Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 16 April 2012 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mrs H Eales (Chairman) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson Mr John Lee Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs L Brettle Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr P High Mr N Lloyd Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs P Terrington Mrs H Thompson Mr G Williams Officers in Attendance: Also in Attendance: 108. The Chief Executive, Corporate Director (S. Blatch), Corporate Director (N. Baker), the Policy and Performance Management Officer (for item 117), and the Community Projects Manager (for item 119) The press for minutes 108 – 119 The public for minutes 108 -116 MOTION WITHOUT NOTICE Mr T FitzPatrick, Portfolio Holder for ICT and Democratic Services proposed the following resolution: ‘that under Procedure Rule 14.1(n) of the Constitution, Rule 20.3 regarding the switching off of mobile telephones and electronic equipment is suspended for the duration of the meeting to allow Members to continue to use their tablets’. RESOLVED To accept the Motion 109. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None 110. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 12 March 2012 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 111. PUBLIC QUESTIONS Questions had been received from Mr Harrison-Robertshaw, Mrs C Candish and Mr J Morgan. The questions concerned Agenda item 10, North Lodge Park Development Proposal. Cabinet 1 16 April 2012 The Chairman advised that the item would be taken earlier than scheduled. There would be a one minute right of reply, following the Portfolio Holder’s response to the questions and any discussion by Members. 112. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 113. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) 114. Item Interest Mr K Johnson Minute No. 116 North Lodge Park Development Proposal Personal and non prejudicial as a Member of Cromer Town Council Mr T FitzPatrick 118 Development of the Offshore Wind Energy Sector of the North Norfolk Coast Personal and non prejudicial - rents facilities at Egmere Business Park MEMBERS TRAINING DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT GROUP Mr K Johnson, Chairman of the Members Training Development and Support Group, proposed that the recommendations be adopted. He informed Members that the Council had made a written commitment to achieve the Members’ Charter in 2008. It was hoped that all members would sign up to the Skills Portal and fully support the commitment to the Charter. Mr E Seward asked whether use of the Members’ Skills Portal would be monitored. Mr K Johnson replied that several members of the Members Training Development and Support Group had been trialling the Skills Portal and they were keen to provide feedback. All Members were encouraged to join the scheme and report on the outcome. RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Members’ Training, Development and Support Working Group held on 28th February 2012 be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted as follows: MINUTE 4: TRIAL OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN RESOLVED To agree: 1. 2. Cabinet That Cabinet re-affirms the Council’s commitment to achieving the Members Development Charter and recommends the adoption of the action plan To the payment of 1 year’s subscription at a cost of £997 for the Members Skills Portal to be provided by the South East Employers 2 16 April 2012 3. 4. 5. 115. To confirm that all members are to be encouraged to use the Skills Portal, including the 360 feedback process. That the Member Training Development and Support Group will provide regular reports to Cabinet relating to progress being made in achieving the Charter and installing the skills That Cabinet makes a long-term commitment to the Members Development Charter. JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Mr K Johnson, Chairman of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee informed Members that a report on the Pay and Grading Review would be presented to Full Council on 18th April 2012. RESOLVED that The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 21 November 2011 be received. 116. NORTH LODGE PARK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Three questions had been received for this item: 1. Mr A Harrison-Robertshaw spoke in favour of a site for a skate park at North Lodge Park. He said that he was concerned that local residents had not been consulted on the development proposals and that a recent poll conducted by campaigners for the skate park showed 614 residents were in favour of a skate park compared to 32 for an outdoor gym. He handed the results of the poll to the Legal and Democratic Services Manager. 2. Mrs C Candish spoke on behalf of Cromer Preservation Society (CPS). She said that they supported investment into the regeneration of North Lodge Park but that there should be a full public consultation. The CPS was concerned that the report implied that they had been consulted on the proposals and they felt this was misleading as no agreement had been reached. She added that they felt there was no cohesive design for the park as a whole and that the proposals were causing tension within the town. 3. Mr J Morgan told Members that he had previously been employed by Kier to maintain the putting greens at North Lodge Park. He had kept a tally during 2011 of the number of people using the greens and submitted a report to Kier on how to increase usage. He pointed out that the Cabinet report indicated that there were 4 putting greens in Cromer. The green at the Meadows was a pitch and putt not a putting green. He felt that the amount attributed to the cost of grounds maintenance for the putting area was too high and sought clarification on this figure. He added that there was very little maintenance during the winter months. Mr J Lee, Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Leisure and Cultural Services said that he welcomed input from members of the public. He believed that the development proposal would revitalise a tired-looking asset and leave a legacy for the town. The plans were a product of consultation with Cromer Town Council and although a significant sum was involved it would be recovered. He responded to the points raised by members of the public: a) The new children’s play area would include an outdoor gym which would enable adults to exercise whilst their children played. It would be open to everyone and free of charge. The Council was hoping to work with Fit Together to provide a programme of supervised sessions to encourage uptake of the facilities. New Cabinet 3 16 April 2012 toilets would