ITU - D Cybersecurity Initiatives


ITU D Cybersecurity Initiatives

ITU-T SG 17 Presentation

Geneva, Switzerland

24 September 2007

Robert Shaw <>

Head, ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division

Telecommunication Development Sector

International Telecommunication Union




Setting the Context

ƒ In the 21st century, growing dependency on information and communications technologies

(ICTs) that span the globe;

ƒ Rapid growth in ICTs and dependencies led to shift in perception of cybersecurity threats in mid-1990s;

ƒ Growing linkage of cybersecurity and critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP);

ƒ Number of countries began assessment of threats, vulnerabilities and explored mechanisms to redress them;

ƒ In parallel with national consideration, move to international political agenda;

ƒ Necessity to engage with many actors…

September 2007 2

Many Relevant Actors in International

Cybersecurity/CIIP Ecosystem

ITU Cybersecurity Work Programme to Assist Developing Countries

ƒ Most countries have not formulated or implemented a national strategy for cybersecurity and Critical Information

Infrastructure Protection (CIIP)

ƒ Work Programme scopes a set of high level assistance activities

ƒ Under these high level assistance activities, contains set of detailed initiatives planned in the 2007-2009 period by the ITU Development

Sector’s ICT Applications and

Cybersecurity Division

ƒ Extensive synergies with ITU-D

Question 22/1: Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity

ƒ Used to develop detailed operational plan for 2008-2009

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High Level Elements

September 2007 5

Cybersecurity Work Programme to Assist

Developing Countries: High Level Elements

ƒ Assistance related to

Establishment of National

Strategies and Capabilities for

Cybersecurity and Critical

Information Infrastructure

Protection (CIIP)

ƒ Assistance related to

Establishment of appropriate

Cybercrime Legislation and

Enforcement Mechanisms

ƒ Assistance related to establishment of Watch,

Warning and Incident Response

(WWIR) Capabilities

ƒ Assistance related to

Countering Spam and Related


September 2007

ƒ Assistance in Bridging Security-

Related Standardization Gap between Developing and

Developed Countries

ƒ Project on Enhancing

Cybersecurity and Combatting


ƒ Establishment of an ITU

Cybersecurity/CIIP Directory,

Contact Database and Who’s

Who Publication

ƒ Cybersecurity Indicators

ƒ Fostering Regional Cooperation


ƒ Information Sharing and

Supporting the ITU

Cybersecurity Gateway

ƒ Outreach and Promotion of

Related Activities


Specific Activities:

Some Examples

September 2007 8

Establishment of National Strategies/Capabilities for

Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure

Protection (CIIP)

ƒ Identification of Best Practices in the Establishment of National

Frameworks for Cybersecurity and CIIP

ƒ Regional Workshops on Frameworks for Cybersecurity and CIIP

ƒ National Cybersecurity/CIIP Readiness Self-Assessment Toolkit

ƒ Online Cybersecurity Experts Forum to Help Developing

Countries Develop Capacity

ƒ Toolkit for Promoting a Culture of Cybersecurity

ƒ Online Training Modules for Cybersecurity Awareness and


ƒ References:




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September 2007 10

Establishment of Appropriate Cybercrime

Legislation and Enforcement Mechanisms

ƒ Regional Capacity Building Activities on

Cybercrime Legislation and Enforcement

ƒ Publication: Understanding Cybercrime: A

Guide for Developing Countries (end 2007)

ƒ Toolkit for Cybercrime Legislation for

Developing Countries

ƒ Cybersecurity Module in the ITU/InfoDev ICT

Regulation Toolkit

ƒ References


September 2007 11

September 2007 12

Establishment of Watch, Warning and

Incident Response (WWIR) Capabilities

ƒ Assistance to Developing Countries related to

Establishment of Watch, Warning and Incident

Response (WWIR) Capabilities

ƒ Inventory of Watch, Warning and Incident

Response Capabilities by Region

ƒ Standard Reporting Format for Fraudulent

Online Activities

ƒ References


September 2007 13

Countering Spam and Related Threats

ƒ Survey on Anti-Spam Legislation Worldwide

ƒ Botnet Mitigation Toolkit for Developing Countries

ƒ Pilot Projects for Implementation of Botnet Mitigation Toolkit in ITU Member States (Malaysia, India)

