Agenda Item 5 FULL COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 19 October 2011 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mr N D Dixon Mrs H Eales Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P W High Mr T Ivory Mr B Jarvis Mr K E Johnson Officers in Attendance: Also in Attendance: 64. Mr G R Jones Mr J H A Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs B A McGoun Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Miss B Palmer Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Reynolds Mr J D Savory Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr N Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A C Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mrs L Walker Mr S Ward Mr G Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr D Young The Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Community, the Strategic Director – Environment, the Strategic Director – Information, the Organisational Development Manager, the Acting Financial Services Manager and the Democratic Services Team Leader (MMH). The press and members of the public (for minutes 64 – 80) CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman paid tribute to Mr G Craske, Member for the Runtons from 1991-1998, who had recently passed away and whose funeral would take place on 21 October 2011. A minute of silence was held to remember Mr Craske. 65. PRAYERS The Meeting began with prayer led by Revd John Smith, Priest-in-Charge, Roughton, Felbrigg, Metton, Sustead, Bessingham and Gunton with Hanworth. 65. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS None received. 66. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Mr M J M Baker, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A Green, Mr B J Hannah, Mr R Oliver, Mr R C Price, Mr J Punchard and Mrs H Thompson. Full Council 1 19 October 2011 67. MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting of Full Council held on 21 September 2011 were approved as a correct record. 68. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were 2 items of urgent business: a) Coastal Pathfinder Programme – diversion of the Marrams footpath, Cromer: This item was originally the subject of a decision by the Cabinet on 7 June 2010. The business was urgent because although Cabinet by its decision had approved the diversion of the Marrams footpath and most of the legal process had now been completed, it had subsequently been discovered by the Legal and Democratic Services Manager that confirmation of footpath extingushment under s118 Highways Act 1980 was a matter reserved to Full Council. RESOLVED To confirm the extinguishment of the section of the Marrams footpath as agreed by Cabinet on 7 June 2010 and to authorise the Legal and Democratic Services Manager to execute the necessary documentation. b) Pay and Grading: this item was urgent because legal advice had now been received and the matter needed to be progressed. It was taken under Minute 80. 69. PUBLIC QUESTIONS A question had been received from Ms Janet Farrow, Partnership Manager, Upcher Partnership in which she asked if Members had read the report by Mark Patchett. The Chief Executive explained that the report (on local area partnerships and voluntary services) had been commissioned by the North Norfolk Community Partnership, not North Norfolk District Council. It would have been seen by some Members but hadn’t been widely circulated. The Leader thanked Ms Farrow for her question. She said that the original intention had been that the local area partnerships should have been self-funding by 2010 and that funding had been extended twice since then. The Council would be talking to the local area partnerships in the near future. 70. REVIEW OF POLLING ARRANGEMENTS IN NORTH NORFOLK 2011 The Returning Officer was required every four years to undertake a review of polling districts and polling places within the Council’s administrative boundaries and to make any recommendations for change. Whilst undertaking this statutory review, the Returning Officer has separately considered the current provision and location of polling stations within the District and, as a result of the Council’s own internal analysis together with various suggestions for change submitted by town and parish councils, wished to advise councillors of a number of revisions which would come into immediate effect and be applied as relevant to all future elections held in North Norfolk. The revisions were set out in the report and included the rationalisation of an historical anomaly regarding Gunthorpe and Bale. The local Member reported that the Parishes accepted this revision. A thorough review process had been undertaken involving a range of consultees. The Returning Officer was satisfied that the changes set out in the report would not compromise electors’ ability to vote and would continue to offer personal choice of voting method. Full Council 2 19 October 2011 REVIEW OF POLLING ARRANGEMENTS IN NORTH NORFOLK 2011 (Continued) RESOLVED 1. To approve the following change of Polling District effective from 1 December 2011: Polling District UM4 Gunthorpe South and Polling District UN4 Gunthorpe North (Bale) to be merged into a single Polling District UM4 Gunthorpe 2. To NOTE that the Polling Place for Gunthorpe Polling District will be Gunthorpe Village Institute. 71. BOUNDARY COMMISSION REVIEW OF ENGLISH PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY BOUNDARIES, 2013 The purpose of this item was to receive and discuss any views on the proposed changes in North Norfolk namely that those North Norfolk district wards currently within the Broadland Constituency be included in the revised North Norfolk Constituency and that the district wards of Stalham and Sutton, Waxham and Waterside be included in the revised Great Yarmouth Constituency. The parishes, towns and Members concerned had been consulted. Those who were now in the Broadland Constituency wanted to return to North Norfolk and those who were proposed for inclusion in the Great Yarmouth Constituency wanted to remain in North Norfolk. It was believed that there was a degree of confusion and that some residents thought that a change in the administrative boundaries of the District was being proposed. Any change was, however, purely for Parliamentary purposes. The confusion was probably caused by the Districts and the Constituencies having the same name. It would perhaps be helpful if the Constituencies were renamed. However, it would be more consistent if the Parliamentary Constituency boundaries were the same as those of the District. RESOLVED that a response should be made to the Boundary Commission requesting that the Parliamentary Constituency boundaries be the same as those of the District. 72. NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL CORPORATE PLANNING FRAMEWORK: CORPORATE PLAN 2011-2015; FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE 2011/12 – 2014/15 STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND ORGANISATIONAL WORKSTREAMS RECOMMENDATION FROM CABINET 3 OCTOBER 2011 (Minute 41) RECOMMENDATION FROM THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 4 OCTOBER 2011 (Minute 52) These 3 items (numbers 10, 11 and 12 on the Agenda) were taken together. The recommendations from Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny would be proposed, seconded, but not spoken to. After debate both recommendations would be voted on. The recommendation from Cabinet 3 October 2011 was proposed by Mr J H A Lee and seconded by Mr T Ivory: To recommend approval of the Corporate Plan by Full Council at its meeting on 19 October 2011 and note the updated financial forecast for 2011/2012-2014/2015 The recommendation from the special meeting of Overview and Scrutiny 4 October 2011 was proposed by Mr E Seward and seconded by Mr G Williams: That the decision to approve the Corporate Plan is deferred to allow consultation with parish and town councils and other key partners on the key priorities and actions. Full Council 3 19 October 2011 NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL CORPORATE PLANNING FRAMEWORK: CORPORATE PLAN 2011-2015; FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE 2011/12 – 2014/15 STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND ORGANISATIONAL WORKSTREAMS (Continued) A discussion followed during which the following points were made: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Full Council It was important to get the Corporate Plan right. The present version had a long way to go. Disappointment was expressed that Cabinet had made no response to the points raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, even though they had 2 weeks to do this. Concern was expressed about the lack of detail in the Corporate Plan. However, it contained some good points and these had been recognised by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Cabinet had given assurance that detail would be provided at a later date. Concern was voiced that the Corporate Plan should not be voted through on that basis when it could be improved if it was worked on for another few weeks. There was time to do this work. The Leader thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their comments and for their suggested amendments. She explained that the Corporate Plan was in 2 parts. The document which had been presented to Members was the first part, the vision, based on the Conservative Group’s election manifesto. It had taken into consideration consultations which had been carried out in 2010. The second part, the annual action plans would be taken to consultation. Work on this had already commenced. An invitation had gone out to town and parish councils inviting them to a round table event and a residents’ survey would be conducted via “Outlook”. In the present uncertain climate the Cabinet could not make long-term promises that they might not be able to keep. Cabinet had noted the recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee but it was their intention to keep the first version of the Corporate Plan as simple as possible. Concern was expressed that, as well as lack of detail, there were no targets in the Corporate Plan. There was no reference to young people and no specific targets for coastal issues. The recommendation from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been the result of a unanimous vote. Concern was expressed that 25% of residents would not have seen the Conservative Group manifesto. The views of the local area partnerships, town and parish councils should be taken into account. The document was very generic and didn’t explain how the taxpayer’s money would be spent. The Chair of Overview and Scrutiny said that the Committee would like to receive a response to their comments which had been made in a constructive manner. He welcomed the Round Table meeting and Resident Survey. The Corporate Plan was a wonderful vision but there was no explanation of how it would be achieved. Some aims might not be achievable. Members should be sure the Plan was right before they approved it. The Corporate Plan was intended to set the Council’s direction of travel between now and 2015. It set priorities, not targets and would be achieved by action plans. The action plans would be the subject of consultation. Cabinet Members, and not officers, should take responsibility for targets. It was not in the gift of NNDC to decide on the future of the local area partnerships. It was, however, in the Council’s gift to decide how receipts from second homes council tax should be allocated. Housing provision was a priority for the Council and this would be tackled. 4 19 October 2011 NORTH DISTRICT COUNCIL CORPORATE PLANNING FRAMEWORK: CORPORATE PLAN 2011-2015; FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE 2011/12 – 2014/15 STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND ORGANISATIONAL WORKSTREAMS (Continued) After the discussion, a vote was taken on the recommendation from the special meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 4 October 2011. It was lost with 15 Members voting in favour and 19 against. A vote was then taken on the substantive motion. It was RESOLVED by 21 votes in favour, 13 against and 1 abstention To approve the Corporate Plan by Full Council and note the updated financial forecast for 2011/2012-2014/2015 73. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) Licensing and Appeals Committee – 11 July 2011 Cabinet – 5 September 2011 Development Committee – 8 September 2011 Development Committee – 15 September 2011 It was noted that since the publication of the Agenda an amendment had been agreed by the Development Committee to the minutes of the meeting of 15 September 2011, as follows: Minute 106 “Councillor B Smith declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he was a member of Mundesley Maritime Museum and knew members of Coastwatch. He vacated the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter.” It was RESOLVED that the above-mentioned minutes be noted. 74. REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET The Deputy Leader The Environmental Services Manager was thanked for the excellent presentation on the waste contract which he had made to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18 October 2011. The round changes had been managed well, despite a few teething problems. Mr K E Johnson a) Work on the Community Infrastructure Levy had been approved by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 18 October 2011. It would be carried forward by the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party. b) On 13 October 2011 the Development Committee had approved applications for 120 new homes in Hoveton and 60 in North Walsham. Both schemes included a proportion of affordable housing. c) Further initiatives to increase the number of homes in North Norfolk included a scheme to bring empty properties back into use. d) The panel of judges and officers were thanked for their work on the Graham Allen Awards. It was the 30th anniversary of the Awards which continued, and would continue to recognise the importance of built heritage. e) In response to a question from Mr G R Jones, Mr Johnson said that there were 90 affordable homes in progress. Full Council 5 19 October 2011 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET (Continued) Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett The coast was important for employment, tourism and well-being. Cabinet would be working towards integrated coastal zone management – helping coastal communities to prepare sustainable local plans. The Coastal Business strand of the Pathfinder Project would continue to be rolled out. 75. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS The following question had been received from Mrs B A McGoun: “It is my understanding that the Rt Hon Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, has recently found some £250 million to be spent on reinstating weekly rubbish collections. Can the Cabinet Portfolio member for the Environment confirm that despite the fact that North Norfolk District Council, historically, has a fine record financially and environmentally, with regard to refuse collection, he will be asking Mr Pickles whether North Norfolk District Council will be benefitting from this largesse. If not, can he comment on the fairness or otherwise of such an inequality and Mr Pickles' apparent desire to reward financially those councils that are evidently under performing.” The Portfolio Holder, Mr J H A Lee, replied that it would not be possible to apply for this funding because the Council had recently entered into a new refuse contract. The collection system was working very well and any financial reward from central government would have to be very substantial for the Council to consider change. 76. OPPOSITION BUSINESS This item had been withdrawn with the permission of the Leader of the Opposition. 77. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION The following notice of motion was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick and seconded by Mr J H A Lee: “This Council recognises the important role that the Cromer Crab Company plays in the District as both a major employer and an iconic brand name. This Council therefore notes with dismay the risk to the future of the factory as a result of the decision to begin a 90 day consultation process about the future of the facility which could lead to a decision to relocate the business away from Norfolk. This Council’s first priority is to seek to retain the business within Cromer and to safeguard the jobs of the 230 staff employed there. To this end, this Council is already working closely with the owners of the business, the staff and other stakeholders to secure this objective and fully supports the campaign being run by the North Norfolk News. Furthermore, this Council is already working closely with the Marine Management Organisation under the FLAG project to look to the future and to ensure that, if the owners of the Cromer Crab Company do decide to relocate the business away from the area, all possible steps are taken to protect the iconic status of the name Cromer Crab. This Council is pleased to have already secured funding, in partnership with the MMO, for a sustainability study, which is the required first step in this process of securing such protection.” Full Council 6 19 October 2011 NOTICE(S) OF MOTION (Continued) The motion was debated: a) Mr T FitzPatrick encouraged Members to give cross-party support to the Motion. The Council appreciated the way the owners of the business had worked with them. The Portfolio Holder had met with them twice and was due to have another meeting in the following week. The Council was working to avoid the loss of 230 jobs and to protect the name of Cromer Crab. b) Mr R Smith proposed an amendment to the motion. He suggested that the last sentence in the 2nd paragraph should read: “To this end, this Council is already working closely with the owners of the business, the staff and other stakeholders, including Members of Parliament and relevant government ministers to secure this objective and fully supports the campaign being run by the North Norfolk News.” RESOLVED To support the Motion, including the amendment. 78. LIST OF SEALED DOCUMENTS RESOLVED that the list of sealed documents be received. 79. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 80. PAY AND GRADING a) The Portfolio Holder, Mr K E Johnson, thanked the Members of the Pay and Grading Board for their work. b) Background papers were available if Members wished to see them. The process had taken 3 years and had been managed with fairness at every stage. The Organisational Development Manager had worked really hard on this. c) It was unfortunate and disappointing that national UNISON had not agreed to ballot their membership. However they would not change their position and staff wanted this matter brought to a conclusion. d) Staff still had the right to appeal. e) The report recommended that a 90 day consultation period should be commenced. During this time talks would be held with UNISON. Then the matter would come back to Members. RESOLVED That the revised process for implementation of the pay and grading review as detailed in the report be approved. Mr P W Moore abstained. The meeting concluded at 7.20 pm. ____ Chairman Full Council 7 19 October 2011