and justify any reasons for doing so. The authority must also have
regard to the benefit that the standard will achieve and the interests of the
residents and licence holder. This process must involve consultation with the
licence holder and the residents/residents association allowing them an
opportunity to make representations.
Currently, there are 5 licensed residential caravan sites in North Norfolk,
these are multiple units sites ranging from 6 units to 16.
The conditions attached to these licences were first imposed some
considerable time ago in most cases.
The standards are generic, drawn up to apply to all types of residential sites.
There is provision within them to disapply one or more conditions where they
are considered to be too onerous or not appropriate.
Consultation Process
The Public Protection Team will carry out inspections of each permanent
residential site with a view to establishing which (if any) of the model
standards it is appropriate to apply to existing site licences.
A copy of the new standards will be sent to each licence holder for their
information and consideration. Formal consultation will be carried out
following adoption of theses standards.
It is proposed that, where requested by the site owner a meeting will be held
to discuss the new standards. Following that meeting a draft copy of the
proposed conditions will be drawn up and issued to the site owner and any
site residents at which time representations can be made.
Following receipt of any representations, officers will consider any issues
raised and try to reach an agreement with all parties. Failure to reach an
agreement will mean determination at a Licensing Sub Committee.
Consultation will take place, as appropriate, with;
Individual licence holders
Site Residents
Norfolk Fire Service (in respect to the fire conditions)
For the Licensing and Appeals Committee to consider the contents of the
report and adopt the Model Standards
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The proposal is intended to ensure that caravan sites used for the siting of
residential caravans are safe and maintained in good order.
Implications and Risks
There are no perceived implications and risks in respect of this report.
Financial Implications and Risks
There are no fees applicable to caravan site licences.
The costs of the consultation process will be met from within existing budgets.
There are no perceived sustainability implications in respect of this report.
Equality and Diversity
There are no perceived equality and diversity implications in respect of this
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
There are no perceived crime and disorder implications in respect of this
Legal Implications
The licence holder may appeal to the Magistrates Court against the
imposition of conditions.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 – Section 5
community, opportunity, prosperity
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 – Section 5
April 2008
Department for Communities and Local Government: London
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Communities and Local Government
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April 2008
Product Code: 08 LPH 05217
ISBN: 978 1 8511 29089
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Introduction 3
1. Under section 5(6) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act
1960 (the Act) the Secretary of State may from time to time specify model
standards with respect to the lay-out and the provision of facilities, services
and equipment for caravan sites or particular types of caravan site; and
that, in deciding what (if any) conditions to attach to a site licence, the local
authority shall have regard to any standards so specified.
2. These standards only apply to those sites which contain caravans that
are used as permanent residential units. They do not apply to sites used
exclusively for holidays or touring caravan sites (for which separate model
standards have been issued). The standards also do not apply to sites
occupied by gypsies or travellers or caravan sites which house agricultural
3. These standards should be considered when applying licence conditions to
new sites and sites that have been substantially redeveloped. In considering
variations to existing site licences or applications for new site licences for
existing sites local authorities should consider whether it is appropriate
for these standards to apply. In relation to variation of a licence the local
authority must consult the site licence holder on its proposed variations
and may wish to consult with residents or a Residents’ Association, where
appropriate. Where a current licence condition is adequate in serving
its purpose, the authority should not normally apply the new standard.
Where it is appropriate to apply the new standard to a condition the local
authority should be able to justify its reasons for doing so, having regard
to all the relevant circumstances of the site. In deciding whether to apply a
new standard the local authority must have regard to the benefit that the
standard will achieve and the interests of both residents and site owners
(including the cost of complying with the new or altered condition).
4. The model standards represent those standards normally to be expected
as a matter of good practice on caravan sites. They should be applied with
due regard to the particular circumstances of the relevant site, including
its physical character, any relevant services, facilities or other amenities
that are available within or in the locality of the site and other applicable
5. The annex to this document provides advice on the application and
enforcement of the model standards when considering attaching
conditions to licences.
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2 March 2015
4 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
6. In the model standards any references to “site” includes a park home site
(including a mobile home site) and to “caravan” includes a mobile or park
7. This document should be referred to as Model Standards 2008 for Caravan
Sites in England.
Previous Standards
8. The 2008 Standards replace the document “Model Standards 1989:
Permanent Residential Mobile Homes Sites”. When issuing any new
licences or reviewing current ones the local authority must have regard to
the 2008 Standards in setting or varying any of the conditions attached.
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The Standards 5
1. The Boundaries and Plan of the Site
The boundaries of the site from any adjoining land shall be clearly marked by
a man made or natural feature.
(ii) No caravan or combustible structure shall be positioned within 3 metres of
the boundary of the site.
(iii) (a)A plan of the site shall be supplied to the local authority upon the
application for a licence and, thereafter whenever there is a material
change to the boundaries or layout of the site, or at any other time on
the demand of the local authority.
