North Norfolk District Council Planning Policy Team Telephone: 01263 516318 E-Mail: Write to: Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN All of the LDF Documents can be made available in Braille, audio, large print or in other languages. Please contact 01263 516318 to discuss your requirements. Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Stakeholder & Public Consultation (Regulation 25) 6 2.1 Who was consulted? 6 2.2 How were they consulted? 6 2.3 Summary of the main issues raised and how they were addressed 7 3 Public Consultation (Regulation 27) 12 3.1 Who was consulted? 12 3.2 How were they consulted? 12 3.3 Summary of the main issues raised 13 Appendices 1 Consultees 16 2 Reg 25 Issues & Options Questionnaire 23 3 Reg 25 Consultation Letters 27 4 Reg 25 Outlook Article 35 5 Reg 27 Consultation Letters 37 6 Reg 27 Statement of the Representations Procedure 47 7 Reg 27 Outlook Article 49 8 Reg 27 Consultation Notification 51 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 1 Introduction ntroduction North Norfolk District Council 1 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 1 Introduction 1.0.1 This document supports the Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy which was published for consultation from 2 October to 13 November 2009. It has been amended for submission to include information concerning the regulation 27 consultation, which although not required under the regulations, completes it as a record of the consultation undertaken. 1.0.2 This Consultation Statement has been prepared in accordance with Regulation 30(d) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (amendment) Regulations 2008, in which the Local Planning Authority is required to prepare a statement setting out: which bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 25; how those bodies and persons were invited to make representations; a summary of the main issues raised by those representations; and how those main issues have been addressed in the document. 1.0.3 This statement is a record of the consultation undertaken during the development of the Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy. 1.0.4 Table 4.2 of the Statement of Community Involvement available at the LDF website identifies how the Council will involve the community in the production of the Core Strategy and therefore relates to this single policy review. This document is a statement of compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement. (1 ) Preparation of the Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy 1.0.5 This single policy review has been prepared by North Norfolk District Council to deliver the requirements requested by the examining Planning Inspector in the preparation of the Core Strategy. The Inspector stated that original Policy HO9 on the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings should be withdrawn and redrafted following a further period of consideration and consultation. Policy HO9 was therefore deleted from the Core Strategy and Local Plan Policy 29 saved to provide the policy context while the new policy was prepared. 1.0.6 The significant stages in the Council's preparation of this policy document can be summarised as follows: Core Strategy - Evidence gathering, development and appraisal of options in consultation with a variety of stakeholders - Regulation 25 (April 2005 to July 2006); Barns Seminar 28 Feb 2006 - Exploring the issues of the re-use of barns in the context of North Norfolk; Core Strategy - Public participation on preferred options - Regulation 26 (25 September to 6 November 2006); Submission of Draft Core Strategy to the Secretary of State and public participation on its contents Regulation 28 and 29 (18 June to 30 July 2007); Independent Examination of the Draft Core Strategy by the Planning Inspectorate (4 December 2007 to 18 January 2008); Receipt of Inspector's Report (Core Strategy) - Policy HO9 deleted and Local Plan Policy 29 saved in the interim (July 2008); 1 2 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Commencement of Single Policy Review: Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings - April 2009; Single Policy Review of the Core Strategy: Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings- Public participation on issues and options - Regulation 25 (1 June - 26 June 2009); Single Policy Review of the Core Strategy: Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings - Public participation on Draft Policy - Regulation 27/28 (2 October - 13 November 2009); and Submission of the Draft Policy to the Secretary of State Regulation 30 - Expected 5 March 2010. 1.0.7 2 This consultation statement details the consultation which has taken place since the beginning of the review in April 2009. For details of the Core Strategy consultation arrangements please refer to the Core Strategy Consultation Statement as published June (2 ) 2007 and available on the LDF Website . Available at North Norfolk District Council 3 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 4 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 2 Stakeholder & Public Consultation (Regulation 25) Stakeholder & Public Consultation (Regulation 25) North Norfolk District Council 5 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 2 Stakeholder & Public Consultation (Regulation 25) 2.1 Who was consulted? 2.1.1 During the Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy preparation many local and national interest groups and organisations were consulted in accordance with Government Regulations in place at the time PPS12: Local Development Frameworks and the Town and Country Planning (Local development) (England) Regulations 2004 & 2008 amendments. These Regulations define the following categories of consultees: Specific Consultation Bodies: Statutory bodies involved in service provision, Government agencies working on particular issues and Parish and Town Councils in or adjoining North Norfolk, Norfolk County Council and the other District Councils in Norfolk. General Consultation Bodies: A more wide-ranging category of local voluntary and community groups including bodies representing the interests of different ethnic and religious groups, disabled persons interests, and business interests. 2.1.2 The Government's definition of specific and general consultees is contained in Appendix 3 of the Statement of Community Involvement. A list of the bodies that fell within this category in North Norfolk and were therefore involved in the preparation is included in Appendix 1 'Consultees'. 2.1.3 North Norfolk District Council considered it was also appropriate to invite further representations as permitted by Regulation 25 (3). Therefore agents registered on our LDF database and members of the public who had contacted us regarding the review, totalling over 600 individuals/organisations were notified of the consultation. Due to the high levels of interest the authority also allowed and encouraged participation from members of the public. 2.2 How were they consulted? 2.2.1 As explained in the Introduction, initial preparation of the Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Policy review was carried out as part of the Core Strategy process. The following information explains the methods of consultation in the Regulation 25 Issues and Options Stage which took place between 1 June to 26 June 2009. What methods were used to enable participation? 2.2.2 To enable a structured approach of assessing the issues and options around this policy the authority published for consultation an Issues and Option Document accompanied by a questionnaire. 2.2.3 The Issues and Options Document sets out the context and scope of the review, the key considerations and the alternative options. For purposes of highlighting issues, five different policy approaches or options were identified for the conversion of rural buildings to dwellings. All five options differed in terms of approach towards location and building type. The LDF Working Party considered these options at their meeting in April 2009 and agreed for the purpose of the consultation, that Option 3 be identified as the preferred approach. 3 6 (3 ) Available at North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 2.2.4 The questionnaire sought feed back to a number of key questions. An example of the questionnaire is shown in Appendix 2 'Reg 25 Issues & Options Questionnaire'. 2.2.5 An Open Day was held at the Cromer Council Offices on the 9 June 2009. This enabled interested parties to discuss the policy and the issues surrounding it with NNDC Planning Officers. How were the documents distributed? 2.2.6 The questionnaire and Issues and Options Document were posted to all Parish & Town Councils, Specific Consultees and agents registered on our LDF Database. Letters explaining the review and information of where documents and questionnaires could be obtained were sent to all Councillors, the local MP, General Consultees,persons who had registered an interest and all members of the public and organisations who had made previous representations in the Core Strategy concerning the policy regarding the re-use of rural buildings (see Appendix 3 'Reg 25 Consultation Letters' for examples of letters). 2.2.7 Questionnaires and documents were available to members of the public from the Cromer and Fakenham Council Offices, and were posted on request. 