Please Contact: Mary Howard Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516047 5 December 2011 A meeting of the North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 14 December 2011 at 6.00 p.m. Philip Burton Chief Executive To: All Members of the Council Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Philip Burton, Deputy Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Strategic Directors: Nick Baker, Steve Blatch, & Tony Ing Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. PRAYER Led by Father Denys Lloyd, Parish Priest, Our Lady and St Joseph, Sheringham and Cromer. 2. CHAIRMAN’S COMMUNICATIONS To receive the Chairman’s communications, if any. 3. TO RECEIVE DECLARATION OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS Please indicate whether the interest is a personal one only or one which is also prejudicial. The declaration of a personal interest should indicate the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of a personal interest, the member may speak and vote. If it is a prejudicial interest, the member should withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is discussed. 4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence, if any. 5. MINUTES (attached – page 1) To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 19 October 2011. 6. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 7. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To consider any questions received from members of the public. 8. APPOINTMENTS a) MRS A CLAUSSEN-REYNOLDS TO THE BOARD OF THE FAKENHAM AREA PARTNERSHIP To appoint Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds to replace Mr S Ward on the Board of the Fakenham Area Partnership. b) APPOINTMENT OF MR T FITZPATRICK TO THE WELLS HARBOUR USERS’ ADVISORY COMMITTEE Summary: A letter has been received from the Wells Harbour Commissioners inviting the Council to nominate a representative to the Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee. The Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee consists of representatives of the harbour users groups which advise the Wells Harbour Commissioner and keep each other informed. The Committee meets twice annually, usually in April and November, to report on their group’s activities in the harbour and plans for the future. The Chairman and the Harbour Master brief the Committee on news relating to the harbour, and any problems are fully discussed. This forum provides a very useful link between all the harbour users and enables the Commissioners to hear all views. 9. Conclusions: It would be beneficial to the interests of local people for the Council to accept this invitation. Mr T FitzPatrick has indicated that he would be prepared to serve on the Committee. Mr FitzPatrick is Portfolio Holder for Business Enterprise and Economic Development therefore this would be an appropriate appointment. Recommendations: That Members ratify the appointment of Mr T FitzPatrick to the Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee Cabinet member(s): Mr T FitzPatrick Ward(s) affected: Priory Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Mary Howard, Democratic Services Team Leader 01263 516047, FORMATION OF THE INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL TO REVIEW THE MEMBERS’ SCHEME OF ALLOWANCES (attached – page 8) Summary: Conclusions: Recommendations: The purpose of this report is to advise members of the need to refresh and convene a meeting of the Independent Remuneration Panel to review the North Norfolk District Council Members’ Scheme of Allowances, in accordance with the requirements of the Local authorities (Members’ Allowances) Regulations 2003. The North Norfolk District Council Members’ Scheme of Allowances is now due for review. An Independent Remuneration Panel must be convened to undertake that review and report its findings and recommendations to Full Council. The Council is required to have due regard to the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel in determining any amendments to the current Scheme. The revised Scheme should be adopted from May 2012. It is recommended that: (1) Members approve the appointment of the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel. (2) Members approve the Terms of Reference for the Independent Remuneration Panel. (3) Any representations that Members wish the Independent Remuneration Panel to take into consideration should be made in writing through the Group Leaders, to the Chief Executive, by 6 January 2012. (4) The Independent Remuneration Panel reports its findings and recommendations for consideration by Full Council at its meeting in February 2012. 10. Cabinet member(s): All Ward(s) affected: All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Tony Ing, Strategic Director – Information 01263 516080, DRAFT PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2012/2013 (attached – page 11) (appendix A – page 13) A draft Programme of Meetings for 2012/13 has been prepared and circulated for consultation and is attached at Appendix A. Summary: Conclusions: 11. Recommendations: That Members adopt the Programme of Meetings for 2012 - 2013 Cabinet member(s): Mr T FitzPatrick Ward(s) affected: All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Alison Argent, Tel: 01263 516058, Email: Mary Howard, Tel: 01263 516047, Email: DETERMINATION OF COUNCIL TAX DISCOUNTS RELATING TO SECOND HOMES AND LONG TERM EMPTY PROPERTIES FOR 2012/13 (attached – p 14) (appendix B – p 18) Summary: Conclusions: Recommendations: To determine the level of council tax discounts to be established for second homes and long term empty properties for 2012/13, in accordance with section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as enacted by section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003. Section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003 provides local authorities with the power to make changes to the level of council tax discount in relation to second homes and long term empty properties. The Council has to approve its determinations afresh for each financial year. The calculation of the tax base for 2012/13 will be made