Appendix 12

Appendix 12
31 August 2011
Our ref: 30543
Your ref: PF/11/0983
Mr G Lyons
Planning Services
North Norfolk District Council
Council Offices
Holt Road
NR27 9EN
Customer Services
Hornbeam House
Crewe Business Park
Electra Way
Cheshire CW1 6GJ
T 0300 060 3900
Dear Mr Lyons
Proposal: Erection of wind-turbine maximum hub height 60 m, maximum tip height
86.5 m, associated infrastructure, single-storey substation building, access tracks and
crane hard standing
Location: Land at Pond Farm, Bodham, NR25 6PP
Thank you for consulting Natural England on the above proposal. Your letter was received here on 12
August 2011.
Natural England’s purpose, as set out in the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (2006), is
to ensure that the natural environment is conserved, enhanced and managed for the benefit of present
and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development. We believe that climate
change is the most serious and long-term threat to the natural environment and that a significant
increase in sustainable renewable energy is needed, alongside other demand management, energy
efficiency and low carbon measures, if we are to avoid dangerous levels of climate change. In
principle, Natural England supports the development of renewable wind energy, where it is not in
conflict with nature conservation. We take the view that the development of wind farms is a means of
potentially reducing harmful fossil fuel emissions, and that wind energy makes a valuable contribution
towards sustainability.
Natural England is generally satisfied with the ecological surveys and assessment of impacts that has
been undertaken for this proposal, particularly concerning bats and birds. We welcome the proposal
for post-construction monitoring as proposed under (p22) 1.7.3 of Appendix 9 – Ecology of the
Environmental Report and advise that this should be conditioned if planning permission is granted.
However, we note that the surveys for great crested newts used only a limited number of methods and
were undertaken at sub-optimal times of the year.
The assessment of the potential landscape impacts of this application upon the Norfolk Coast Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) appears to be robust and does not raise any significant concerns
We welcome proposals (p48) in Appendix 3 - Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment regarding
mitigation and environmental enhancement to the local landscape.
Please forward a copy of the decision notice to the above address.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
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Louise Oliver
Land Use Operations
0300 060 1981
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