2.2.8 Consultation details and all documents were available to download on our website, with a statement explaining where and when people could get involved with the consultation. There was an option to use our online consultation portal where the questionnaire could be completed online. Further methods of publicity 2.2.9 The options consultation was publicised in North Norfolk District Council Outlook Magazine in June 2009 (see Appendix 4 'Reg 25 Outlook Article') which is distributed to every household in the district. The consultation was also advertised on the main NNDC web page which linked to consultation pages on the LDF website. The web pages gave access to the document, questionnaire and consultation portal and explained the process of the review. 2.2.10 Prior to the consultation the press were invited to a briefing concerning the Site Specific Proposals Draft Plan and the Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy. This resulted in some coverage in local newspapers and magazines. 2.3 Summary of the main issues raised and how they were addressed 2.3.1 Over 130 responses were received as a result of the consultation, compared to 25 responses to this policy area at the equivalent stage of the Core Strategy. The responses are available (4 ) to view through the consultation portal . The following table sets out a summary of the comments received in relation to the key issues and the Council's response/action. 2.3.2 The responses to the consultation were reported to the LDF Working Party on 20 July 2009 and formed the context for their consideration and endorsement of the draft policy. 4 Available at North Norfolk District Council 7 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Table 1 Table of Key Issues and how these were addressed Key Issue Comment Action What should the new policy aim to achieve? Consultation response - Two aims scored the highest - 1) Securing the future of traditional rural buildings that positively contribute to the local distinctiveness of North Norfolk, and 2) Enhance the sustainability of rural communities through the provision of housing. Policy approach to be directed by the following two aims: Council response - Account was taken of how these aims would comply with adopted Core Strategy objectives. Aim 1 was considered consistent with Core Aim 3. Aim 2 was considered consistent with Core Aim 1 but potentially in conflict with Core Aim 2 and Strategic Policies SS1 and SS3. Aim 2: To secure the future of traditional rural buildings that positively contribute to the local distinctiveness of North Norfolk. Aim 1: To help support the sustainability of rural communities and services However, many respondents raised concerns relating to planning policy being too restrictive in the countryside. It is acknowledged that there is a balance to be struck between protecting the countryside from development pressure and promoting sustainable rural communities. Where should residential conversion be allowed? Consultation response - In the main respondents tended to identify the desire to protect the heritage of the district by protecting buildings (mainly barns) as being more important than issues concerning the ‘sustainability’ of a particular location. Respondents generally sought a very permissive approach to residential conversion within the countryside and favoured Option 5. Policy approach to seek to allow residential conversions in additional countryside locations to those previously proposed but to include the sustainability of the location as a criteria for inclusion. When respondents were encouraged to consider if location was important most felt that proximity to a place was more important than proximity to services and that, if distance to a place or service was relevant, 1km or more would represent a reasonable walking distance. Council response - To promote a policy approach which disregarded the sustainability of the location was considered inconsistent with the adopted Core Strategy(CS), national planning policy and the direction given by the Planning Inspector who examined the CS. What type of building should be allowed to be converted to residential use? 8 North Norfolk District Council Most respondents agreed that a building Include building type as a should be structurally sound and a majority policy criterion. that the building should also have historic, architectural or landscape value Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Key Issue Comment Buildings of exceptional historic, architectural or landscape value. There was strong support for buildings of exceptional historic, architectural or landscape value being allowed to be converted to residential use, where that use would best secure the future of the building. Use of rural buildings for economic purposes. Consultation response - Most respondents considered that the fact a building is either in or capable of use for commercial use as unimportant. Affordable housing need. Consultation response - Opinion was divided on the possibility of developers being required to make a contribution towards affordable housing. Action Include provision for buildings of exceptional historic, architectural or landscape value. Policy approach to seek to retain a supply of certain buildings for economic purposes and discourage proposals that Council response - For rural communities would result in a to be sustainable local jobs and homes are significant loss of both required. This is recognised by PPS7 employment in the expressed preference towards the opportunities. re-use of rural buildings for economic purposes. Policy approach to require an affordable housing contribution where it is viable to do so. Council response - Evidence indicates that there is a significant need for affordable housing across North Norfolk and that this will continue for some time. Core Strategy policy seeks to address this need by requiring the provision of affordable housing in suitable housing development. In relation to conversion schemes it is considered consistent to seek a contribution where it is viable to do so. North Norfolk District Council 9 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 10 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 3 Public Consultation (Regulation 27) Public Consultation (Regulation 27) North Norfolk District Council 11 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 3 Public Consultation (Regulation 27) 3.1 Who was consulted? 3.1.1 The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy was published for a six-week period of public consultation as required by Regulation 27 of the 2008 amendments of the Town and Country Planning Act between 2 October 2009 to 13 November 2009. The consultation involved all the Specific and General Consultees, other stakeholders involved in earlier stages of consultation and members of the public. 3.1.2 The objective of the consultation was for parties to assess whether the document was legally compliant and sound. Soundness was determined by the following three tests: Justified - that the document should be founded on robust and credible evidence. Effective - that the document should be deliverable. Consistent with National Policy. 3.2 How were they consulted? 3.2.1 The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy was made available for six weeks of public consultation from 2 October to 13 November 2009. The following supporting documents were also published: Re-use of Rural Buildings background and methodology Sustainability Appraisal Appropriate Assessment Consultation Statement CDs (containing all documents) Representation Forms & Guidance Notes Statement of the Representations Procedure How were the documents distributed? 12 3.2.2 Paper copies of the Draft Policy, Background & Methodology, Representations Form, Guidance Notes, and a CD containing all documents were distributed to all Parish & Town Councils, District Councillors, Local MP and Specific Consultees. Example letters can be viewed in Appendix 5 'Reg 27 Consultation Letters'. The General Consultees, stakeholders (including landowners and agents registered on the LDF database), and individuals and organisations who made representations at the Issues & Options Stage were sent a letter explaining where and when the documents could be viewed and how to comment. They were also sent a statement of the representations procedure (Appendix 6 'Reg 27 Statement of the Representations Procedure'). 3.2.3 All documents were available to view at Cromer & Fakenham Council Offices and at local libraries (including mobile libraries). Paper copies of all documents were available from Cromer & Fakenham Council Offices, and were posted on request. 3.2.4 Consultation details and all documents were available to download from our website, with a statement explaining where and when people could get involved with the consultation. There was an option to use our online consultation portal where comments could be submitted online. The consultation was also advertised on the main NNDC web page which linked to consultation pages on the LDF website. North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Further methods of publicity 3.2.5 The consultation was publicised in North Norfolk District Council's Outlook Magazine in June 2009 (Appendix 7 'Reg 27 Outlook Article') which is distributed to every household in the district. 3.2.6 Press releases were sent to local newspapers including the EDP, North Norfolk News and Dereham & Fakenham. 3.2.7 Everyone on the LDF consultation database was sent a newsletter (Autumn 2009) informing them of the publication of the documents, the consultation period and the methods they could use to make comments. 