(b)The plan supplied must clearly illustrate the layout of the site including
all relevant structures, features and facilities on it and shall be of suitable
2. Density, Spacing and Parking Between Caravans
Except in the case mentioned in sub paragraph (iii) and subject to sub
paragraph (iv), every caravan must where practicable be spaced at a distance
of no less than 6 metres (the separation distance) from any other caravan
which is occupied as a separate residence.
(ii) No caravan shall be stationed within 2 metres of any road or communal car
park within the site or more than 50 metres from such a road within the site.
(iii) Where a caravan has retrospectively been fitted with cladding from Class 1
fire rated materials to its facing walls, then the separation distance between
it and an adjacent caravan may be reduced to a minimum of 5.25 metres.
(iv) In any case mentioned in subparagraph (i) or (iii):
(a)A porch attached to the caravan may protrude one metre into the
separation distance and must not exceed 2 metres in length and 1 metre
in depth. The porch must not exceed the height of the caravan. Where a
porch is installed only one door may be permitted at that entrance to the
home, either on the porch or on the home.
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6 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
(b)Eaves, drainpipes and bay windows may extend into the separation
distance provided the total distance between the extremities of two
facing caravans is not less than 5 metres, except where sub paragraph
(iii) applies in which case the extension into the separation distance shall
not exceed 4.25 metres.
(c)Any structure including steps, ramps, etc (except a garage or car port),
which extends more than 1 metre into the separation distance shall be
of non-combustible construction. There should be a 4.5 metre clear
distance between any such structure and any adjacent caravan.
(d)A garage or car port may only be permitted within the separation
distance if it is of non-combustible construction.
(e)Windows in structures within the separation distance shall not face
towards the caravan on either side.
(f)Fences and hedges, where allowed and forming the boundary between
adjacent caravans, should be a maximum of 1 metre high.
(g)Private cars may be parked within the separation distance provided that
they do not obstruct entrances to caravans or access around them and
they are a minimum of 3 metres from an adjacent caravan.
(v) The density of caravans on a site shall be determined in accordance with
relevant health and safety standards and fire risk assessments.
3. Roads, Gateways and Overhead Cables
Roads shall be designed to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles
and routes within the site for such vehicles must be kept clear of obstruction
at all times.
(ii) New roads shall be constructed and laid of suitable bitumen macadem or
concrete with a suitable compacted base.
(iii) All roads shall have adequate surface water/storm drainage.
(iv) New two way roads shall not be less than 3.7 metres wide, or if they are
designed for and used by one way traffic, not less than 3 metres wide.
(v) One-way systems shall be clearly signposted.
(vi) Where existing two way roads are not 3.7 metres wide, passing places shall
be provided where practical.
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2 March 2015
The Standards 7
(vii) Vehicular access and all gateways to the site must be a minimum of 3.1
metres wide and have a minimum height clearance of 3.7 metres.
(viii) Roads shall be maintained in a good condition.
(ix) Cable overhangs must meet the statutory requirements.
4. Footpaths and Pavements
Every caravan shall be connected to a road by a footpath with a hard surface
which shall be maintained in good condition.
(ii) Where practicable, communal footpaths and pavements shall not be less
than 0.9 metres wide.
5. Lighting
Roads, communal footpaths and pavements shall be adequately lit between dusk
and dawn to allow the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles around the site
during the hours of darkness.
6. Bases
Every unit must stand on a concrete base or hard-standing.
(ii) The base must extend over the whole area occupied by the unit, and must
project a sufficient distance outwards from its entrance or entrances to
enable occupants to enter and leave safely. The hard standings must be
constructed to the industry guidance, current at the time of siting, taking
into account local conditions.
7. Maintenance of Common Areas, including Grass, Vegetation and Trees
Every part of the site to which the public have access shall be kept in a clean
and tidy condition.
(ii) Every road, communal footpath and pavement on the site shall be
maintained in a good condition, good repair and clear of rubbish.
(iii) Grass and vegetation shall be cut and removed at frequent and regular
(iv) Trees within the site shall (subject to the necessary consents) be maintained.
(v) Any cuttings, litter or waste shall be removed from the immediate surrounds
of a pitch.
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2 March 2015
8 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
8. Supply & Storage of Gas etc
Gas (including natural gas) and oil installations, and the storage of supplies
shall meet current statutory requirements, relevant Standards and Codes of
(ii) Liquefied Petroleum Gas cylinders must not be positioned or secured in such
a way as to impede access or removal in the event of an emergency.
9. Electrical Installations
On the site there shall be installed an electricity network of adequate
capacity to meet safely all reasonable demands of the caravans and other
facilities and services within it.
(ii) The electrical network installations shall be subject to regulation under
current relevant legislation and must be designed, installed, tested,
inspected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the current
relevant statutory requirements.
