Council Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 10 December 2013 A meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 18 December 2013 at 6.00 p.m. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYER Led by Reverend Canon Dr David Court, Vicar, Cromer Parish Church with St Martins. 2. PRESENTATION - OVERVIEW ON COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNTS AND DETERMINATION OF THE COUNCIL TAX BASE A short session by the Head of Finance on the processes involved in determining Council tax discounts and the determination of the Council tax base. This is the first in a series of „bitesize‟ sessions aimed at supporting members in their role as decision-makers. 3. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the Chairman‟s communications, if any. 4. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 5. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 6. (page 1) MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26 November 2013. 7. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 8. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 9. APPOINTMENTS Members will be notified in advance of the meeting if any appointments are proposed. 10. DETERMINATION OF COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNTS AND CHARGES FOR 2014/15 (page 8) (Appendix A – p. 12) Summary: This report recommends the level of council tax discounts and premiums which will apply to second homes, empty properties and uninhabitable dwellings for the financial year 2014/15. The determinations are made by the Council under sections 11A and 11B, and of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, subsequent enabling powers and Regulations made under the Act. Options considered: The recommendations represent a continuation of the determinations made for 2013/14 which took advantage of the reforms included in the Local Government Finance Act 2012 to generate additional revenue and to bring empty properties back into use. Conclusions: The legislation provides local authorities with the power to make changes to the level of council tax discount and premiums in relation to second homes, empty properties and uninhabitable dwellings. The Council has to approve its determinations for each financial year. The calculation of the tax base for 2014/15 will be made on the assumption that the determinations recommended below will apply. Recommendations: 1 Members are recommended to resolve that under section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and other enabling powers that: (i) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „A‟ remains at 50% for the year 2014/15; (ii) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „B‟ remains at 5% for the year 2014/15; (a) (b) (iii) those dwellings that are specifically identified under regulation 6 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003, which will retain the 50% discount; those dwellings described or geographically defined at Appendix A which in the reasonable opinion of the Head of Finance are judged not to be structurally capable of occupation all year round and were built before the restrictions of seasonal usage were introduced by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, will retain the 50% discount; the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „C‟ to remain at 100% for three months for the year 2014/15; the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „D‟ to remain at 50% for (iv) 2 (i) 3 Reasons for Recommendations: Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: 11. twelve months for the year 2014/15. Members are recommended to resolve that under section 11B(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and other enabling powers: A premium is charged for properties which have been empty and substantially unfurnished for two years or more of 50% of the council tax payable in relation to that dwelling. In accordance with the relevant legislation these determinations shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in North Norfolk before the end of the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the determinations. To set appropriate council tax discounts which will apply in 2014/15 in accordance with the legal requirements, to raise additional council tax revenue and encouraging properties to be brought back into use. Cllr W Northam All Karen Sly 01263 516243 DETERMINATION OF THE COUNCIL TAX BASE FOR 2014/15 AND THE TREATMENT OF SPECIAL EXPENSES (page 20) Summary: The purpose of this report is to determine the Council‟s 2014/15 tax base and the 2014/15 tax base for each parish in accordance with the legal requirements. Conclusions: The determination of the tax base for a financial year has to be undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements between 1 December and 31 January of the preceding financial year. Recommendations: a) That the calculations set out in this report used to produce the Council’s tax base be approved, and the tax base for 2014/15 be determined as 36,769; b) That the tax base for each parish area for the financial year 2014/15 be as set out at paragraph 2.1. Reasons for Recommendations: To determine the 2014/15 Council Tax Base in accordance with legislative requirements and to inform the 2014/15 budget setting process. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer: Telephone number Email: 12. 13. Cllr W Northam All Karen Sly 01263 516243 DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2014/15 (page 26) (Appendix B – p. 28) Summary: A draft Programme of Meetings for 2014/15 has been prepared and circulated for consultation and is attached at Appendix B. Conclusions: Following review, the proposed draft Programme of Meetings 2014-2015 follows the established cycle of meetings as closely as possible, with some minor changes and improvements. Recommendations: That Members adopt the Programme of Meetings for 2014-2015. Cabinet Member(s) Wards affected Cllr Rhodri Oliver All Contact Officer: Telephone number: and email: Alison Argent 01263 516058 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 02 DECEMBER 2013 a) AGENDA ITEM 10: FEES AND CHARGES 2014/15 (Cabinet Agenda 02 December 2013 – p. 31) RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: To agree: a) The fees and charges from 1 April 2014 as included at Appendix A; b) The fees for the certification for the installation of wood burners to come into effect from 1 January 2014 as follows: Installation of a solid fuel appliance (eg. Wood Burner): (i) Where the appliance is commissioned by a third party, a Building Notice Charge, including VAT, of £180; (ii) Where the appliance is tested by NNDC a Building Notice Charge, including VAT, of £312. b) AGENDA ITEM 11: HOUSING BENEFIT AND COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT COUNTER FRAUD POLICY AND PROSECUTION POLICY (Cabinet Agenda 02 December 2013 – p.50) RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL: That the revised Counter Fraud Policy and Prosecution Policy are adopted. 14. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 11 DECEMBER 2013 To consider any recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 11 December 2013. (please note this meeting was held after the Council agenda was published and therefore the recommendations are not included here) 15. TO RECEIVE THE APPROVED MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES Members are requested to note that the minutes of the undermentioned committees have been approved. Copies of all the minutes are available on the Council‟s website or from Democratic Services. Cabinet – 04 November 2013 16. REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET To receive reports from the Cabinet or Members of the Cabinet. 17. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS None 18. OPPOSITION BUSINESS To receive any opposition business. 19. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION None received 20. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 21. PRIVATE BUSINESS Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate officers. Press and Public COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of North Norfolk District Council held on 26 November 2013 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 6.00 pm. Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mr M Baker Mrs L Brettle Mr B Cabbell Manners Mrs A ClaussenReynolds Mrs H Cox Mr N D Dixon Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Ms V Gay Mrs A Green Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr G Jones Officers in Attendance: 77. Mr J H A Lee Mr N Lloyd Mrs B McGoun Mrs A Moore Mr P W Moore Mr W J Northam Mr R Oliver Mr J Perry-Warnes Mr R Price Mr R Reynolds Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mr R Smith Mr R Stevens Mrs A Sweeney Mr P Terrington Mrs V Uprichard Mr S Ward Mr G Williams Mr P Williams Mr R Wright Mr J A Wyatt Mr A Yiasimi Mr D Young The Chief Executive, The Corporate Directors, the Monitoring Officer, the Head of Finance and the Democratic Services Team Leader PRAYERS The Chairman invited Councillor B McGoun to lead the meeting in prayer. 78. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS The Chairman spoke about recent events that she attended. She mentioned the unveiling of the sculpture at the Belfry, Overstrand, the launch of Coast at Cromer, the Justice service at Norwich Cathedral, the remembrance service at Cromer parish church and the very successful Break Charity golf day. She then went on to highlight the Bernard Matthews Youth Awards, for which Sheringham Community Smallholders had received an award in the food and farming category. The Chairman then reminded members that many individuals and organisations were grateful for the support that the Council provided to them and they often commented on it to her. A recent letter of thanks from Livability was an example of this. She concluded by reminding members about the Christmas carol service on the 23 December in the reception area at the Council offices. 79. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST FROM MEMBERS None 80. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Full Council 1 26 November 2013 Apologies for absence were received from Mrs H Eales, Mr B Hannah, Mr P High, Mr T Ivory, Mr B Jarvis, Miss B Palmer, Mr J Punchard, Mr N Smith and Mrs L Walker. 81. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of Council held on 18 September 2013 were approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendments: Minute 64: ‘warned that the situation would change’ should be amended to state ’warned that the situation wouldn’t change’. Minute 67 ‘the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts would be issued by 31 December 2013’ should be amended to state ‘ the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts would be issued by 30 September 2013’ 82. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There was one item of urgent business. This was a Notice of Motion relating to the Coasthopper bus service. The item was urgent as responses to the County Council consultation must be submitted by 12 December 2013. The Chairman informed members that this item would be dealt with at agenda item 14. 83. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None 84. APPOINTMENTS It was proposed by Mrs A Moore, seconded by Mr T FitzPatrick and RESOLVED To appoint Mr P W Moore to replace Mr E Seward as Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Mr M Baker said that he had no objection to Mr P Moore’s appointment but that as leader of a political group he would have liked to have been consulted before it was proposed. He added that the constitution did not specify that the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be a member of the main opposition group. The Chief Executive apologised for the oversight and assured Mr Baker that he would be notified in the future. Mrs A Moore, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group thanked Mr Seward for his hard work and commitment. Mr W Northam added that he too would like to thank Mr Seward for his excellent chairmanship. He congratulated Mr Moore on his appointment. Mr P Moore thanked members for approving his appointment. 85. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 07 NOVEMBER 2013 AGENDA ITEM 9: BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2013/14 – PERIOD 6 Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance presented this item. He explained that the report summarised the budget monitoring position for the revenue account to the end of September 2013. The overall position at the end of period 6 showed a forecast underspend for the current financial year on the revenue account. Car park income was exceeding projections and there was an increase in planning fee income due to the number of large fee earning applications. Full Council 2 26 November 2013 The only area of concern was investment properties. Mr Northam informed members that the Grove Lane depot was currently vacant and that the property was being marketed but that it may not be re-let during the current financial year. Mr Northam concluded by thanking the Head of Finance and her team for all their hard work. Mr E Seward, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that the Committee had endorsed the Cabinet recommendations. Mr M Baker commented on the increase in car park income. He said that rural businesses were under continuing financial pressure and he had concerns that car park charges were adding to this by deterring local shoppers. He requested that lower charges should be included in next years’ budget and that the Council could consider introducing resident’s permits for reduced parking costs. Mr Northam responded that the increase in charges was small and there had been no complaints from the town councils following their introduction. He added that the figures from 2012 when there had been a poor summer proved that income was mainly from visitors to the area. He concluded by saying that the Council had very limited sources of income. Mr D Young sought clarification regarding the figures provided in the service variances table within the report. The Head of Finance explained why the figures were laid out in that format and the Chief Executive added that they would not be presented this way in the future. Mr Young then went on to query why the postage charges for County Council elections were still outstanding. The Head of Finance replied that there had been a delay and this was still ongoing. The Chief Executive explained that the Council had to submit a claim for the outstanding amount and this had been done in good time. Further details would be circulated to members as soon as the information was available. Mr N Lloyd thanked Mr J Lee, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, for his recent confirmation that there would be no further cuts to the Dual Use Sports Centres. Mr G Jones queried the fee income for legal services and why the figures were different in the explanatory text to those in the table. The Head of Finance explained