International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 An Approach for Optimized Timing of Error Correcting Unordered Codes Nida Yasmeen1, Sudhir Dakey2 1 Post Graduate Student, Department of Electronics and Communication,MVSR Engineering College,Hyderabad,India-500510 2 Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication,MVSR EngineeringCollege,Hyderabad,India-500510 Abstract - This Paper proposes an approach for reducing latency in asynchronous communication. This paper uses a new family of error correcting unordered codes for global communication called Zero Sum. The important feature of the zero sum is that they are systematic, allowing direct extraction of data, and weighted, where the check field is computed as the sum of data index weights. The zero sum, family of error correcting codes consists of basic zero sum ecu code, zero-sum+ and zero-sum* which detects multiple errors. Each transmission includes a time-out mechanism. That is, there is a notion of time window of transmission, which can be made arbitrarily long, but must be defined by the user. The proposed approach to reduce simulation time which is taken by time-out mechanism and proposed architecture has been evaluated and proved to have better or comparable timing efficiency, about 93%. zero sum codes were simulated using modelsim tool version 10.2b. Keywords- asynchronous, delay insensitivity, error correction, fault tolerance, systematic, timing robustness I. INTRODUCTION Continuous technology scaling enables implementation of complex application on a single chip. This remarkable development is the result of technology scaling that led to fabrication of Integrated Circuit (IC) with smaller feature sizes, higher levels of integration and faster operating frequencies. The process of device scaling evolved from few micrometers to nanometres today, and the circuit complexity has advanced from Small-Scale Integration (SSI) in 1960s to Giga-Scale Integration (GSI) in 2000s. The performance of transistors is continually improved through scaling. However, the impact of technology scaling on long wires is reverse. Hence, coordination and communication between these components become challenging. Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) scheme has been proposed as a solution. [5], to provide flexibility in system integration. Some recent ISSN: 2231-5381 applications of asynchronous global communication, using delay-insensitive (DI) codes [5]. The contributions of this paper are centered around a family of error-correcting unordered (ECU) codes for use in asynchronous global communication, called Zero-Sum [1], [2],[3]These codes support two types of robustness: timing-robustness, fault tolerance. By the use of DI codes we can achieve timing robustness and fault tolerance provides error correction and detection. All introduced Zero-Sum codes are systematic [2],where data appears in unaltered form in each codeword and can be directly extracted by the receiver without any decoding hardware. They are also weighted, where the check field is computed as the sum of data index weights. The basic method for generating the ZeroSum code builds on a prior approach briefly introduced by Berger [8] and Bose [7]. In addition, neither practical hardware support was provided nor experimental evaluation was performed. The key contributions of this paper are as follows. 1) Defining the complete family of Zero-Sum codes, by exploring the feasible space of index weight assignments and permutations. 2) A new code, called Zero-Sum+, which guarantees detection of up to 3-bit errors, or alternatively can simultaneously support 1-bit correction and 2-bit detection. These codes can also detect all odd numbers of errors. 3) Zero-Sum* code, which extends Zero-Sum+ through a variety of weight assignment strategies, to heuristically provide a high coverage for 2- bit correction. 4) An outline of the overall micro architecture and system level asynchronous communication protocol. 5) A comparative evaluation of the proposed ZeroSum code approach II. Background Background and related work on asynchronous communication and error correction are now briefly reviewed. A brief review of the Zero-Sum code is also presented. Page 3277 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 A. Point-to-Point Asynchronous Communication The family of zero-sum codes assume point-to-point communication [5] between a sender and a receiver. 