(iii) Any work on electrical installations and appliances shall be carried out only
by persons who are competent to do the particular type of work being
undertaken, in accordance with current relevant statutory requirements.
(iv) Any work on the electrical network within the site shall be done by
a competent person fully conversant with the appropriate statutory
10. Water Supply
All pitches on the site shall be provided with a water supply sufficient in all
respects to meet all reasonable demands of the caravans situated on them.
(ii) All new water supplies shall be in accordance with all current legislation,
regulations and relevant British or European Standards.
(iii) All repairs and improvements to water supplies and installations shall be
carried out to conform with current legislation and British or European
(iv) Work on water supplies and installations shall be carried out only by persons
who are qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken and
in accordance with current relevant legislation and British or European
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
The Standards 9
11. Drainage and Sanitation
Surface water drainage shall be provided where appropriate to avoid
standing pools of water.
(ii) There shall be satisfactory provision for foul and waste water drainage either
by connection to a public sewer or sewage treatment works or by discharge
to a properly constructed septic tank or cesspool approved by the local
(iii) All drainage and sanitation provision shall be in accordance with all current
legislation and British or European Standards.
(iv) Work on drains and sewers shall be carried out only by persons who are
qualified in the particular type of work being undertaken and in accordance
with current legislation and British or European standards.
12. Domestic Refuse Storage & Disposal
Where communal refuse bins are provided these shall be non-combustible
and housed within a properly constructed bin store.
(ii) All refuse disposal shall be in accordance with all current legislation and
13. Communal Vehicular Parking
Suitably surfaced parking spaces shall be provided to meet the requirements of
residents and their visitors.
14. Communal Recreation Space
On sites where it is practical to do so, suitable space equivalent to about one tenth
of the total area of the site shall be allocated for recreational purposes, unless
in the local authority’s opinion there are adequate recreational facilities within a
close proximity to the site.
15. Notices and Information
The name of the site shall be displayed on a sign in a prominent position
at the entrances to the site together with the current name, address and
telephone number of the licence holder and manager and emergency
contact details, a copy of the site licence or the front page of the said licence
and details of where the full licence and other information required to be
available under this standard can be viewed and between which times (if not
displayed on the notice board).
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10 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
(ii) A current plan of the site with roads and pitches marked on it shall be
prominently displayed at the entrances to it.
(iii) A copy of the current site licence shall be available for inspection in a
prominent place on the site.
(iv) In addition at the prominent place the following information shall also be
available for inspection at the prominent place:
(a) A copy of the most recent periodic electrical inspection report.
(b)A copy of the site owner’s certificate of public liability insurance.
(c)A copy of the local flood warning system and evacuation procedures, if
(d)A copy of the fire risk assessment made for the site.
(v) All notices shall be suitably protected from the weather and from direct
16. Flooding
The site owner shall establish whether the site is at risk from flooding by
referring to the Environment Agency’s Flood Map.
(ii) Where there is risk from flooding the site owner shall consult the
Environment Agency for advice on the likelihood of flooding, the depths
and velocities that might be expected, the availability of a warning service
and on what appropriate measures to take.
17. Requirement to Comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
The site owner shall make available the latest version of the fire risk assessment
carried out under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 for inspection
by residents and when demanded, a copy of the risk assessment shall be made
available to the local authority.
18. Fire safety measures where the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
does not apply (such as single unit sites and those sites solely occupied by
family groups)
The standards in this paragraph only apply if the site is not subject to the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
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2 March 2015
The Standards 11
Fire Points
(ii) These shall be located so that no caravan or site building is more than 30
metres from a fire point. Equipment provided at a fire point shall be housed
in a weather-proof structure, easily accessible and clearly and conspicuously
marked “FIRE POINT”.
Fire Fighting Equipment
(iii) Where water standpipes are provided:
(a)The water supply shall be of sufficient pressure to project a jet of water
not less than 5 metres from the nozzle.
(b)There shall be a reel that complies with the current British or European
Standard, with a hose not less than 35 metres long, having a means of
connection to a water standpipe (preferably a screw thread connection)
with a water supply of sufficient pressure and terminating in a small
hand nozzle.
(c)Hoses shall be housed in a red box and marked “HOSE REEL”. Access to
the fire point shall not be obstructed or obscured.
(iv) Where hydrants are provided, hydrants shall conform to the current British
or European Standard.
(v) Access to hydrants and other water supplies shall not be obstructed or
(vi) Where standpipes are not provided or the water pressure or flow is not
sufficient, each fire point shall be provided with water extinguishers
(2 x 9 litres) which comply with the current British or European Standard.
Fire Warning
(vii) A suitable means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire shall be provided
at each fire point.