that the figure in the table was the total service variance up to the end of Period 6 against the profiled budget, whereas the amount in the text referred to the current variance of income, ie income not received as budgeted up to the end of period 6, with the difference being made up of smaller overspends. The Head of Finance confirmed that the Head of Legal Services was not anticipating any full year variance at this time for the service. It was proposed by Mr W J Northam, seconded by Mr P W Moore and RESOLVED To note the updated budget as set out in section 5.1, Table 3 AGENDA ITEM 10: TREASURY MANAGEMENT HALF YEARLY REPORT Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced this item. He explained that the report provided information on treasury management activities undertaken during the first six months of 2013/14. During this period, the average amount invested was £23.5m resulting in an overall interest return of £193,393. The recent downgrading of the Council’s bank, Co-operative Bank, was of concern and to mitigate exposure in the event of a failure by the bank, credit balances with the Co-operative were kept to a minimum each day. Full Council 3 26 November 2013 Mr Northam concluded by informing members that £5m would have been invested with the LAMIT fund by the end of 2013. The latest dividend had been 2.8% and if this continued the annual dividend would amount to 5.6% - demonstrating that the decision to use LAMIT had been sound. Mr Northam thanked the Technical Accountant for all his support and hard work. Mr E Seward, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that the Committee had endorsed the Cabinet recommendations Members were invited to ask questions: 1. 2. Mr M Baker said that he was concerned that the Council had a contract with the Cooperative Bank until 2015. He queried the benefits of being tied in this way. The Head of Finance explained that the Council had entered into the contract jointly with other local authorities. She reassured members that the Co-operative Bank had agreed to work with the Council if they wished to move away before the end of the contract. She added that they had recently set up an alternative facility with another bank. Mr Baker responded that the issue should be put on the ‘front burner’ and the Council should leave the Cooperative Bank as soon as possible. Mr P W Moore asked how much money the Council had invested with the Co-operative Bank and if there was a minimum amount that needed to be retained. The Head of Finance explained that the Council did not have any investments with the Co-operative and that they moved money out of the bank every night, retaining just a minimal balance. In response to a further question from Mr R Oliver regarding the length of the contract with the bank, she confirmed that it was for 4 years. The Chief Executive said that the Council would be looking to work with other local authorities and procure a new contract jointly as they would get a preferential rate. She explained that all Councils had a contract with their bank and that members would be notified when timings were clearer. In response to a question regarding the preferred choice of bank for the future, the Head of Finance explained that a competitive tendering process would be necessary. She confirmed that an alternative account was currently in place with Barclays Bank. Ms V Gay referred to the recent advisory warning issued by the Council’s treasury advisor, Arlingclose. The Head of Finance replied that this related to investments with the Co-operative Bank and that the Council had already acted on this advice some time ago. Mr W Northam added that the Council had banked with the Co-operative Bank for a long time and they had always been above reproach. It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr B Cabbell Manners and RESOLVED to approve the half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2013/14. 86. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES RESOLVED to receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) Full Council Audit Committee – 18 June 2013 Cabinet – 09 September 2013 4 26 November 2013 c) d) e) f) g) 87. Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 11 September 2013 Development Committee – 26 September 2013 Cabinet – 07 October 2013 Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 16 October 2013 Development Committee – 24 October 2013 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET Mrs A Fitch-Tillett informed members that information would be provided on the Coastal Concordat. She said that herself and several officers had worked with the LGA Special Interest Group for Coastal Issues to put the concordat in place and they were delighted that DEFRA had agreed. This would ensure a single agreed regulator was identified to oversee the co-ordination of licensing and permitting for new coastal projects – saving time and money for the Council. Mr R Wright spoke about the recent Enterprise North Norfolk presentation. There were ten local entrepreneurs in the scheme which was run jointly by NNDC and the County Council and helped new businesses access finance and get their business plans together. He added that the Council was leading the field in this area. Mr Wright then referred to the new reception area. He said that it was much more businesslike now and had been very well-received by staff and the public. He thanked Nick baker, Corporate Director, for all his hard work and support. Mr R Oliver said that several members had commented that the reception project was a waste of money. He reminded them that there would be revenue savings resulting in a 5 year payback for the project. With reference to the removal of CCTV, Mr Oliver informed members that Wells Town Council had decided not pursue the matter and had dropped out of discussions with the other town councils. The remaining four councils were intending to undertake a survey collectively. Mr T FitzPatrick told members that he had been disappointed at Statoil’s decision to operate out of Great Yarmouth. He emphasised the importance of the energy industry to the District and said that the Council would continue to push the benefits of Wells Harbour. 88. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION The following Notice of Motion had been proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick: ‘North Norfolk District Council recognises the crucial role played by the Coasthopper bus service which provides essential links between our coastal and neighbouring inland communities. It believes the Coasthopper service to be a vital component of the North Norfolk economy, making it possible for people to travel to work outside their towns and villages throughout the year and is an important part of the district’s tourism offering throughout the year but particularly in the summer months. NNDC views with concern the proposal by the current administration at Norfolk County Council to drastically reduce the funding of the core service and reduce the frequency of services, as this will also have an inevitable negative effect on the linked routes. These reductions will potentially lead to further rural isolation, a reduced winter service and adverse effects on the North Norfolk economy. North Norfolk District Council calls for Norfolk County Council to guarantee that there will be no reduction in the service and to consult fully with the residents and stakeholders in North Norfolk on the details of any potential changes when these are known.’ The motion was seconded by Mr R Oliver. Full Council 5 26 November 2013 Mr FitzPatrick said that that there had been a large campaign previously to protect the Coasthopper from cuts and he urged members to support the motion. The motion was debated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mr M Baker said that he fully supported the Coasthopper bus service. He reminded members that the County Council had to find £189m of savings and that it was unlikely that the Coasthopper would be at the top of the list of priority services that should be protected from cuts. Mr G Jones supported the motion. He said that he had recently attended a meeting of the Older Peoples’ Forum where there had been a heated discussion about the Coasthopper service. He said that he did have some concerns that taxpayers were subsiding the service and that there could be a case for charging a minimum payment for everyone that used it – including bus pass holders. Mr P W Moore said that he was not comfortable with the phrase ‘the current administration at Norfolk County Council’ as he felt it was overly political. Mr B Cabbell Manners replied that the Coasthopper service was vital for tourism and members needed to be aware that the change of administration at the County Council did have an impact. Mr R Smith said that the service was well-loved and well used. However, members should be realistic and whichever group was in control of the County Council would be considering cuts to the service. He said that he too would support the introduction of a minimum charge for the service. Mr D Young said that the idea of asking people with bus passes to pay for the Coasthopper was a popular one but was not legal and this was unlikely to change until at least 2015. He reminded members that Norman Lamb MP and Norman Baker MP had come together in January 2013 to support the Coasthopper service. He concluded by saying that it looked likely that the summer service for next year would be unaffected but the winter service was under threat. Mr R Oliver informed members that the overall budget for the County’s bus services was increasing and the only proposed reduction was to the Coasthopper service. He added that it was not possible to know at this stage what the changes to the winter service might be. He concluded by saying the cut was unfair and the Coasthopper bus service was being singled out. Mr M Baker reminded members that there was a huge shortage of funds but that he fully supported the Coasthopper. Mr N Lloyd said his only concern was the wording of the motion. The Monitoring Officer advised members that the substantive motion consisted of the final sentence and if the proposer was in agreement then members could vote on this part of the motion only. Mr T FitzPatrick said that he saw no problem with the full wording but that he would accept the advice of the Monitoring Officer. Mr R Oliver agreed to second this. Before putting the motion to the vote, the Chief Executive said that the Council would be responding in full to the wider County Council consultation on service provision but that the motion was specific to North Norfolk. Mr T FitzPatrick added that because the Coasthopper Bus service was so important to the District he hoped that all members would support the motion. The motion was then put to the vote and supported. Mr P Terrington abstained. The meeting concluded at 7.10 pm. Full Council 6 26 November 2013 _________________________ Chairman Full Council 7 26 November 2013 Agenda Item 10 DETERMINATION OF COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNTS AND CHARGES FOR 2014/15 Summary: This report recommends the level of council tax discounts and premiums which will apply to second homes, empty properties and uninhabitable dwellings for the financial year 2014/15. The determinations are made by the Council under sections 11A and 11B, and of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, subsequent enabling powers and Regulations made under the Act. Options considered: The recommendations represent a continuation of the determinations made for 2013/14 which took advantage of the reforms included in the Local Government Finance Act 2012 to generate additional revenue and to bring empty properties back into use. Conclusions: The legislation provides local authorities with the power to make changes to the level of council tax discount and premiums in relation to second homes, empty properties and uninhabitable dwellings. The Council has to approve its determinations for each financial year. The calculation of the tax base for 2014/15 will be made on the assumption that the determinations recommended below will apply. Recommendations: 1 Members are recommended to resolve that under section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and other enabling powers that: (i) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „A‟ remains at 50% for the year 2014/15; (ii) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „B‟ remains at 5% for the year 2014/15; (a) those dwellings that are specifically identified under regulation 6 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes 8 of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003, which will retain the 50% discount; (b) those dwellings described or geographically defined at Appendix A which in the reasonable opinion of the Head of Finance are judged not to be structurally capable of occupation all year round and were built before the restrictions of seasonal usage were introduced by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, will retain the 50% discount; (iii) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „C‟ to remain at 100% for three months for the year 2014/15; (iv) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class „D‟ to remain at 50% for twelve months for the year 2014/15. 2 (i) 3 Reasons for Recommendations: Members are recommended to resolve that under section 11B(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 and other enabling powers: A premium is charged for properties which have been empty and substantially unfurnished for two years or more of 50% of the council tax payable in relation to that dwelling. In accordance with the relevant legislation these determinations shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in North Norfolk before the end of the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the determinations. To set appropriate council tax discounts which will apply in 2014/15 in accordance with the legal requirements, to raise additional council tax revenue and encouraging properties to be brought back into use. 1. Introduction 1.1 Local Authorities are required to approve their Council Tax discount determinations each year. 1.2 The legislation provides local authorities with powers to make changes to the level of council tax discount in relation to second homes, empty properties and properties undergoing or requiring major structural repair. 9 1.3 All billing authorities are able to reduce or end the nationally set 50% council tax discount for second homes. The exception to this rule is that billing authorities cannot change the discount for second homes of people who are liable for council tax on dwellings provided by an employer, i.e. tied accommodation, as established under regulation 6 of the Council Tax (prescribed classes of dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003. This Report recommended that the discount for dwellings falling into Class A remains at 50%, and for Class B dwellings at 5%. 