ƒ Joint Activities for

ƒ Study on Economics of Spam (with ITU-T Study Group 3)

ƒ Translation of Message Anti-Abuse Working Group Best

Practices Docs

¾ Code of Conduct

¾ MAAWG - Managing Port25

¾ BIAC-MAAWG Best Practices Expansion Document

¾ Anti-Phishing Best Practices for ISPs and Mailbox Providers

¾ MAAWG Sender BCP Version 1.1

& Executive Summary

ƒ References



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Bridging the Security-Related Standardization Gap between Developing and Developed Countries

(Plenipot Resolution 123)

ƒ Joint ITU-D/ITU-T Promotion of ITU-T Study

Group 17 Activities

¾ Joint ITU-T/ITU-D events

ƒ Increased Deployment and Awareness in

Developing Countries of ITU-T Security-

Related Standards

ƒ References


September 2007 17

Regional Workshops on Frameworks for Cybersecurity/CIIP

ƒ Hanoi, Vietnam

¾ 28-31 August 2007

ƒ Buenois Aires, Argentina

¾ 16-18 Oct 2007

ƒ Praia, Cape Verde (for West Africa)

¾ 27-29 November 2007

ƒ Egypt

¾ 6-8 May 2008 (with Telecom Africa)

ƒ Thailand

¾ September 2008 (with Telecom Asia?)

ƒ Caribbean, Africa, Bulgaria?

¾ 2008

September 2007 18

Information Sharing through Enhancing the

ITU Cybersecurity Gateway

ƒ Establishment of an ITU Cybersecurity/CIIP Directory

ƒ Establishment of an ITU Cybersecurity/CIIP Contact


ƒ Establishment of Annual Who’s Who in

Cybersecurity/CIIP Publication

ƒ Establishment of an Annual ITU Cybersecurity


ƒ ITU Cybersecurity Fellowship Programme for Developing


ƒ Enhancement of the ITU Cybersecurity Gateway

¾ Integration with ICT Eye?

¾ Integration with Microsoft Virtual Earth or Google Earth

ƒ References


September 2007 20

Case Study:

Developing National

Best Practices


National Cybersecurity/CIIP

Self-Assessment Toolkit

September 2007 21

ITU-D Study Question 22/1

ƒ Q.22/1: Study Question adopted at World

Telecommunication Development Conference

(WTDC): Securing information and communication networks: best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity

ƒ Calls for ITU Member States and Sector

Members to create a report on best practices in the field of cybersecurity

ƒ Four-year study cycle

ƒ Pointer to Q.22/1 activities can be found at

September 2007 22

ITU-D Q.22/1: Purpose

ƒ To survey, catalogue, describe and raise awareness of:

¾ The principal issues faced by national policy makers in building a culture of cybersecurity

¾ The principal sources of information and assistance related to building a culture of cybersecurity

¾ Successful best practices employed by national policy-makers to organize for cybersecurity

¾ The unique challenges faced by developing countries

ƒ To examine best practices for watch, warning, and incident response and recovery capabilities

September 2007 23

Q22.1 Draft Report (Sept 2007)

ƒ 5 key elements to a good national cybersecurity programme:

¾ A national strategy

¾ A sound legal foundation to deter cybercrime

¾ A national incident management capability

¾ Collaboration between Government and


¾ A national awareness of the importance of a culture of cybersecurity

ƒ Current draft at


September 2007 24

Self–Assessment Toolkit

ƒ Based on Q.22/1 Framework

ƒ Focused at national management and policy level

ƒ Intended to assist countries to:

¾ understand existing approach

¾ compare to best practices

¾ identify areas for attention

¾ prioritize national efforts

September 2007 25

Self-Assessment Toolkit cont’d

ƒ Looks at organizational issues for each element of the Framework

¾ The people

¾ The institutions

¾ The relationships

¾ The policies

¾ The procedures

ƒ Toolkit now in draft form


September 2007 26

Self-Assessment Toolkit cont’d:

Deterring Cybercrime ‘Tab’

ƒ Necessary elements of substantive, procedural and mutual assistance law

ƒ Allows national authorities to review their domestic situation related to the goals and actions identified in:

¾ UN General Assembly Resolution 55/63 (2000)


¾ Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime (2001)


ƒ Survey adapted from work in APEC-TEL Working Group



¾ See

September 2007 27

Self-Assessment Toolkit cont’d


National Pilot Tests

¾ Vietnam (2007)

¾ Argentina (TBC 2007)

¾ Ghana (2007)


To express interest in participating in pilot tests, contact

September 2007 28

Case Study:

ITU Botnet Mitigation Toolkit

September 2007 29

Botnets – An Overview

ƒ What is a Botnet?

¾ A collection of infected and compromised computing devices harnessed together and remotely controlled for malicious purposes

ƒ How powerful is a Botnet?

¾ Like supercomputers created through distributed computing systems

ƒ e.g., BOINC: used for SETI@Home, Atomic Physics

ƒ People agree to donate spare computing resources

¾ Botnets: a special case of distributed computing

ƒ Without consent of computer owner (a zombie)

ƒ Hijacking of computing resources

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Botnets – An Overview cont’d

ƒ Botnets are a worldwide menace, widely used by spammers and cyber criminals

ƒ Use of botnets for cybercrime has increased and become more refined since 2002-3 when first mass mailer worms such as Sobig and Sober were released

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Latest Generation

ƒ 2007 generation botnets such as Zhelatin (Storm

Worm) are particularly aggressive using advanced techniques such as fast-flux networks and striking back with denial of service (DDOS) attacks against security researchers or vendors trying to mitigate botnet

¾ "Fast-flux service networks are a network of compromised computer systems with public DNS records that are constantly changing, in some cases every few minutes.

These constantly changing architectures make it much more difficult to track down criminal activities and shut down their operations.“

ƒ Honeynet Project & Research Alliance

September 2007 32

September 2007

Source: Wired Magazine


The Botnet Ecosystem

ƒ Virus Writers, Botherders, Clients

¾ Virus writer writes malware, infects computers to create botnet

¾ Botherder operates the botnet

“command and control” (C&C)

¾ Clients hire botnets to distribute spam, launch

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, to conduct identity theft

ƒ Highly developed underground channels of communication

¾ “Secret” forums/chat rooms that shift location

¾ Access on a need to know basis, new entrants may need to be vouched for by existing participant

September 2007 34

The Botnet Ecosystem cont‘d

ƒ Botherders now offer “service level agreements” to clients

¾ Guaranteed replacement of botnet in case anti-virus researchers release fix for malware or botnet is taken down

ƒ Organized crime involved in all stages of ecosystem

¾ Employ virus writers to create malware

¾ Carry out spam campaigns, espionage, ID theft, cyber-attacks

¾ Laundering of money stolen from victims

September 2007 35

Evolution of Botnets

ƒ C&C centers harder to trace

¾ Originally hosted on public IRC channels

¾ Now encrypted, access restricted C&C software

ƒ C&C centers may be hosted on botnets

¾ Increased redundancy

¾ Makes takedown harder

ƒ New “headless” single use botnets

¾ No centralized control or C&C required

ƒ new generation of P2P botnets

¾ Instructions embedded into malware

¾ New malware and botnet created for a new task

¾ Cannot stop botnet by taking down its C&C

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Evolution of Malware

ƒ Self-propagating: infected hosts infect other hosts

¾ Infection vectors include email, P2P networks, open shared network folders, Skype, visiting infected website

¾ Newer malware spreads faster than older generations

ƒ Spread resembles global pandemic (SARS, Bird Flu)

¾ Can similar threat models/mitigation mechanism theories be applied?