3.2.8 Statutory advertisements (Appendix 8 'Reg 27 Consultation Notification') were placed in the following newspapers from the week beginning 28 September 2009: The Eastern Daily Press - daily local paper North Norfolk News - weekly local paper Dereham & Fakenham Times – weekly local paper 3.2.9 We requested further news articles to be placed in parish and community newsletters / magazines. 3.2.10 A special feature advertising the Draft Policy consultation was placed on the North Norfolk District Council website home page for the duration of the consultation. 3.2.11 We sent posters to Parish & Town Councils to display on parish notice boards. 3.2.12 An article was published in the staff 'Briefing' and the 'Members bulletin' to raise awareness of the consultation within the authority. 3.3 Summary of the main issues raised Number of representations made and main issues 3.3.1 Please refer to the Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Schedule of Main Issues for information on the number of representations received and a summary of the main issues raised. North Norfolk District Council 13 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 14 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendices Appendices North Norfolk District Council 15 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 1 Consultees Table 2 Specific Consultees Specific Consultees All Local Area Partnerships All Parish and Town Councils All District/County Councillors and Local MP Anglian Water Association of Drainage Authorities Atkins OSM (Cable & Wireless) Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk Breckland District Council British Pipeline Agency Ltd British Pipeline Agency Ltd (North Walsham Terminal) British Telecom British Waterways British Wind Energy Association Broadland District Council Broads Authority Broads Internal Drainage Boards Church Commissioners for England CPRE North Norfolk Crown Estate Crown Estate (Marine Estates) DEFRA East of England Development Agency (EEDA) East of England Regional Assembly East of England Strategic Health Authority EDF Energy English Heritage/Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission Environment Agency Eon UK Fakenham Area Partnership Friends of the Earth Go-East 16 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Specific Consultees Great Yarmouth Borough Council Griffon Area Partnership (North Walsham) Holt Area Partnership Mobile Operators Association (MOA) National Grid Gas Distribution - Plant Protection Team National Grid Property Holdings Ltd National Grid UK Transmission Natural England NCC Heritage & Landscape manager NCC Northern District Social Services Network Rail (Infrastructure) Ltd Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust Norfolk Coast Partnership Norfolk Community Partnership Norfolk Constabulary (East) Norfolk Constabulary (HQ) Norfolk Constabulary (North Walsham) Norfolk Constabulary (Rural Areas) Norfolk Constabulary (West) Norfolk Constabulary Eastern Area Norfolk County Council Norfolk County Council (Transport Strategy) Norfolk County Council Social Services Norfolk Fire Service Norfolk Fire Service (North Norfolk Area) Norfolk Landscape Archaeology Norfolk Museums & Archeaological Service Norfolk Police Authority Norfolk Primary Care Trust (PCT) Norfolk Primary Care Trust (PCT) - Northern Locality Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board Norfolk Rural Community Council Norfolk Wildlife Trust Poppyland Partnership (Cromer) North Norfolk District Council 17 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Specific Consultees Royal National Institute for the Blind Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Secretary of State for Transport Sheringham Plus Community Partnership South Norfolk District Council Stalham with Happing Partnership The Coal Authority The Gypsy Council The Norfolk Society (CPRE) The Open Spaces Society The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) Upcher Community Partnership Wells Area Partnership Table 3 General Consultees General Consultees Access 4 Life Access North Norfolk Action (A.N.N.A) Age Concern (Norfolk) Age Concern (North Norfolk East) Age Concern Fakenham Age Concern Sheringham Aylsham & District Traders Association British Holiday & Home Parks Association British Waterways Business in the Community Business Link East Carribean and African Network CBI East of England Christian Science Society Churches in Wells Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Commission of Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) Country Land & Business Association Cromer Chamber of Trade 18 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement General Consultees Cromer Chamber of Trade and Commerce Deaf Connexions Disability Rights Norfolk Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Connittee East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust Evangelical Congregational Church Fakenham Business Forum Fakenham Chamber of Trade Fakenham Chamber of Trade & Commerce Fakenham Salvation Army Fakenham, Wells & Holt Methodist Church Federation of Small Businesses Fields in Trust Forestry Commission Freight Transport Association Friends, Families and Travellers Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP) Gypsy and Traveller Law Reform Coalition HBF (Home Builders Federation) Health and Safety Executive Help the Aged Holt & District Chamber of Commerce Holt Methodist Church Holt Visually Impaired Persons Group (VIP) Hotels of North Norfolk Housing Corporation Inland Waterways Association Marine Conservation Society New Life Community Church Norfolk & Norwich Asian Society Norfolk & Norwich Association for the Blind Norfolk & Waveney Enterprise Services (NWES) Norfolk and Norwich Bangladeshi Welfare Association Norfolk Association for the Disabled North Norfolk District Council 19 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement General Consultees Norfolk Chamber of Commerce Norfolk Chinese Community Association Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People Norfolk County Playing Fields Association Norfolk Deaf Association Norfolk Learning and Skills Council Norfolk Rural Business Advice Service Norfolk Tourism Partnership Norfolk Tourist Attractions Association Norfolk Traveller Education (East) Norfolk Traveller Education (West) Norfolk Traveller Health Worker Norfolk Traveller Liaison Officer North Norfolk Business Forum North Norfolk Community Partnership North Norfolk Disability Forum North Norfolk Historic Building Trust North Walsham Baptist Church North Walsham Catholic Church North Walsham Chamber of Trade North Walsham Pensioners Association North Walsham Quakers Norwich & Norfolk Racial Equality Council Norwich & Norfolk Voluntary Services (Cromer) Norwich & Norfolk Voluntary Services (Fakenham) Norwich & Norfolk Voluntary Services (North Walsham) Norwich & Norfolk Voluntary Services (NVS) Norwich Hebrew Congregation Norwich International Cultural Integration Norwich Muslim Association NW Salvation Army Quaker Meeting House, Sheringham Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Aylsham Road Haulage Association 20 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement General Consultees Royal Mail Group (c/o Atisreal) Sheringham Baptist Church Sheringham Chamber of Trade and Commerce Sheringham Salvation Army SIGHT Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Sport England St Andrews Church St Nicholas Church St. Peters Church Stalham Business Association Sustainable Transport and Environment for the East of England (STEER) The Highways Agency The Vine Family Church Wells & Walsingham Light Railway Wells Business Forum Wensum Valley Project Weybourne Methodist Church Worstead Baptist Church North Norfolk District Council 21 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 22 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 2 Reg 25 Issues & Options Questionnaire Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings - Issues & Options Questionnaire Office Use only REF No: LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Reuse of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Issues & Options Survey This survey must be completed in conjunction with the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Issues & Options Document, available at or by contacting 01263 516318. Organisation (if applicable) Your Details Name: Address: Postcode: Tel No: Email: Policy Aims What should the policy aim to achieve? Please read the following five policy aims and tick one response which you feel is correct for each aim: a) Allow the re-use of rural buildings for residential use where it would support sustainable development objectives i.e. residents would have easy access to and help maintain local facilities and services. Not Important Desirable Important Essential b) Secure the future of traditional rural buildings that positively contribute to the local distinctiveness of North Norfolk. Not Important Desirable Important Essential c) Protect the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the North Norfolk Countryside for the sake of its character, beauty and biodiversity value. Not Important Desirable Important Essential d) Enhance the sustainability of rural communities through the provision of housing. Not Important Desirable Important Essential Important Essential e) Make the most economic use of existing buildings. Not Important Desirable Do you think there are other aims which are not mentioned above? If yes, please give details: Location of Residential Conversions a) Where should residential conversions be allowed? Please tick your one favoured option: Conversions should be allowed anywhere in the countryside provided that the building is suitable. Only locations in close proximity to existing settlements, towns and villages. Only locations where it is possible to access facilities (e.g. shop, school) and services by means other than a private car. Other, please specify: North Norfolk District Council 23 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement b) If you consider that the location of a building is important, which of the following do you think should determine the suitability of a location? Please tick an option if relevant or move to question 3c Distance to the nearest settlement. Distance to the nearest local facilities / services. Ease of access to key facilities and services by means other than a car. Other, please specify: Walking c) Which would be a reasonable walking or cycling distance to a destination (one way trip). Please tick your favoured option: Cycling 500m (approx. 