Enrolment form Please note our refund policy (see above) Please use BLOCK CAPITALS Food Safety course Course Preferred date Optional date Name NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL HOLT ROAD, CROMER NORFOLK NR27 9EN TELEPHONE 01263 516189 www.northnorfolk.org (CIEH) LEVEL 2 AWARD IN Food Safety in Catering Occupation Employer Address Telephone: I enclose cheque/postal order for £ made payable to ‘North Norfolk District Council. For details of fees please visit www.northnorfolk.org/environment/222.asp Alternatively, you can pay by credit/debit card by calling Customer Services on 01263 516189. COURSES For dates, fees and details of latest courses visit www.northnorfolk.org/environment/222.asp If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language, please telephone 01263 516189 and we will do our best to help. Environmental Health Department North Norfolk District Council (CIEH) LEVEL 2 AWARD IN Food Safety in Catering Aims The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering (which replaces the Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene) will benefit anyone working in catering. Although it is aimed at all those involved in the catering industry, many of the principles apply to any food business. Objectives By the end of the course delegates will understand the principles of food safety and how they should be applied in the workplace. Food handlers will have a greater understanding of food hygiene and the control of food safety risks. The (CIEH) Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering certificate will be awarded on successful completion of the course. Course places will be booked provided payment is received with the enrolment form(s) and places are still available. For speed you can telephone your request through to 01263 516189 and use a credit card for instant payment and allocation to the course. Please note: refunds will not be made for requests to change attendance dates, cancellation of course attendance or non-attendance of courses. Please note that candidates must bring photographic ID to the course. Special requirements If the candidate has any special requirements, e.g. literacy, language, disability, please call the Environmental Health department on 01263 516189 to discuss further. Equal opportunities Examination papers are available in foreign languages for this course. If you require this service please call the Environmental Health department on 01263 516189 at least 28 days before the date of the course. The courses are held at North Norfolk District Council’s offices in Cromer. The course is designed to teach basic hygiene principles to food handlers. It is covered in one full day session. Topics covered: l l l l l Introduction to food safety Food law Food safety hazards Taking temperatures Cooking, hot holding, and re-heating of foods l l l l l Food handlers Principles of food storage Delivery and storage Cleaning Food premises and equipment For current fees visit www.northnorfolk.org/environment/222.asp or call 01263 516189. The fee includes refreshments morning and afternoon but does not include lunch. Please return completed enrolment form (on back cover) at least three weeks before the date of your course. Please use separate forms for each additional person applying for the course, either by photocopying the form on the back cover, or by downloading this leaflet from www.northnorfolk.org/environment/222.asp Send to: Course Administrator Environmental Health Department North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9EN Other courses We can also provide courses tailored to your specific needs at your premises. For more information please call the Environmental Health department on 01263 516189 and we will help you to identify an appropriate course or give you information about other providers. Alternatively your name can be added to a waiting list for specific courses and when sufficient numbers for that course are identified, you will be notified of course details.