A Novel Framework for Aggloramative Performance of Quantifiability Learning

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013
A Novel Framework for Aggloramative Performance of
Quantifiability Learning
P. Uma Parvathi Kumari*, K. Vasanth Kumar#
Final M.Tech Student*, Associate Professor#
Dept of CSE & IT, Kaushik College of Engineering, Boyapalem, Visakhapatnam. Ap
Abstract: Collective behaviour refers to how individuals
behave when they are exposed in a social network
environment. Many social media tasks can be connected to the
problem of collective behaviour prediction. Since Connections
in a social network represent various kinds of relations; a
social-learning framework based on social dimensions is
introduced. But in social media there is more scalability of the
individuals there is more scalability to classify the individuals.
So designed a framework that edge centric clustering on the
basis of scalability. The proposed framework efficiently
handles the more amount of data of a social media.
Recently, Social media like Face book and
YouTube are becoming increasingly popular. But how to
monetize the rocketing online traffic in social media is a
big challenge. Unfortunately, in normal social networking
sites, not like search engines, very limited user profile or
intention information are available. Given the social
network information, is it possible to infer the user
preference or potential behaviour?
When people are exposed in a social network
environment, their behaviours can be influenced by the
behaviours of their friends. People are more likely to
connect to others sharing certain similarity with them. This
naturally leads to behaviour correlation between connected
users [5].Take marketing as an example: if our friends
purchase anything and there is a better-than-average chance
that we will buy it, too. This behaviour correlation can also
be explained by homophile [6]. Given a network with the
behavioural information of some actors, how can we infer
the behavioural outcome of the remaining actors within the
same network? Here, we assume the studied behaviour of
one actor can be described with K class labels {c1 , · · · , cK
}. Each label, ci , can be 0 or 1. For instance, one user
might join multiple groups of interest, so ci= 1 denotes that
the user subscribes to group i, and ci = 0 otherwise , a user
can be interested in several topic simultaneouslyor by
clicking on multiple types of ads. One special case is K =
1, indicating that the studied behaviour can be described by
a single label with 1and 0. For example, if the event is the
election, 0 or 1 indicates whether or not a voter voted for
Barrack Obama and the problem we study can described
formally as follows. Suppose there are K class labels Y
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={c1 , · · · , cK }. Given network G = (V, E, Y ) where V is
the vertex set, E is the edge set and Yi ⊆ Y are the class
labels of a vertex vi∈ V , and known values of Yi for some
subsets of vertices VL , how can we infer the values of Yi
(or an estimated probability over each label) for the
remaining vertices VU = V − V L.
The expression collective behaviour was first used
by Robert E. Park and they had employed definitively
by Herbert Blumer to refer to social processes and events
which do not reflect existing social structure (laws,
conventions, and institutions), but which emerge in a
"spontaneous" way. Collective behaviour might also be
defined as action which is neither conforming (in which
actors follow prevailing norms) nor deviant (in which
actors violate those norms). Collective behaviour, a third
faction form, as takes place when norms are absent or
unclear or when they contradict each other and Scholars
have devoted far less attention to collective behaviour than
they have to either conformity or deviance.
We change intellectual gears when we confront
Blumer's final form of collective behaviour, the social
movement. He identifies several types of these, among
which are active social movements such as the French
Revolution and expressive ones such as Alcoholics
Anonymous. An active movement tries to change society;
an expressive one tries to change its own members. The
social movement is the form of collective behaviour which
satisfies least well the first definition of it which was
offered at the beginning of this article. These episodes are
less fluid than the other forms, and do not changes as often
as other forms do. Furthermore, as can be seen in the
history of the labour movement and religious sects as so
many and a social movement may begin as collective
behaviour but over time become firmly established as a
social institution.
For this reason, social movements are often
considered a separate field of sociology. The books and
articles about them are far more numerous than the sum of
studies of all the other forms of collective behaviour put
together. Social movements are considered in many
Wikipedia articles, and an article on the field of social
movements as a whole would be much longer than this
essay. There have never been many specialists in collective
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behaviour. These few have typically been students of Park
and Blumer at the University of Chicago, or, more recently,
of Blumer and Smelser at the University of California at
Berkeley. Thus, collective behaviour has been a school of
thought as well as a subfield of sociology. Like the subfield
of social change, some might complain that it is not a field
but an incoherent jumble of topics. This is not true of
subfields of sociology which are defined by common sense,
such as the sociology of the family, politics, or religion.