1.4 Billing authorities are able to decide what percentage of council tax to charge, up to the full amount, in relation to dwellings which are undergoing, or have undergone within the last six months, major repairs. These properties fall into Class D for a maximum period of 12 months, and it is recommended that a discount of 50% be applied to such properties as an incentive to bring them back into use. 1.5 Dwellings which are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished fall into Class C. These properties receive a 100% discount for three months. 1.6 Billing authorities can charge a premium of up to 50% of the Council Tax charge for properties that have been vacant for over 24 months. This serves as an incentive to bring long term empty properties back into use. It is recommended that a premium of 50% of the council tax charge continues is levied after 24 months. 1.7 It is for the billing authority to determine whether changes on discounts apply to all or parts of its area. An area can be as small as one property (provided it can be defined geographically) and different discounts can apply in different parts of the area. 2. Classes of Property 2.1 The Regulations differentiate between classes of property as follows: “Class A” - properties are those which are not an individual‟s sole or main residence, are furnished and have seasonal planning prohibition (i.e. preventing occupation for a continuous period of at least 28 days). “Class B” - properties are those which are not an individual‟s sole or main residence, are furnished and have no restrictions with regard to occupation. “Class C” - properties are those which are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished. “Class D” - properties which are vacant and require or are undergoing major work to render them habitable, are undergoing structural alteration or have undergone major repair work to render them habitable which have been substantially completed for six months and the property has been vacant from that date. “Class E” - the sole or main residence of a person which is empty while that person resides in accommodation provided by the Ministry of Defence i.e. service personnel posted away from home. This Class provides an exemption from the empty homes premium. “Class F” - those properties which form part of a single property which includes at least one other dwelling and is being used by a resident of that other dwelling as part of their sole residence (an annex in a property). This Class provides an exemption from the empty homes premium. 10 3. Formal Determinations 3.1 The Council has to approve its determinations for each financial year. The determinations recommended above reflect a continuance of the existing policy on council tax discounts and premiums. It should be noted that the schedule of Class “B” property exceptions shown in Appendix A and referred to in recommendation 1) b) above, is believed to include all dwellings potentially entitled to retain the 50% discount for the year commencing 1 April 2014 for the reason stated. Under the wording of the 2003 regulations, changes cannot be made to the schedule once the determinations have been made. Should further properties be notified to the Council for possible inclusion in the list for exemptions, they may only be added when the determinations for 2015/16 are made for operation from 1 April 2015. 4. Financial Implications and Risks The calculation of the tax base for 2014/15 will be made on the assumption that the determinations recommended above will apply. Should the determinations recommended above not be adopted for 2014/15, there will be a significant reduction in the Council‟s tax base with a potential direct impact on the level of council tax and / or the ability to finance the budget for 2014/15. Additionally potential funding support from Norfolk County Council for the Big Society Fund (which currently reflects a proportion of its share of council tax on second homes) may be at a higher level of risk. It should be noted that return of this funding to the District is subject to annual approval by Norfolk County Council. 5. Sustainability 5.1 This report does not raise any issues relating to Sustainability 6. Equality and diversity 6.1 This report does not raise any issues relating to Equality and Diversity 7. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations 7.1 This report does not raise any issues relating to Crime and Disorder considerations. 11 Appendix A North Norfolk District Council Reduction in Council Tax Discounts for Second Homes Schedule of Class 'B' Property Exceptions for the year 2014/15 Dwellings described or geographically defined, which are judged not structurally capable of occupation all year around and were built before the restrictions of seasonal usage were introduced by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947. Property Reference Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code Anne Standard Way, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0HE Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0EZ NR12 0AA NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ Anne Standard Way, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk 710567 Alfrada, 3 Coast Road, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. 710365 710444 710833 710834 710835 710836 710837 710838 710839 710840 710841 710842 710843 710844 710845 710846 710847 710848 710849 710850 710851 710852 710854 710855 710856 710857 710858 710859 710860 710861 710862 710863 710864 710865 710866 710867 710868 710869 710870 710871 710872 710873 710874 710876 710877 710878 710879 710880 710881 710882 710883 710884 710885 710886 710887 710888 710889 710890 710891 710892 42 Finnesterre 45 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 46 47 47A 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 12 Appendix A Property Reference 710893 710894 710895 710896 710897 710898 710899 710900 710901 710902 710903 710904 710905 710906 710907 710908 710909 710910 710911 710912 710913 710914 710915 710916 710917 710918 710919 Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code 62 63 64 66 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. Coast Road Chalet Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ NR12 0EZ Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0HS NR12 0HW NR12 0HW NR12 0HN NR12 0HW NR12 0HN NR12 0HS NR12 0HW NR12 0HW NR12 0HW NR12 0HW NR12 0HW Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH NR12 0HH Mill Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk 058339 059157 059716 061605 062281 710479 710573 762797 762930 763225 763260 763261 1 The Warren 5 New Zealand Way 3 New Zealand Way Montana 2 New Zealand Way Resthaven Crest o Cliff 9 New Zealand Way 6 New Zealand Way 7 New Zealand Way 8 New Zealand Way 4 New Zealand Way Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk 710641 710642 710643 710646 710647 710648 710654 710655 710656 710657 710659 710660 710661 710662 710663 710664 710665 710666 710667 710668 710669 710670 710671 710673 710674 710676 760703 12 20 29 11 30 Poppycott, 1 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 Brenholme 24 25 26 27 28 32 33 35 34 13 Appendix A Property Reference 763356 Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code 31 Seaview Estate, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0HH Watch House Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0HL Watch House Lane, Bacton, Norwich, Norfolk 710777 Falaig M'Hara 2 Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. 