6 minutes walking time) 1km (approx. 12 minutes walking time) 2km ( approx. 24 minutes walking time) Other, please specify: d) Which local facilities do you consider are important? Please tick one response which you feel is correct for each local facility listed, or tick the last box if none apply: Bus Service Not Important Desirable Important Essential Convenience store Not Important Desirable Important Essential Employment Not Important Desirable Important Essential Garage / Petrol Station Not Important Desirable Important Essential Post Office Not Important Desirable Important Essential Public House / Restaurant Not Important Desirable Important Essential School Not Important Desirable Important Essential Local facilities are not an important factor when determining which rural buildings should be allowed to be converted for residential use Are there are other important local facilities which are not mentioned above? If yes, please give details: Building Types a) Which types of rural buildings should be allowed to be converted to residential use? Please tick your favoured option: Other, please specify: 24 North Norfolk District Council All structurally sound buildings - Those buildings which are capable of conversion to a residential use without substantial rebuild, alteration or extension e.g. would potentially allow for the conversion of a large modern domestic garage to a bungalow. Only structurally sound buildings of historic, architectural or landscape value - Those buildings which are capable of conversion to a residential use without substantial rebuild, alteration or extension (e.g. traditional barns? Only buildings of exceptional historic, architectural or landscape value that contribute to the rural/built heritage of the district and where residential use would best secure their future (i.e. Listed Buildings). Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement b) Do you agree that certain buildings of exceptional historic, architectural or landscape value, irrespective of location should be allowed to be converted to residential use, where that use would best secure the future of that building. c) Should residential conversion schemes be required to incorporate measures to achieve ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ Eco-Homes rating1 because of their less sustainable locations? Yes No Yes No Economic Uses a) For rural communities to be sustainable, local jobs and homes are both required. If the revised policy allows more residential conversions how should the Council ensure the continued supply of buildings for re-use for economic purposes (e.g. workshops, tourist facilities / accommodation etc?). Only permit residential use where a commercial use of a building has been shown to be unviable. Only permit residential use of some buildings (e.g. those of historic, architectural or landscape value) - and retain others for commercial uses. Please tick your favoured option: Other, please specify: b) Many buildings in the countryside are already in active economic use (e.g. holiday accommodation) and therefore make a contribution2 to the rural economy. If these buildings fall within an area where residential conversions were to be allowed by the new policy, it is likely that many could become dwellings. Yes No Should the new policy take account of the possible loss of economic uses? Please add comments if you wish: Affordable Housing It may be proposed that in the event of a residential conversion being granted planning permission, where it is viable to do so, a contribution should be made to the provision of affordable housing. Yes No Do you agree that a contribution should be made? Please add comments if you wish: 1 In order to achieve this rating the development will have to reduce the energy consumed during the dwelling’s occupation, reduce the impact of travel to and from the dwelling, reduce pollution, use responsibility sourced construction materials, minimise potable water use and protect and enhance ecological features. 2 Provision of affordable housing on sites as part of the scheme or payment of financial contribution towards provision elsewhere. North Norfolk District Council 25 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement The Options At this stage the Council considers that Option 3 is the preferred approach. Do you agree? Yes If not what alternative approach would you suggest? No Please use this section freely to make comments on the Council’s suggested options Use additional sheets if necessary Thank you for completing this survey. Please return it to: Planning Policy Team, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN Fax: 01263 516309; or, Email: COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRES MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN 5PM, FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2009 Signature: Date: Forms submitted electronically are considered as signed. I understand that my response will be made publicly available and identifiable to my name and / or organisation. The information in this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. 26 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 3 Reg 25 Consultation Letters Reg 25 Consultation Letter to General Consultees PLANNING POLICY Email: Tel: (01263) 516318/516321 Fax: (01263) 516309 24 September, 2009 Sent to: General Consultees North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Policy Review – Reuse of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Issues & Options Consultation: 1st June – 26th June 2009 During the examination of the Core Strategy the Inspector stated that our policy on the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings should be subject to further consultation. As a result, North Norfolk District Council is currently preparing a Development Plan Document that will set future policy for such residential conversions. At this stage a document for public consultation has been prepared which sets out the background to the review and outlines five possible policy options. These options are illustrative of possible approaches and are presented solely as a means of highlighting issues. A questionnaire accompanying the documents asks a number of key questions and seeks feedback. You may wish to take this opportunity to take part in the consultation. Copies of the consultation documents are available from; • Our web site - (click on Consultation Portal) - all information, including an on-line consultation system for submitting comments is available on the Council’s website. • North Norfolk District Council Offices in Cromer and Fakenham during normal office hours. The issues dealt with by this consultation are complex. Whilst a lot of information has been included within the document, we are also offering support to help explain it and answer any questions in the form of an ‘open house’ day at the Council Offices on 9th June 2009 from 9.00am to 5.00pm when you will have the opportunity to discuss the review with Planning Officers. Please note that all comments must be received between midday on 1st June to 5pm on 26th June 2009 in order to be considered. All comments should be made via the interactive online system (click on Consultation Portal) - or in writing on the questionnaire supplied with the document. Paper representations should be sent to: Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN All comments should be made on the questionnaire contained within the document or via the interactive online system – please see the website for North Norfolk District Council 27 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement details. Paper representations should be sent to: Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN. Next steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged, reported to Members and will inform the preparation of a Draft Policy which will be published later on this year for a further period of consultation. The revised policy will form a Development Plan Document which will be submitted to the Secretary of State early in 2010. This will be subject to independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate and if found ’sound’ will then be formally adopted by the Council for development control purposes. If you have any queries about the public consultation, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 28 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Reg 25 Consultation Letter to Councillors, MP PLANNING POLICY Email: Tel: (01263) 516318/516321 Fax: (01263) 516309 24 September, 2009 Sent to: Councillors, MP North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Policy Review – Reuse of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Issues & Options Consultation: 1st June – 26th June 2009 During the examination of the