Document 12925403


International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4 Issue7- July 2013

Design Analysis of Patch Antenna without EBG and

With Cross-Shape EBG and Analyse the Effect of

Different Feed Position

Preeti vats


, Deepender Dabas



Department of Electronics and communication, PIET, Samalkha

Panipat, Haryana, India

Abstract— This paper presents Micro strip antenna design with novel shapes of 2D-electromagnetic band-gap structure (2D-

EBG). The cross shape slots EBG are used & the effect of different Feed position & spacing between the slots is analysed.

Simulated results show improved performance of the antenna with or without EBG slots at different feed position on the substrate of antenna. This ensures that bandwidth increases greatly while size is nearly unaffected. The designed patch antenna has a size of 13.3 mm * 8.9 mm. Antenna operation in wide band is obtained in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 GHz, when feed applied at (2, -5) & Return loss also minimized to a good extent. which is advantageous for transmitting information over a larger bandwidth. Wideband antennas find its applications in mobile sensors, data collection, precision locating and tracking applications.


Patch antenna, Cross slot, Coaxial feed,

Electromagnetic band gap (EBG), Wideband antenna.

radiation pattern) especially on loss return, by using two different feeding points ( dx , dy ): This can be achieved by varying the position for dx and dy values that promote the increase of bandwidth and give the advantage of low return losses.



Comparison of Antenna design is made on the basis of without EBG, using Cross EBG slots of different dimensions and Co-axial probe feed applied at different positions.


Antenna design without EBG structure

A patch antenna without EBG has been studied of dimension 8.9*13.3 with feed applied at (1, 4.5). Fig. 1 shows the designed patch. The return loss (S11) obtained is of -10 db at a frequency of 8.5 GHz is shown in Fig.



A micro strip patch antenna is widely used in communication devices due to its small size, thin profile configurations, low cost and conformity. In spite of these remarkable advantages, the patch suffers some serious drawbacks like low bandwidth (due to small size). Bandwidth can be increased but at the cost of size of the patch, making it large and bulky. To overcome this problem, a multiple-layer dielectric substrate has been used to improve bandwidth [1].

In this paper bandwidth improvement and reduction in losses has been achieved by use of different EBG design.

In this paper, to suppress surface wave losses, parts of the substrate surrounding the patch have been strategically removed, and thereby increase gain and bandwidth range [2].

It is well known that for a particular resonant frequency, the bandwidth increases with increase in size of patch antenna, with high dielectric constant [3, 4]. The patch antenna of low dielectric has a moderate bandwidth but large size. To include the quality of both high and low dielectric, two substrates have been combined, i.e., high bandwidth and low patch size respectively [5].

In this paper, the effect of feeding on the characteristics of a patch antenna (gain, bandwidth, and

Fig. 1.Designed Patch Antenna with feed at (1, 4.5)

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Fig.3. Patch Antenna with 2*2 Cross-slots EBG

The return loss from the designed patch obtained in range of ( -10 to -12 dB) at wide band frequency of 5.8 to 6.3 GHz as shown in figure 4. As the central frequency is 5.9 GHz, so

Bandwidth % obtained is 10.1695 %.

Fig.2.Return losses (S


) of antenna without EBG structure

To eliminate the effect of surface wave Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures were used. Various shapes of EBG can be used like circular, rectangular, star and H-shape.



To eliminate the effect of surface wave electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures were used. Various shapes of EBG can be used like circular, rectangular, star and H-shape .


Antenna designs using 2*2 Cross-slots EBG Structure:

Cross-slots are cut at the ground plane of the patch antenna.

This EBG structure consists of two layers and the radiating element printed on the upper surface of the top layer. The bottom layer carries an array of 2*2 Cross slots. The patch antenna with EBG structure is shown in Fig. 3. A substrate of dimension (Lsub*Wsub) of 22*22 mm, thickness (h) of 1.5 mm, dielectric constant of 4.65 and loss tangent of 0.02. Cross slots array size 2*2 & of dimension (Lslot*Wslot) 1*4. A patch is placed on the dielectric substrate at a height of 1.6 mm having width of patch 13.3 mm and length of patch 8.9 mm. Co-axial feed applied at the centre of the patch.

Fig.4 Return losses (S


) of antenna with U slot EBG structure

B. Antenna design using 7*7 Cross-slots EBG Structure at feed position (3, 4.5):

Cross-slots are cut at the ground plane of the patch antenna of array size 7*7.The designed patch with Cross EBG slots is shown in fig. 5.

A substrate of dimension (Lsub*Wsub) of

22*22 mm, thickness (h) of 1.5 mm, dielectric constant of

4.65 and loss tangent of 0.02. Cross slots array size 7*7 & of dimension (Lslot*Wslot) 0.5*2. The spacing between each slots is of 1mm. A patch is placed on the dielectric substrate at a height of 1.6 mm having width of patch 13.3 mm and length of patch 8.9 mm . Co-axial feed applied at (3,4.5).

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Fig.5. Patch Antenna with 7*7 Cross-slots EBG at feed position (3, 4.5)

The return loss from the designed patch obtained in range of (-11 to -12 dB) at a frequency of 7.1 GHz as shown in figure 6 a narrow band is obtained in this case & also the return loss is not minimized to a good extent.

The return loss of this antenna obtained between -35 to -40 dB at 7 GHz. Wide band of 6.7 to 7.45 GHz is obtained &

Band width % of 10.7143% is obtained, making it a wide band application antenna. This antenna finds its application in wide band operations. The return loss is shown in figure 8.

Fig 6.Return loss (S


) of antenna with 7*7 cross slot EBG structure

Fig 8.Return loss (S


) of antenna with cross slot EBG structure

D. Antenna design using 7*7 Cross-slot EBG Structure at feed position (2, -5):

The schematic diagram of the coaxial probe fed cross shaped EBG ground plane antenna is shown in Fig. 7. On the ground plane cross slots of dimension 7*7 mm slots are cut.

The feed was given at the (2, -5). The antenna designed on a dielectric substrate with dimension of (22×22 mm). The EBG structure has cross slots of 2×1 mm unit cells; each cross slot is at a distance of 1mm. The dielectric substrate has a thickness of 1.6 mm, relative permittivity (€


) of 4.65 and loss tangent ( δ ) of 0.02. A rectangular radiating patch of (Lp*Wp) of dimensions 8.9*13.3 mm is printed on the top layer.



It is observed after simulation on the ZELAND IE3D software that a wide band antenna is obtained using cross slotted EBG structures. The EBG structure not only reduces the surface losses but also help in making a wide band antenna, without affecting the size of the antenna. As without

EBG, we observed that narrowband antenna is obtained and the return losses was also large. While by using cross slotted

EBG on micro strip patch antenna return loss is minimized as well as wideband is also obtained. The 2*2 cross slot-antenna can be used for Wireless LAN application in the frequency range 5.8 to 6.3 GHz. The 7*7 cross slotted antenna gives better results when the feed is applied at (2, -5). These antennas provide good impedance matching, stable radiation patterns & return loss was minimized in the range of -35 to -

40dB. It is also observed from the simulation result that the dislocation of the probe feed to patch highly effects the characteristics of the micro strip patch antenna like return losses but does not affect the directivity of the antenna.



I am highly grateful to Er. Deepender dabas (Assist. Proff. in Electronics & Communication Engineering Department).

Without his wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been impossible to complete the dissertation work in this manner.

Fig.7. Patch Antenna using 7*7 cross-slots EBG at feed position of (2, -5)

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