Maintenance and Testing of Fire Fighting Equipment
(viii) All alarm and fire fighting equipment shall be installed, tested and
maintained in working order by persons who are qualified in the particular
type of work being undertaken and be available for inspection by, or on
behalf of, the licensing authority or the Fire and Rescue Service.
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12 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
(ix) A record shall be kept of all testing and remedial action taken.
(x) All equipment susceptible to damage by frost shall be suitably protected.
Fire Notices
(xi) A clearly written and conspicuous notice shall be provided and maintained
at each fire point to indicate the action to be taken in case of fire. This notice
should include the following:
“On discovering a fire:
I. Ensure the caravan or site building involved is evacuated.
II. Raise the alarm.
III. Call the fire brigade (the nearest phone is sited at ……..).”
Licensing & Appeals Committee
2 March 2015
Annex 13
Annex to Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England:
Explanatory Notes
Legal background
The Boundaries and Plan of the Site
Density, Spacing and Parking between caravans
Roads, Gateways and overhead cables
Footpaths and pavements
Maintenance of Common Areas, including Grass, Vegetation and Trees 48-50
Supply & storage of Gas etc
Electrical Installations
Water Supply
Drainage and sanitation
Domestic Refuse Storage & Disposal
Communal Vehicular Parking
Communal Recreation Space
Notices & Information
Fire Safety Measures
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2 March 2015
14 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
These explanatory notes are designed to be read in conjunction with Model
Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England (“the Standards”) and are
intended to offer guidance on the application and enforcement of the
standards for local authorities.
The standards are a revision and modernisation of the 1989 standards,
incorporating a number of new requirements, particularly in relation to
maintenance of sites and flood protection measures, other standards have
been modified and the standard relating to telephones has been deleted.
The standards also take account of the effect of the Regulatory Reform (Fire
Safety) Order 2005.
These standards do not apply to sites used exclusively for siting holiday or
touring caravans. However, the standards apply to holiday sites containing
permanent residential caravans (except those holiday sites where the
only permanent residents are the site owner and members of his family
and/ or his employees who are employed on the site and occupy the
caravan pursuant to their contract of employment). The standards should
be applied with due regard to the particular circumstance of the site to
which they are intended to apply, including its physical characteristics,
size, density, layout, amenities and services. See also paragraph 3 of the
Standards document for further advice on the application of the standards.
In this document the term “site owner” is referred to throughout, as
normally that person would be the licence holder.
Legal background
The use of land as caravan sites is controlled by relevant planning
legislation, whereas the physical standards and layout, amenities and other
standards are controlled by a site licence issued under the Caravan Sites
and Control of Development Act 1960 (“the Act”). Section 5 of the Act
enables local authorities to set licence conditions.
Under the Act, most privately owned sites must be licensed by the local
authority, unless exempted under the Act1. A licence will be granted unless
the applicant does not have relevant planning permission to operate the
site or has had a licence revoked in the last three years.2
Section 2 and Schedule 1 to the Act set out in which circumstances a site licence is not required.
Section 3 (4) and (6).
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Annex 15
The local authority may attach conditions to the licence, but these can only
relate to the physical use of the site and its management3. The Secretary
of State may issue Model Standards which the local authority must have
regard to in deciding what conditions to attach to a licence4. The authority
may from time to time alter a site licence condition (either of its own
volition or upon the application of the licence holder)5.
A licence holder may appeal against the imposition of a condition in a
licence or any proposed alteration to a condition or a refusal to alter a
It is an offence to breach a licence condition and on summary conviction
the offender can currently be fined up to £2,5007. Where a condition
requires works to the site to be carried out and these are not done either
within the time specified or to satisfaction of the local authority, the
authority may carry out the works itself and recover from the licence holder
any expenses it has reasonably incurred in doing so8.
The local authority may apply to the court to have a licence revoked if the
licence holder has been convicted on two or more occasions of breaches of
licence conditions9.
The local authority is required, under Section 25 of the Act, to maintain
an accurate register of the site licences in their area. Given the number
of different types of sites that local authorities may deal with, it is
recommended that the register shows what type of site each is, be it
holiday, residential, mixed use or gypsy and traveller. It is recommended as
a minimum the information the site register has is:
• Name and address of site (if available the Geographic Information
Service mapping code should also be logged)
• Name of the licence holder, the site owner (if different) and any person
managing the site on behalf of either of those persons
• Type of site
• The number of pitches
• The licence conditions (if any)
Section 5 (1) to (5). For restriction see Mixnam’s Properties v Chertsey UDC A.C. 735.
Section 5 (6).
Section 8.
Sections 7 and 8 (2).
Section 9 (1). The maximum penalty on summary conviction is a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale.
Section 9 (3).
Section 9 (2).
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16 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
The Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England have been made
under powers conferred on the Secretary of State under section 5(6) of
the Caravan Sites & Control of Development Act 1960 (the Act). A local
authority must have regard to the standards when it imposes conditions in
a site licence.
