1 . Flavour Permutation Symmetry and Quark Mixing: Is the Unitarity Triangle Right? Paul Harrison∗ University of Warwick SuperB Workshop, Isola d’Elba 1st June 2008 ∗ With Dan Roythorne and Bill Scott, PLB 657 (2007) 210, arXiv:0709.1439 and arXiv:0805.3440 Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 2 . Outline of Talk • The Flavour Problem • Plaquette Invariance and Flavour Permutation Symmetry • Flavour Symmetric Mixing Observables • Applications • Conclusions Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 3 The Flavour Problem • SM has 20 (22) low energy flavour parameters (out of 25(27)) • They show tantalising structure, eg. d u O(1) |VCKM | ∼ c O(λ) t O(λ3 ) ν1 e |UM N S | ∼ µ τ √ 2/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 6 s O(λ) O(1) O(λ2 ) ν2 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 b O(λ3 ) O(λ2 ) O(1) + W qi ν3 < ∼ 0.2 √ 1/ 2 √ 1/ 2 - W - li • Are not predictable in the SM - profoundly unsatisfactory. Paul Harrison qα Vi α University of Warwick Ui α να 1st June 2008 4 Masses and Mixings have Common Origin • in Quark and Lepton mass matrices: M 2 , M− 1 , Mℓ , Mν 3 3 • Each is product of Higgs vev and Yukawa coupling matrix in Lagrangian Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 4 Masses and Mixings have Common Origin • in Quark and Lepton mass matrices: M 2 , M− 1 , Mℓ , Mν 3 3 • Each is product of Higgs vev and Yukawa coupling matrix in Lagrangian • Will work with their Hermitian Squares. – eg. for neutrinos: N = Mν Mν† – for charged leptons: L = Mℓ Mℓ† – for charged 2/3 quarks: H 2 = M 2 M 2† etc. 3 Paul Harrison 3 3 University of Warwick 1st June 2008 4 Masses and Mixings have Common Origin • in Quark and Lepton mass matrices: M 2 , M− 1 , Mℓ , Mν 3 3 • Each is product of Higgs vev and Yukawa coupling matrix in Lagrangian • Will work with their Hermitian Squares. – eg. for neutrinos: N = Mν Mν† – for charged leptons: L = Mℓ Mℓ† – for charged 2/3 quarks: H 2 = M 2 M 2† etc. 3 3 3 • Diagonalise Uν N Uν† = Dν → eigenvalues (ie. masses-squared) • Diagonalisation different for L and N ⇒ mixing, ie. UM N S ≡ Uℓ Uν† . Analogous for quarks: UCKM ≡ U− 1 U 2† . 3 Paul Harrison 3 University of Warwick 1st June 2008 5 The Jarlskogian and Plaquette Invariance Jarlskog’s CP -violating invariant: ∗ ∗ J = Im(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) Paul Harrison University of Warwick ∗ Ue3 Ue1 Ue2 ∗ Uµ1 Uµ2 Uµ3 Uτ 1 Uτ 2 Uτ 3 1st June 2008 5 The Jarlskogian and Plaquette Invariance Jarlskog’s CP -violating invariant: ∗ ∗ J = Im(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) Fascinating properties: ∗ Ue3 Ue1 Ue2 ∗ Uµ1 Uµ2 Uµ3 Uτ 1 Uτ 2 Uτ 3 • Parameterises CP violation • Does not depend on which plaquette is used Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 5 The Jarlskogian and Plaquette Invariance Jarlskog’s CP -violating invariant: ∗ ∗ J = Im(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) Fascinating properties: ∗ Ue3 Ue1 Ue2 ∗ Uµ1 Uµ2 Uµ3 Uτ 1 Uτ 2 Uτ 3 • Parameterises CP violation • Does not depend on which plaquette is used • Simply related to the mass matrices: Det[L, N ] J = −i 2L∆ N∆ L∆ , N∆ are traces of polynomials in L and N . Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 6 Are there Other Plaquette Invariants? Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 6 Are there Other Plaquette Invariants? Yes! Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 6 Are there Other Plaquette Invariants? Yes! • J samples information uniformly across U - it is f lavour − symmetric (FS). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 6 Are there Other Plaquette Invariants? Yes! • J samples information uniformly across U - it is f lavour − symmetric (FS). • Clearly, any function of the Uαi , symmetrised over all flavour labels, and reduced to a function of only elements of a single plaquette is plaquette-invariant. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 6 Are there Other Plaquette Invariants? Yes! • J samples information uniformly across U - it is f lavour − symmetric (FS). • Clearly, any function of the Uαi , symmetrised over all flavour labels, and reduced to a function of only elements of a single plaquette is plaquette-invariant. • Working with observables, find that, like J, FS functions of the mixing matrix can always be expressed as simple functions of the mass matrices. • Will introduce an elemental set – can be used for the flavour-symmetric description of any mixing scheme. