Please Contact: Mary Howard Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516047 12 September 2011 A meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 21 September 2011 at 6.00 p.m. Philip Burton Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Philip Burton, Deputy Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Strategic Directors: Nick Baker, Steve Blatch, & Tony Ing Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYER Led by Revd David Frederick, Curate, Cromer Parish Church with St Martin’s. 2. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the incoming Chairman’s communications, if any. 3. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Please indicate whether the interest is a personal one only or one which is also prejudicial. The declaration of a personal interest should indicate the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of a personal interest, the member may speak and vote. If it is a prejudicial interest, the member should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is discussed. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 5. MINUTES (attached – page 1) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28 June 2011. 6. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 7. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 8. APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES AND OUTSIDE BODIES To make the following appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies: a) Mr P W High to the Joint Staff Consultative Committee b) Mr T FitzPatrick as a Director of National Express c) Mr T Ivory to North Walsham Leadership of Place Stakeholder Board 9. REVIEW OF ELECTION POLLING ARRANGEMENTS The Returning Officer is currently undertaking a four yearly review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations within North Norfolk district. A consultation exercise has been undertaken on suggested changes to current arrangements and the outcome of the review will be reported to Council in October together with any final recommendations for change. As part of the review process, it is proposed that an informal group of five councillors representing different areas of the district meet with the Returning Officer and Election Services Manager, to consider the responses from the consultation exercise and to discuss any proposals for change. The group will meet just once at 9.00am on Tuesday 27 September. Five Councillors are sought to sit on the group. (Source: Philip Burton, Returning Officer for local elections; Tel. 01263 516000, Email: 10. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 Minute 33: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ENFORCEMENT POLICY Recommendation to Full Council That Cabinet recommend the policy to Full Council for adoption 11. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 13 SEPTEMBER 2011 To receive any recommendation from the Audit Committee, 13 September 2011 12. THE FINAL ACCOUNTS To approve the Final Accounts 2010/11 (Source: Duncan Ellis, Acting Financial Services Manager; Tel. 01263 516330; Email: 13. NEW GOVERNMENT POLICY UPDATE To receive any update on new Government policy. 14. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES (attached – p 6) To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) 15. Cabinet – 6 June 2011 Licensing and Appeals Committee – 20 June 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 22 June 2011 Development Committee – 23 June 2011 Cabinet – 4 July 2011 Development Committee – 14 July 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20 July 2011 Development Committee – 21 July 2011 Standards Committee – 9 August 2011 Development Committee – 18 August 2011 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET To receive reports from the Cabinet or Members of the Cabinet. 16. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS The following question has been received from Mr G R Jones: “Will Councillor Wyndham Northam please provide me with information about the Bacton Gas Terminal Liaison Committee. I request that the response covers the following points: 1. Committee reporting arrangements including frequency. 2. The make up of the Committee, the organisations represented, and the arrangements for council member appointment. 3. Members’ attendance record over the last 2 years. 4. Arrangements for publication of minutes or notes of meetings. 5. Dates of meetings over the past two years. 6. When the explosion occurred two years ago, for which the operators were fined, the role played by the Committee and the record of its findings. 7. The cost to North Norfolk District Council of supporting the Committee for each of the past two financial years. 8. The level of technical expertise amongst the current membership of the Committee. Could the Chairman of the Liaison Committee also advise me on the future role and value to the Council and our local communities of the Committee and whether or not the Committee was involved in discussions about the proposed major works at the Terminal and, more importantly, arrangements for consultation with parishes likely to be adversely affected by the suggested bus routes should the park and ride plans for construction workers go ahead.” 17. OPPOSITION BUSINESS None received 18. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION The following motion has been moved by Mr E Seward and seconded by Mr R Smith: Bittern Railway Line “The Council notes that the franchise for the current operator of the line comes to an end in early 2012 and that it is the Government's intention to issues new franchises for the operation of the line on an interim/permanent basis. Given the social and economic importance of the Bittern Line to North Norfolk the Council agrees that it should take an active interest in the franchise process and in so doing lobby for an enhanced service on the Bittern Line in the granting of a franchise. It also agrees that the North Norfolk Member of Parliament should be asked to assist in this process”. 19. SEALED DOCUMENTS Recommendation: (attached – p 85) That the list of sealed documents is received by Members. Contact: Tony Ing 01263 516080 Email: 20. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 21. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public