The standards do not apply to sites used solely for caravan holiday homes
(although they do apply to mixed residential/ holiday sites), touring
caravans or to sites occupied by gypsies and travellers or agricultural
workers. The standards as laid out represent what would normally be
expected as a matter of good practice on such sites. They should be applied
with due regard to the particular circumstances of each case, including the
physical character of the site, any facilities or services that may already be
available within convenient reach and other local conditions.
The local authority must apply the Model Standards with regard to the
particular characteristics of the site to which they are intended to apply,
and in particular its existing layout and size. It is recognised that not all sites
will easily be able to meet the Model Standards in every case due to their
particular characteristics, but a local authority will need to be able to justify
any decision not to have regard to a standard in setting a licence condition.
The standards are not intended to be the “ideal”; local authorities may in
the circumstances set more demanding ones if that can be justified.
There will be some licence conditions which require inter and cross agency
input and advice from other teams within the local authority and outside
organisations, such as the Health and Safety Executive, the local Fire and
Rescue Service and the Environment Agency. It is important for all parties
concerned with sites that effective lines of communication are established
to ensure that any problems are identified and resolved as early as possible.
Disability Discrimination legislation applies to sites and this should be
borne in mind when framing licence conditions and considering possible
enforcement action. Guidance can be found at and this
can also help local authorities in their consideration of licence conditions.
Further guidance can also be found on the Equality and Rights Commission
website at .
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Annex 17
Any decision to enforce a licence condition should be taken in line with
the Compliance Code (ISBN: 978-0-85605-712-0) which came into
force in April 2008, for which comprehensive guidance is available on
the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform website, .
Local authorities should allow a reasonable period of time after any site
licence alteration for compliance with the revised conditions, unless
the reason for making the alteration was to address a matter requiring
immediate attention.
When considering taking enforcement action local authorities should
undertake a risk assessment to take into account all possible factors in
relation to the prosecution.
The Boundaries and Plan of the Site
The boundary should clearly define the limit of the site owner’s
responsibility. The boundary should be suitably marked and properly
maintained. This boundary could be formed of a fence, hedge, wall or
natural feature or any other suitable structure (or any combination of
these) or it may in whole, or part, be formed by an appropriate natural
feature, such as a river or a wood. It would not normally be appropriate for
that natural feature to simply include an open field.
Plans of the site shall be provided to the local authority at the site owners’
It is best practice for copies of the plan to be made available to the
emergency services.
The 3 metre separation distance inside the boundary serves the purpose of
ensuring privacy from whatever is on the other side of the boundary, such
as a road, and other developments, such as houses etc.
The 3 metre separation distance measurement should be taken from the
caravan wall.
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18 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Density, Spacing and Parking Between Caravans
The 6 metre separation distance is required for two reasons:
• Health and safety considerations; and
• Privacy from neighbouring caravans.
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6.8m max (external wall surfaces)
Distance between eaves
(See note)
Minimum Separation Distance
A diagram explaining the separation distances is attached below.
Note – The minimum distance between the eaves should not be more than 1 metre less than the minimum separation distance.
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Annex 19
If a caravan has been fitted with cladding from class 1 fire rated materials,
then the distance between units may be reduced. However, there is a need
for the privacy of residents to be taken into consideration. Health and
safety matters, such as the positioning of gas bottles, etc. will also need to
be taken into account.
For the purposes of calculating the distance between the caravans, the
point from which measurements are taken is the exterior cladding of the
relevant caravan. Eaves, drainpipes, gutters, sills, threshold, door canopies
and bay windows should be discounted.
Porches should not render the home incapable of being moved, which
means they should be demountable.
If structures, other than garages, are on pitches within the separation
distance and are of a combustible construction, then the local authority
should consider allowing sufficient time for them to be replaced with an
acceptable non combustible model.
At no time should a garage constructed of combustible material be
allowed in the separation distance.
In considering the enforcement of the separation distance the local
authority should consult with the local Fire and Rescue Service. It should
also seek the views and take account of representations from the site
owner and affected residents before taking any steps to enforce this
standard, where practicable.
Before the local authority undertakes any enforcement action it should
consider the benefit of the works against the potential impact on the
residents’ enjoyment of their homes and the cost to the site owner.
Roads Gateways and Overhead Cables
Roads should be constructed of bitumen macadam or concrete with
suitable compacted base. However, sites with roads constructed of
tarmacadam (which is now obsolete and no longer commercially available)
should not be required to automatically upgrade their roads. The roads
should only be required to be upgraded as and when they begin to fall into
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20 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Some larger sites may have traffic calming measures such as speed humps
on their roads. Though not specifically covered in this standard, it will be
worth ensuring that any legal requirements applying to un-adopted roads
are met. Guidance and assistance can be found on the Department for
Transport website, .