be provided closer to the play area and it had been agreed in principle that a contribution to the cost of maintaining the toilets and the Park would be undertaken by Cromer Town Council. b) Cromer was well provided for putting greens. The intention was to grass over them to encourage people to picnic there. The Town Council’s proposal for a communal garden in place of the bowling green should be welcomed as a chance to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee. c) Cabinet were meeting with campaigners for the Skate Park on Thursday 19th April. They would discuss the possibility of incorporating a facility into North Lodge Park or the Meadow. He added that any scheme would require planning permission and funding. The Portfolio Holder concluded by saying that there would be ongoing discussions with Cromer Preservation Society regarding the upgrading of the park. Members discussed the report: a) Mrs H Thompson, Local Member for Suffield Park said that there had been previous public consultations on North Lodge Park and they had always caused agitation within the town. She had always supported the campaign for a skate park but it should be acknowledged that members of the public had objected to previous proposals with regards to the location and noise levels. b) Mr T Ivory said that the proposal to provide an outdoor gym did not preclude a skate park being constructed at North Lodge Park. He asked for more information regarding the extent of the consultation. Mr N Baker, Corporate Director, said that the report made clear that the provision of an outdoor gym would not preclude a skate park. He said that there had not been a public consultation regarding these specific proposals but there had been a local referendum on the provision of a car park at North Lodge Park in recent years. He added that the Town Council had been consulted and they represented local residents. c) The Leader proposed that the first recommendation was amended to include ‘further consultation including representatives for the skate park’ d) Mr N Lloyd was concerned about possible inaccuracies regarding the cost of maintaining the putting greens and other provision within the town. Mr N Baker replied that the figure for maintenance of the putting greens had been provided by the leisure contractor. Any savings would accrue from the Town Council’s offer towards the upkeep of the park and toilets. He acknowledged that the Meadows site offered a ‘pitch and putt’ rather than a putting green. e) Mr G Williams said that it was important that the Council continued to invest in parks and open spaces and that the focus should be on getting it right. f) Mr K Johnson, Local Member for Cromer Town said there had been several public consultations on North Lodge Park over the last 30 years and it had always been impossible to keep everyone happy. He added that Cromer Town Council had considerable input into the current proposals and he felt that real progress was being made. He supported the Leader’s amendment to the first recommendation. g) Mr T Ivory added that the involvement of Cromer Town Council indicated that there was support for the proposals. He agreed that individuals should also have the opportunity to comment. h) Mr W Northam proposed that any consultation should have a timescale to ensure that it did not last indefinitely. Cabinet 4 16 April 2012 The Leader asked Members of the Public that had raised questions whether they wished to respond further: 1. Mr A Harrison-Robertshaw reiterated that a large number of residents supported the provision of a skate park in North Lodge Park. 2. Mrs C Candish said that she was very pleased with the proposal to take the views of the public into consideration and the implementation of a timescale for this. 3. Mr J Morgan stressed that the putting greens at North Lodge Park were Cromer’s 3rd most popular attraction and that they encouraged people of all ages to exercise. . The Portfolio Holder thanked everyone for their input. He reiterated that it was not a question of an outdoor gym versus a skate park and it was possible that both could be accommodated. It was hoped that the play area and the outdoor gym would be ready in time for the arrival of the Olympic torch in Cromer. The Jubilee garden was intended to be a legacy and would not be completed for June 2012. He proposed that the first recommendation was amended to include ‘ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders’. RESOLVED to a) Authorise Officers to progress with a development scheme for North Lodge Park as described in the report, to include ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders. b) Agree to a capital expenditure of £197,000 for the scheme, to be financed from capital receipts. c) Authorise Officers to enter into negotiations and complete legal contracts and, where necessary, planning applications in respect of: 1) 2) 3) 117. The financial offer from Cromer Town Council to fund the toilets and the Park The transfer of the existing toilet buildings to the Sea View Pre-school The transfer of the existing bowls green to the Town Council at no future cost to North Norfolk District Council. FIRST ANNUAL ACTION PLAN The Leader, Mrs H Eales, introduced this item. She explained that the Annual Action Plan underpinned the Corporate Plan and provided the detail on how the Council’s priorities would be realised over the forthcoming 12 months. The Plan was drawn up in consultation with Parish and Town Councils and other local bodies. The Annual Action Plan would be delivered through the application of the Performance Management .Framework. As this was the first year of the process, it was intended that lessons would be learnt at the end of the year and the Action Plan adjusted accordingly to take forward into the following year. Members discussed the report: 1. Mr G Williams said that he was concerned that the responses to the consultation had been produced in an electronic format only. He had obtained a printed version from the Members’ library. It was agreed that additional printed copies would be provided prior to the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Full Council. Cabinet 5 16 April 2012 2. Mr E Seward, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee asked whether the Performance Management Framework would be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Chief Executive replied that as it was the mechanism for monitoring the Annual Action Plan, the Performance Management Framework would be going to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the Council’s performance ‘measure’ process. The Leader added that performance management framework consisted of three parts: i) Operational – the setting of targets ii) Performance measures iii) Review of the measures to ensure they were effective 3. Mr T Ivory said that he supported that Annual Action Plan. He felt that the responses indicated that there was a lack of understanding that it only focused on the delivery of the Corporate Plan and that the Council would still be carrying out their statutory duties. 