ƒ Analysis, Detection and Removal more difficult

¾ Self-destruct mechanisms to destroy data if malware removed

¾ “Droppers” malware download more payload onto compromised host

¾ Encryption and debuggers / Virtual Machine (VM) traps to prevent forensic analysis

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What can you do with a Botnet?

ƒ Send spam

¾ Most visible use of botnets

¾ Botnets can host entire spam campaign

ƒ Including DNS servers, website hosting, spam sending

ƒ Content can change location from PC to PC, country to country, in minutes

¾ “Take” from a spam run can be reused

ƒ 419 scam artists now buying lists of compromised accounts from botherders, using these to spam

¾ But spam is just the tip of the iceberg

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What else can you do with a Botnet?

ƒ Attack a country’s Internet infrastructure

¾ Estonia DDoS attacks

ƒ Extortion/Blackmail

¾ Threaten to DDoS/cripple e-commerce websites

ƒ Identity theft and Industrial Espionage

¾ Steal credit cards, passwords, etc. from infected PCs

¾ Use computing power of a botnet to break into secured networks and steal data, credit cards

ƒ Stock “Pump and Dump” scams

¾ Use spam from botnet PCs to advertise stock

¾ Trade in this stock using online share trading accounts from infected PCs, artificially boost prices

September 2007 39

ITU Botnet Mitigation Project inspired by

Australian Internet Security Initiative (AISI)

ƒ Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) partnership with 25 Australian ISPs

¾ ACMA collects data on IPs emitting malware

ƒ Identifies IPs operated by participating Australian ISPs

ƒ Notifies ISP responsible for affected IPs

¾ ISPs undertake to mitigate malware activity from infected

IPs on their networks

ƒ Notify infected customers

ƒ Change security and filtering policies as necessary

ƒ AISI project working internationally to fight botnets and has agreed to extend

AISI to other ITU Member States

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ITU Botnet Mitigation Package

ƒ Identify nodal coordination agency for a nationwide botnet mitigation strategy

¾ Multi-stakeholder, Multi-pronged Approach (like OECD spam toolkit)

¾ Public-Private Partnership

¾ Make best possible use of existing initiatives and structures

ƒ Infrastructure for botnet scanning, measurement and mitigation

¾ Capacity building on tools and techniques to track botnets

¾ Identification of trusted interlocuters (e.g., international security and AV research community, CERT teams) for incident reporting

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ITU Botnet Mitigation Package

ƒ Detection and takedown of botnet hosts and related infrastructure

¾ Infected PCs (automate as far as possible), C&C hosts, domains registered for botnet, payment gateways used by botnets, etc

ƒ Build awareness of security best practices for ISPs, e-commerce sites

ƒ Promote general Internet safety through end-user awareness programmes, engagement of civil society for assistance and grassroots penetration

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ITU Botnet Mitigation Package

ƒ Framework for national botnet related policy, regulation and enforcement

ƒ Multi-stakeholder international cooperation and outreach

¾ Phase 1 (2007): Downloadable toolkit/guidelines for

ITU Member States

¾ Phase 2 (2008/2009): Targeted national/regional pilot initiatives

ƒ Malaysia (MCMC), India (CERT-IN)

¾ Cooperation with other partners?



September 2007 43

More Information

ƒ ITU-D ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division


ƒ ITU National Cybersecurity/CIIP Self-Assessment Toolkit:

Background & Approach


ƒ ITU Botnet Project Website


ƒ ITU Botnet Mitigation Toolkit Overview


ƒ Regional Workshops on Frameworks for Cybersecurity and

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection


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Helping the World Communicate

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