Advanced SMART Automobile Safety Information System M.Sudharshan Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013
Advanced SMART Automobile Safety Information System
M.Sudharshan Reddy#1, M.Sreenivasulu *2, Sudhakar#3Chakrapani*4,
#1M.Tech Student & Electronics and Communication & JNTU Anantapur, India
*2 Asssociate Professor & Department of Electronics and Communication & JNTU Anantapur, India
#3 Professor & Department of Electronics and Communication & JNTU Anantapur, India
*4Associate Professor, SJCET &Department of Electronics and Communication & JNTU Anantapur, India
Abstract: The following paper is to develop an Advanced
SMART Automobile Safety Information System. By
using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking system we
can get the information of accidental occurrence through
GSM module. MEMS is a Micro electro mechanical
sensor which is a high sensitive sensor and capable of
detecting the tilt. The device is capable of performing all
the tilt functions like forward, reverse, left and right
directions. The system consists of cooperative components
of an accelerometer, microcontroller unit, GPS device,
GSM module, Ultrasonic sensor and CO/temperature
sensor. During the occurrence of any accident, this
wireless device will send a short massage to mobile phone
indicating the position of vehicle by tracing the location of
the vehicle through GPS system to family member,
emergency medical service (EMS) and nearest hospital.
The speed of the motor cycle and threshold algorithm are
used to determine fall or accident in real-time. Apart
from this we are also using temperature sensor and CO
sensor which are interfaced to the micro controller for
monitoring the CO & Temperature parameters. With the
help of temperature sensor we can measure amount of
temperature exhausted from the vehicle. CO sensor will
sense the amount of CO gas emitted from the vehicle.
Whenever the CO gas or temperature level exceeds the
threshold limit then the motor of the vehicle will be
stopped. Ultrasonic sensor in the module is used to detect
any obstacle in the surroundings of the vehicle and
intimates the microcontroller and the controller
calculates the distance between the vehicles and if the
distance reaches predetermined set point, then the vehicle
stops automatically.
Further to analysis, the root cause for this problem is due to
rider's poor behaviors such as speed driving, drunk driving,
riding with no helmet protection, riding with lack of sleep.
Several campaigns were conducted by the people for giving
awareness but still the percentage and numbers of death and
disability are very high which was not able to control because
of late assistance to people for those who got through the
accident. Therefore, major motorcycle manufacturers and
several research groups have developed safety devices to
protect riders from accidental injuries. At present, only in
some of advanced high-end automobile systems tracking
system is installed, but these systems are still too expensive
for most motorcycle’s riders.
Therefore, accidental monitoring with alarm system
and fall detection for two wheelers has recently gained much
attention, as these systems are expected to save life of
peoples by helping riders to get emergency assistance with
appropriate medical treatment on time. In this case,
Advanced SMART Automobile Safety Information System
was developed. MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking
system is used for providing the details accidental
occurrence. If any accident occurs, this wireless device will
send a message from mobile phone by indicating the position
of vehicle by tracking the latitude and longitude of that
specific location through GPS system to emergency medical
service, nearest hospital and family member so that they can
provide ambulance and prepare treatment for the patients.
2.0 System overview
Key words: MEMS, Accelerometer, GSM module, GPS
device, Microcontroller, temperature, CO, Ultrasonic
Figure.1. System overview
Accidents have become a major public problem in many
countries and in metropolitan cities in current generation.
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013
A high performance 16 bits MCV is used to process and store
real-time signal from the accelerometer as well as sensors.
Sensors (CO, Temperature and ultrasonic) will monitor its
corresponding parameters and displays the same. If the
temperature increases beyond the threshold level the motor
engine stops automatically. Similarly whenever the CO level
exceeds the threshold limit then the motor of the vehicle is
stopped. The ultrasonic sensor will detect the obstacle and
slows down the vehicle according to the distance between the
vehicles and it stops the vehicle when it reaches the predetermined set point value in order to avoid the collision of
3.0 Existing system
In existing system most of the people associate black boxes
within airplanes but they are no longer just the key tool in
investigation of airplane accidents. Presently tracking system
is introduced in vehicles to save peoples life. But these
systems are installed in some of the high-end motorcycles
only because these systems are too expensive to install in
most of the motorcycle riders. Majorly in the cities pollution
plays major role in the environment, due to the high levels of
pollutants like CO emitting from the vehicles it causes illness
to the public. Apart from that collision of vehicles occur
especially in huge traffic conditions. In order to avoid the
above said difficulties, we are introducing SMART
Automobile Safety information
4.0 Design of Proposed Hardware System
movements of the vehicle continuously and the accident
occurrence will be detected by the MEMS and further this
information is given to microcontroller. The GPS module
will be tracking the location of the vehicle at where the
accident has occurred. GPS can get the graphical location of
the vehicle. The location values are given to microcontroller.