Core Strategy the Inspector stated that our policy on the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings should be subject to further consultation. As a result, North Norfolk District Council is currently preparing a Development Plan Document that will set future policy for such residential conversions. At this stage a document for public consultation has been prepared which sets out the background to the review and outlines five possible policy options (copy attached). These options are illustrative of possible approaches and are presented solely as a means of highlighting issues. A questionnaire accompanying the documents asks a number of key questions and seeks feedback. You may be asked questions by members of the public regarding the policy review. For your assistance information regarding the consultation is set out below. Copies of the consultation documents are available from; • Our web site - (click on Consultation Portal) - all information, including an on-line consultation system for submitting comments is available on the Council’s website. • North Norfolk District Council Offices in Cromer and Fakenham during normal office hours. The issues dealt with by this consultation are complex. Whilst a lot of information has been included within the document, we are also offering support to help explain it and answer any questions in the form of an ‘open house’ day at the Council Offices on 9th June 2009 from 9.00am to 5.00pm when you will have the opportunity to discuss the review with Planning Officers. Please note that all comments must be received between midday on 1st June to 5pm on 26th June 2009 in order to be considered. All comments should be made via the interactive online system (clink on Consultation Portal) - or in writing on the questionnaire supplied with the document. Paper representations should be sent to: Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN. North Norfolk District Council 29 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged, reported to Members and will inform the preparation of a Draft Policy which will be published later on this year for a further period of consultation. The revised policy will form a Development Plan Document which will be submitted to the Secretary of State early in 2010. This will be subject to independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate and if found ’sound’ will then be formally adopted by the Council for development control purposes. If you have any queries about the public consultation, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 30 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Reg 25 Consultation Letter to Statutory Consultees, Parish & Town Councils & Planning Agents PLANNING POLICY Email: Tel: (01263) 516318/516321 Fax: (01263) 516309 24 September, 2009 Sent to: Statutory Consultees, Parish & Town Councils, Planning Agents North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Policy Review – Reuse of rural buildings as dwellings Issues and Options Consultation: 1st June – 26 June 2009 During the examination of the Core Strategy the Inspector stated that our policy on the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings should be subject to further consultation. As a result, North Norfolk District Council is currently preparing a Development Plan Document that will set future policy for such residential conversions. At this stage a document for public consultation has been prepared which sets out the background to the review and outlines five possible policy options (copy attached). These options are illustrative of possible approaches and are presented solely as a means of highlighting issues. A questionnaire accompanying the documents asks a number of key questions and seeks feedback. The issues dealt with by this consultation are complex. Whilst a lot of information has been included in this document, we are also offering support to help explain it and answer any questions you may have. You are therefore invited to an ‘open house’ day at the Council Offices on 9th June 2009 from 9.00am to 5.00pm when you will have the opportunity to discuss the review with Planning Officers. Please note that all comments must be received between midday on 1st June to 5pm on 26th June 2009 in order to be considered. Further copies of the consultation documents are available from; • Our web site - (click on Consultation Portal) - all information, including an on-line consultation system for submitting comments is available on the Council’s website. • North Norfolk District Council Offices in Cromer and Fakenham during normal office hours. All comments should be made via the interactive online system (click on Consultation Portal) - or in writing on the questionnaire supplied with the document. Paper representations should be sent to: Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN. Next steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged, reported to Members and will inform the preparation of a Draft Policy which will be published later on this year for a further period of consultation. The revised policy will form a Development Plan Document which will be submitted to the Secretary of State early in 2010. This will be subject to independent examination North Norfolk District Council 31 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement by the Planning Inspectorate and if found ’sound’ will then be formally adopted by the Council for development control purposes. Please take this opportunity to influence the policy that will determine the approach to the reuse of rural buildings as dwelling in North Norfolk in the future and I look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. If you have any queries about the public consultation, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 32 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Reg 25 Consultation Letter to Previous Representors PLANNING POLICY Email: Tel: (01263) 516318/516321 Fax: (01263) 516309 24 September, 2009 Sent to: Previous Representors North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Policy Review – Reuse of rural buildings as dwellings Issues and Options Consultation: 1st June – 26th June 2009 Our records indicate that you have previously made representations to this Council regarding policy for the re-use of buildings in the countryside (policies DS2/H09). During the examination of the Core Strategy the Inspector stated that our policy on the Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings should be subject to further consultation. As a result, North Norfolk District Council is currently preparing a Development Plan Document that will set future policy for such residential conversions. At this stage a document for public consultation has been prepared which sets out the background to the review and outlines five possible policy options. These options are illustrative of possible approaches and are presented solely as a means of highlighting issues. A questionnaire accompanying the documents asks a number of key questions and seeks feedback. Given your previous interest you may wish to engage in this process. The issues dealt with by this consultation are complex. Whilst a lot of information has been included in this document, we are also offering support to help explain it and answer any questions you may have. You are therefore invited to an ‘open house’ day at the Council Offices on 9th June 2009 from 9.00am to 5.00pm when you will have the opportunity to discuss the review with Planning Officers. Please note that all comments must be received between midday on 1st June to 5pm on 26th June 2009 in order to be considered. Copies of the consultation documents (in paper format or CD-ROM) are available from; • Our web site - (click on Consultation Portal) - all information, including an on-line consultation system for submitting comments is available on the Council’s website. • North Norfolk District Council Offices in Cromer and Fakenham during normal office hours. All comments should be made via the interactive online system (click on Consultation Portal) - or in writing on the questionnaire supplied with the document. Paper representations should be sent to: Mark Ashwell, Planning Policy Manager, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN. North Norfolk District Council 33 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged, reported to Members and will inform the preparation of a Draft Policy which will be published later on this year for a further period of consultation. The revised policy will form a Development Plan Document which will be submitted to the Secretary of State early in 2010. This will be subject to independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate and if found ’sound’ will then be formally adopted by the Council for development control purposes. Please take this opportunity to influence the policy that will determine the approach to the reuse of rural buildings as dwelling in North Norfolk in the future and I look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. If you have any queries about the public consultation, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 34 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 4 Reg 25 Outlook Article Extract from North Norfolk District Council Outlook Magazine, Summer 2009 Aldborough Southrepps Principal settlements Cromer Fakenham Holt North Walsham Paper copies will be available at these locations: Secondary settlements Hoveton Sheringham Stalham Wells Service villages Aldborough Bacton Blakeney Briston/Melton Constable Catfield Corpusty/Saxthorpe Happisburgh