on the assumption that the determinations recommended below will apply. Members are recommended to resolve that, under section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003, and in accordance with the provisions of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003 as amended, the Council determines that: (i) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class ‘A’ under regulation 4 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003 remains at 50% for the year 2012/13. (ii) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class ‘B’ under regulation 5 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003 be reduced to 10% for the year 2012/13 with the exceptions of: a) those dwellings that are specifically identified under regulation 6 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003, which will retain the 50% discount; and b) those dwellings described or geographically defined at Appendix B, which, in the reasonable opinion of the Deputy Chief Executive, are judged not structurally capable of occupation all year round and were built before the restrictions of seasonal usage were introduced by the Town and Country Planning Act 1947, which will retain the 50% discount. (iii) the council tax discount for dwellings defined as being within Class ‘C’ under regulation 7 of the Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings)(England) Regulations 2003 be removed for the year 2012/13, thereby making the full council tax charge payable after the six month exempt period. (iv) in accordance with section 11A(6) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as enacted by section 75 of the Local Government Act 2003, these determinations shall be published in at least one newspaper circulating in North Norfolk before the end of the period of 21 days beginning with the date of the determinations. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 12. Ward(s) affected: All Sheila Oxtoby – 01263 516077 DETERMINATION OF THE COUNCIL TAX BASE FOR 2012/13 AND THE TREATMENT OF SPECIAL EXPENSES (attached – page 26) Summary: Conclusions: The purpose of this report is to determine the Council’s 2012/13 tax base and the 2012/13 tax base for each parish in accordance with the legal requirements. The determination of the tax base for a financial year has to be undertaken in accordance with legislative requirements between 1 December and 31 January of the preceding financial year. Recommendations: a) That the calculations set out in this report used to produce the Council’s tax base be approved, and the tax base for 2012/13 be determined as 41,366. b) That the tax base for each parish area for the financial year 2012/13 be as set out at paragraph 3.1. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 13. Ward(s) affected: All Duncan Ellis – 01263 516243 RECOMMENDATION FROM LICENSING AND APPEALS COMMITTEE 19 SEPTEMBER 2011 (attached – p 30) Minute 19 LICENSING OF SEXUAL ENTERTAINMENT VENUES (SEVs) RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL To adopt the relevant new provisions for the regulation of lap dancing and other sexual entertainment venues. 14. RECOMMENDATION FROM CABINET 31 OCTOBER 2011 HALF YEARLY TREASURY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 2011/12 (attached – page 34) (appendix C – page 39) Summary: This report sets out the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first six months of 2011/12. Conclusions: Treasury activities for the year have been carried out in accordance with the CIPFA Code and the Council’s Treasury Strategy. Recommendations: That the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2011/12 be approved. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Tony Brown 01263 516126 RECOMMENDATION FOR FULL COUNCIL To approve the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2011/12. 15. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET 28 NOVEMBER 2011 a) 2011/12 REVISED BUDGET (Cabinet Agenda, 28 November 2011 – page 11; appendix A – 23 ; appendix B - 24; appendix C – page 43; appendix D - 45; appendix E – page 49) Summary: The base budget for 2011/12 was approved by Full Council on 23 February 2011. The budget was then updated as part of the Final Accounts process for 2010/11 to take account of roll forwards of previously unspent budgets. This report presents for approval the revised budget for 2011/12 for both capital and revenue. Conclusions: Recommendations: The budget for 2011/12 has been revised to take account of variances which have been highlighted as part of the ongoing budget monitoring process. The appendices to the report provide details of the movements for each service while the main body of the report highlights the more significant movements compared to the current budget for 2011/12. This report presents a balanced position for the 2011/12 revised budget while allowing for a contribution to be made to the Organisational Development reserve to offset any reduced savings in 2012/13 as a consequence of the revised approach in relation to the implementation of the new pay model resulting from the Pay and Grading Review. Detailed work is still ongoing on the 2012/13 budget which will be reported to Members in the new year. That Members agree and recommend to Full Council: • The revised revenue budget for 2011/12; • The revised transfers to and from reserves included at Appendix C; • The transfer of the forecast surplus of £172,488 to the Organisational Development reserve; • The revised capital programme and associated financing as included at Appendix E; • The scale of fees and charges from 1 April 2012 included at Appendix D; • Delegated authority for setting the fees and charges for waste be given to the Strategic Director for Environment, Deputy Chief Executive and relevant Portfolio Members. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Duncan Ellis, 01263 516330, RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. The revised revenue budget for 2011/12; 2. The revised transfers to and from reserves included at Appendix C; 3. The transfer of the forecast surplus of £172,488 to the Organisational Development reserve; 4. The revised capital programme and associated financing as included at Appendix E; 5. The scale of fees and charges from 1 April 2012 included at Appendix D; 6. Delegated authority for setting the fees and charges for waste be given to the Strategic Director for Environment, Deputy Chief Executive and relevant Portfolio Members. b) PROPOSED SAVINGS REPORT – 2012/13 BASE BUDGET (Cabinet Agenda, 28 November 2011 – page 62; appendix F – page 70) Summary: Conclusions: The recent update of the Corporate Plan which was presented to Cabinet in October 2011 was accompanied by an appendix entitled ‘Financial Plan Update 2011/12 – 2014/15, Strategic Context and Organisational Workstreams’. This paper identified a projected funding gap of £0.9 million for 2012/13 and just under £1.1m for 2013/14. This report provides an update on the progression of two of the Council’s workstreams and identifies a number of savings and additional income streams that will help to address the funding deficit. This report provides a summary of progress to date in relation to the two workstreams and identifies a number of new savings and additional sources of income for 2012/13 onwards. These are summarised below and additional details can be found within the appendices that accompany the report. The Revised Budget report for 2011/12 is included elsewhere on this agenda and detailed work is still ongoing on the 2012/13 budget which will be reported to Members in the new year. The recommendation from this report is to note the progress on the workstreams and to approve the savings and additional income identified for inclusion within the 2012/13 Base Budget report. Recommendations: That Members agree and recommend to Full Council: • The savings and additional income as identified within Table 1 of the report • Note the updated position in relation to the management structures and prioritisation workstreams • To fund any ‘one-off’ costs in relation to staff restructuring through the use of the Restructuring and Invest to Save Proposals reserve • A new reserve is established for the ‘New Homes Bonus’ and that the allocation for 2012/13, estimated to be £595,700 is transferred to this reserve Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Duncan Ellis, 01263 516330, RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. The savings and additional income as identified within Table 1 of the report 2. Note the updated position in relation to the management structures and prioritisation workstreams 3. To fund any ‘one-off’ costs in relation to staff restructuring through the use of the Restructuring and Invest to Save Proposals reserve 4. A new reserve is established for the ‘New Homes Bonus’ and that the allocation for 2012/13, estimated to be £595,700 is transferred to this reserve. c) REVENUES AND BENEFITS SHARED SERVICE (Cabinet Agenda, 28 November 2011 – page 76; appendix G – page 87; appendix H – page 90; appendix I – page 93; appendix J – page 94) Summary: The report updates members on progress to date on the shared service work for Revenues and Benefits. The realisation of savings and efficiencies from working in partnership can only be delivered if the two authorities operate on the same application software. The decision therefore on the software upgrade is crucial to any development of shared working and the development of a fully operational shared service. There are a number of interdependent decisions which are required to be made linked to the software procurement. This report considers these areas and their dependencies. Conclusions: The service will be subject to significant change in the future and having stable software as well as a system that enables us to maximise efficiencies will be essential. The decision to procure a new software system should be considered alongside opportunities that a partnership approach would give. The business case has been reviewed following the procurement exercise for a replacement system, extensive work considering the infrastructure requirements for a single hosted system, a revision of employee and supplies and service budgets has also been undertaken. As a result of this work it is estimated that a partnership arrangement would deliver total annual savings of £561,877 Some further financial modelling of Universal Credit has been carried out which still forecasts a net saving of £438,000 over five years between the two authorities. Gross savings of £1,525,306 are forecasted over the five years taking into account capital investment. Recommendations: 1. To agree the revised financial information within the business case. 2. For delegated authority to be given to the Portfolio Holder for Revenues & Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive to continue to develop the Partnership Agreement for Council approval. delegated authority to the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Revenues & Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to develop a shared service model and following full consultation report back to Cabinet. 3. For authority to be given by the Cabinet to procure the software from Civica and complete and seal the Agreement. 4. Note that the infrastructure requirements and costs are Within budget and give delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Portfolio Holder for ICT to agree the infrastructure procurement with BCKLWN. 5. Approve the proposals for BCKLWN to host the ICT Infrastructure and business system and for NNDC to host any proposed shared management structure. 6. Delegate authority to the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to agree proposed service level agreements with customer services and other support services. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. To agree the revised financial information within the business case as updated verbally at the meeting regarding an additional £72,000 set up for back fill. 2. For the Portfolio Holder for Revenues & Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive to continue to develop the Partnership Agreement for which the Heads of Terms will require approval by Council. Delegated authority to the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Revenues & Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to develop a shared service model and following full consultation and report back to Cabinet. 