Connections in social media are heterogeneous,
People can connect to their family members, colleagues,
college classmates, or friends met online and Some
relations are helpful in determining a targeted behaviour
(category) while others are not and This relation-type
information, however, is often not readily available in
social media aspects. To a direct application of collective
inference [9] or label propagation [12] would treat
connections in a social network as if they were not
hetrogeneous. As to address the heterogeneity present in
connections and a framework (SocioDim) [2] has been
proposed for collective behavior learning.
The framework is composed of two steps:
1) social dimension extraction, and 2) discriminative
learning approach. In the first step, latent social dimensions
are extracted based on network topology to capture the
potential actors affiliations. Those are extracted social
dimensions represent how each actor is involved in diverse
example of affiliations; the social dimension representation
is shown in Table 1. The entries in this table denote the
degree of one user involving in an affiliation. These social
dimensions can be treated as features of actors for
subsequent discriminative learning. Since a network is
converted into features, typical classifiers such as support
vector machine and logistic regression can be employed.
The discriminative learning procedure will determine
which social dimension correlates with the targeted
behaviour and then assign proper weights.
A key observation is that actors of the same
affiliation tend to connect with every one, For instance, it is
reasonable to expect people of the same department to
interact with each other more frequently. Therefore, to infer
actors’ latent affiliations as we need to find out a group of
people who interact with each other more frequently than at
random and this boils down to a classic community
detection problem, because each actor can get involved in
more than one affiliation, a soft clustering scheme is
preferred. In the initial instantiation of the framework a
special spectral variant of modularity maximization [3] is
adopted to extract social dimensions(SocioDim ) and these
are correspond to the top eigenvectors of a matrix
modularity . It has been empirically shown that this
framework outperforms other representative relational
learning methods on data of social media. Whenever, there
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are several concerns about the scalability of SocioDim with
modularity maximization:
• Social dimensions extracted according to soft clustering
like modularity maximization and probabilistic methods,
are dense. Consider there are 1 million actors in a network
and 1, 000 dimensions are extracted as an example. If
standard double precision numbers are used, holding the
full matrix alone requires 1M × 1K × 8 = 8G memory. This
large-size dense matrix poses thorny challenges for the
extraction of social dimensions as well as subsequent
discriminative learning.
• Modularity maximization requires us to compute the top
eigenvectors of a modularity matrix, itv is the same size as
a given network. To extract k communities, typically k – 1
eigenvectors are computed and for a sparse or structured
matrix construction and the eigenvector computation costs
O(h(mk + nk2 + k3)) time [13], where h, m, and n are the
number of iterations recursively and the number of edges
in the network and the number of nodes, respectively as
follows Though computing the top single eigenvector (i.e.,
k=1) such as Page Rank scores calculated and can be done
very efficiently and effectively computing thousands of
eigenvectors or even more for a mega-scale network
becomes a daunting task.
• Networks in social media tend to draw, with a new
members joining and new connections occurring between
existing members everyday. Its dynamic nature of networks
entails an efficient update of the model for collective
behaviour prediction and Efficient online updates of
eigenvectors with expanding matrices remain a challenge.
Related Work:
SocioDim framework is proposed to address the
relation heterogeneity presented in social networks a d a
sensible method for social dimension extraction becomes
critical to its success. Briey, existing methods to extract
social dimensions can be categorized into node-view and
fig:1 Sample network
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 Node-view methods concentrate on clustering nodes of
a network into communities. As we have mentioned, the
extraction of social dimensions boils down to a community
detection task as possible. The specific requirement is that
one actor should be allowed to be assigned to multiple
affiliations. Many existent community detection methods,
with the aim of partitioning the nodes of a network into
disjoint sets, do not satisfy this requirement. Instead, a soft
clustering scheme is preferred. Hence, variants of spectral
clustering approach, modularity maximization and nonnegative matrix factorization or block models can be
applied as follows. One representative example of nodeview methods is modularity maximization [6]. The top
eigenvectors of a modularity matrix are used as the social
dimensions in [8]. Suppose we are given a toy network as
in Figure 3, of which there are 9 actors, with each circle
representing one affiliation at once. For variable k
affiliations, typically at least k - 1 social dimension are
required. The top social dimension based on modularity
maximization of the toy example is shown in Table 2. The
actors of negative values belong to one affiliation and actor
1 and those actors with positive values belonging to the
other affiliation consider that actor 1 is involved in both
affiliations. Hence, actor 1's value is in between (close to
0). This social dimension does not state explicitly about the
association, but presents degree of associations for all
Edge-view methods concentrate on clustering edges of a
network into communities. One representative edge-view
method is proposed in [9]. The critical observation is that
an edge resides in only one affiliation, though a node can
be involved in multiple affiliations.
