Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 18 December 2013 at the
Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm.
Members Present:
Mrs S A Arnold
Mr M Baker
Mrs L Brettle
Mr B Cabbell Manners
Mrs A ClaussenReynolds
Mr N D Dixon
Mrs H Eales
Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett
Mr T FitzPatrick
Mrs A Green
Mr T Ivory
Mr G Jones
Officers in
Mr J H A Lee
Mr N Lloyd
Mrs A Moore
Mr P W Moore
Mr W J Northam
Miss B Palmer
Mr J Perry-Warnes
Mr R Price
Mr R Reynolds
Mr J Savory
Mr E Seward
Mr R Shepherd
Mr B Smith
Mr N Smith
Mr R Stevens
Mrs A Sweeney
Mr P Terrington
Mrs V Uprichard
Mrs L Walker
Mr P Williams
Mr R Wright
Mr J A Wyatt
Mr A Yiasimi
Mr D Young
The Chief Executive, The Corporate Directors, the Monitoring Officer, the
Head of Finance and the Democratic Services Team Leader
The Chairman invited Councillor B McGoun to lead the meeting in prayer.
The Chairman spoke about recent events that she attended. She mentioned the unveiling of
the sculpture at the Belfry, Overstrand, the launch of Coast at Cromer, the Justice service at
Norwich Cathedral, the remembrance service at Cromer parish church and the very successful
Break Charity golf day.
She then went on to highlight the Bernard Matthews Youth Awards, for which Sheringham
Community Smallholders had received an award in the food and farming category.
The Chairman then reminded members that many individuals and organisations were grateful
for the support that the Council provided to them and they often commented on it to her. A
recent letter of thanks from Livability was an example of this.
She concluded by reminding members about the Christmas carol service on the 23 December
in the reception area at the Council offices.
Full Council
26 November 2013
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs H Cox, Ms V Gay, Mrs P Grove-Jones, Mr B
Hannah, Mr P W High, Mrs B McGoun, Mr R Oliver, Mr R Smith, Mr S Ward and Mr G
The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 September 2013 were approved as a
correct record, subject to the following amendments:
Minute 64: ‘warned that the situation would change’ should be amended to state ’warned that
the situation wouldn’t change’.
Minute 67 ‘the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts would be issued by 31 December 2013’ should
be amended to state ‘ the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts would be issued by 30 September
There was one item of urgent business. This was a Notice of Motion relating to the
Coasthopper bus service. The item was urgent as responses to the County Council
consultation must be submitted by 12 December 2013. The Chairman informed members that
this item would be dealt with at agenda item 14.
It was proposed by Mrs A Moore, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and
To appoint Mr P W Moore to replace Mr E Seward as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny
Mr M Baker said that he had no objection to Mr P Moore’s appointment but that as leader of a
political group he would have liked to have been consulted before it was proposed. He added
that the constitution did not specify that the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee
should be a member of the main opposition group. The Chief Executive apologised for the
oversight and assured Mr Baker that he would be notified in the future.
Mrs A Moore, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group thanked Mr Seward for his hard work and
commitment. Mr W Northam added that he too would like to thank Mr Seward for his excellent
chairmanship. He congratulated Mr Moore on his appointment.
Mr P Moore thanked members for approving his appointment.
Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance presented this item. He explained that the report
summarised the budget monitoring position for the revenue account to the end of September
2013. The overall position at the end of period 6 showed a forecast underspend for the current
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financial year on the revenue account. Car park income was exceeding projections and there
was an increase in planning fee income due to the number of large fee earning applications.
The only area of concern was investment properties. Mr Northam informed members that the
Grove Lane depot was currently vacant and that the property was being marketed but that it
may not be re-let during the current financial year.
Mr Northam concluded by thanking the Head of Finance and her team for all their hard work.
Mr E Seward, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that the
Committee had endorsed the Cabinet recommendations.
Mr M Baker commented on the increase in car park income. He said that rural businesses
were under continuing financial pressure and he had concerns that car park charges were
adding to this by deterring local shoppers. He requested that lower charges should be included
in next years’ budget and that the Council could consider introducing resident’s permits for
reduced parking costs. Mr Northam responded that the increase in charges was small and
there had been no complaints from the town councils following their introduction. He added
that the figures from 2012 when there had been a poor summer proved that income was
mainly from visitors to the area. He concluded by saying that the Council had very limited
sources of income.