1) Asynchronous Communication Channels Unlike synchronous design style which uses a globally distributed clock signal to indicate moments of stability of the data, asynchronous circuits exchange information using handshakes to explicitly indicate the validity and acceptance of data. Abstractly, the sender provides a request output signal (REQ) to the receiver. The receiver in turn provides an acknowledgment input signal (ACK) to the sender. If the sender passes actual data to the receiver the REQ is typically replaced by the encoded data, as shown in the Fig 1. A codeword is placed by the sender on the data channel (where each wire corresponds to a bit of the codeword), and passed to the receiver. The ACK indicates that data has been received by the receiver and new data can eventually be sent. Receiver Sender ACK Fig. 1 Point-to-point asynchronous communication ACK+. At this point, the reset operation begins. The sender de-asserts the REQ− and in turn, the receiver de-asserts its ACK− which is the final event of the reset stage and the four-phase transaction. If data is used, the data channel replaces the REQ wire. The channel is initially all-0 (spacer state); data is transmitted by asserting high the individual 1 bit of the codeword (equivalent to REQ+); data is reset after receiving ACK− by de-asserting low the individual 1 bit (equivalent to REQ−). TABLE I Four phase communication EVEN Data 0 1 0 Phase/parity 0 1 0 Logic 0 1 Null 3) Two-Phase Communication Protocol Two phase handshaking protocol where the information is carried by the transition. Both rising and falling transitions are equivalent, each being interpreted as the two-phase protocol passes data using a request signal transition, and acknowledges data reception with an acknowledge signal transition. Two-phase handshaking is preferred for long on-chip communication since it reduces the required number of transitions by half and avoids the requirement of spacer compared to four-phase signalling This saves communication time and energy of the system significantly.Therefore a four phase asynchronous communication protocol is assumed in this paper. 2) Four-Phase Communication Protocol Evaluate operation Reset operation REQ ACK Fig. 2 Four Phase protocol Given an asynchronous communication channel, a protocol is needed to transfer information from sender to receiver. The most widely used protocol is four-phase or return-to-zero (RZ) [5]. As illustrated in Fig. 2.The protocol has two operations: a) evaluate, and b) reset. During the evaluate operation, the sender first indicates the start of an event by issuing a rising REQ+ to the receiver. Once this signal has been received, the receiver asserts an ISSN: 2231-5381 3) DI Codes The delay-insensitivity makes the communication robust and attains average-case performance rather than worst case which is the situation in communication based on timing constraints. The delay-insensitivity makes the data transfer robust, because the sender and the receiver modules can communicate reliably regardless of delays in the transceivers and wires. Delay-insensitive data encoding technique requires 2N wires to transmit N-bit data. When asynchronous communication is used, data must be suitably encoded so that the receiver can identify when a packet has been received. DI codes [4], (i.e., unordered codes [6]) are insensitive to propagation delays on individual bits in a codeword. The key property is that no valid codeword is covered by another. Assuming a four-phase protocol, where the channel is reset to all-0 (i.e., spacer) between successive transmissions, the receiver can unambiguously identify the arrival of a valid codeword. In particular, as the individual 1 bit of a codeword arrive (i.e., rising wire transitions), no other Page 3278 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 Table III codeword will be seen transiently during the transmission, since the 1-bit pattern of each valid codeword is never covered (i.e., not a subset) by any other. As the bits arrive, several codeword may be candidates for the transmitted one, but a unique valid codeword will only be seen when precisely all bits have arrived. As a result, in an asynchronous system, these codes have an inherent timing-robustness, where individual bits of a codeword can arrive in any order and at any time during transmission, and the final valid codeword can be uniquely identified. 