Controller gives this information to GSM module. By using
GSM we can send the message to family members,
emergency medical service and nearest hospital. In this
project we have temperature sensor and CO sensor which are
interfaced to the micro controller. Temperature sensor
through which we can measure amount of temperature
exhausted from the vehicle. CO sensor will sense the amount
of CO gas emitted from the vehicle. These values are
displayed on LCD. Whenever the temperature/CO gas level
exceeds the threshold limit then the motor of the vehicle is
stopped. Ultrasonic sensor in the module is used to detect
any obstacle in the surroundings of the vehicle and intimates
the microcontroller to take appropriate action and then
controller calculates the distance between the vehicles and
reduces the speed as it reaches to the predetermined set point.
If the distance is very less then it will stop the vehicle
Arm7: ARM stands for Advanced RISC Machines. An ARM
processor is basically a 16/32bit microprocessor designed
and licensed by ARM Ltd. ARM is a microprocessor design
company headquartered in England, founded in 1990 by
Herman Hauser. One of the characteristic features of ARM
processors is their low electric power consumption, which
makes them particularly suitable for portable devices. It is
one of the most used processors currently in the market.
Microcontroller: The microcontroller is the heart of the
embedded system. It constantly monitors the digitized
parameters of the various sensors and verifies them with the
predefined threshold values. It checks if any corrective action
is to be taken for the condition at that instant of time. In case
such a situation arises, it activates the actuators to perform a
controlled operation.
Figure.2. Block diagram of hardware system
The working process of this project is explained as follows.
The proposed system is placed inside a vehicle which is not
visible to others. The MEMS accelerometer will sense the
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Temperature sensor: Temperature sensor is used to sense the
temperature of a medium. Most of the temperature sensors
having temperature-dependent properties which can be
measured electrically include resistors, semiconductor
devices such as diodes, and thermocouples. A resistance
thermometer has a sensing resistor having an electrical
resistance which varies with temperature.
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Figure.3. Temperature Sensor
CO2 sensor: They are used in gas leakage detecting
equipments in family and industry. They are suitable for
detecting of LPG, propane, methane, alcohol, Hydrogen,
smoke. Gas detection is important for controlling industrial
and vehicle emissions, household security and environmental
Figure.4. CO Sensors
Ultrasonic sensor: The ultrasonic sensor can easily be
interfaced to the microcontrollers where the triggering and
measurement can be done using two I/O pin. The sensor
transmits an ultrasonic wave and produces an output pulse
that corresponds to the time required for the burst echo to
return to the sensor. By measuring the echo pulse width, the
distance to target can easily be calculated.
Figure.5. Ultrasonic Sensor
MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems [1], is a
technology which is defined as miniaturized mechanical and
electro-mechanical elements (i.e., devices and structures) that
are made using the techniques of micro fabrication. The
physical dimensions of MEMS devices can vary from well
below one micron on the lower end of the dimensional
spectrum, all the way to several millimeters.
GPS: The Global Positioning System (GPS) [2], is a
navigation system which is space-based satellite that
provides location and time information in all weather
conditions, anywhere on or near the earth. The system
provides capabilities to military, civil and commercial users
around the world. It is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS
receiver and maintained by the United States government.
ISSN: 2231-5381
GSM modem: GSM phones make use of a SIM card to
identify the user's account. The use of the SIM card allows
GSM network users to quickly move their phone number
from one GSM phone to another by simply moving the SIM
card. Currently GSM networks operate on the 850MHz,
900MHz, 1800MHz, and 1900MHz frequency bands.
Devices that support all four bands are called quad-band,
with those that support 3 or 2 bands called tri-band and dualband, respectively.
Hardware system
A. MEMS description:
MEMS devices vary from relatively simple structures having
electromechanical systems with multiple moving elements
under the control of integrated microelectronics. The one
main criterion of MEMS is that there are at least some
elements having some sort of mechanical functionality
whether or not these elements can move. The term used to
define MEMS varies in different parts of the world. In the
United States they are predominantly called MEMS, while in
some other parts of the world they are called “Microsystems
Technology” or “micro machined devices”.