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 7 The S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group • 6 perms. of ℓ flavour indices and 6 of ν “flavour” labels (ie. ν mass eigenstate indices) constitute the S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group (FPG). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 7 The S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group • 6 perms. of ℓ flavour indices and 6 of ν “flavour” labels (ie. ν mass eigenstate indices) constitute the S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group (FPG). • Introduce the observable P matrix: |Ue1 |2 |Ue2 |2 |Ue3 |2 P = |Uµ1 |2 |Uµ2 |2 |Uµ3 |2 |Uτ 1 |2 |Uτ 2 |2 |Uτ 3 |2 – Parameterises mixing (up to the sign of J). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 7 The S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group • 6 perms. of ℓ flavour indices and 6 of ν “flavour” labels (ie. ν mass eigenstate indices) constitute the S3ℓ × S3ν Flavour Permutation Group (FPG). • Introduce the observable P matrix: |Ue1 |2 |Ue2 |2 |Ue3 |2 P = |Uµ1 |2 |Uµ2 |2 |Uµ3 |2 |Uτ 1 |2 |Uτ 2 |2 |Uτ 3 |2 – Parameterises mixing (up to the sign of J). – Transforms as a (reducible) 3 × 3 (natural representation) of FPG. – Rows and columns each sum to unity (a magic square) ⇒ completely specified by elements of any P -plaquette. – Each P -plaquette transforms as (irreducible) 2 × 2 of FPG. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 8 Singlets Under FPG? • J is prototype FS observable - invariant under even members of the FPG; flips sign under odd members; ie. 1 × 1. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 8 Singlets Under FPG? • J is prototype FS observable - invariant under even members of the FPG; flips sign under odd members; ie. 1 × 1. • Search for other singlets: 1 × 1, 1 × 1 etc. – Find simple polynomials of elements of P – (anti-)symmetrise over flavour labels Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 8 Singlets Under FPG? • J is prototype FS observable - invariant under even members of the FPG; flips sign under odd members; ie. 1 × 1. • Search for other singlets: 1 × 1, 1 × 1 etc. – Find simple polynomials of elements of P – (anti-)symmetrise over flavour labels • Simple representation theory→ – 1st order in P : ∃ no non-trivial singlets – 2nd order: one each of 1 × 1 and 1 × 1 – 3rd order: one each of all four singlets – ≥ 4th order: multiple instances of each • Will stay at ≤ 3rd order. Clearly four are sufficient. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 9 Elemental Set of FS Mixing Observables Define themselves, up to normalisation (and “offset” in 1 × 1 case): 1 X (Pαi )2 − 1 ] G= [ 2 αi X 3 X 3 (Pαi )2 ] + 1 C= [ (Pαi ) − 2 αi αi F = DetP 1 X A= (Lγk )3 18 γk where Lγk = (Pαi + Pβj − Pβi − Pαj ). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 9 Elemental Set of FS Mixing Observables Define themselves, up to normalisation (and “offset” in 1 × 1 case): 1 X (Pαi )2 − 1 ] G= [ 2 αi X 3 X 3 (Pαi )2 ] + 1 (Pαi ) − C= [ 2 αi αi where Lγk = (Pαi + Pβj − Pβi − Pαj ). • F and A need no offset (they are anti-symmetric). – Reach extremum for no mixing – 0 for trimaximal mixing • All normalised to maximum value = 1 (no mixing). • G and C offset to zero for maximal mixing F = DetP 1 X A= (Lγk )3 18 γk 1 0 0 P = 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 P = 31 1 3 Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1st June 2008 10 Properties and Values Observable Order Symmetry: Theor. Exptl. Range Exptl. Range Name in P S3ℓ × S3ν Range for Leptons for Quarks F 2 1×1 (−1, 1) (−0.14, 0.12) (0.893, 0.896) G 2 1×1 (0, 1) (0.15, 0.23) (0.898, 0.901) A 3 1×1 (−1, 1) (−0.065, 0.052) (0.848, 0.852) C 3 1×1 1 , 1) (− 27 (−0.005, 0.057) (0.848, 0.852) Properties and values of FS observables. Experimentally allowed ranges estimated (90% CL) from compilations of current experimental results (neglect any correlations between the input quantities). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 11 FSMOs in Terms of Mass Matrices fm := Lm − 1 Tr(Lm ) Define reduced (ie. traceless) powers of mass matrices: L 3 m ). g (similarly for N Now define Jarlskog-invariant: fm N fn ), Temn := Tr(L m, n = 1, 2. Te Completely equivalent to P (for known lepton masses). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 11 FSMOs in Terms of Mass Matrices fm := Lm − 1 Tr(Lm ) Define reduced (ie. traceless) powers of mass matrices: L 3 m ). g (similarly for N Now define Jarlskog-invariant: fm N fn ), Temn := Tr(L m, n = 1, 2. Te Completely equivalent to P (for known lepton masses). Find: Det Te F ≡ Det P = 3 ; L ∆ N∆ Paul Harrison cf. J = −i University of Warwick Det[L, N ] 2L∆ N∆ 1st June 2008 11 FSMOs in Terms of Mass Matrices fm := Lm − 1 Tr(Lm ) Define reduced (ie. traceless) powers of mass matrices: L 3 m ). g (similarly for N Now define Jarlskog-invariant: fm N fn ), Temn := Tr(L m, n = 1, 2. Te Completely equivalent to P (for known lepton masses). Find: Det Te ; F ≡ Det P = 3 L ∆ N∆ Temn Tepq Lmp N nq G= ; 2 (L∆ N∆ ) Det[L, N ] cf. J = −i 2L∆ N∆ (nqs) (mpr) Temn Tepq Ters LC,A NC,A C, A = (L∆ N∆ )nC,A m ). fm (N g The L (N ) are simple functions of traces of L Paul Harrison University of Warwick nC (nA ) = 2(3). 1st June 2008 12 Application: Flavour-symmetric Descriptions of Mixing 1.4 Solar Reactor 1.2 Nobs/Nexp 1.0 0.8 ILL Savannah River Bugey Rovno Goesgen Krasnoyarsk Palo Verde Chooz 0.6 0.4 0.2 KamLAND 0.0 10 ν1 e |U | ∼ µ τ ⇒ F = 0, Paul Harrison ν2 1 ν3 2 3 4 10 10 10 Distance to Reactor (m) 10 5 Atmospheric √ 2/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 ǫ √ 1/ 2 √ 1/ 2 C = 0, A = 0, G = 61 (1 − 3ǫ2 )2 . Where is flavour-symmetry? University of Warwick 1st June 2008 13 Where is Flavour Symmetry? • It is spontaneously broken Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 13 Where is Flavour Symmetry? • It is spontaneously broken • There exist 36 equally valid “solutions” of the TBM form, related to each other by allowed permutations of the rows and columns of the mixing matrix. • eg. ν1 e |U | ∼ µ τ Paul Harrison √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 ν2 √ 2/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 6 University of Warwick ν3 ǫ √ 1/ 2 √ 1/ 2 1st June 2008 14 Another Application: Partially Unified FS Description of Quark and Lepton Mixings Unified Description of quark and lepton mixings is desirable. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 14 Another Application: Partially Unified FS Description of Quark and Lepton Mixings Unified Description of quark and lepton mixings is desirable. What feature do quark and lepton mixing matrices have in common? Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 14 Another Application: Partially Unified FS Description of Quark and Lepton Mixings Unified Description of quark and lepton mixings is desirable. What feature do quark and lepton mixing matrices have in common? ∼1 |V | ∼ ∼λ CKM • Each has at least one “small” ele ∼ λ3 ment. • What is the flavour-symmetric expression of this? Paul Harrison |UM N S | ∼ University of Warwick √ 2/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 6 ∼λ ∼1 ∼ λ2 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 ∼ λ3 ∼ λ2 ∼1 ǫ √ 1/ 2 √ 1/ 2 1st June 2008 14 Another Application: Partially Unified FS Description of Quark and Lepton Mixings Unified Description of quark and lepton mixings is desirable. What feature do quark and lepton mixing matrices have in common? ∼1 |V | ∼ ∼λ CKM • Each has at least one “small” ele ∼ λ3 ment. • What is the flavour-symmetric expression of this? |UM N S | ∼ √ 2/ 6 √ 1/ 6 √ 1/ 6 ∼λ ∼1 ∼ λ2 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 √ 1/ 3 ∼ λ3 ∼ λ2 ∼1 ǫ √ 1/ 2 √ 1/ 2 ≥ 1 zero ⇒ CP-conservation =⇒ J = 0. But need two constraints. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 15 FS Condition for One Mixing Zero After some work, find =⇒ 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) = 0 and J = 0 • Manifestly FS, but not “neat” Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 15 FS Condition for One Mixing Zero After some work, find =⇒ 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) = 0 and J = 0 • Manifestly FS, but not “neat” ∗ ∗ • Now, consider K-matrix: Kγk = Re(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) (cf. J). • Familiar from CP conserving parts of interference terms in penguin dominated rates Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 15 FS Condition for One Mixing Zero After some work, find =⇒ 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) = 0 and J = 0 • Manifestly FS, but not “neat” ∗ ∗ • Now, consider K-matrix: Kγk = Re(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) (cf. J). • Familiar from CP conserving parts of interference terms in penguin dominated rates • In fact 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) ≡ 54 Det K Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 15 FS Condition for One Mixing Zero After some work, find =⇒ 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) = 0 and J = 0 • Manifestly FS, but not “neat” ∗ ∗ • Now, consider K-matrix: Kγk = Re(Uαi Uαj Uβi Uβj ) (cf. J). • Familiar from CP conserving parts of interference terms in penguin dominated rates • In fact 2A + F (F 2 − 2C − 1) ≡ 54 Det K So Det K = 0 and J = 0 is condition we want Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 16 FS Condition for One Small Element • For one small element, relax (slightly) one condition or both. • For quark mixing, know that J 6= 0 (but small) Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 16 FS Condition for One Small Element • For one small element, relax (slightly) one condition or both. • For quark mixing, know that J 6= 0 (but small) • How about DetK? < 3 × 10−7 |Det Kq /(Det K)max | ∼ • Leptons also consistent with Det K small or zero. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 16 FS Condition for One Small Element • For one small element, relax (slightly) one condition or both. • For quark mixing, know that J 6= 0 (but small) • How about DetK? < 3 × 10−7 |Det Kq /(Det K)max | ∼ • Leptons also consistent with Det K small or zero. • Conjecture: MNS and CKM constrained according to the same FS condition: DetK = 0; J small. Unified, partial description of quark and lepton mixings. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 17 Predictions • DetK = 0; J small =⇒ as J → 0, at least one UT angle → 90◦ . • Get precise prediction for one unitarity angle in terms of other mixing elements. • Doesn’t tell us which angle, but the data do. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 17 Predictions • DetK = 0; J small =⇒ as J → 0, at least one UT angle → 90◦ . • Get precise prediction for one unitarity angle in terms of other mixing elements. • Doesn’t tell us which angle, but the data do. • For quarks, predict: − cos α ≃ (90◦ − α) = ηλ2 = 1◦ ± 0.2◦ . Paul Harrison . ◦ cf. (90◦ − α) = 0◦+3 −7◦ experimentally. University of Warwick 1st June 2008 17 Predictions • DetK = 0; J small =⇒ as J → 0, at least one UT angle → 90◦ . • Get precise prediction for one unitarity angle in terms of other mixing elements. • Doesn’t tell us which angle, but the data do. • For quarks, predict: − cos α ≃ (90◦ − α) = ηλ2 = 1◦ ± 0.2◦ . . ◦ cf. (90◦ − α) = 0◦+3 −7◦ experimentally. • “A sub-1◦ measurement is possible in B → ρρ and B → ππ individually” (A. Bevan 5th SuperB workshop, Paris, 2007). Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 17 Predictions • DetK = 0; J small =⇒ as J → 0, at least one UT angle → 90◦ . • Get precise prediction for one unitarity angle in terms of other mixing elements. • Doesn’t tell us which angle, but the data do. • For quarks, predict: − cos α ≃ (90◦ − α) = ηλ2 = 1◦ ± 0.2◦ . ◦ cf. (90◦ − α) = 0◦+3 −7◦ experimentally. . • “A sub-1◦ measurement is possible in B → ρρ and B → ππ individually” (A. Bevan 5th SuperB workshop, Paris, 2007). • For leptons, predict: √ π < ◦ | cos δ| ≃ |90 − δ| = 2 2 sin θ13 sin (θ23 − ) ∼ 4 4 ◦ Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. • “Simplest” set defines itself up to normalisation Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. • “Simplest” set defines itself up to normalisation • Remarkably, leptonic mixing is consistent with 3 of these = 0! Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. • “Simplest” set defines itself up to normalisation • Remarkably, leptonic mixing is consistent with 3 of these = 0! • Used them to implement FS constraints on flavour observables, and make testable conjectures Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. • “Simplest” set defines itself up to normalisation • Remarkably, leptonic mixing is consistent with 3 of these = 0! • Used them to implement FS constraints on flavour observables, and make testable conjectures • αCKM should be (89 ± 0.2)◦ - UT is almost right! Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008 18 Summary • Have defined flavour-symmetric mass and/or mixing observables. • “Simplest” set defines itself up to normalisation • Remarkably, leptonic mixing is consistent with 3 of these = 0! • Used them to implement FS constraints on flavour observables, and make testable conjectures • αCKM should be (89 ± 0.2)◦ - UT is almost right! • δleptons should be within 4◦ of 90◦ . Paul Harrison University of Warwick 1st June 2008