Overview and Scrutiny Annual Review 2011 – 2012 Chairman’s Introduction This is the eighth report by North Norfolk District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which gives an overview of the Committee’s activities over the past year and its plans for the future as well as explaining the aims and functions of Overview and Scrutiny. This report covers the first year of the new Council that was elected in May 2011. With a new Council administration in place it meant that most members of the Committee were new to its work. For members of the Committee who had previously served on the Council it often meant a re adjustment in roles and for members of the Committee elected to the Council for the first time a quick learning curve. The fact that the Committee has quickly got to grips with the roles and responsibilities of scrutiny is a credit to its members. The Committee has a wide ranging brief over the Council's work. Its role has often been described as that of a 'critical friend'. It has led the Committee in the past year, for example, to suggest improvements (which were accepted) to the operation of the Council's new Big Society grant funding programme, to ask searching questions on the implementation of the Council's new waste collection and cleansing contract and to help bring together community representatives and the Environment Agency over concerns arising from the flooding at Walcott in November 2011. I should like to thank my Vice Chairman Cllr Barry Smith, Democratic Services Team Leader Mary Howard and Democratic Services Officers Emma Denny and Alison Argent for their help and support throughout the year. Residents of the District are most welcome to attend any of the Committee's meeting so they can learn more about the Council's work and how it is scrutinised. Members of the public are also entitled to ask questions and make contributions. Several have done so during our meetings and I hope this can be continued and developed in the future. Councillor Eric Seward Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 1 2011/2012 1. What is Scrutiny? The Overview and Scrutiny Committee is the Council’s watchdog, ensuring that the Cabinet is held to account and is carrying out the Council’s aims as well as getting the best value for money as a result of its decisions. Originating from the Local Government Act of 2000 Scrutiny Committees not only keep an eye on the Council but can also review the work of other bodies such as the Police, our utility providers and the voluntary sector. The remit of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee also includes undertaking policy review and development, monitoring performance management, promoting community well-being and improving the quality of life in the District. Scrutiny is Member-led and independent of political party arrangements. At North Norfolk District Council the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is chaired by a member of the opposition. Scrutiny is a function which belongs to, and benefits the whole council. 2. Who gets involved in Scrutiny? a) The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee take a pro-active role throughout the process, attending pre-Agenda meetings and steering and scoping the direction of questioning and investigation. They attend, when appropriate, meetings with relevant officers at other authorities or with other bodies, and participate in internal and external training. b) The Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members – Scrutiny is different from other committees and calls for Members with investigative and creative minds who are prepared to “do their homework” out of the Council Chamber and to think outside of the usual committee framework, tailoring the method of review to suit the topic. c) Cabinet Portfolio Members are always invited to attend meetings of Overview and Scrutiny which involve their portfolio. The aim is that the Portfolio Member, as well as the officers, should respond to questions and, where appropriate, introduce the topic. d) All non-Executive Members are invited to attend, to ask questions or to suggest topics for scrutiny. e) Officers are involved in a number of ways – those directly involved in supporting the Scrutiny process and those who are called to make reports to the Committee. f) Invitees and Witnesses can be called not just from within the Council, but from partners and utilities providers. g) The public are always welcome to attend meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and to suggest areas of public concern that they would like to see tackled by the Committee. A pro forma to request scrutiny of a topic can be found on page 6. 3. Overview and Scrutiny Activities Scrutiny activities include: a) Scrutiny of Decisions made by Cabinet – Call-ins. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee can “call in” a decision which has been made by the Cabinet but not yet implemented. This enables the Committee to consider if the decision is appropriate and it may recommend that the Cabinet reconsiders the decision. b) Commenting on Budget Proposals – Budget Monitoring and Draft Budget reports are cyclical items on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme. Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 2 2011/2012 c) Pre - Scrutiny: • Commenting on and making input into Corporate Priorities • Contributing to the Development of Draft Policies • Looking at key agenda items before they go to Cabinet. Pre – Scrutiny enables greater co-ordination between the Cabinet and Scrutiny work programmes ensuring Overview and Scrutiny Committee input into key agenda items, thus reducing the likelihood of Call–ins. d) Performance Monitoring – this is a regular cyclical item on the work programme. Performance Monitoring reports are a useful tool in highlighting areas which may require further investigation. They are equally important for showing areas of the Council’s work which are going particularly well! e) Reviews – the Overview and Scrutiny Committee may choose to look at a topic in depth and over a period of time. This could be undertaken by the whole Committee or by a Task and Finish Group. 