While the functional elements of MEMS are miniaturized
structures, sensors, actuators, and microelectronics, the most
notable (and perhaps most interesting) elements are the micro
sensors and micro actuators. Micro sensors and micro
actuators are appropriately categorized as “transducers”,
which are defined as devices that convert energy from one
form to another. In the case of micro sensors, the device
typically converts a measured mechanical signal into an
electrical signal. Microelectronic integrated circuits can be
thought of as the "brains" of a system and MEMS augments
this decision-making capability with "eyes" and "arms", to
allow micro systems to sense and control the environment.
Sensors gather information from the environment through
measuring mechanical, thermal, biological, chemical, optical,
and magnetic phenomena.
The electronics then process the information derived from the
sensors and through some decision making capability direct
the actuators to respond by moving, positioning, regulating,
pumping, and filtering, thereby controlling the environment
for some desired outcome or purpose. Because these devices
are manufactured using batch fabrication techniques similar
to those used for integrated circuits, unprecedented levels of
functionality, reliability, and sophistication can be placed on
a small silicon chip at a relatively low cost.
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very accurate. Ideally, four or more satellites are needed to
plot a 3D position, which is much more accurate.
Three Segments of GPS: The three segments of GPS are the
space, control, and user.
Figure.6. Micro electromechanical systems chip, sometimes called "lab on a
Companies with strong MEMS programs come in many
sizes. The larger firms specialize in manufacturing high
volume inexpensive components or packaged solutions for
end markets such as automobiles, biomedical, and
electronics. The successful small firms provide value in
innovative solutions and absorb the expense of custom
fabrication with high sales margins. In addition, both large
and small companies work in R&D to explore MEMS
B. GPS technology:
It consists of satellites, control and monitor stations, and
receivers. GPS receivers take information transmitted from
the satellites and uses triangulation to calculate a user’s exact
location. GPS is used on incidents in a variety of ways, such
as [3]:
To determine position locations; for example, you
need to radio a helicopter pilot the coordinates of
your position location so the pilot can pick you up.
To navigate from one location to another; for
example, you need to travel from a lookout to the fire
To create digitized maps; for example, you are
assigned to plot the fire perimeter and hot spots.
To determine distance between two points or how
far you are from another location.
 Space Segment — Satellites orbiting the earth
The space segment consists of 29 satellites circling the
earth every 12 hours at 12,000 miles in altitude. This high
altitude allows the signals to cover a greater area. The
satellites are arranged in their orbits so a GPS receiver on
earth can receive a signal from at least four satellites at
any given time. Each satellite contains several atomic
clocks. Satellites transmit low radio signals with a unique
code on different frequencies, allowing the GPS receiver
to identify the signals. The main purpose of these coded
signals is to allow the GPS receiver to calculate travel time
of the radio signal from the satellite to the receiver. The
travel time multiplied by the speed of light equals the
distance from the satellite to the GPS receiver.
 Control Segment — The control and monitoring stations
The control segment tracks the satellites and then
provides them with corrected orbital and time
information. The control segment consists of five
unmanned monitor stations and one Master Control
Station. The five unmanned stations monitor GPS satellite
signals and then send that information to the Master
Control Station where anomalies are corrected and sent
back to the GPS satellites through ground antennas.
 User Segment — The GPS receivers owned by civilians
and military
The user segment consists of the users and their GPS
receivers. The number of simultaneous users is limitless.
GPS receiver collects information from the GPS satellites
that are in view. GPS receiver determines your current
location, velocity, and time.
How the Global Positioning System Works
C. GSM (Global positioning system for mobiles)
The basis of the GPS is a constellation of satellites that are
continuously orbiting the earth. These satellites, which are
equipped with atomic clocks, transmit radio signals that
contain their exact location, time, and other information. The
radio signals from the satellites, which are monitored and
corrected by control stations, are picked up by the GPS
receiver. A Global Positioning System receiver needs only
three satellites to plot a rough, 2D position, which will not be
ISSN: 2231-5381
Definition: Global system for mobile communication is a
communication. GSM is the name of a standardization group
established in 1982 to create a common European mobile
telephone standard that would formulate specifications for a
pan-European mobile cellular radio system operating at 900
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Description: GSM, the Global System for Mobile
communications [4], is a digital cellular communications
system, which has rapidly gained acceptance and market
share worldwide, although it was initially developed in a
European context. In addition to digital transmission, GSM
incorporates many advanced services and features, including
ISDN compatibility and worldwide roaming in other GSM
networks. The advanced services and architecture of GSM
have made it a model for future third-generation cellular
systems, such as UMTS.
