A Novel Architecture for Topic Specific Parallel Web Crawler Navita , Mahesh

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 8 - May 2014
A Novel Architecture for Topic Specific Parallel
Web Crawler
Navita #1, Mahesh *2
M.Tech. Schola, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Advanced Institute of Technology and Management, Palwal, Haryana, India.
Abstract - The World Wide Web is an interlinked
collection of billions of web documents. Due to the
growing and dynamic nature of the web, it has become
a challenge to traverse all URLs in the web documents
by a crawler module. So it has become imperative to
parallelize a crawling process. The crawler process is
further being parallelized in the form ecology of crawler
workers that in parallel download information from the
web. This paper proposes a novel architecture of
parallel crawler, which is based on topic specific
crawling, makes crawling task more effective, scalable
and load-sharing among the different crawlers which
parallel downloading the web pages related to different
topics. The proposed crawler will crawl and download
the web pages which are related to given topic(s).
As the number of crawling processes
increases, the quality of downloaded pages
becomes worse, unless they exchange back
link messages often.
The quality of the firewall mode is
significantly worse than that of the singleprocess crawler when the crawler downloads
a relatively small fraction of the pages.
3. The communication overhead does not
increase linearly as the number of URL
exchange increases.
Keywords: WWW, URLs, crawling process, parallel
crawlers, focused crawler, topic specific crawler
A web crawler is a program that retrieves and stores
web pages from the Web. A web crawler (Burner, M.
et. al., 1997, P. 37-40) starts by placing an initial set
of URLs in a seed queue. URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) is a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that
specifies where an identified resource is available and
the mechanism for retrieving it, for example
http://www.w3.org/default.aspx. HTTP is a protocol
with the lightness and speed necessary for a
distributed collaborative hypermedia information
system. The web crawler gets a URL from the seed
queue, downloads the web page, extracts any URLs
in the downloaded page, puts the new URLs in the
seed queue, and gets the next URL from the seed
queue. The web crawler repeats this crawling process
until it decides to stop. As the size of the Web grows,
it becomes more difficult or impossible to crawl the
entire Web by a single process. Many search engines
run multiple processes in parallel which are referred
as parallel crawler (Cho, J. et.al., 2002.). While many
existing search engines already use a parallel crawler
internally, there has been little scientific research
conducted on the parallelization of a crawler except
[1] (Yadav, D. et.al., 2007, Yu, C. et. al.,2008, P.
455-466) As from the available literature
(Balamurugan, et. al., 2008, Gray, M., 1996) it has
been found that :
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Web crawler is the major component of the web.
Since the invention of the web many crawlers have
been introduced. The first web crawler is Wanderer
(Gray, M., 1996). The Internet Archive [3] (Burner,
M., 1997,P. 37-40) crawler uses multiple machines to
crawl the web and find duplicate URLs. The original
Google crawler [4] (Brin, S., et. al. 1998, P. 107117) is a distributed system that uses four to eight
machines for web crawling. WebBase (Cho, J.,et. al.,
2006, P. 153-186) an experimental web repository,
has implemented an incremental crawler [10]
(Junghoo Cho, et. al., 2000). Mercator (Heydon, A.,
et. al., 1999. P. 219-229) presents a number of
functional components that crawler’s basic algorithm
requires: storing the list of URLs to download,
resolving host names into IP addresses, downloading
documents using the HTTP protocol, extracting links
from HTML documents, and determining whether a
URL has been encountered before.
The challenging issues like overlap, quality,
communication bandwidth, scalability, Network-load
dispersion and Network-load reduction [10] (Cho, J.,
et. al. 2002) make the working of the parallel crawler
difficult. Considering the above issues, there is a
need to distribute the task of crawling the web pages
among the different parallel crawlers on the specific
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 8 - May 2014
criteria; to distribute the load of the different
processors. Such a distribution will improve the
reliability and
concurrency control. In order to maximize the
download rate, a parallel web crawler runs multiple
crawling processes simultaneously. A parallel web
crawler can be “intrasite” or distributed “. An intra –
site” crawler runs all crawling processes on the same
local network such as LAN.
