LICENSING AND APPEALS SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee held on 12 October 2011 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. 1 Sub-Committee Mr J Wyatt (Chairman) Mr B Smith Mrs A C Sweeney Officers in Attendance: The Legal Advisor, the Licensing Manager, the Licensing Administrator and the Democratic Services Team Leader Also in Attendance: Mr Chatham (for item 5), Mr Thurling (for item 6) APOLOGIES None received. 2 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 4 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC Members decided that they wished to go into Private session for items 5 and 6 and to hear fully from the Applicant and consider matters in confidence. RESOLVED That under S100 A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for Agenda Item No 4 on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act. 5 WK/110020305 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK The Applicant was present. The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. The Legal Advisor outlined the procedure. She explained that, at a later stage, the Panel would withdraw to make their decision. She would accompany them to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons but would not take part in the making of the decision. The Applicant needed to satisfy the Sub Committee that he was a fit and proper person to drive a hackney carriage or private hire vehicles in North Norfolk. The Applicant had brought no witnesses and there was no new evidence. Licensing Sub-Committee 1 12 October 2011 WK/110020305 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK (Continued) The Licensing Manager outlined the application. There were items on the Applicant’s CRB check which merited further consideration. The CRB was presented to the Committee for perusal. The Applicant put his case. He informed the Committee of the nature and specific circumstances of the offences, for which he expressed regret. All but one of the matters was committed over 30 years ago. He provided information about his current domestic situation. The Legal Advisor explained the determination process; to grant a licence, Members must be satisfied that the Applicant was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi in North Norfolk. a) Members would need to consider the Applicant’s previous offences. b) They must consider what the Applicant said in regard to the offences. c) They must balance the right of the Applicant to earn a living with the right of the public to be safe. The Sub Committee retired at 10.20 am to consider their decision and returned at 10.35 am. The Chairman told the Applicant that in deciding the application, the Sub-Committee had taken into account the information from the Licensing Manager in considering his suitability to hold a taxi licence in North Norfolk. The Sub-Committee also took into account the information that the Applicant had put forward, including his CRB disclosure. The Licensing Sub-Committee took into account not only the Applicant’s interests but also the interests of the general public. Having considered relevant written and oral evidence before it, the Sub-Committee had found that all but one of the offences were committed over 30 years ago. It had found that the more recent matter, a caution, was a one-off and that the Applicant was now in a settled relationship and regretted his previous behaviour. The SubCommittee deemed that the Applicant was a fit and proper person to hold a taxi licence. RESOLVED To grant the licence. 6 WK110004802 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK The Applicant was present. The Chairman introduced the Panel and Officers. The Legal Advisor outlined the procedure. She explained that, at a later stage, the Panel would withdraw to make their decision. She would accompany them to provide legal advice and to assist them to formulate their reasons but would not take part in the making of the decision. The Applicant needed to satisfy the Sub Committee that he was a fit and proper person to drive a hackney carriage or private hire vehicles in North Norfolk. Licensing Sub-Committee 2 12 October 2011 WK110004802 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK (Continued) The Applicant had brought no witnesses and there was no new evidence. The Licensing Manager outlined the application and its history. The application had originally been made in March 2011. It had been incomplete and remained dormant until May 2011 while the Council waited for a CRB from the Applicant. The Applicant obtained a CRB through Norfolk County Council. He was advised that CRBs were no longer portable and that he would have to obtain another one under the umbrella of North Norfolk District Council. The Applicant explained that he had already waited for 12 weeks to obtain a CRB and that further delay would cause him extreme financial hardship. The Applicant’s CRB and DVLA Drivers Licence contained details which merited further investigation. A Hearing was scheduled for 15 June 2011. The Applicant attended but was unable to provide the documents required and it was resolved to adjourn the application to 13 July 2011. On 13 July the Sub Committee discussed the risk of considering a CRB from another authority, as it would not be as up-to-date as it could be. The panel needed to balance the Applicant’s right to earn a living against the right of the travelling public to be safe. It was their decision to adjourn the Hearing and request a CRB under the umbrella body of North Norfolk District Council and reconvene following receipt of updated CRB. The updated CRB had been subsequently received. The Licensing Manager told the Sub Committee that, if they were minded to grant the licence, the Applicant had received an offer of employment from an existing licensed operator. The CRB and DVLA driving licence was inspected by the Sub Committee. The Applicant put his case. He informed the Sub Committee of previous matters which appeared on the Criminal Records Bureau document and of the nature and specific circumstances of the offences, for which he expressed regret. The Sub Committee was informed that the Applicant had a conditional caution this year for criminal damage, and an earlier caution for battery, and that he had a drink-drive conviction in 2009 for which he was disqualified for 12 months. He also had a speeding endorsement in 2008 and a further criminal damage conviction in 2003. The Applicant told the Sub Committee that he desperately needed to work to provide for his family. The Legal Advisor explained the determination process. To grant a licence, Members must be satisfied that the Applicant was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi in North Norfolk. a) Members would need to consider the Applicant’s previous offences. b) They must consider what the Applicant said in regard to the offences. c) They must balance the right of the Applicant to earn a living with the right of the public to be safe. The Sub Committee retired at 11.00 am to consider their decision and returned at 11.15 am. Licensing Sub-Committee 3 12 October 2011 WK110004802 – APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO DRIVE HACKNEY CARRIAGE OR PRIVATE HIRE VEHICLES IN NORTH NORFOLK (Continued) The Chairman told the Applicant that in deciding the application, the Sub Committee had taken into account the information from the Licensing Manager in considering his suitability to hold a taxi licence in North Norfolk. The Sub Committee also took into account the information put forward by the Applicant, including his CRB disclosure and a copy of his driving licence. The Licensing Sub Committee took into account not only the interests of the Applicant but also the interests of the general public. Having considered relevant written and oral evidence before it, the Sub Committee had paid particular attention to the drink-drive conviction. The Sub Committee informed the Applicant that it was a difficult decision and that he should be aware that were he to be convicted of drink-driving again, it was likely that he would be disqualified from driving for at least 3 years and would be unlikely to retain a taxi licence. The Sub Committee considered that it was important that the public should be safe in taxis. The committee listened to what the Applicant said about that conviction, and the other matters. It accepted that he was in a stable relationship and a devoted father wanting to support his family and that he recognised the mistakes he had made in the past. On balance, having listened to and considered all the information, the Sub Committee deemed that the Applicant was a fit and proper person to drive a taxi. RESOLVED to grant the licence. The meeting concluded at 11.22 ___________________ Chairman Licensing Sub-Committee 4 12 October 2011