4. Mr G Williams asked whether the Cabinet was satisfied with 17 responses to the consultation and whether they would engage with local residents differently in the future. The Leader said that the majority of responses came from Parish and Town Councils and other local bodies that represented a large number of people. RECOMMENDED to Full Council the adoption of the Annual Action Plan 2012-13. 118. DEVELOPMENT OF THE OFFSHIRE WIND ENERGY SECTOR OFF THE NORTH NORFOLK COAST – A STRATEGIC POSITIONING PAPER AND PROPOSAL FOR LOCAL PARTNERSHIP WORKING ARRANGEMENTS Mr T FitzPatrick, Portfolio Holder for Business Enterprise and Economic Development presented this item. He explained that the report provided a strategic overview of the development of offshore wind energy schemes off the North Norfolk Coast and proposed a number of actions to allow the District to realise the economic and employment benefits associated with such developments. It was also proposed that the Council became a member of the Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance and worked with local partners through a new North Norfolk Renewables Partnership to respond positively to enquiries from businesses connected with renewable technologies wanting to establish facilities in the district. Mr W Northam seconded the motion and proposed that Mr T FitzPatrick represented the Council on the Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance. Members discussed the report: 1. Mr P Terrington, Local Member for Priory Ward said that he was concerned about the impact of wind farms on the area around Wells-Next-the-Sea. The development of a support facility at Egmere for SCIRA depended on the capacity at Wells harbour and this was now bigger than the figure consulted on and consequently could have a negative impact on tourism and local residents. He requested the following: i) Greater representation of local interest groups within the North Norfolk Renewables Partnership. ii) An action plan to minimise the impact of the increase in traffic along the B1104 corridor from Fakenham to Wells. iii) A report on the possibility of raising s106 contributions from offshore wind farms iv) Regular reports from the North Norfolk Renewables Partnership to the Council Cabinet 6 16 April 2012 2. Mr R Reynolds., Local Member for Fakenham said that he fully supported the proposals and the employment opportunities it would bring to the area. 3. Mr N Lloyd was concerned that the focus was shifting to renewable energy and that the Gas Terminal at Bacton would not benefit. The Portfolio Holder responded that the Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance covered the whole energy sector not just renewables. 4. Mr G Williams felt that the Council could be a junior partner within the Alliance. The Portfolio Holder replied that this would not be the case. They would be a full member and joining the Alliance was the only way to ensure they were fully involved in the decision making process. The Portfolio Holder advised Members that Walsingham Parish Council fully supported the development at Egmere. He had also spoken to Mr J Savory, Local Member for Priory Ward who was broadly in favour of the proposals but wanted to ensure that tourism interests were protected. He added that Wells Town Council and Walsingham Parish Council would continue to be consulted. RESOLVED to 1. Note the contents of the report, particularly as it relates to the proposed development of offshore wind energy schemes off the North Norfolk coast and to acknowledge the economic and employment opportunities presented by such developments to the district over the next fifty years. 2. Endorse the proposal for the Council to become a member of the Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance for a one-off contribution of £20,000 and to appoint the Portfolio Holder for Business Enterprise and Economic Development, Councillor T FitzPatrick to represent the authority on the Alliance Board. 3. Endorse the proposal for the Council to work with local partners through a North Norfolk Renewables Partnership to promote the district to businesses operating in the renewable energy sector and respond positively to inward investment and new business enquiries from businesses operating in this expanding economic sector. 119. HOLT VISION Mr T Ivory, Portfolio Holder for Localism and the Big Society introduced this item. He said that the initiative for the Holt Vision Study had come from the residents of Holt. The purpose of the report was to emphasise that the Council supported the Vision and fully endorsed it. Mr P High, Local Member for Holt said that he had been involved with the project from the beginning. He was concerned that there did not appear to have been any discussion with Holt Town Council regarding the Neighbourhood Plan. At this stage he wanted to reserve judgment on the merits of the Vision Study. Mrs L Brettle, Local Member for Glaven Valley said that a thriving town was in everyone’s interest. She was concerned that some car parking would be lost if some of the proposals were implemented and this would need to be addressed. The Portfolio Holder agreed that car parking was a fundamental issue and needed to be worked on in conjunction with the Holt Vision project. Mr G Williams asked how the Council would mesh local plans with the Annual Action Plan. The Portfolio Holder said that he believed there was a link and it was important that town and parish councils worked with the Council. He acknowledged that there Cabinet 7 16 April 2012 was a resource issue and this had been factored into the proposed Senior Management Restructure that would be considered at Full Council on 18th April 2012. There would also be additional support via the Service Level Agreements which supported the Council’s Big Society Fund. RESOLVED to 1. Endorse the Vision for Holt and acknowledge the value of the study in identifying various urban design, traffic management and economic and community schemes that can be taken forward by named lead and partner organisations. 2. Agree that where NNDC can support actions based on the assessment of the merits of the proposals put forward, that officers will seek approval from Cabinet, on an individual basis for support in the development of those proposals. The Meeting closed at 11.27 am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 8 16 April 2012