A “distributed” crawler runs all crawling processes at
geographically distant locations [13] (Yadav, D, et.
al. 2008, P. 929-940) connected by the Internet or
WAN. Each crawling process of a parallel crawler is
responsible for a redetermined partition of the Web
.Each crawling process has to download web pages
on specified domains. A web crawler separates URLs
into internal URLs and external URLs. The internal
URLs represent web pages that belong to the domain,
to which the downloaded page belongs. An external
URL is a URL that is not an internal URL. There
are three modes (Joo Yong Lee et. al. 2008) to handle
external URLs. In the “firewall mode”, “cross-over
mode”and “exchange” mode.
The proposed novel architecture for building a
parallel crawler is based on the topic specific
crawling (TS Parallel Crawler). TS Parallel crawler
handles external URLs in the “firewall mde” and
overcome the limitations of firewall mode by
distributing the external URLs to topic specific
crawler which are identified by the topic manager.
A noval architecture of topic specific parallel crawler
is shown in figure-1.The Major Components Are :
Topic Manager :- This component will store
the information about the topics for which
crawler id dedicated. It may contain a list of
topics specified by the user. The crawler
have to refine it’s crawling process only for
the pages relevent to these topics. This
information is used by the URL Dispather to
select a particular C-Proc to download the
file for a URL.
List of URLS to Visit :- It is a list storing the
URLs yet not visited by the crawler. This
list is initialised by the user and used by the
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Fetch URL component and URLs Resolver
Fetch URL :- This component will fetch a
URL from the list of URLs crawler have to
URL Dispatcher :- This comonent relate a
URL with a topic. The output of this module
is used by the C-Proc manager to allocate
the URL to a c-Proc or start a new C-Proc
for the URL fetched.
C-Proc Manager :- This component will
allocate the URL to a particular C-Proc to
download the file and extract links from it.
C-Proc :- It is component worked like an
individual crawler. This module will
actually download the page, store it in
repository, extract links from it and forward
the links to the central list of to crawl URLs.
Duplicate/Invalid URLs Resolver :- This
module will check whether the URL is
already visited, or already submitted by
another C-Proc or an invalid URL.
Topic Manager :In this work an attempt is made to make the crawling
process topic specific as well as crawling the urls in
parallel. A new component named Topic-Manager is
introduced. The architecture of topic manager is
shown in figure-1.
The topic manager will be initialized by the user. The
user will provide the information about topics and the
crawler is expected to crawl the urls if the url is
related to any of the given topic. To find the relation
of the url with any of the given topic, user will
provide a list of words that belong to the domain of
the topic. If any of the given word is found in the url,
the relation of the url with that topic will be justified.
To avoid the ambiguity ( A url may belong to more
than one topic, user is restricted to provide a disjoint
set of related words i.e. no word should be common
in two topics ). The architecture of topic manager is
shown in figure-2. User will initialize the list of
words which are in the domain of the topic.
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Figure-1 Architecture of Topic Specific Parallel Crawler
Figure-2 Architecture of Topic Manager
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 11 Number 8 - May 2014
Sr No
Topic Name
Car and
Space Science
List of words related
to that topic
auto, car,
automobiles, motor,
transport, bus,
motorcycle, engine,
gear, wheel, travel,
vehicles, petrol, diesel
injury, biomedical,
doctor , patient,
diagnosis, treatment,
medicine, hospital,
health , healthcare,
drug , nurse ,
pharmacists ,
radiographers ,
space , science, stars,
universe, gravity,
supernovae, planetary,
planet, hydrogen,
helium, earth, moon,
astronomy, solar,
milky, galaxy ,
aerospace, , satellite,
rocket, aircraft
weapon, crime,
missiles, ballistic,
military, attacks,
guns, rockets, tank,
war, bomb, atom,
aircraft, bullet,
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Crawler plays an important role in the functioning of
a search engine. In this paper a new architecture for
topic specific crawler has been proposed. The crawler
only downloads the pages which are related to any of
the given topic. It will discard all the pages which are
not related to any of the topic for which crawler has
to download files. A component named Topic
Manager has been introduced in the architecture of
the crawler. Some work is needed to implement the
proposed work and to test the efficiency of the
crawler on some measures. The implementation and
analysis of the result will be done in future.
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