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Appendix 11
Geoff Lyon
Farnworth, Mark []
01 August 2012 14:52
Geoff Lyon
Arbon, Mark
Subject: RE: UNCLASSIFIED - PF/11/0983 - Against Erection of wind-turbine at Bodham.
Dear Geoff,
The Rural Broadband initiative will probably be the first proposal to be implemented. The company involved is “Intouch Systems” of Hurricane Way, Norwich & they plan to use the mast in several ways.
The primary use as a WISP : main access site covering all sectors (for direct client access up to approximately 10 miles).
Additionally, for “backhaul” links to their main premises in Norwich & other access sites, e.g. Overstrand & along the North Norfolk coast. (The path to Overstrand is actually directly through the general area in which the Turbine is planned to be sited )
The other enquiry we have is from Sutton Electrionics (North Walsham ) for long haul radio links out to the North sea. They have visited the site, asked for mast details & are presently at technical planning & verification stage. I have no further info. at present.
The positioning of a large (80m?) moving structure nearby will potentially wreak havoc with the WISP (rural Broadband) coverage, certainly in the sector in which it is situated. Reflections & blockage would seriously degrade the performance potential. The Long Haul links ‐ I have little technical info about at present , i.e. trajectory frequency or mode etc. I hope this is of help but please contact me if you need further information.
Yours sincerely.
Mark Farnworth
Senior technical officer
ICT Dept.
Norfolk Constabulary
Jubilee House,
Wymondham,Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 423560 Mob: 07770 323415
From: Geoff Lyon []
Sent: 01 August 2012 13:12
To: Farnworth, Mark
Subject: UNCLASSIFIED - PF/11/0983 - Against Erection of wind-turbine at Bodham.
Dear Mr Farnworth,
Further to your email, I would be grateful for any update you can give regarding progress in relation to the two organisations who had expressed an interest
in using the Cock Point Radio Mast for rural Broadband services and long haul microwave communication links. I am in the process of finalising my report to
Committee in respect of the Bodham wind turbine (ref: PF/11/0983) and would like to be able to have the most up-to-date information regarding alternative
users and whether the turbine would have adverse consequences on the future alternative use of the mast.
Kind Regards
Geoff Lyon (MTCP, MRTPI)
North Norfolk District Council
01263 516226
From: Farnworth, Mark []
Sent: 29 May 2012 12:58
To: Geoff Lyon
Cc: Stratford, Ben
Subject: RE: UNCLASSIFIED - PF/11/0983 - Against Erection of wind-turbine at Bodham.
Dear Mr Lyon,
We have been aware of the wind turbine proposal at Bodham for some years & have been duly consulted by the proponents . ( we have correspondence on file dating back to 1993!)
The Constabulary are obviously concerned with any structure of this height being close to the existing Police radio mast due to adverse effects on radio / microwave link propagation.
I looked at this proposal in detail in May 2006 and was concerned that it would cause problems with a particular link at the then proposed position of TG 1398 3827. I advised J.E. Mack on 31/05/06 that if moved some 150‐200m further away this should be alleviated & a new position of TG 1398 3845 was suggested as acceptable. 11.1
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Geoff Lyon
Farnworth, Mark []
29 May 2012 12:58
Geoff Lyon
Stratford, Ben
Subject: RE: UNCLASSIFIED - PF/11/0983 - Against Erection of wind-turbine at Bodham.
Dear Mr Lyon,
We have been aware of the wind turbine proposal at Bodham for some years & have been duly consulted by the proponents . ( we have correspondence on file dating back to 1993!)
The Constabulary are obviously concerned with any structure of this height being close to the existing Police radio mast due to adverse effects on radio / microwave link propagation.
I looked at this proposal in detail in May 2006 and was concerned that it would cause problems with a particular link at the then proposed position of TG 1398 3827. I advised J.E. Mack on 31/05/06 that if moved some 150‐200m further away this should be alleviated & a new position of TG 1398 3845 was suggested as acceptable. However , we have subsequently been approached (January 2012) by two organisations potentially wishing to share the mast for other services ( it is one of very few large masts remaining on the North Norfolk coast). One use is for Rural broadband access in the 5Ghz spectrum (partially under a government “rural broadband initiative”) & the other ‐ long haul microwave communications links out to gas platforms off the coast, (ironically to avoid offshore wind farms which have “carved up” some of the existing link corridors!).
The rural Broadband access would consist of an Omni directional deployment to cover around the mast & would be detrimented by a large structure close by. (effectively causing a potential dead zone to an extent determined by several factors e.g. distance to the end users from the mast, turbine size, degree of local screening from trees etc.)
The offshore links would be affected if they were in a similar azimuth (bearing) to the Turbine (exact details are not available yet).
It has become increasingly clear that the potential usefulness of this mast will be reduced, if a turbine is sited nearby. This is somewhat in contrast to the previously held belief that the masts role was diminishing & that it might eventually be disposed of. (high speed rural broadband services may never be economical to deploy “in the ground” via cable/fibre etc. & offshore communications are an additional subject). In light of more recent circumstances we are unfortunately not in favour of the Turbine proposal now.
Yours sincerely.
Mark Farnworth
Senior technical officer
ICT Dept.
Norfolk Constabulary
Jubilee House,
Wymondham,Norfolk NR18 0WW
Tel: 01953 423560 Mob: 07770 323415
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From: Geoff Lyon []
Sent: 24 May 2012 10:06
To: Farnworth, Mark
Subject: UNCLASSIFIED - PF/11/0983 - Erection of wind-turbine maximum hub height 60m, maximum tip
height 86.5m, associated infrastructure, single-storey substation building, access tracks and crane hardstanding on Land at Pond Farm, Bodham, NR25 6PP
Importance: High
Dear Mr Farnworth
I write in respect of the above planning application which was originally submitted on 09 August 2011 and
which is now likely to come before North Norfolk District Council’s (NNDC) Development Committee for
determination on 29 June 2012.
Norfolk Constabulary was consulted when the application was originally submitted but I am not aware that a
response was ever received. In most instances when no comments are returned the Local Planning Authority
would assume that the consultee in question has no objection or comments to make.
Determination of the application had been put on hold whilst the applicant provided further reports in relation
to, amongst other things, landscape impact and impact on historic assets. In the process of waiting for the
further information from the applicant a number of representations have been received. One such
representation is from Ms Amelia Courtauld who has forwarded email correspondence she has exchanged
with you concerning potential impact on future police communication systems (copy attached).
Whilst the turbine proposal itself has not materially changed, in light of the passage of time since your initial
consultation and in view of the concerns being expressed by Ms Courtauld, I would be grateful if Norfolk
Constabulary could confirm their current position in respect of the above proposal so that these comments
can be included in any report to the Development Committee so far as they are material to the determination
of the planning application.
Thank you for your help in resolving this situation.
Kind Regards
Geoff Lyon (MTCP, MRTPI)
North Norfolk District Council
01263 516226
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