715599 715604 715605 715606 715608 715609 715610 715611 715614 715617 715618 715621 715622 715624 715626 715627 715630 715634 761175 Seagulls Sea Shack You & I Lucky Break Everne Ynot Barley Break Idle Hours Braemar Wylaway Lattice The Old Kit Bag Munden Sandilands Hill Side Fieldview Oasis Fourwinds Lisfannon Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Eccles-on-sea, Lessingham, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL NR12 0SL Abbotts Way, Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Abbotts Way, Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0TA NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0SF NR12 0TA Bush Estate, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. 012370 712376 712379 712380 712382 712385 712392 712397 712403 712404 712438 712473 712476 712481 712484 712493 712495 712496 712504 712506 756512 Alouette Tranquility Freaneezy Gaytime Kingfishers Pamela St Ives Tresco Bennebroek Reviellie Aingarth Bali-Hai Dresden Sea Urchin Dingly Dell Endways Badgers Set Blue Bay The Saltings Redwing Amberwood 14 Appendix A Property Reference Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY NR12 0SY Church Lane, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. 712407 712410 712413 712414 712415 712417 712421 712424 712425 712426 712429 Appleby Campanella Marinville Dunes edge Fairlight Majorica Sandsend Sea Whistle Sunnyside Sunray Campana Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. 712455 712462 712463 712468 712470 712472 Argus Sea Lowes Sparetyme White Lodge Cliff Royal Zermatt Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. Crowden Road, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0SJ NR12 0SJ NR12 0SJ NR12 0SJ NR12 0SJ NR12 0SJ Hedgehog Walk, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. 712607 Orkney Hedgehog Walk, Eccles-on-sea, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0SZ Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Golden Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0PP NR12 0PP NR12 0PP NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL NR12 0QL Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN NR12 0QN Beach Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. 061348 724031 724045 724137 724139 724141 724143 724144 724145 724147 724148 724149 724151 Forge Cottage Felicity Saltwood 10 14 O'Meara Eastward Ho, 11 Pershore Romany Sea Drift Sea Edge The Brambles Jeckells Hyde Bush Drive, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk. 724192 724196 724197 724198 724201 724202 724203 724204 724205 724206 724208 724212 724213 724215 724219 752939 Anon Flamingo Fourwinds Greentiles Holidays Kirk-Cu-Brae Leisure Hours Linden Puffin Samphire Sand Castle Silver Sand Slide Away Surf Cottage Windhill Bruins Rest 15 Appendix A Property Reference Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code Cart Gap Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0QL Wroxham Way, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0RX Hickling Broad, Hickling, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 0YW Vale Road, High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk Vale Road, High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk NR25 6RA NR25 6RA Bureside Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk Bureside Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk Bureside Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 8JP NR12 8JP NR12 8JP Ferry View Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk Ferry View Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk Ferry View Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 8PT NR12 8PT NR12 8PT Horning Reach, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk Horning Reach, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 8JR NR12 8JR Thurne Dyke, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk. Thurne Dyke, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk. Thurne Dyke, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 8QA NR12 8QA NR12 8QA Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ NR12 8UJ Cart Gap Road, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk 724376 The Bungalow Wroxham Way, Happisburgh, Norwich, Norfolk 724372 Haleholm, 42 Hickling Broad, Hickling, Norwich, Norfolk 713184 The Bungalow Vale Road, High Kelling, Holt, Norfolk 060747 730612 Lynton Loft at Lynton Rosana Bureside Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk 062453 713987 714003 Bureville & Burevista, 9 Plot 15 Plot 1B Ferry View Estate, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk 061055 062364 713848 Oakdale Cresta Cottage Waters Edge Horning Reach, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk 714037 714025 The Bungalow Bonnington Thurne Dyke, Horning, Norwich, Norfolk. 713919 713920 713922 Churne Bishops Mill Tide & Time Brimbelow Road. Hoveton, Norwich, Norfolk 714750 The Patch Bure Banks Brightside Willow Cabin Rosemere Bure Way The Wherry Sunrest Summer Craft Summer Haven Summer Vista Summer Vale Summer Lodge Summerville Morlands Burecroft 16 Appendix A Property Reference Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code Horse Fen Road, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Horsefen Road, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. NR29 5QG NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5ND NR29 5QG NR29 5ND NR29 5ND Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. NR11 8AW NR11 8AW NR11 8AW NR11 8AW NR11 8AW Riverbank, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. 060955 715988 715989 715990 715991 715992 715993 715994 715996 715997 715998 715999 716000 716001 716002 716003 716004 716005 716006 716008 716385 754931 760276 Woodbine Cottage Tonga Swan Haven The Willows Toorak Royston Plot 1D Pot Pourri Sunflowers Summertime Plot 2A Fairway Plot 2C Bluewaters Repps Reach Plot 2E Terra Nova Cedar Lodge Plot 4A Rania Plot 5B Leaside Touchwood Plot 5A Toad Hall Joybelle 1G Mands Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, Norfolk. 060979 733932 733934 733936 733937 8 East Cliff 10 East Cliff 4 East Cliff 6 East Cliff 7 East Cliff River Bank, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. 017014 017103 057217 057220 057388 058228 058378 058415 059675 060391 061826 717005 717007 717008 717009 717013 717016 717017 717019 717020 717021 717040 717042 717043 717044 717045 717046 717047 717048 717049 717050 717051 717052 717064 717065 Kalinda, 19 Rands (56-56A) Windy Ridge Mildene Patikipa The Rosary Willow Creek Sunnyside Haven Four Es Woodstock Olken Bath Hurst Melrose, 85A Eveholme High's Mill Restawhile, Plot 4 Risedene Nine Rosemary Cottage St Elmo Idleway Dutch Tutch Fishers Haven Wee Ben Dydle Down, 87 North East Eastcote Pachelbel, Plot 6 Little Quay River Rest, 8 North West Down River Crystal Haven Burton Garth The Sanctuary Rand View North East Riverbank, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth North East Riverbank, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth North East Riverbank, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth River Bank, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. 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NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN NR12 0UN Beach Road, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. 717930 Lenid Clink Lane, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. 060037 061552 717969 717970 717975 2 Farmside Lark Cottage Nutshell Seaway The Retreat Marram Hills, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. 