Horning Little Snoring Ludham Mundesley Overstrand Roughton Southrepps Tattersett Walsingham Weybourne If you would like to inspect or comment (make a representation) on the Site Specific Proposals Draft Plan or view the supporting documents please visit NNDC’s website at > North Norfolk District Council Holt Road, Cromer > Fakenham Connect Oak Street, Fakenham > Local and mobile libraries Once the consultation period is over, the Council will consider all the comments received and make any necessary amendments to the document. All comments from this consultation stage will be publicly viewable and will be submitted alongside the amended document to an independent Planning Inspector. The Inspector will then consider these comments at a public examination planned for March 2010, before making his or her final decision on what changes should be made to the document prior to the Council’s adoption of the document. It is very important to make your comments during this consultation period (June/July ’09) as it is only comments made now that will be considered at the examination. Contact Planning Policy on 01263 516318 or email Melton Constable Horning Permanent exhibitions will be available for public viewing at the Cromer Council Offices and Fakenham Connect during normal office hours throughout the consultation period. Alternatively you can come along to one of the following drop-in exhibitions from 3 to 7pm at: > North Walsham Tuesday 16 June at the Community Centre > Sheringham Friday 19 June at Oddfellows Hall > Fakenham Tuesday 23 June at the Community Centre > Stalham Friday 26 June at the Town Hall > Cromer Wednesday 1 July at the Parish Hall > Wells-next-the-Sea Thursday 2 July at The Maltings > Hoveton Friday 3 July at Broadland Community Centre > Holt Tuesday 7 July at the Community Centre Documents will be available to view and planning officers will be on hand to answer any of your questions about the proposed development sites. Review of Rural Buildings Policy Stalham North Norfolk District Council is currently reviewing its planning policy for the conversion of rural buildings to dwellings. A consultation document has been prepared and outlines five possible policy options. The document will be published for initial consultation this June accompanied by a questionnaire which will inform the policy’s approach. For more information contact the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516304. Outlook Summer 2009 11 North Norfolk District Council 35 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 36 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 5 Reg 27 Consultation Letters 29 September 2009 Dear Specific Consultee, North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map amendments). I am pleased to enclose our Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy which has now been published. Prior to submission of the Draft Policy for examination by an independent Planning Inspector, the document is subject to a six week period of public consultation. I have enclosed for your information the Background and Methodology document supporting the Draft Policy and a CD containing electronic copies of the above and the following relevant documents: Appropriate Assessment - has been prepared to assess any likely significant effects on the integrity of European sites Sustainability Appraisal - considers the social, environmental and economic effects of the policy Consultation Statement - states how the community have been involved in the documents preparation Statement of the Representations Procedure Comments Form and Guidance Notes. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy is open for Public Consultation from midday on 2 October to 4.30pm 13 November 2009. This policy document also shows changes to the Proposals Map that result from the new policy. The purpose of the consultation now is for consultees to explain why the document is, or is not fit for purpose, i.e. legally compliant or ‘sound’. Further information is provided in the guidance notes on the CD enclosed. Consultation Portal We are keen to promote the use of our online consultation system for those wishing to submit comments. All comments will ultimately be published here for public viewing. Using the system is extremely easy and allows users of the system to ensure that their comments are recorded quickly and accurately. To access the Consultation Portal please visit North Norfolk District Council 37 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next Steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged and recorded onto a publicly viewable website/document summarising the representations. These will be reported to Members and will inform the preparation of the submission document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The submission of the document is timetabled for February 2010 with the following Examination by a Planning Inspector scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. It is only representations made at this current stage which will considered by the Planning Inspector. If you have any queries about the public consultation or the Local Development Framework as a whole, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit We look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 01263 516325 38 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Dear General Consultee, North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map amendments) I am pleased to inform you that our Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy has now been published. The Draft Policy sets out the types of rural building and where in the District residential conversion may be allowed. Prior to submission of the Draft Policy for examination by an independent Planning Inspector, the document is subject to a six week period of public consultation. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy is open for Public Consultation from midday on 2nd October until 4.30pm 13th November 2009. This policy document also includes changes to the Proposals Map that result from the new policy. The purpose of the consultation now is for consultees to explain why the document is, or is not fit for purpose, i.e. legally compliant or ‘sound’. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy is available to view and download from the Council’s website at, along with the following supporting documents: Background and Methodology – sets the background to the policy review and a more detailed explanation of the policy approach. In addition detail is provided of the methodology used in the selection of locations where the policy will apply and the criteria for assessing building type. Appropriate Assessment - has been prepared to assess any likely significant effects on the integrity of European sites Consultation Statement - states how the community have been involved in the documents preparation Sustainability Appraisal - considers the social, environmental and economic effects of the proposals Statement of the Representations Procedure Comments Form and Guidance Notes. In addition the documents can be inspected at District Council Offices and local libraries. Further information about how to view the documents and how to get involved in the consultation are provided on the attached Statement of the Representations Procedure or visit Consultation Portal We are keen to promote the use of our online consultation system for those wishing to submit comments. All comments will ultimately be published here for public viewing. Using the system is extremely easy and allows users of the system to ensure that their comments are recorded quickly and accurately. To access the Consultation Portal please visit North Norfolk District Council 39 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next Steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged and recorded onto a publicly viewable website/document summarising the representations. These will be reported to Members and will inform the preparation of the submission document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The submission of the document is timetabled for February 2010 with the following Examination by a Planning Inspector scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. It is only representations made at this current stage which will considered by the Planning Inspector. If you have any queries about the public consultation or the Local Development Framework as a whole, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit We look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 01263 516325 40 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Dear Stakeholder, North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map amendments) I am pleased to inform you that our Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy has now been published. The Draft Policy sets out the types of rural building and where in the District residential conversion may be allowed. Prior to submission of the Draft Policy for examination by an independent Planning Inspector, the document is subject to a six week period of public consultation. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy is open for Public Consultation from midday on 2nd October until 4.30pm 13th November 2009. This policy document also includes changes to the Proposals Map that result from the new policy. The purpose of the consultation now is for consultees to explain why the document is, or is not fit for purpose, i.e. legally compliant or ‘sound’. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy is available to view and download from the Council’s website at, along with the following supporting documents: Background and Methodology – sets the background to the policy review and a more detailed explanation of the policy approach. In addition detail is provided of the methodology used in the selection of locations where the policy will apply and the criteria for assessing building type. Appropriate Assessment - has been prepared to assess any likely significant effects on the integrity of European sites Consultation Statement - states how the community have been involved in the documents preparation Sustainability Appraisal - considers the social, environmental and economic effects of the proposals Statement of the Representations Procedure Comments Form and Guidance Notes. In addition the documents can be inspected at District Council Offices and local libraries. Further information about how to view the documents and how to get involved in the consultation are provided on the attached Statement of the Representations Procedure or visit Consultation Portal We are keen to promote the use of our online consultation system for those wishing to submit comments. All comments will ultimately be published here for public viewing. Using the system is extremely easy and allows users of the system to ensure that their comments are recorded quickly and accurately. To access the Consultation Portal please visit North Norfolk District Council 41 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next Steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged and recorded onto a publicly viewable website/document summarising the representations. These will be reported to Members and will inform the preparation of the submission document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The submission of the document is timetabled for February 2010 with the following Examination by a Planning Inspector scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. It is only representations made at this current stage which will considered by the Planning Inspector. If you have any queries about the public consultation or the Local Development Framework as a whole, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit We look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 01263 516325 42 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Dear Parish Council North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map amendments). I am pleased to enclose our Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Reuse of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy which has now been published. Prior to submission of the Draft Policy for examination by an independent Planning Inspector, the document is subject to a six week period of public consultation. I have enclosed for your information the Background and Methodology document supporting the Draft Policy and a CD containing electronic copies of the above and the following relevant documents: Appropriate Assessment - has been prepared to assess any likely significant effects on the integrity of European sites Sustainability Appraisal - considers the social, environmental and economic effects of the policy Consultation Statement - states how the community have been involved in the documents preparation Statement of the Representations Procedure Comments Form and Guidance Notes. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy is open for Public Consultation from midday on 2 October to 4.30pm 13 November 2009. This policy document also shows changes to the Proposals Map that result from the new policy. The purpose of the consultation now is for consultees to explain why the document is, or is not fit for purpose, i.e. legally compliant or ‘sound’. Further information is provided in the guidance notes on the CD enclosed. Consultation Portal We are keen to promote the use of our online consultation system for those wishing to submit comments. All comments will ultimately be published here for public viewing. Using the system is extremely easy and allows users of the system to ensure that their comments are recorded quickly and accurately. To access the Consultation Portal please visit North Norfolk District Council 43 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Next Steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged and recorded onto a publicly viewable website/document summarising the representations. These will be reported to Members and will inform the preparation of the submission document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The submission of the document is timetabled for February 2010 with the following Examination by a Planning Inspector scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. It is only representations made at this current stage which will considered by the Planning Inspector. Publicity We would be grateful if you could help assist us in the advertisement of this consultation by placing the enclosed posters in your parish notice board and in any other prominent locations. If you have any queries about the public consultation or the Local Development Framework as a whole, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit We look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 01263 516325 44 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Dear Cllr/MP, North Norfolk Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwelling Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map amendments) I am pleased to enclose our Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Reuse of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy which has now been published. Prior to submission of the Draft Policy for examination by an independent Planning Inspector, the document is subject to a six week period of public consultation. For your information I have enclosed the Background and Methodology document supporting the Draft Policy. Additionally the following supporting documents can be viewed on the Council’s website and in the members room: Appropriate Assessment - has been prepared to assess any likely significant effects on the integrity of European sites Consultation Statement - states how the community have been involved in the documents preparation Sustainability Appraisal - considers the social, environmental and economic effects of the proposals Statement of the Representations Procedure Comments Form and Guidance Notes. The Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy is open for Public Consultation from midday on 2nd October until 4.30pm 13th November 2009. This Policy document also includes changes to the Proposals Map that result from the new policy. The purpose of the consultation now is for consultees to explain why the document is, or is not fit for purpose, i.e. legally compliant or ‘sound’. Consultation Portal We are keen to promote the use of our online consultation system for those wishing to submit comments. All comments will ultimately be published here for public viewing. Using the system is extremely easy and allows users of the system to ensure that their comments are recorded quickly and accurately. To access the Consultation Portal please visit Next Steps All comments received within the consultation period will be acknowledged and recorded onto a publicly viewable website/document summarising the representations. These will be reported to Members and will inform the preparation of the submission document that will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination. The submission of the document is timetabled for February 2010 with the following Examination by a Planning Inspector scheduled to begin in Spring 2010. It is only representations made at this current stage which will considered by the Planning Inspector. Publicity We would be grateful if you could help assist us in the advertisement of this consultation by placing the enclosed posters in your parish notice board and in any other prominent locations. North Norfolk District Council 45 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement If you have any queries about the public consultation or the Local Development Framework as a whole, please contact a member of the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit We look forward to receiving your views on the enclosed documents. Yours sincerely, Mark Ashwell Planning Policy Manager 01263 516325 46 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 6 Reg 27 Statement of the Representations Procedure LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Statement of the Representations (Comments) Procedure TITLE: Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map Amendments). SUBJECT MATTER: This document has been prepared in response to the Examination of the Core Strategy DPD whereby the original policy relating to the residential use of rural buildings was deleted to allow for re-drafting and further consideration. This document sets out a single development control policy for the Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings in North Norfolk. The Policy will be used in assessing planning applications in the District up until 2021 and will replace saved Local Plan Policy 29 (LP29). Amendments to the Proposals Map are included in this document. The changes include current LP29 boundaries scheduled for deletion as well as identifying the areas where the new policy will apply. AREA: Applies to the North Norfolk District (excluding the Broads Executive area). SUBMITTING REPRESENTATIONS: Representations must be made between midday 2 October and 4.30pm 13 November 2009. Representations should be made via the Consultation