3. That Council, following discussion by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, agrees to entering into a contract with Civica for the provision of a software system; an outline of the legal obligations to be presented to Council. 4. To continue to explore the infrastructure requirements with BT and BCKLWN and recommend to Council the infrastructure requirements and associated costs. 5. Approve the proposals for BCKLWN to host the ICT infrastructure and business system and for NNDC to host any proposed shared management structure. 6. Delegate authority to the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to agree proposed service level agreements with customer services and other support services. d) TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2011/12 TO 2013/14 – AMENDMENT (Cabinet Agenda, 28 November 2011 – page 74) Summary: Conclusions: Recommendations: This report sets out a proposed amendment to the minimum credit rating criteria required for investment counterparties within the current Treasury Management Strategy. The reduction in the minimum acceptable credit criteria will allow investment in systemically important institutions and provide access to a greater number of appropriate investment counterparties. That the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2011/12 to 2013/14 is amended by reducing the minimum long-term credit rating for investment counterparties from A+ (or equivalent) to A- (or equivalent). Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Tony Brown 01263 516126 RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL That the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2011/12 to 2013/14 is amended by reducing the minimum long-term credit rating for investment counterparties form A+ (or equivalent) to A- (or equivalent). e) THE COUNCIL’S APPROACH TO LOCALISM AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BIG SOCIETY (Cabinet Agenda, 28 November 2011 – page 122; appendix L – page 130) This report details the Council’s new approach to Localism, makes recommendations in relation to the Local Strategic Partnership and establishes the principle of the Big Society Fund. Summary: Conclusions: The Council has positioned itself to ensure that it is able to take advantage of the legislative changes incorporated within the Localism Bill for the benefit of communities within North Norfolk. Streamlined partnership working combined with new arrangements for the return of 50% of the second homes council tax funding will allow communities within North Norfolk to benefit for the first time from a Big Society Fund of almost £700,000 per annum. This fund will support projects that communities want and where they will make a difference to the economic and social well-being of the area, and not linked to meeting top down government targets. This is an exciting new fund that will help reinvigorate our communities by giving people the opportunity to get involved in real projects thereby strengthening our civic society. Recommendations It is recommended that; Overview and Scrutiny support the proposal for North Norfolk Community Partnership to be reconfigured from being a formal committee to become a standing conference with an annual summit for the strategic partners operating in North Norfolk and a 6 monthly review meeting. The Council support Holt Town Council in becoming a pilot for a neighbourhood plan subject to the funding bid being accepted. A Big Society fund is established from the return of the second home council tax income and any uncommitted funds from this year allocated to this fund through the establishment of an earmarked reserve. The principles of the Big Society fund are • • • • • agreed as outlined within Appendix L and a policy developed which will provide more detail on the operation of the grant scheme. The fund is split between revenue and capital based upon an indicative allocation of £500,000 for revenue and £200,000 for capital projects. Cabinet member(s): Cllr Trevor Ivory Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Sheila Oxtoby, Deputy Chief Executive, 01263 516077, RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. Cabinet support the proposal for North Norfolk Community Partnership to be reconfigured from being a formal committee to become a standing conference with an annual summit for the strategic partners operating in North Norfolk and a 6 monthly review meeting. 2. The Council support Holt Town Council in becoming a pilot for a neighbourhood plan, regardless of whether or not the Town Council is able to secure central Government funding, with any funding coming from the Council’s resources if necessary. 3. A Big Society fund is established from the return of the second home council tax income and any uncommitted funds from this year allocated to this fund through the establishment of an earmarked reserve. 4. The principles of the Big Society fund are agreed as outlined within Appendix L and a policy developed which will provide more detail on the operation of the grant scheme. 5. The fund is split between revenue and capital based upon an indicative allocation of £500,000 for revenue and £200,000 for capital projects. f) NORTH NORFOLK SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN: KELLING TO LOWESTOFT NESS (Cabinet Agenda 28 November 2011 – page 132, appendix M – page 138) Summary: Conclusions: This Shoreline Management Plan (SMP6) covers the frontage from Kelling to Lowestoft Ness, thus including frontages in Great Yarmouth Borough Council and Waveney District Council. This plan was first subject to public consultation in 2004/5 and as a result of considerable public concern the plan has not yet been adopted. Major amendments were made to the plan in 2007 to reflect these concerns and a revised version was subject to consultation in 2009, with the version now before Cabinet finalised in November 2010. Members may consider that approval, (and subsequent adoption the SMP6 subject to the partnering