2-bit zero-sum code Dataword indices weights i 5 I4 53 00 Check bits i3 i 2 i 1 i 0 8421 1000 01 0101 10 0011 11 0000 Table IV 4-bit zero sum code Indices Weights Fig. 3 Delay Insensitive For example consider Fig. 3, the data to be trans mitted is 1011 and four phase protocol requires 2N lines for N data bits .according to table I, the data forms as in Fig. 3.First null bits transmitted, then data bits. After every data bits null bit is transmitted. The data bit is valid if and only if there is a null bit after databit. III. RELATED WORK A .Basic Zero-Sum Code: This section reviews the basic Zero-Sum code. This code uses the single index weight assignment only briefly discussed in Berger [7] and Bose [10]..Code construction combines aspects of both Hamming codes and Berger [7] codes. In particular, as in Berger codes, the pattern of 0 bit in the dataword is used to generate the DI field. However, while the Berger method counts the number of 0s, the Zero-Sum approach adds the 0-bit index weights. Similarly, Zero-Sum adopts the bit index numbering scheme used in Hamming codes, but typically requires extra bits. TABLE II 3-bit Zero-sum code indices weights Dataword I6 i 5 I4 65 3 000 Check bits i3 i 2 i 1 i 0 8421 1110 001 1011 010 1001 100 1000 011 0110 101 0101 110 0011 111 0000 ISSN: 2231-5381 Dataword Check Bits i8 i 7 i 6 i 5 7 6 5 3 0000 I4 i3 i 2 I1 i 0 16 8 4 2 1 10101 0001 10010 0010 10000 0100 01111 1000 01110 0011 01101 0101 01100 1001 01011 0110 01010 1010 01001 1100 01000 0111 00111 1011 00110 1101 00101 1110 00011 1111 00000 B. Code Overview The code has two fields: dataword, and check. Each bit position is assigned an index. The check bits index weights are powers-of-two (for nonnegative exponents), and the dataword index weights are the remaining positive integers [1]. Fig 2 shows examples of zero sun ECU codes for 2 bit, 3bit,4-bit data fields 1) Check Field Generation The Zero-Sum code uses a unified check field, based on single operation: it is binary representation of the arithmetic sum of the dataword Page 3279 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 index weights whose bit is 0, hence the name of the codes, Zero-Sum Code length calculation, the check field must be Large enough to cover binary representation of all data fields. Therefore, the total number of check bits allocated is the log2 (_dataword index weights) + 1.the equation becomes with check field length k in terms of data field length n k = log2 ([(n + µ)(n + µ + 1)/2] − 2µ + 1) Where µ is given by 2µ−1 < n+µ < 2µ , B. Zero sum + codes The codeword structure is the same as the original Zero-Sum Code, but the difference is in data field indices. . It provides two alternative modes. In one mode, up to 3-bit errors and all odd errors can be detected. In a second mode, both correction and detection can be handled together: every 2-bit error can be detected and every 1-bit error can be corrected 1) Overview Start Input the Data (n bits) Yes Data [n] =0 No No Example 1: suppose there is an error in transmitting the 4-bit dataword 1010, due to a flip in the data bit with index 7 (i.e., erroneous dataword 0010), transmitted with the original error-free check field (i.e., 01001). The newly calculated check field, based on the corrupted dataword, is 16 (i.e., 7 + 6 + 3). Therefore, the syndrome is 16 − 9 = 7, which is nonzero and not a power of- two. This syndrome therefore precisely identifies the index (i.e., 7) of the corrupted data bit. In contrast, if a single check bit has an error, the syndrome will be a power-of-two and identify the corresponding index of the corrupted check bit. Add the weight indices of data word It is essentially a Zero-Sum code with parity bit attached. The new field is the parity bit, which provides even parity. Its index weight is 0. 