THE STATE OF lEXAS DECUTI VE DEPAHH1Ern OFFICE OF THE GOVLf<NOR AUSTI N, TEXAS January 16, 1980 EXECUTI VE ORDER Executive Order \~PC-6 is amended as follows and shall be known as WPC-6 as Amended January 16, 1930. ESTf,\13LISHING THE GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY Cm1r~InEE ON EDUCATION, PRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES, FUNCTIONS, AND HETHODS OF OPERATION. WHEREAS, the children and youth of Texas are one of our greatest resources and upon which the future of this great State is dependent; and WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon the State of Texas and its citizenry to provide for our children and youth the best conceivable educational opportunities; and \'iHEREAS, 1ax teachel' nd the ideas an is on to improve discipline in the classrooms, social promotions, of teachinq qnd administration ons, , .minimum competency ti to need to be fu}ly expJ effort education system; and excellence in basic education can best be served communication mechanism bebveen the educators promote an understanding of the problems, to litate their accomplishment through the proper of the efforts of the office of Governor and the ImEREAS, the es tab 1 i shment of a permanent advi sory commit tee on educa ti on to have direct input to the Governor of Texas to serve as a sounding board for his icies and will greatly assist both the Governor and those i ved in the anal system of Texas in the performance of their duties; and WHEREAS, the Governor of Texas is the highest elected officer of this State and des i (lna ted by 1alV as the Chi ef Pl anner fot the State; and WHEREAS, the Govetnor of Texas is the proper officer to receive input from and to coordinate educational plans Ivith the educational leaders of the State. TH[I\EFOI{E, I, I·Jilliam P. Clements, ,Jr., Governor of Texas, under the vested in 1118, do hereby create and establish the GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY ON EDUCATION. COllill1ittee \\li11 consist of no 1H00'e than thit'ty mel'lbers and a chairman, the Governor, broadly representative of each area of pril~lary and ted tion with a composition of both professionals in education and Members I'd 11 serve at the pleasure of the Governol' \Vi th terms of ,June of even numbered The Governor shall ig7 til 1'1110 Shall hold such designation the pleasure of the i'lell1bers l'lill serve in a volunteer capacity Ivithout State pay and without reimbursement for travel expenses to attend regularly scheduled monthly of the committee. Travel expenses for other necessary committee activities, such as educational hearings and conferences, shall be reimbursed as authorized by the chairman. Said committee is directed to meet at least t\'Jice annually and at all other times as may be directed by the chairman or the Governor. Said cOlTlmittee shall in addition to the agenda set by its chairman, make such studies and reports as the Governor may from time to time request and shall keep the Governor advi sed as to the committee's activiti es. All Stat2 Agencies, Boards, and Commissions are hereby directed to assist fully the GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY COMr~ITTEE O~ EDUCATION in addition to the Governor's Office aid and other staff support. This amendment of \·JPC-6 shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended or rescinded by me. The ete text of \,JPC-6 as Amended January 16, 1980, is as attached. Given under my hand this 16th day of January, 1980. WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Governor of Texas ATTEST: ~9-·- F'il~rI in the office of Secretary of Slate JAN 1 7 t980 Statutory Documents Div•. THE STATE OF TEXAS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AUSTIN, TEXAS January 16, 1980 EXECUTIVE ORDER WPC-6 as Amended January 16, 1980 ESTABLISHING THE GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, PRESCRIBING ITS DUTIES, FUNCTIONS AND THE r~ETHODS OF OPERATION. WHEREAS, the children and youth of Texas are one of our greatest resources and upon which the future of this great State is dependent; and imEREAS, it is incumbent upon the State of Texas and its ci ti zenry to provi de for our children and youth the best conceivable educational opportunities; and WHEREAS, the problems of discipline in the classrooms, social promotions, lax teacher certification, separation of teaching and administration functions, and the ideas of faculty senates, minimum competency testing and the return 'to an emphasis on basic curriculum need to be fully explOt'ed and aired in an effort to improve the end product of our education system; and WHEREAS, the attainment of excellence in basic education can best be served by the establishment of a ~eaningful communication mechanism between the educators of the State and the Governor to promote and understanding of the problems, to define the goals, and to facilitate their accomplishment through the proper cooperation and coordination of the efforts of the office of Governor and the educators of the State; and ImEREAS, the es tab 1 i shment of a permanent advi sory committee on educa ti on to have direct input to the Governor of Texas to serve as a sounding board for his policies and progra~s will greatly assist both the Governor and those involved in the educational system of Texas in the performance of their duties; and WHEREAS, the Governor of Texas is the highest elected officer of this State and designated by law as the Chief Planner for the State; and WHEREAS, the Governor of Texas is the proper officer to receive input from and to coordinate educational plans with the educational leaders of the State. NO\~, TH[f~LFOR[, I, l~illiam P. Clements, Jr., Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby create and establish the GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY CO;'1HITTEE ON EDUCATION. Said cOInrnittee \vi11 consist of no more than thirty members and a chairman, designated by the Governor, broadly representative of each area of primary and secOl1da!'y education vJith a composition of both professionals in education and concerned laymen. Hembers will serve at the pleasure of the Governor with terms expiring on the 7th day of June of even numbered years. The Governor shall designate a chairman VJho shall hold such designation at the pleasure of the Governor. i'h'lllbers \I/ill s()rve il1 a volunteer capacity without State pay and without State reimbursement for travel expenses to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the comMittee. Travel expenses for other necessary committee activities, such as educational hearings and conferences, shall be reimbursed as authorized by the chairman. Said co~nittee is directed to meet at least twice annually and at all other times as may be directed by the chairman or the Governor. Said cOlTimittee shall in addition to the agenda set by its chairman, make such studies and reports as the Governor may from time to time request and shall keep the Governor advised as to the committee's activities. All State Agencies, Boards, and Con~issions are hereby directed to assist fully the GOVERNOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION in addition to the Governor's Office aid and other staff support. This amendment of \~PC-6 shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended or rescinded by Me.