FLEX WORK ARRANGEMENT REQUEST FORM S E C T I ON I: E M P LOY E E I N F O R M AT I ON Name AU ID Department FT Hire Date Position Title Campus Ext Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Ext Authorized Official Current Hrs/Week □ 28 hours □ 35 hours I am paid □ Monthly □ Biweekly □ 40 hours S E C T I ON II: N AT U R E O F A L T E R N AT I V E W OR K A R R AN GE M E N T Place a check next to the arrangement(s) that most closely describes the arrangement you are requesting: □ Flextime □ □ Other (describe): Compressed Work Week □ Reduced Work Schedule Note: Please contact Employee Relations at x2607 for guidance if you are proposing another type of flex work arrangement (such as teleworking). S E C T I ON III: P R OP O S AL In an attached document, provide an overview of the work arrangement you are proposing. Include the following: Identify the specific details of the flex arrangement including the changes from your current work schedule and how you will provide the same or improved service to your customers, co-workers and other university departments. Specify how you will manage accessibility and responsiveness to work needs. Indicate the duration of a trial period to determine the effectiveness of the arrangement and the frequency of review (at least annually). I understand that any approved flex work arrangement may be modified or terminated as needed to ensure that the arrangement does not negatively impact my work or the unit’s work quantity, quality or productivity. Staff Member Signature Date Submitted Supervisor Signature Date Approved Authorized Official Date Approved Alternative Work Arrangement will go into effect on (date): Alternative Work Arrangement will be reviewed on (date): • Please forward a copy of all approved request forms to the Employee Relations team in Human Resources. Forms may be sent via fax to x1179. American University Human Resources – 10/09 DEFINITIONS Flex arrangement, flexible work arrangement, or flexible arrangement – work hours, work week that vary from the standard schedule of the department in which the staff member works. Flex arrangements include flex time, compressed work week, and reduced work schedules. Flex time – agreed-upon starting and departure times that differ from the standard schedule for the department. The schedules may be fixed for a period or can vary from day to day. Compressed work week – regularly scheduled hours worked are fixed over fewer than five days a week. Reduced work schedule – either a reduction in regularly scheduled hours worked each week (i.e. 28 hours), or a partial year appointment (i.e. 9, 10, or 11 months) to permit a block of time off during a non-peak season for the department. The employee maintains full-time status and leave accruals are earned on a pro-rated basis. Core office hours – a block of hours within the work day or work week, determined by the department based on their unit’s business needs, during which all employees are expected to be at work and available for meetings and other departmental activities. Authorized official – Cabinet members are responsible for approving flex work arrangements for their direct reports, Deans of academic units for staff in their schools/colleges. Direct reports to the cabinet are responsible for approving flex work arrangements for any staff member in their units. Please contact human resources to determine the authorized official in the affected department. American University Human Resources – 10/09