2) Error Detection Error detection mode can detect up to 3-bit errors and all odd numbers of bit errors. In the case of 0 errors in the received codeword is where the parity is correctly set to even and the syndrome is equal to 0. If a 1-bit error occurs in either the dataword or the check fields, the syndrome will be nonzero. When a 2-bit error occurs, the parity of the received codeword will be correctly set to even; however, the syndrome is guaranteed to be nonzero. Is data word length=0 Yes Print the data, check bits Stop Table V 4-bit Zero-sum+ Fig. 4 zero sum code encoding indices Weight 2) Detecting and Correcting a 1-Bit Error The Zero-Sum ECU code provides a unified syndrome which is a single positive integer: the absolute value of the difference between the appended check field and a newly calculated check field. In Zero-Sum, the receiver creates a regenerated check field C ‘ from its data field, and compares C’ to the actual received check field C. The resulting Zero-Sum syndrome, is the absolute difference of |C’ − C|. If the difference is zero, there is no error. The syndrome is also used to correct a 1-bit error: its value is theindex of the corrupted bit. ISSN: 2231-5381 Dataword Check bits Parity I9 i 8 i 7 i 6 7 6 5 3 0000 0001 0010 0100 1000 0011 0101 1001 0110 1010 1100 0111 1011 1101 1110 1111 I5 i 4 i 3 I2 i 1 16 8 4 2 1 10101 10010 10000 01111 01110 01101 01100 01011 01010 01001 01000 00111 00110 00101 00011 00000 I0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Page 3280 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 TABLE VI Zero-Sum+ Error Detection Classification # of errors 0 1 2 3(or odd) Parity Even Odd Even Odd Syndrome value Zero Zero or nonzero Nonzero Zero or nonzero Approach 1: Basic Unoptimized Method: 1. Generate all possible original code words. 2. Find the syndromes 3.Prune code words based on the syndrome. Table VIII 4-bit Zero-sum * code 3) Error Correction: Indices weights Table VI gives correction methods for a zero sum + .When 0 errors occur, the parity is even and syndrome values are correct. TABLE VII Zero-Sum+ Error Correction Classification No. of errors 0 1 Parity Even Odd Syndrome value Zero Nonzero 2 Odd Zero Error handling None 1-bit correction Toggle parity Therefore, no error handling method is applied. When 1 error occurs, there are two cases. If the error occurs in either the dataword or the check fields, the syndrome value is nonzero and the parity is incorrectly set to odd. The error correction is handled in same way as presented in section III. C. Zero-Sum* Code: The codes support heuristic multi-bit correction by varying the index weight assignment Check bits Parity I9 I 8 I 7 I 6 3 7 11 5 0000 I5 I4 I 3 I2 I 1 16 8 4 2 1 10101 I0 0 1 0001 10010 0 0010 10000 1 0100 01111 0 1000 01110 1 0011 01101 0 0101 01100 0 1001 01011 0 0110 01010 1 1010 01001 0 1100 01000 1 0111 00111 1 1011 00110 0 1101 00101 0 1110 00011 1 1111 00000 0 TABLE IX Zero-Sum* Error Correction Classification 1) Overview The dataword and check fields are assigned distinct integer weights. The dataword field is assigned non-power-of-two values {3, 7, 11, 5}, as shown in Table VIII 2)2-Bit Correction The Zero-Sum* code can correct all 1-bit errors and some times of 2-bit errors. Table III summarizes how each error type is classified and corrected. A 1-bit error is corrected by either toggling the parity bit or using the 1-bit correction method. Two alternative approaches are proposed to correct 2bit errors. The unoptimized approach performs 2-bit correction by generating the syndromes of all possible candidate code words. In the optimized approach, complete syndromes are not explicitly generated, instead, a precalculated lookup table is used, and a targeted evaluation of index pairs which produced the syndrome is performed. ISSN: 2231-5381 Dataword Each candidate codeword that has nonzero syndromes No.of errors 0 1 Parity Syndrome value Error handling Even Odd Zero nonzero 1 2 Odd Even Zero nonzero None 1-bit correction method Toggle parity bit 2-bit correction method is discarded. Such a candidate codeword with a nonzero syndrome could not have been the original codeword. If there exists exactly one valid candidate codeword, then correction can be performed. Intuitively, one remaining codeword means that there was precisely one way to reach the received codeword from a valid codeword in 2-bit flips. This single remaining codeword is the original sent codeword. When multiple code words remain, there is ambiguity in how the received codeword has reached, since any one could have been the originally sent codeword. Page 3281 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 Step 2 Step 2 Dataword I9 I 8 I7 I6 indices Dataword Check bits Parity Candidate Indices I9 I 8 I 7 I 6 I5 I4 I 3 I2 I 1 I0 Flipped Codeword