Mr D Young sought clarification regarding the figures provided in the service variances table
within the report. The Head of Finance explained why the figures were laid out in that format
and the Chief Executive added that they would not be presented this way in the future. Mr
Young then went on to query why the postage charges for County Council elections were still
outstanding. The Head of Finance replied that there had been a delay and this was still
ongoing. The Chief Executive explained that the Council had to submit a claim for the
outstanding amount and this had been done in good time. Further details would be circulated
to members as soon as the information was available.
Mr N Lloyd thanked Mr J Lee, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, for his recent confirmation that there
would be no further cuts to the Dual Use Sports Centres.
Mr G Jones queried the fee income for legal services and why the figures were different in the
explanatory text to those in the table. The Head of Finance explained that the figure in the
table was the total service variance up to the end of Period 6 against the profiled budget,
whereas the amount in the text referred to the current variance of income, ie income not
received as budgeted up to the end of period 6, with the difference being made up of smaller
overspends. The Head of Finance confirmed that the Head of Legal Services was not
anticipating any full year variance at this time for the service.
It was proposed by Mr W J Northam, seconded by Mr P W Moore and
To note the updated budget as set out in section 5.1, Table 3
Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced this item. He explained that the report
provided information on treasury management activities undertaken during the first six months
of 2013/14. During this period, the average amount invested was £23.5m resulting in an
overall interest return of £193,393.
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26 November 2013
The recent downgrading of the Council’s bank, Co-operative Bank, was of concern and to
mitigate exposure in the event of a failure by the bank, credit balances with the Co-operative
were kept to a minimum each day.
Mr Northam concluded by informing members that £5m would have been invested with the
LAMIT fund by the end of 2013. The latest dividend had been 2.8% and if this continued the
annual dividend would amount to 5.6% - demonstrating that the decision to use LAMIT had
been sound.
Mr Northam thanked the Technical Accountant for all his support and hard work.
Mr E Seward, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the
Committee had endorsed the Cabinet recommendations
Members were invited to ask questions:
Mr M Baker said that he was concerned that the Council had a contract with the Cooperative Bank until 2015. He queried the benefits of being tied in this way. The Head of
Finance explained that the Council had entered into the contract jointly with other local
authorities. She reassured members that the Co-operative Bank had agreed to work with
the Council if they wished to move away before the end of the contract. She added that
they had recently set up an alternative facility with another bank. Mr Baker responded that
the issue should be put on the ‘front burner’ and the Council should leave the Cooperative Bank as soon as possible.
Mr P W Moore asked how much money the Council had invested with the Co-operative
Bank and if there was a minimum amount that needed to be retained. The Head of
Finance explained that the Council did not have any investments with the Co-operative
and that they moved money out of the bank every night, retaining just a minimal balance.
In response to a further question from Mr R Oliver regarding the length of the contract with
the bank, she confirmed that it was for 4 years.
The Chief Executive said that the Council would be looking to work with other local authorities
and procure a new contract jointly as they would get a preferential rate. She explained that all
Councils had a contract with their bank and that members would be notified when timings were
In response to a question regarding the preferred choice of bank for the future, the Head of
Finance explained that a competitive tendering process would be necessary. She confirmed
that an alternative account was currently in place with Barclays Bank.
Ms V Gay referred to the recent advisory warning issued by the Council’s treasury advisor,
Arlingclose. The Head of Finance replied that this related to investments with the Co-operative
Bank and that the Council had already acted on this advice some time ago. Mr W Northam
added that the Council had banked with the Co-operative Bank for a long time and they had
always been above reproach.
It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr B Cabbell Manners and
to approve the half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2013/14.
to receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees:
Full Council
26 November 2013
Audit Committee – 18 June 2013
Cabinet – 09 September 2013
Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 11 September 2013
Development Committee – 26 September 2013
Cabinet – 07 October 2013
Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 16 October 2013
Development Committee – 24 October 2013
Mrs A Fitch-Tillett informed members that information would be provided on the Coastal
Concordat. She said that herself and several officers had worked with the LGA Special
Interest Group for Coastal Issues to put the concordat in place and they were delighted that
DEFRA had agreed. This would ensure a single agreed regulator was identified to oversee the
co-ordination of licensing and permitting for new coastal projects – saving time and money for
the Council.
Mr R Wright spoke about the recent Enterprise North Norfolk presentation. There were ten
local entrepreneurs in the scheme which was run jointly by NNDC and the County Council and
helped new businesses access finance and get their business plans together. He added that
the Council was leading the field in this area.