A GSM network is composed of several functional
entities. The GSM network can be divided into three broad
parts. Subscriber carries the Mobile Station. The Base
Station Subsystem controls the radio link with the Mobile
Station. The Network Subsystem, the main part of which is
the Mobile services switching Center (MSC), performs the
switching of calls between the mobile users, and between
mobile and fixed network users. The Mobile Station and the
Base Station Subsystem communicate across the Um
interface, also known as the air interface or radio link. The
Base Station Subsystem communicates with the Mobile
services Switching Center across the A interface.
Experimental Results
1) In this project with the help of accelerometer we can
control the directions of the vehicle i.e. left, right,
front, back.
2) Here the MEMS accelerometer will sense the
movement of the vehicle continuously.
3) If accident occurred the continuous movement of the
vehicle is detected by the accelerometer and the
location of the vehicle is tracked by GPS and a short
message is sent to the nearest hospital and to the
family members.
4) In this we have temperature sensor to sense the
temperature of the engine. If the temperature
exceeds the threshold value, it stops the engine
motor of vehicle.
5) Similarly whenever the CO gas level exceeds the
threshold limit then the engine motor of the vehicle
is stopped.
6) The ultrasonic sensor will detect the obstacle and
reduces the speed of the vehicle whenever it reaches
to any obstacles or vehicles. It stops the vehicle
when it reaches the pre-determined set point.
7) The CO, Temperature, Position of vehicle and GPS
information will be continuously displayed on LCD.
Figure.7. Output displayed in LCD.
The Advanced SMART Automobile Safety Information
System using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking has been
developed for motorcycle accidental monitoring. The system can
detect the type of accident (linear and nonlinear fall) from
accelerometer signal using threshold algorithm, posture after
crashing of motorcycle and GPS ground speed. After accident is
detected, short alarm massage data (alarm massage and position
of accident) will be sent via GSM network. Sensors (CO,
Temperature and ultrasonic) work accordingly and gives the
respective output. If the temperature increases than the threshold
level the motor stops automatically. Similarly whenever the CO
gas level exceeds the threshold limit then the motor of the
vehicle is stopped. The ultrasonic sensor detects the obstacle and
slowdowns the vehicle according to the distance between the
vehicles and if necessary it stops the vehicle.
[1] MNX MEMS and Nanotechnology Exchange
[4] GSMA,
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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M.Sudharshan Reddy received his B.Tech degree
in Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering from
JNTU, Hyderabad in 2007 and pursuing his M.Tech in
Digital Systems and Computer Electronics at St.Johns
College of Engineering & Technology, Yemmiganur of
Kurnool (AP, India) affiliated to JNT University,
Hyderabad. He then received his M.Tech in Microwave
Engineering from Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
He started his career as an Assistant Professor in 2005 and
currently he is working as an Asssociate Professor in
Department of ECE at St.Johns College of Engineering &
Technology, Yemmiganur Kurnool (AP, India). T.Chakrapani
has guided several B.Tech Projects and M.Tech dissertations. He
has published several research papers in National/International
M.Sreenivasulu received his B.Tech degree in
Electronics & Communications Engineering from S.V
University, Tirupati in 2001.He then received his M.Tech in
Digital Electronics&Communication Systems from JNTU
University in 2006 and Pursuing PhD in the Area of
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) at JNT
University, Hyderabad. He started his career as an Assistant
Professor in 2002 and currently he is working as an Asssociate
Professor in Department of ECE at St.Johns College of
Engineering & Technology, Yemmiganur Kurnool (AP, India).
M.Sreenivasulu has guided several B.Tech Projects and M.Tech
dissertations. He has published several research papers in
National/International Journals/Conferences.
K.SUDHAKAR received his B.Tech degree in
Electronics & Communications Engineering from JNTU
University in 1999.He then received his M.Tech in
Communication Systems from JNTU University in 2006
and Pursuing PhD in Electromagnetic waves in JNT
University, Hyderabad. He entered into teaching field in
2000 as Assistant Professor and as Associate Professor &
Professor. Presently he is working as Professor in
Department of ECE at St. Johns College of Engineering &
Technology, Yemmiganur Kurnool (AP, India). K.Sudhakar
guided several B.Tech Projects, M.Tech dissertations, and
published several research papers in National/International
T.Chakrapani received his B.Tech degree in
Electronics & Communications Engineering from JNTU
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