LICENSING AND APPEALS SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee held on 14 September 2011 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. 1 Sub-Committee Mr B Smith (Chairman) Mr B Jarvis Mr R Shepherd Officers in Attendance: The Legal Advisor, the Licensing Manager and the Democratic Services Team Leader Also in Attendance: Mr Rogers (for item 4), Mr Reynolds (for item 6) APOLOGIES None received. 2 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 4 APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE – CAFÉ BAR, 9 FISH HILL, HOLT The Applicant, Mr Rogers, was present. No objectors were present. The Licensing Manager informed Members that a valid application had been received and could be heard in the objectors’ absence. Members had seen the objectors’ representations. The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. The Legal Advisor outlined the procedure. She explained that, at a later stage, the Panel would withdraw to make their decision. She would accompany them to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons but would not take part in the making of the decision. The Licensing Manager outlined the application. He explained that additional representations had been received within the consultation period but after the agenda had been published. The representations were handed to Members for their perusal. A further objection dated 5 September had been received on 9 September after the formal consultation period had closed. The Legal Advisor said that there was a precedent in recent case law and that late submissions should not be taken into Licensing Sub-Committee 1 14 September 2011 APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE – CAFÉ BAR, 9 FISH HILL, HOLT (Continued) account after the deadline. Members decided not to take the submission into account. The Licensing Manager told Members that the application related to the intended operation of the premises as a café bar and the application sought to include an external area of public highway outside the front of the premises as part of the licensed area. (The applicant had applied for planning consent which was currently the subject of a separate parallel determination) Key issues raised in the representations had included: a) Potential for noise nuisance. b) Crime and Disorder – if Members were minded to grant the licence they would be adding extra conditions recommended by the Police and agreed by the Applicant. c) The area to be licensed. Questions to the Licensing Manager Mr R Shepherd asked if the Applicant had applied for planning permission. The Licensing Manager explained that planning permission had been applied for, but that Members should consider the application before them according to the Licensing Objectives and not planning considerations. The Case of the Applicant The Applicant stated his connection with Holt and his lengthy experience in the restaurant trade. He explained that it was his intention for his premises to reflect an Italian café- bar: a relaxed family venue which was also suitable for local people to meet up at after work for a drink. He also asked the Sub-Committee to consider granting the Premises licence for the area outside his premises where he intended to place tables and chairs for customers. Questions to the Applicant Mr B Jarvis asked about the extractor fans. The Applicant explained that the extractor system was for the gas oven, not for deep fat fryers which would cause smells. In reply to a question from the Legal Advisor the Applicant said he would be willing to have additional conditions suggested by the Police and Environmental Health added to the licence. Questions were asked about the licensing of the outside seating area. The Licensing Manager advised that Highways issues were a separate matter and shouldn’t be taken into consideration by Members in determining the licensing application. He suggested that the off licence would allow patrons to consume alcohol in the outside seating area provided the alcohol was sold to them in a sealed container. The Legal Advisor advised the Applicant to take independent legal advice about this. The Applicant’s closing statement The Applicant hoped that he had provided the Panel with a clear picture of what he wanted to achieve – a high-class establishment where people could relax. Licensing Sub-Committee 2 14 September 2011 APPLICATION FOR A NEW PREMISES LICENCE – CAFÉ BAR, 9 FISH HILL, HOLT (Continued) The Legal Advisor explained the decision-making process a) Members would consider the 4 Licensing Objectives. b) They had heard the Applicant’s submission and would take into account the letters of objection received in those areas that were relevant to the Licensing objectives. c) They would only attach conditions if they were relevant to the Licensing Objectives. The Sub Committee retired at 10.50 am to consider their decision and returned at 11.10 am RESOLVED to grant the premises licence as requested in the application, save for two points. Firstly, the grant applies only to the interior of the premises and does not include the area of highway at the front of the premises. Secondly, conditions be attached to the Premises Licence. The Sub-Committee attached the following conditions: 1. CCTV be installed and in operation during opening hours and for footage to be available for a minimum of 28 days to the Police or the Licensing Officer on request. 2. A Refusal/Incident book is to be kept on site to record any attempted purchases by underage or intoxicated persons. 3. Staff training will be carried out in relation to the sale of alcohol and a record of this training will be kept on site and available to Police or the Licensing Officer on request. 4. A designated premises supervisor or nominated representative shall ensure that no nuisance is caused by noise emanating from the premises by implementing a Self Policing Policy which shall include sound checks inside and out. 5 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Members decided that they wished to go into Private session for item 6 and to hear fully from the Applicant and consider matters in confidence. RESOLVED That under S100 A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for Agenda Item No 4 on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act. The Sub Committee adjourned at 11.40 am and returned at 12.05 pm. 6 WK110017261 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK The Applicant was present. Licensing Sub-Committee 3 14 September 2011 WK110017261 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK (Continued) The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. The Legal Advisor outlined the procedure. She explained that, at a later stage, the Panel would withdraw to make their decision. She would accompany them to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons but would not take part in the making of the decision. The Applicant needed to satisfy the Sub Committee that he was a fit and proper person to drive a hackney carriage or private hire vehicles in North Norfolk. The Applicant had brought no witnesses and there was no new evidence. The Licensing Manager outlined the application. There were endorsements on the Applicant’s DVLA driving licence which merited further consideration. The driving licence was inspected by the Sub Committee. The Case of the Applicant The Applicant informed the Sub-Committee of previous driving endorsements on his DVLA licence. He had gained 15 points at the time of the most recent offence but had succeeded in an exceptional hardship hearing before the magistrates resulting in not being disqualified by them under the ‘totting up’ provisions. Questions to the Applicant In response to questions from Members the Applicant explained the reasons he had put forward at the exceptional hardship hearing relating to his need to provide transport to a family member attending hospital. He also explained that when you committed the driving offences he worked for a company, where he drove for a living, which put him under a lot of pressure. The Legal Advisor explained the determination process To grant a licence, Members must be satisfied that the Applicant was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi in North Norfolk. a) Members would need to consider the Applicant’s previous endorsements. b) They must consider what the Applicant said in regard to the offences. c) They must balance the right of the Applicant to earn a living with the right of the public to be safe. The Sub Committee retired at 11.55 am to consider their decision and returned at 12.15 pm RESOLVED The Sub Committee had taken into account the nature and circumstances of the offences on the Applicant’s record. The Sub-Committee could not be satisfied that he was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi and refused the application. The meeting concluded at 12.15 pm. ___________________ Chairman Licensing Sub-Committee 4 14 September 2011