authorities’ adoption of the full document) will provide a strategic overview for coastal defence planning to feed into a more holistic approach to coastal planning which takes account of social, economic and environmental objectives. The SMP Action Plan initiates a number of studies on coastal processes and economic impacts which are required before coastal management policy changes are implemented. The Council will take forward a new approach to coast management, under the framework of an Integrated Coastal Management Plan which enables a holistic approach to be taken to coastal management, taking into account economic, social and environmental objectives. Within the overall context of the Shoreline Management Plan, the Council will continue to maintain sea defences in locations which have previously been defended and where it is cost effective, sustainable and practicable to do so. This approach will ensure that investment can continue in coastal areas; that infrastructure and access for coastal users is maintained; and that the coast remains attractive to tourist and visitors. Overall this will safeguard the sustainability and vitality of coastal communities in North Norfolk. Recommendations: 1. That the provisions in SMP6 relating to North Norfolk District Councils Coast Protection responsibility (Kelling Hard to Cart Gap) be approved and that delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Coast and the Chief Executive to adopt the full SMP6 following its approval by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Waveney District Council and the Environment Agency. 2. That an Integrated Coastal Management Plan process be commenced to be overseen by the Council’s Coastal Management Board. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All wards Jill Fisher, Coast, Localities and Assets Manager, 01263 516037, RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL 1. That the provisions in SMP6 relating to North Norfolk District Councils Coast Protection responsibility (Kelling Hard to Cart Gap) be approved and that delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Coast and the Chief Executive to adopt the full SMP6 following its approval by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Waveney District Council and the Environment Agency. 2. That an Integrated Coastal Management Plan process be commenced to be overseen by the Council’s Coastal Management Board. g) REVIEW OF THE DISCRETIONARY COMPENSATION POLICY FOR STAFF (Cabinet Agenda 28 November 2011 – page 166, appendix O – page 170; appendix P – page 178) Summary: This report proposes changes to the current Discretionary Compensation Policy to reflect the continuing need to have a policy which is workable, affordable and reasonable for the Council. Conclusions: A review has been undertaken of the current policy to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the business and amendments have been proposed to ensure that the scheme remains affordable. Recommendations: It is recommended (subject to consideration of the formal consultation response from UNISON) to amend the Discretionary Compensation Policy as outlined within the report. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Julie Cooke, 01263 516040 RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL That (subject to consideration of the formal consultation of the formal consultation response from UNISON) to amend the Discretionary Compensation Policy as outlined within the report. 16. ANY RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 13 NOVEMBER 2011 To consider any recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 13 November 2011. 17. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE UNDERMENTIONED COMMITTEES (attached – p 43) To receive the approved minutes of the undermentioned committees: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) 18. Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20 July 2011 Licensing and Appeals Committee – 19 September 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 20 September 2011 Cabinet – 3 October 2011 Special Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 4 October 2011 Development Committee – 13 October 2011 Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 18 October 2011 Cabinet – 31 October 2011 Development Committee – 10 November 2011 REPORTS FROM THE CABINET OR MEMBERS OF THE CABINET To receive reports from the Cabinet or Members of the Cabinet. 19. QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS To receive questions from Members. 20. OPPOSITION BUSINESS To receive any opposition business. 21. NOTICE(S) OF MOTION The following notice of Motion has been received, proposed by Mr K E Johnson and seconded by Mrs H Thompson: This Council supports the residents living on the A148 Holt Road between Cromer and Aylmerton in their calls for improved road safety. In particular, this Council supports residents’ calls for: 1. A pedestrian footbridge over the railway line. 2. A roundabout at the junction of the A148 and the Felbrigg Road. 3. A review of the speed limit between Cromer and Aylmerton. At a time of economic difficulty this Council recognises that funding for these measures is not readily available and commits itself to working with the community and Norfolk County Council to explore whether funding can be realised through other means, including the new powers granted to local authorities and communities in the Localism Act. 22. SEALED DOCUMENTS Recommendation: (attached – p 109) That the list of sealed documents is received by Members. Contact: Tony Ing 01263 516080 Email: 23. NNDC – TOP MANAGEMENT REVIEW PART ONE separate cover) 24. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC (report to follow under To pass the following resolution – if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 25. NNDC – TOP MANAGEMENT REVIEW PART TWO (report to follow under separate cover) 26. TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO THE EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE Circulation: All Members of the Council. Members of the Management Team and other appropriate Officers. Press and Public