weights 3 7 11 5 16 8 4 2 1 0 indices syndrome 1 11 1 11111 1 (I9 I 8) 31-0=31 1001 1 11 1 1 1 (I9,I 7) 31-18-13 1010 11111 1 (I9 I 6) 31-12=19 1011 01111 1 (I9 I5 ) 15-7=8 weights sent codeword rxd corrupted codeword Parity I0 3 7 11 5 0010 Check bits I5 I 4 I 3 I 3 i2i1 16 8 4 2 1 1110 0011 1011 1 0 1 ERROR Syndrome 31-10=21 Fig. 6 Received codeword with 2-bit errors step 1 0111 0010 -- --- -- --- 11011 1 (I8, I3) 27-3=24 -- --- -- --- 01111 1 (I6 I5) 15-15=0 [syndrome zero] 1 (I3, I1) 25-10=15 -0011 11001 {I9,I8 } ------> -3-7=-10 {I9,I6} ---- 3+5=2 {I9,I5} ----- -3+16=13 { I9,I8} ----- -7+4=-3 ----------------{ I9,I8} ---- 5+16=21 {I9,I8 } ---- 4+2=6 {I9,I8} ------ 2+1=3 Value matches syndrome Fig. 5 Optimized approach for example: step 2 -- --- Approach 2: Optimized Method: Generate the syndrome of the received codeword. Find value for each pair of indices prune pairs based on the value: An index pair whose value does not match that of the received codeword’s syndrome is discarded. This pair could not have been the pair of indices that flipped to form the syndrome. A 2-bit error can be corrected when exactly one such pair exists. Intuitively, this pair precisely represents the two weights which flipped to create the syndrome. Otherwise, if multiple pairs exist, then there is ambiguity about which pair flipped to create the syndrome. Example: As shown in Fig.2, when transmitting valid codeword 0010 01111 1, suppose the receiver receives codeword 0011 11111 1, where a 2-bit error occurred ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig 3: Step 2: find values for each pair of indices in index pair {i6, i5}. For both bits, the value is toggled from 0 to 1. Fig. 3 shows the corresponding steps of the optimized approach. In Step 1, the syndrome of the received codeword is generated. This syndrome has a value of 21 (i.e., 31-10). Next, for each indices pair, the associated value is found. For example, index pair {i9, i8} has a value of −10 (or −3 − 7) since both bits make a 0 to 1 transition from the received codeword. For this particular example, there are 45 (i.e., 10 choose 2) pairs of indices, thus only a limited set has been illustrated. In Step 3, the pairs are pruned according to their values, where only pairs whose values equal the syndrome are kept. The pair whose value matches the syndrome highlighted in Fig. 10. Since only one pair exists in the example, correction can be performed. Therefore, flipping index pair {i6, i5} from the received codeword will correctly restore the original sent codeword of 0010 01111 1. IV. TIME-OUT MECHANISM A time-out signal is asserted if a valid codeword is not received within a reasonable amount of time [1]. The time-out counter is activated once the first 1 bit is received on the input channel, and runs Page 3282 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue8- August 2013 during the receipt of additional bits of the codeword [2]. V. RESEARCH WORK The timeout mechanism the above method as shown in simulation results takes a simulation of 6160 ns. To increase the speed of the hardware the counter in the hardware has been removed and the completion detector has designed to take the valid or invalid codes at the input not like the one discussed in [1] ,which takes only valid code words and it makes ACK to ‘1’ to the transmitter and gets corrected it at the receiver. This takes a time of 400ns of time for simulation as shown in fig VI. RESULTS VIII. CONCLUSION The above approach focuses on errorhandling in the evaluate phase. Zero-Sum errorcorrecting unordered codes support the design of asynchronous global communication which combines two forms of reliability: timing robustness and fault tolerance. The design without timeout mechanism has given a pretty good efficient design which has given 93% time efficient design. However there is an area overhead due to proposed approach. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I owe my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr.Sudhir Dakey (Associate Professor) for guiding me on regular basis. I thank for his immense support and his sagacious guidance throughout the project. REFERENCES [1] M. Y. Agyekum and S. M. Nowick, “An error- Fig. 4 simulation time with a time out mechanism Fig. 5 simulation time without time out mechanism VII. 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