Portal at or alternatively in writing using the Representation Form. Forms are available from, and should be returned to, the contacts listed at the bottom of this page. NOTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION OF INSPECTOR’S REPORT AND/OR ADOPTION Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address; that the documents have been submitted for independent examination, of the publication of the recommendations of the Inspector appointed to carry out the examination and at the adoption of the documents. INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS From 2 October to 13 November 2009 the following document is available for inspection and comment: Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map Amendments). The following supporting documents will also be available to view: Background & Methodology, Sustainability Appraisal, Appropriate Assessment, and Consultation Statement. All documents can be viewed/downloaded from the NNDC website at and are available for inspection at the following locations: • • • • District Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer NR27 9EN District Council Offices, Fakenham Connect, Oak Street, Fakenham, NR21 9DY (Opening hours for both Offices are 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday - Thursday, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm) Local Libraries (during normal opening hours). Aylsham, Cromer, Dereham, Fakenham, Holt, Mundesley, North Walsham, Norwich (Forum), Sheringham, Stalham, Wells & Wroxham. Mobile Libraries operating from Dereham, North Walsham and Wells. For further information please contact the Planning Policy Team: Tel: 01263 516318 Post: Planning Policy, North Norfolk District Email: Council, Council Offices, Web: Holt Road, Cromer NR27 9EN North Norfolk District Council 47 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 48 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 7 Reg 27 Outlook Article Picture 1 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK U P D A T E Are you a riparian landowner? Centre of watercourse Fence Site Specific Proposals Shrubs rubs River/ditch Owner A Rivers, streams and ditches are the responsibility of the ‘riparian’ landowners who own land on either bank. So if your property is adjacent to a watercourse of any sort then you are the riparian owner and you should be maintaining it regularly to reduce the risk of flooding. If you fail to do so you may find legal action being taken against you. In the diagram above, even if Owner A’s Title Deeds show his property boundary to be the fence, and Owner B’s the shrubs, they both actually have riparian rights and responsibilities to the centre of the watercourse. Riparian rights, such as water extraction and fishing under certain conditions, and responsibilities such as Owner B maintenance and the removal of obstructions, are based on Common Law and as a result of legal cases over many years. As well as the riparian landowners, a number of other bodies are involved in land drainage issues, including the Environment Agency, the Internal Drainage Board (IDB), the Highways Agency and North Norfolk District Council. So if you live next to a watercourse, it might well not be as simple as you thought! If you would like to find out more or have any questions about riparian rights and responsibilities, please contact the Environmental Health Service at NNDC 01263 516085 or visit ‘Green’ Victory for Neatishead Neatishead’s Lottery-funded New Victory Hall is one of the most environmentally friendly village halls in Britain, constructed from timber frame with straw bales and shredded newspaper as the primary means of insulation. It has green roofs, low energy lighting and is heated using a £40,000 ground source heat pump system. The local community has been actively encouraged to participate in the construction phase so that they genuinely feel involved in the project. Volunteers helped build and render the straw bale circular meeting room. This took about two weeks from start to finish and involved about 70 different people plus the entire local primary school on an afternoon visit. Work included building the walls and openings, trimming and installing the straw bales, applying several coats of lime render to the outside walls and rendering the inside walls with clay – which was very messy but great fun! Many thanks to everyone who commented on the proposed allocations for new development included in the Site Specific Proposals Draft Plan. North Norfolk District Council’s Local Development Framework Working Party and planning officers are currently considering all comments made and assessing whether there is a need to ask for any changes to the document when it is submitted to the Government for examination early in 2010. You can view all the comments made online at The working party will be meeting to consider comments at the Council’s Cromer offices on 14 and 28 September, 19 October and 9 November. For more information contact the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516318 or visit Rural Buildings Conversion Policy Your views needed North Norfolk District Council (NNDC) is reviewing its planning policy for converting rural buildings to dwellings. The policy will set out the type of building, and the locations, where full residential conversion may be permitted. The Council has already received comments from parish councils, landowners, stakeholders and members of the public, and has drafted a new policy to meet North Norfolk's needs as well as the aims of local and national planning policy. It is expected that the policy will be open for further public consultation from 2 October to 13 November, when you can view the policy and supporting documents at NNDC’s Cromer and Fakenham offices, and all local libraries. If you wish to make comments at this time, visit our online consultation portal at or pick up a comments form from our offices. When your comments have been considered and, where appropriate, incorporated, the policy will be put forward to an independent Planning Inspector for a final decision. For more information contact the Planning Policy Team on 01263 516304. 6 Outlook Autumn 2009 North Norfolk District Council 49 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 50 North Norfolk District Council Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement Appendix 8 Reg 27 Consultation Notification Local Development Framework NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map Amendments) This document has been prepared in response to the Examination of the Core Strategy DPD whereby the original policy relating to the residential use of rural buildings was deleted to allow for re-drafting and further consideration. This document sets out a single development control policy for the Conversion and Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings in North Norfolk. The Policy will be used in assessing planning applications in the District up until 2021 and will replace saved Local Plan Policy 29 (LP29). Amendments to the Proposals Map are included in this document. The changes include current LP29 boundaries scheduled for deletion as well as identifying the areas where the new policy will apply. Consultation Period We are inviting comments on the Draft Policy during the consultation period commencing midday on 2 October to 4.30pm 13 November 2009. Inspection of Documents From 2 October to 13 November 2009 the following documents are available for inspection and comment: • Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings Draft Policy (incorporating Proposals Map Amendments). The following supporting documents will also be available to view: • Background and Methodology, Sustainability Appraisal, Appropriate Assessment, and Consultation Statement. All documents can be viewed and downloaded from the Council’s website and are available for inspection at the following locations: • District Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer NR27 9EN • District Council Offices, Fakenham Connect, Oak Street, Fakenham, NR21 9DY (Opening hours are 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday - Thursday, Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm) • Local Libraries: Aylsham, Cromer, Dereham, Fakenham, Holt, Mundesley, North Walsham, Norwich (Forum), Sheringham, Stalham, Wells & Wroxham. • Mobile Libraries operating from Dereham, North Walsham and Wells. Submitting Comments Comments should be made via the Council’s website at but may also be submitted in writing using the appropriate comments form and returned using the contact details given below. The forms can be downloaded from our website, picked up from our offices or posted to you on request - Tel 01263 516318. Comments must be received no later than 4.30pm on Friday 13 November 2009. Post: Planning Policy Team, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN. Fax: 01263 516309 Email: Web: Representations may be accompanied by a request to be notified at a specified address, that the document has been submitted for independent examination, of the publication of the recommendations of the Inspector appointed to carry out the examination and upon adoption of the document. 25-9-2009 2:04 PM 25-9-2009 5:37 PM 104818.indd Client: North Norfolk District Council Trim Size: 160 mm x 66 mm Ad Size: Insertion Date: 01/10/2009 Media: EDP|NNN|DFT 2 A/H: Jodie Colour/Mono: Mono File: Font: Arial MT, ITC Clearface BT North Norfolk District Council 51 Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings as Dwellings: Final Consultation Statement 52 North Norfolk District Council