Gateways, roads and turnings should have enough clearance to allow
safe entry for emergency vehicles and new units on lorries. The widths and
heights given are based on the maximum sizes of emergency vehicles that
may regularly attend incidents on sites.
In determining the permitted height of cable overhangs the local authority
must take into account the current statutory requirements. Those applying
as at the date of this guidance are found in the Electricity Safety Quality and
Continuity Regulations 2002 SI 2002/2665 (ESQCR). These regulations
provide that, in general, cables should not overhang a road at a height of
less than 5.8 metres. In the case of fully insulated overhead conductors the
ground clearance is 3.8 metres. There are a number of exceptions where:
• The overhead line follows a route along a hedgerow, fences, boundary
walls or similar features. The minimum clearance in these circumstances
is 4 metres.
• If it crosses a driveway with an access width of no more than 2.5 metres
(and the driveway is defined by gateposts or similar features), the
minimum clearance is 4.3 metres.
Further advice on minimum clearances is available from the Health and
Safety Executive.
It is good practice that all overhead lines on sites should be fully insulated
and where a cable is in within easy reach of a property; it must be so and
protected from interference.
The authority should require the site owner to comply with regulation 3 of
the ESQCR and in considering any enforcement action in relation to cables
must consult with the HSE.
Footpaths and Pavements
Communal path widths should normally be 0.9 metres in respect of new
sites or sites that are undergoing substantial redevelopment (including
expansion to part of the site); otherwise paths of not less than 0.75 metres
should be accepted where they already exist.
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Annex 21
The lighting provided for communal paths and roads should be adequate
to allow safe movement around the site during the hours of darkness.
Many sites use low lighters rather than traditional street lamps and these
work well as long as they are well maintained and plants/vegetation are
not allowed to grow around them and stop them emitting light effectively.
The lighting must be fit for purpose i.e. to allow vehicles and pedestrians to
navigate around the site between dusk and dawn.
It is important to note that the construction, maintenance and repair of the
concrete base are the responsibility of the site owner. New bases should be
laid as a minimum in accordance with the current industry guidelines issued
by the National Park Homes Council and the British Holiday and Home
Parks Association. The Industry’s current standard for the bases provides:
“A hard core base to a minimum depth of 150 mm, well consolidated
and topped with 100 mm of concrete (mix as BS8500-2:200610) shall be
used. The finished raft must be generally level with due allowance for
surface drainage. Where the ground conditions so require, thickening or
the introduction of reinforcement of the raft may be necessary.”
Particular attention should be paid to the terrain of the site before a base
is laid, which may mean a thicker base is needed. The base should be
sufficient to handle the load placed upon it by the caravan and its contents.
When considering any enforcement action, the authority should also seek
the views and take account of representations from the site owner and
affected residents before taking any steps to enforce this standard, where
Before the local authority undertakes any enforcement action it should
consider the benefit of the works against the potential impact on the
residents’ enjoyment of their homes and the cost to the site owner.
Where a caravan has to be removed in order to facilitate works to the base
the authority should normally, if it is feasible and if it is the resident’s wish,
require the site owner to reinstate, at his own expense, the caravan on the
original pitch on completion of the works.
Copies of the Standard can be obtained from the British Standards Institute.
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22 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Maintenance of Common Areas, including Grass, Vegetation
and Trees
Cut grass and vegetation should be removed from the site as soon as
practicable. Bonfires should not be used as a means of disposal. Vegetation
is often used for sight screening but should be kept at a reasonable height.
Trees on the site will normally be the responsibility of the site owner. Where
trees are in need of care and maintenance the local authority should, before
any action is taken, liaise with the officer responsible for trees at the authority
to ensure that all statutory and other requirements are complied with.
The common parts of the site (including roads, paths and pavements)
must be kept free of any rubbish and maintained in a clean and tidy
condition. The local authority may wish to consider whether appropriate
receptacles for litter need to be provided in such areas. In any case the site
owner should be required to make arrangement for the regular collection
of routine rubbish from the site. He should also be required to make
arrangements for the prompt disposal of waste and other materials which
accumulate on the site during any works etc. Secure non combustible
facilities should be provided on the site for the proper storage of rubbish
and waste prior to its removal and disposal off the site.
Supply and Storage of Gas etc
The HSE website,, provides details and information
about the various legislative requirements and contacts if further
information is needed. In addition the trade body for LPG suppliers,
uklpg,, also has information which may be of use.
Anyone being employed by a site owner to carry out work on gas
(including natural gas) or oil installations should be suitably qualified to
do the work. The HSE pages contain details of some of the schemes. The
Communities and Local Government website contains details of various
certification schemes which may apply. The details of these schemes can be
found at .