Mr Wright then referred to the new reception area. He said that it was much more businesslike now and had been very well-received by staff and the public. He thanked Nick baker,
Corporate Director, for all his hard work and support.
Mr R Oliver said that several members had commented that the reception project was a waste
of money. He reminded them that there would be revenue savings resulting in a 5 year
payback for the project.
With reference to the removal of CCTV, Mr Oliver informed members that Wells Town Council
had decided not pursue the matter and had dropped out of discussions with the other town
councils. The remaining four councils were intending to undertake a survey collectively.
Mr T FitzPatrick told members that he had been disappointed at Statoil’s decision to operate
out of Great Yarmouth. He emphasised the importance of the energy industry to the District
and said that the Council would continue to push the benefits of Wells Harbour.
The following Notice of Motion had been proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick:
‘North Norfolk District Council recognises the crucial role played by the Coasthopper bus
service which provides essential links between our coastal and neighbouring inland
communities. It believes the Coasthopper service to be a vital component of the North Norfolk
economy, making it possible for people to travel to work outside their towns and villages
throughout the year and is an important part of the district’s tourism offering throughout the
year but particularly in the summer months. NNDC views with concern the proposal by the
current administration at Norfolk County Council to drastically reduce the funding of the core
service and reduce the frequency of services, as this will also have an inevitable negative
effect on the linked routes. These reductions will potentially lead to further rural isolation, a
reduced winter service and adverse effects on the North Norfolk economy. North Norfolk
District Council calls for Norfolk County Council to guarantee that there will be no reduction in
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the service and to consult fully with the residents and stakeholders in North Norfolk on the
details of any potential changes when these are known.’
The motion was seconded by Mr R Oliver.
Mr FitzPatrick said that that there had been a large campaign previously to protect the
Coasthopper from cuts and he urged members to support the motion.
The motion was debated:
Mr M Baker said that he fully supported the Coasthopper bus service. He reminded
members that the County Council had to find £189m of savings and that it was unlikely
that the Coasthopper would be at the top of the list of priority services that should be
protected from cuts.
Mr G Jones supported the motion. He said that he had recently attended a meeting of the
Older Peoples’ Forum where there had been a heated discussion about the Coasthopper
service. He said that he did have some concerns that taxpayers were subsiding the
service and that there could be a case for charging a minimum payment for everyone that
used it – including bus pass holders.
Mr P W Moore said that he was not comfortable with the phrase ‘the current administration
at Norfolk County Council’ as he felt it was overly political. Mr B Cabbell Manners replied
that the Coasthopper service was vital for tourism and members needed to be aware that
the change of administration at the County Council did have an impact.
Mr R Smith said that the service was well-loved and well used. However, members should
be realistic and whichever group was in control of the County Council would be
considering cuts to the service. He said that he too would support the introduction of a
minimum charge for the service.
Mr D Young said that the idea of asking people with bus passes to pay for the
Coasthopper was a popular one but was not legal and this was unlikely to change until at
least 2015. He reminded members that Norman Lamb MP and Norman Baker MP had
come together in January 2013 to support the Coasthopper service. He concluded by
saying that it looked likely that the summer service for next year would be unaffected but
the winter service was under threat.
Mr R Oliver informed members that the overall budget for the County’s bus services was
increasing and the only proposed reduction was to the Coasthopper service. He added
that it was not possible to know at this stage what the changes to the winter service might
be. He concluded by saying the cut was unfair and the Coasthopper bus service was
being singled out.
Mr M Baker reminded members that there was a huge shortage of funds but that he fully
supported the Coasthopper.
Mr N Lloyd said his only concern was the wording of the motion.
The Monitoring Officer advised members that the substantive motion consisted of the final
sentence and if the proposer was in agreement then members could vote on this part of the
motion only. Mr T FitzPatrick said that he saw no problem with the full wording but that he
would accept the advice of the Monitoring Officer. Mr R Oliver agreed to second this. The
Chairman advised members that they would now be voting on the following motion:
‘North Norfolk District Council calls for Norfolk County Council to guarantee that there will be
no reduction in the service and to consult fully with the residents and stakeholders in North
Norfolk on the details of any potential changes when these are known’.
Before putting the motion to the vote, the Chief Executive said that the Council would be
responding in full to the wider County Council consultation on service provision but that the
motion was specific to North Norfolk. Mr T FitzPatrick added that because the Coasthopper
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Bus service was so important to the District he hoped that all members would support the
The motion was then put to the vote and supported. Mr P Terrington abstained.
The meeting concluded at 7.10 pm.
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26 November 2013