061870 718091 718093 718094 718097 718098 718100 718101 718103 718104 718105 Meadow View Oriel Sea Home Linga Longa Sunnyside Santa Monica Kia Ora Sandy Lodge Tween Whyles Pot Luck Sea Breezes 18 Appendix A Property Reference 718106 718107 718108 718109 718110 718111 718112 718113 718115 718116 718117 718121 758355 761287 Property Name/ Number Property Address Post Code Timbers Vi La Vaer Splinters Peddlars Peace Tramore Stanfield Hillcroft Duneside Brambledene Jandola Tiny Tots Cliffside Hazeldene Venta Marram Hills, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. Marram Hills, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. Marram Hills, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. 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Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0NZ NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL NR12 0NL Hill Gap, Waxham, Norwich, Norfolk. Hill Gap, Waxham, Norwich, Norfolk. NR12 0DY NR12 0DY Sand Hills, Sea Palling, Norwich, Norfolk. 018035 718062 718063 718065 Primary Guest House at The School La Siesta Grenut Little House Moor Road, Sutton, Norwich, Norfolk 720253 Moorlands Seaview Crescent, Walcott, Norwich, Norfolk. 061806 724604 724605 724606 724607 724609 724610 724611 724614 724616 724618 724619 724620 724622 724623 724625 724626 724627 Blue Moon 1 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 Sea Breeze, 20 Sea Breeze, 22 4 5 7 8 Calm Seas Golden Sands Sunnyside Hill Gap, Waxham, Norwich, Norfolk. 718086 718087 Bide a Wee Shangri-la 19 Agenda Item No____11________ DETERMINATION OF THE COUNCIL TAX BASE FOR 2014/15 AND THE TREATMENT OF SPECIAL EXPENSES Summary: The purpose of this report is to determine the Council‟s 2014/15 tax base and the 2014/15 tax base for each parish in accordance with the legal requirements. Options considered: N/A Conclusions: The determination of the tax base for a financial year has to be undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements between 1 December and 31 January of the preceding financial year. Recommendations: a) That the calculations set out in this report used to produce the Council‟s tax base be approved, and the tax base for 2014/15 be determined as 36,769; b) That the tax base for each parish area for the financial year 2014/15 be as set out at paragraph 2.1. Reasons for Recommendations: To determine the 2014/15 Council Tax Base in accordance with legislative requirements and to inform the 2014/15 budget setting process. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected All All Contact Officer, telephone number and email:Karen Sly, 01263 516243, 1. Council Tax Base 1.1 The council tax base is the measure of the relative taxable resources of an area and represents the estimated full year equivalent number of chargeable dwellings expressed as the equivalent number of Band „D‟ dwellings. 1.2 The council tax base for a billing authority‟s area, or any part of its area (e.g. parish) must be calculated by the billing authority in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992 as amended. It is calculated as the aggregate of the “relevant amounts”, calculated for each valuation band, multiplied by the authority‟s estimated “collection rate”. The “relevant amount” represents the estimated full year equivalent number of Band D dwellings after taking into account the number of discounts and disabled reductions which apply to those dwellings. 1.3 The “collection rate” reflects an assessment of how much council tax may not ultimately be collected due to dwellings leaving the valuation list, successful appeals against valuation bandings, increased numbers of exemptions and discounts, and bad debts. The council tax 20 base for tax setting purposes for a financial year has to be determined between 01 December and 31 January of the preceding financial year. 1.4 The calculations below assume that the determinations recommended to this meeting, and included elsewhere on this agenda, in respect of council tax discounts are approved for 2014/15. 1.5 Firstly, the number of chargeable dwellings in North Norfolk for 2014/15 is calculated in the table below: Equivalents Number of dwellings on the council tax data base as at 7 October 2013 LESS No of exempt dwellings 52,945.00 -903.00 Number of chargeable dwellings at 7 October 2013 LESS LESS LESS LESS LESS ADD LESS 52,042.00 Equivalent reduction for dwellings subject to a 5% discount (second homes not entitled to a 50% discount) (-3,857.00 x 0.05 Equivalent reduction for dwellings subject to a 25% discount (including single occupancy) (-15,935.00 x 0.25) Equivalent reduction for dwellings subject to a 50% discount (including tied accommodation, some care homes, and some second homes) (-1,142.00 x 0.5) Equivalent reduction for dwellings subject to a 100% discount (empty up to 3 months) (-425.00 x 1.0) Equivalent reduction for uninhabitable dwellings subject to a 50% discount (-125.00 x 0.5) Equivalent increase for dwellings classed as empty and being charged the empty homes premium (155.00 x 0.5) Equivalent reduction for the Local Council Tax Support Scheme Total equivalent number of discounts -192.85 -3,983.75 -571.00 -425.00 -62.50 77.50 -6,329.83 -11,487.43 Number of chargeable dwellings after discounts at 7 October 2013 ADD LESS Dwellings coming on list sometime before 31 March 2015 Properties with seasonal prohibitions Total reduction in chargeable properties 21 40,554.57 150.00 -179.83 -29.83 LESS LESS ADD Additional equivalent reduction for dwellings coming on list before 31 March 2015 expected to receive a 5% discount (second homes not entitled to a 50% discount) (18.44 x 0.05) Additional equivalent reduction for dwellings coming on list before 31 March 2015 expected to receive 25% discounts (including single occupancy) (45.94 x 0.25) Additional equivalent increase for dwellings coming on list before 31 March 2015 and properties with seasonal prohibitions expected to receive a 50% discount (178.71 x 0.5) Net increase in equivalent number of dwellings for discounts -0.92 -11.49 89.36 76.95 Total additional chargeable dwellings 47.12 Number of chargeable dwellings for 2014/15 after discounts 1.6 The calculation of the aggregate of the „relevant amounts‟ for the North Norfolk area for the financial year 2014/15 is shown below: BAND A, subject to reduction for disabilities A B C D E F G H TOTAL 1.7 40,601.69 Total No of chargeable dwellings adjusted for discounts (i) Relevant Proportion Relevant Amount (ii) (i) x (ii) 22.72 5/9 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9 6,730.05 10,147.04 9,264.30 7,399.96 4,108.41 1,954.97 903.04 71.20 40,601.69 12.62 4,486.70 7,892.14 8,234.93 7,399.96 5,021.39 2,823.85 1,505.07 142.40 37,519.06 The Council‟s Council Tax Base is then calculated by multiplying the total of the relevant amounts for the year for each of the valuation bands by the Authority‟s estimate of its collection rate for that year. A collection rate of 0.98 is suggested, which allows for 2.00% for non-collection factors that apply each year. This is the same non-collection allowance which is assumed in the current year following the introduction of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme and other technical reforms to council tax. 22 The Council Tax Base for tax setting purposes is calculated as follows: 37,519.06 x 0.98 = 36,769.00 1.8 The Local Government Finance Act 1992 also requires that a Council Tax Base is determined for each individual parish area within the District. These are detailed in paragraph 2.1 below. 