In considering whether to take enforcement action for a breach of
site licence conditions officers should liaise with the Health and Safety
Executive to ensure any action taken by the authority is not in conflict with
any action the HSE are proposing to take.
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Annex 23
Local authority officials who identify areas of concern on sites should
always consult the HSE about the problem(s).
All new installations must be to the current regulations and maintained at
that standard.
Electrical Installations
The electrical installations on the site will be a distributor’s network either
belonging to the local regional electricity network operator or the owner
of the site. The HSE website: contains information on
the electricity legislation which may well apply to the site and can provide
further information if needed.
A suitably qualified person for the purpose of carrying out work on
electrical installations and appliances, including maintenance and
inspections, includes a professionally qualified electrical engineer, a
member of the Electrical Contractors Association, a contractor approved
by the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installations Contracting,
or a qualified person acting on behalf of the above.
It may be necessary to ensure the electricity distribution network complies
with ESQCR, in which case such work should only be undertaken by a
competent person familiar with those Regulations.
All new installations must meet the requirements of the current regulations
and maintained at that standard.
In considering whether to take enforcement action for a breach of site
licence conditions, officers should liaise with the Health and Safety
Executive to ensure any action taken by the authority is not in conflict with
any action the HSE are proposing to take.
Local authority officials who identify significant areas of concern with site
electrical networks and installations should always consult the HSE about
the problem(s).
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24 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
Water Supply
OFWAT lay down service standards for the water suppliers and details
can be found on their website at . In addition there
are various schemes for suitably qualified persons and authorities should
check to see those undertaking works are qualified. The main scheme
is run by NIC certification and details can be found about the scheme at .
With the majority of well established sites, enforcement of this section will
need to be carefully handled, as most sites will have long established water
systems. As with gas and electricity above, there may be a case for dual
enforcement if an offence is identified. Consultation with the Environment
Agency and the local water company is essential.
As with the previous sections, local authority officers who identify an issue
with water supply on a particular site may wish to advise the Environment
Agency, and the local water company of the problem.
All new installations must be to the current regulations and maintained at
the appropriate standard.
Drainage and Sanitation
As with water supplies, provision of sewerage facilities is overseen by
OFWAT and codes of practice are in place.
It is important that all drains and sewers are well maintained and are
connected to the appropriate system. If left unchecked, there can be
consequences for the health of residents, along with those who live near
the site.
It should be noted that the environmental quality of drainage is regulated
by the Environment Agency, with whom the local authority must consult
about any problems.
In considering whether to take enforcement action for a breach of site
licence conditions officers should liaise with the Environment Agency to
ensure any action taken by the authority is not in conflict with any action
the Agency are proposing to take.
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Annex 25
Local authority officials who identify areas of concern on sites should alert
the Environment Agency and the local water company to the possible
All new installations must be to the current regulations and maintained at
that standard.
Domestic Refuse Storage and Disposal
If communal bins are provided they should be of a type that is noncombustible and stored properly. Liaison with colleagues who deal with
refuse collection matters will help in ensuring that the bins provided by
the site owner (in the case of communal bins) are acceptable to the local
authority in pursuance of its collection of rubbish from them.
The site owner should be required to discuss with the local authority
arrangements for the separation of waste for the purpose of recycling it,
and require him to provide the necessary receptacles etc on the site.
Communal Vehicular Parking
Parking needs will vary considerably between individual parks. Parking
requirements should reflect the reasonable needs of the residents,
having regard to the size and layout of the site, the number of units, the
occupation criteria of the site and the availability of public transport in the
immediate vicinity.
Provision of parking spaces on new sites or those undergoing
redevelopment or extension should be consistent with local planning
Communal Recreation Space
This standard should only be applied if the local authority is satisfied that
it is both practicable to provide recreation space on the site and there is
insufficient recreation space off the site in the near locality.
It will only be practicable to provide such space on the site if there is
sufficient open space which is available and it is possible to safely use that
space for recreation. The standard requires the local authority to consider
the need for recreation space; it does not require it to consider the need for
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26 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
recreation facilities, although the local authority may consider that need
as part of a licence condition. The larger the site the more recreation space
or spaces may be needed. On small sites there may be no need for space at
all. In deciding whether it is practicable to provide the space the authority
should also consider the site layout, the availability of private open spaces
(e.g. within the pitch), the availability of other amenities on the site (e.g.
club houses) and the age and number of residents on the site.
On site recreation space may be considered unnecessary if there is
sufficient suitable space available off site within close (walking) distance
of it. The space must, however, be freely accessible by the public, such as a
municipal park, commons land, and greens or any part of the countryside
to which the public have a right to walk.
Notices and Information
It is important that all notices are protected from the weather and are
prominently displayed, either on a board, in an office open to the public,
or other places on the site which the residents have free and reasonable
access to.