4. The work of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2011 - 2012 There have been a number of areas of work carried out by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee over the year: • • • • • • Call-in and holding the Cabinet to account Budget monitoring Pre-scrutiny Review work Time limited task and finish review work Joint Scrutiny Minutes and reports of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings can be found on the Council’s website via the link below: http://www.northnorfolk.org/apps/committees/default.asp?pathh=Scrutiny%20Committee a) Call-in Members called-in one decision made by the Cabinet in 2011 – 2012. This was In December 2011 and concerned the Cabinet’s decision relating to the Council’s approach to Localism and the establishment of a Big Society Fund. As a result a report on the Big Society Fund was brought to the Committee for pre-Scrutiny at a special meeting on 31 January 2012 and a further report made to Cabinet and Full Council in February 2012. b) Budget Monitoring Budget Monitoring reports were received in September and November 2011 and February and March 2012. Reports have also been received on the Base Budget, Final Accounts and Treasury Management. Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 3 2011/2012 c) Pre-scrutiny Pre-scrutiny in the year 2011/12 has included the Community Infrastructure Levy and the Big Society Fund. d) Review work Reviews have included Affordable Housing, Development Management and Land Charges Performance, Flooding at Walcott, Fuel Poverty and the Victory Housing Disposal Strategy. Regular updates have been received on a number of topics of relevance to local residents including environmental issues, health and customer services. The Committee has also monitored the new waste contract and the introduction of shared services for Revenues and Benefits. e) Time limited task and finish review In January 2012 a task and finish group was appointed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider ways of increasing the effectiveness of the scrutiny process at NNDC. This included sequencing of meetings, and improvements to the work programme and methods for evaluating topics. This work should be completed in autumn 2012. The Members of the Task and Finish Group are Mr P W Moore, Mr R Reynolds, Mr B Smith and Mr G Williams. f) Joint scrutiny In September 2011 the Committee embarked on a joint scrutiny of public transport with Broadland District Council. The Members from NNDC were Mr T FitzPatrick, Ms V R Gay, Mrs B A McGoun and Mr R Reynolds. The work has been completed and implementation of the final recommendations, grouped according to the themes of Awareness, Lobbying and Funding, will be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in Autumn 2012. 5. Successes and challenges In 2011 – 12 the Overview and Scrutiny Committee began with an almost completely new line-up, including a significant number of newly elected Members. That the new Committee was up and running so quickly and is working well together is, in itself, a success story and a tribute to the hard work and commitment of Members. A successful and well-attended all-day induction event was delivered on 16 September 2011 by Dave Press of Affirm4 and was appreciated by Members. Overview and Scrutiny has seen increasing public attendance in the last year – in particular there has been interest, including public questions, in the Council’s Approach to Localism and the Victory Housing Disposal Strategy. On 25 January 2012 a review was held to address concerns following flooding at Walcott in November 2011. This was attended by representatives from the Environment Agency and the local community as well as the local Member and the County Councillor for Walcott. As a result of this review a number of issues were resolved and ways forward identified. This was a good example of scrutiny addressing an issue of public concern and achieving a positive outcome. Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 4 2011/2012 Challenges for 2012/13 include: • • • • Implementing the recommendations of the task and finish group to improve the scheduling of meetings, methods of evaluating topics and getting the best out of witnesses. Building on public participation, taking scrutiny out into the community and choosing topics that are of public concern and interest. Monitoring performance against the Annual Action Plan. Changes brought about by internal re-structuring at North Norfolk District Council. 6. Members of the Committee 2011 – 2012 Councillors: Eric Seward – Chair, Barry Smith – Vice Chair Annie Claussen-Reynolds, Ann Green, Benjamin Jarvis, Peter Moore, John PerryWarnes, Roy Reynolds, Norman Smith (since February 2012), Richard Smith, Peter Terrington, Glyn Williams, Russell Wright (until February 2012) 7. How to get in touch with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members of the public wishing to find out more about the scrutiny process are requested to contact Democratic Services at democraticservices@north-norfolk.gov.uk If you have any topic suggestions for scrutiny please use the form attached at the end of this document. If you would like this document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact democraticservices@northnorfolk.gov.uk Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 5 2011/2012 Request form to raise an item for Scrutiny Review Councillors should be asked to carry out the following scrutiny review: Please give your reasons (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Name: Address: Daytime Tel No Email: Signature Date Please return this form to Democratic Services, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9JW Tel 01263 516047 Email: democraticservices@north-norfolk.gov.uk Scrutiny Handbook and Annual Report 6 2011/2012