Reusable:SocioDim is composed of two parts:
community detection and supervised learning approach
Both are well-studied as Many algorithms have been
developed and numerous existing software packages can be
plugged in instantaneously and slimantaneously enabling
code reuse and saving many human efforts for practical
Efficient: A key difference of SocioDim framework
from collective inference is that it is very efficient for
prediction by trading more time in network pre-processing
and training. Collective inference typically requires many
scans of the whole network for prediction while SocioDim
accomplishes the task in one shot. SocioDim is more
suitable for online applications as a majority of them
emphasize more on prompt response for predictions.
Given a network, graph partition algorithms can be applied
to its corresponding line graph and its set of communities
in the line graph corresponds to a disjoint edge partition in
the original graph after that such a scheme has been used to
detect overlapping communities [16], [17]. It is, however,
prohibitive to construct a line graph for a mega-scale
network considered and We notice that edges connecting to
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the same node in the original network form a clique in the
corresponding line graph. For example, edges e(1, 3), e(2,
3), and e(3, 4) are all neighbouring edges of node 3 in
Figure 1. Therefore, they are adjacent to each other,
forming a clique. This property leads to many more edges
in a line graph than in the original network. In our
framework the given network is scanned and divides into
disjoints sets. Then it is converted into edge centric view
shown in table 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
E(1,4) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
E(2,3) 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
By dividing into edge centric view it easy to identify which
nodes are connected each other for further process of our
framework. Then we apply edge clustering methods for
finding the similarity between the edges that means the
individuals. For this we used incremental clustering. The
main purpose of clustering the edges has two reasons.
Those are connections between the users and scalability of
the connected users. If a edge connects two nodes
definitely the corresponding edge features are non zero
numerical. In this mainly we have sparsity that means
scattering of the edges in the network, so we have to gather
similar properties of the nodes. So that we can easily
classify the testing edges of the network. So we use
incremental clustering algorithm to cluster the edges in the
network. The clustering methodology is shown below:
Algorithm 1:
input: edges in the edge centric view
output: Clusters having the similar features of edges.
1. Select centroids based on number of affiliations.
2. For all centroids
find distance between the centroid and the edge in
the network.
dist =sqrt[(x2-x1)2 – (y2-y1)2]
minimum distanced edge put on the cluster of
corresponding centroid.
3. Save centroids. If we add affiliation, repeat step 2.
4. don’t repeat step2.
we keep only a vector of MaxSim to represent the
maximum similarity between one data instance and a
centroid for medium point In each iteration, we first
identify the instances relevant to a centroid point and then
compute similarities of these instances with the centroid
and it avoids the iteration over each instance and each
centroid and it will cost O(mk) likewise consider that the
centroid contains one feature (node), if and only if any
edge of that node is assigned to the cluster.
After clustering of the edges we construct classifier
based on the social dimensions. We designed a new
classifier. This classification is based on the cluster
probability and testing edge. If any unlabeled edge
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connected to a network, we have classify that edge belongs
to which cluster. So we used most efficient classification
that is Bayesian classification to find the new belongs to
which cluster. A naive Bayes classifier is a simple
probabilistic classifier based
applying Bayes'
theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions and
more descriptive term for the underlying probability model
would be "independent feature model".
The discussion so far has derived the independent feature
model and the naive Bayes probability model and naive
Bayes classifier combines this model with a decision rule.
One regular rule is to pick the hypothesis that is most
probable; this is known as the maximum a
posteriori or MAP decision rule. The corresponding
a Bayes
function Classify defined as follows:
classify(f1...,fn )=argmax p(C=c)
In the classification the unlabeled edge is
classified to labelled edge. In this mean, variance
calculations are more dependent to calculate the probability
of the unlabeled edge.
In the previous sections, we have introduced the problem of
collective behaviour prediction, covered a social learning
framework based on social dimensions, in the present
framework we introduced new edge centric based
classification. Compared to existing algorithms it more
advantageous and reduce time for unlabeled edge
classification. We used incremental clustering for grouping
the labelled edge, it is one of the best clustering algorithm.
We tested theoretically and give best results.
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K. Vasanth Kumar completed his MS
from Bharathi Dasan University in
2001. He completed M.Tech from
St.Theressa Institute of Engg &
Technology, JNTUK in 2010. Present he
is working as Associate professor in
Kaushik college of Engineering. His
interested area is data mining.
P. Uma Parvathi Kumari completed
MCA in IGNOU in 2011. She is
studying M.Tech in Pydah College of
Engineering and Technology. Her
interested areas are Data mining, data
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