The notices must include the most recent site licence, and the contact
details of the site manager, and if different the licence holder. This should
include an out of hours contact number for emergencies, and if available
an e-mail address.
The site owner is also required to make available certain information for
inspection by residents in a prominent position on the site. That could
be the site office provided it is open at reasonable times, a community
room which every resident was entitled to use and which is also open at
reasonable sites or a notice board located at the entrance to or in a central
part of the site.
It is important that if a site is in an area susceptible to flooding, procedures
are in place to ensure that all those on the site are alerted quickly, and that
they are aware of any evacuation procedures that may be in place. A notice
should be prominently displayed with all relevant information.
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Annex 27
The site should be included in any local authority flood evacuation plan.
Advice on flood risks is available from the Environment Agency website:
It is important in those parts of the country where flooding is an issue that
local authorities have effective liaison with the Environment Agency office
for their area, as well as relevant officials across their own local authority.
Local water companies should also be contacted.
Fire Safety Measures
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Order) applies to
caravan sites. The Order disapplies some fire related standards that may be
in current site licensing conditions. It applies to all non domestic premises in
England and Wales, including certain types of caravan sites:
• all sites with common or shared parts; and
• individual caravans which are holiday-let type i.e. they are rented out
On such sites the local authority should advise the ‘responsible person’,
who will be the licence holder of his duty under that Order to undertake
a fire risk assessment and decide what prevention and protection
arrangements are appropriate and adequate to mitigate the identified
However, there are some sites around the country which do not fall under
the Order. These may include single unit sites and those sites which are
occupied by single family groups.
Where the Order applies the authority should satisfy itself that the site
owner is aware of, and complying with, his obligations under it, in
particular that a fire risk assessment has been carried out. In this regard the
local authority should seek the advice of the local Fire and Rescue Service
who are the main enforcers of the Order.
The Communities and Local Government website: contains a range of helpful information on fire
safety and the requirements of the Fire Safety Order. This includes links to
technical guides for specific types of accommodation, including one for
sleeping accommodation.
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28 Model Standards 2008 for Caravan Sites in England
The Fire and Rescue Service has a duty to provide fire safety advice to those
who ask for it, although it will not carry out risk assessments.
In applying any standards relating to fire safety measures where the Order
does not apply, the local authority must consult the local Fire and Rescue
Fire Fighting Equipment
The Guidance under the remaining sections only applies to sites to which
the Order does not apply; however these standards will provide a useful
benchmark of the sort of preventative and protective measures that may
be necessary following completion of a fire risk assessment.
The siting of the fire points should be so that they are visible at all times,
and marked in a way that makes it obvious as to what they are. They will
need to be kept clear of any obstructions at all times should they be needed
in the event that a fire breaks out.
Fire Points are the places on sites where fire fighting equipment is stored,
ready for use by anyone in the event of an emergency.
If hosepipes are provided, they should be of the relevant British and
European Standards11, and positioned in such a way that they are easily
attachable to the mains water supply, if not permanently attached. Any
valves connecting the hose to the water supply should be easily accessible.
The hose reel should be well maintained and in good working order.
Any hydrants provided on the site should be kept clear of any obstruction
in the event that they need to be used. The positioning of mains connected
hydrants is the responsibility of the local water company, and any queries as
to whether a site has a hydrant should be directed to them. The positioning
of the hydrants should be recorded on the site map, which will assist the
emergency service in locating them in the event of an emergency.
Fire Extinguishers should only be used if there is not enough water pressure
for a hose reel. Where provided, extinguishers should comply with the
current British or European Standard.
Details of relevant British Standards can be found at
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Annex 29
A water tank with buckets and a pump should not be the main means of
fighting fire for the following reasons:
• Pumps and buckets are likely to be vandalised or stolen.
• Pumps and buckets are inadequate for fighting a fire.
• A water storage tank should be securely covered to prevent it becoming
a health or safety hazard.
Fire Warning
100. The means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire should be appropriate
to the size and layout of the site. If you are unsure of which form of raising
the alarm is the most suitable to the site, then contact the local Fire and
Rescue Service, who will be able to advise you.
Maintenance and Testing of Fire Fighting Equipment
101. It is important that all fire warning systems and fire fighting equipment are
regularly inspected and maintained. The suggestion is that these checks
should be carried out on an annual basis. All testing and maintenance
should be carried out by a person suitably qualified to do the work. Records
should be kept of any testing and when the most recent inspections were
carried out. The record of all tests and inspections should be kept on the
site for inspection.
Fire Notices
102. The fire action notice should be displayed on a notice board, and at other
suitable points around the site. The full address of the site, including the
postcode should be included.
103. The main enforcer for the Order is the Fire and Rescue Service.
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ISBN 978-1-85112-908-9
ISBN: 978 1 8511 29089
Licensing & Appeals Committee
9 781851 129089
2 March 2015