2. Tax Base per Parish 2.1 The amounts calculated in accordance with the relevant regulations as the Council Tax Base for each parish area for the financial year 2014/15 are as follows:- 23 PARISH Council Tax Base Alby With Thwaite 93.87 Aldborough and Thurgarton 205.27 Antingham 116.50 Ashmanhaugh 64.46 Aylmerton 195.36 Baconsthorpe 79.03 Bacton 464.84 Barsham 95.03 Barton Turf 236.95 Beckham East/West 106.66 Beeston Regis 366.12 Binham 165.80 Blakeney 510.58 Bodham 153.91 Briningham 61.29 Brinton 119.93 Briston 796.35 Brumstead 24.54 Catfield 290.93 Cley 301.20 Colby 181.77 Corpusty & Saxthorpe 254.08 Cromer 2,672.30 Dilham 129.88 Dunton 51.27 East Ruston 179.57 Edgefield 177.47 Erpingham 231.12 Fakenham 2,303.74 Felbrigg 66.39 Felmingham 177.49 Field Dalling 129.91 Fulmodestone 169.45 Gimingham 139.62 Great Snoring 75.55 Gresham 160.26 Gunthorpe 140.37 Hanworth 92.47 Happisburgh 283.89 Helhoughton 112.22 Council Tax Base PARISH Hempstead Hempton Hickling High Kelling Hindolveston Hindringham Holkham Holt Honing Horning Horsey Hoveton Ingham Ingworth Itteringham Kelling Kettlestone Knapton Langham Lessingham Letheringsett with Glandford Little Barningham Little Snoring Ludham Matlaske Melton Constable Morston Mundesley Neatishead North Walsham Northrepps Overstrand Paston Plumstead Potter Heigham Pudding Norton Raynham Roughton Runton Ryburgh 24 72.53 172.44 382.33 263.26 190.31 223.47 86.17 1,500.57 115.85 583.64 30.14 697.94 138.62 39.89 57.30 83.25 86.05 141.08 191.13 214.90 117.54 38.74 202.11 473.60 58.83 166.25 54.16 1,030.48 228.50 3,590.47 311.63 412.79 78.70 46.58 385.49 63.29 123.67 310.41 682.81 217.39 PARISH Salthouse Scottow Sculthorpe Sea Palling Sheringham Sidestrand Skeyton Sloley Smallburgh Southrepps Stalham Stibbard Stiffkey Stody Suffield Sustead Sutton Swafield Swanton Abbott Swanton Novers Tattersett Thornage Thorpe Market Thurning Thursford Trimingham Trunch Tunstead Upper Sheringham Walcott Walsingham Warham Wells-Next-The-Sea Westwick Weybourne Wickmere Wighton Witton Wiveton Wood Norton Worstead Council Tax Base 112.26 278.86 265.14 197.79 2,920.48 43.51 84.34 83.46 173.64 311.48 970.68 128.11 122.89 89.41 51.45 85.62 367.33 108.21 139.50 76.02 260.09 90.60 107.57 29.38 103.00 130.60 329.26 245.34 95.93 203.65 338.66 73.42 1,013.35 26.00 313.30 54.88 104.36 117.91 86.93 98.18 294.66 3. Special Items 3.1 These are items taken into account by a District Council, County Council or Police and Crime Commissioner, which relate to a part only of its area. Special items include parish precepts and special expenses. No requirement has been identified for any special expenses in 2014/15 and so it is only necessary to calculate tax bases for each parish. 4. Implications and Risks 4.1 The determination of the tax base is an essential pre-requisite for the setting of the council tax which will be carried out at Full Council scheduled for 26 February 2014. 4.2 Without the determination of the tax base it will not be possible for the council tax for 2014/15 to be calculated and set, thus preventing the timely billing of council tax. 5. Sustainability – None as a direct consequence of this report. 6. Equality and Diversity – None as a direct consequence of this report. 7. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations – None as a direct consequence of this report. 25 Agenda Item No_____12_______ DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2014 - 2015 Summary: A draft Programme of Meetings for 2014/15 has been prepared and circulated for consultation and is attached at Appendix B. Conclusions: Following review, the proposed draft Programme of Meetings 2014-2015 follows the established cycle of meetings as closely as possible, with some minor changes and improvements. Recommendations: That Members adopt the Programme of Meetings for 2014-2015. Cabinet Member(s) Cllr Rhodri Oliver Wards affected All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Alison Argent, Tel: 01263 516058 1. Preparation of a Programme of Meetings for 2014/15 1.1 A draft Programme of Meetings for 2014/15 has been prepared and circulated for consultation. The following issues should also be noted. a) It has been assumed that the times of the meetings will be as they are currently, so all meetings will be held in the day, with the exception of Full Council. b) Most standing committees meet on set cycles and this cycle has been retained as closely as possible within this draft programme. However, some variations have been made to avoid clashes with other meetings, particularly Full Council, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings. c) In addition to the quarterly meetings of the Member Development Group (formerly the Members’ Training, Development and Support Group), reserve days for Member Development Workshops have been included. d) Meetings of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel have been included in the Programme for the first time; these have been scheduled four times a year on a Monday. 26 2. Financial Implications and Risks to the Council If we did not have an agreed schedule of meetings, the Council would not be able to adequately carry out its business. This would have wide-ranging financial and reputational implications and make it difficult, if not impossible, to plan and agree a budget. An agreed programme of meetings is essential to the management of the Council’s business to ensure that it is carried out in a timely manner in accordance with legislation. Failure to do so could result in financial penalty and litigation. Furthermore, if the programme of meetings was not published in the public domain, the Council would not be complying with legislation and would be open to challenge. 3. Equality and Diversity The process of preparing the programme of meetings has included reference to the multi-faith calendar. The times of the meetings reflects the preference of the majority of Members in the current Council. 27 Appendix B DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2014/2015 DRAFT MEETING COUNCIL CABINET DAY Wed Mon TIME 18.00 10.00 MAY 21 12 JUN 9 JUL 23 7 2014 AUG SEPT 17 1 OCT 22 6 NOV 3 DEC 17 1 JAN 6 2015 FEB MAR 25 2 9 APR 29 13 (Tues) OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wed 9.30 20 Thurs 9.30 15 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (RESERVE) SITE MEETINGS** Thurs 9.30 1/29 18 16 10 15 12 10 14 11 18 22 12 10 7 4 2/30 27 18 29 26 26 23 27 24 21 18 16 13 11 15 12 12 9 3/31 28 25 23 20 12 22 19 19 16 8 5 5 17 2 2 24 25 (Tues) (Fri) Thurs 8 5 (Fri) SITE MEETINGS (RESERVE)** Thurs AUDIT COMMITTEE Tues 14.00 LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE Mon 10.00 22 19 17 7 17 14 21 11 16 15 9 6 4 9 10 12 (Weds) LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEES Weds 4 2/30 27 24 21 19 (Tues) STANDARDS COMMITTEE STANDARDS COMMITTEE (RESERVE) PLANNING POLICY AND BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE* MEMBER DEVELOPMENT GROUP** ^RESERVE DAY FOR MEMBER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP COASTAL FORUM** BIG SOCIETY FUND GRANTS PANEL** GENERAL RESERVE DAYS (FOR POSSIBLE EXTRA MEETINGS) Tues Tues Mon 14.00 6 10.00 19 Mon 14.30 8 10 30 16 9 5 14 16 21 (Tues) 4 7 (Tues) 13 2 22 17 8 24 21 (Tues) 10 10 19 14 23 9 20 (Fri) Tues 11.00 14 24^ 19 14^ 18 20^ 3 (Weds) Tues Mon 10.00 13.00 13 9/23 1 9 2/23 4/22 6/18 30 1 5/23 3 1/20 Notes: Committees marked * are occasional Committees and will not meet unless express notification is given. Meetings marked ** are not formal meetings and are recorded here for convenience. 28 5/25 1 3/15 9/27 4/23 9 6/24 15/27