BACONSTHORPE - PF/15/0964 - Erection of two-storey extension to front of dwelling and two
single-storey extensions to the front of dwelling, to be lime rendered. at Post Office Cottage, Long
Lane, Baconsthorpe, Holt, NR25 6LG for Mrs J Shervell; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 612250,337110
BACTON - PF/15/0680 - Erection of extension to existing access ramp at Rudram's Gap Timber
Ramp, Keswick Road, Bacton for North Norfolk District Council; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 635324,333347
BACTON - PF/15/0957 - Extension to ground floor of clubhouse to provide retail unit (A1), first floor
extension to provide hotel accomodation (C1) and erection of fire escape staircase. at Castaways
Holiday Park, Paston Road, Bacton, Norwich, NR12 0JB for Mr Hollis; Case Officer: Mr D Watson;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 633789,334495
BEESTON REGIS - PF/15/0993 - Erection of single storey extension to side of dwelling at Breckland,
Sheringwood, Beeston Regis, Sheringham, NR26 8TS for Mr & Mrs Lawrence; Case Officer: Mrs G
Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616368,341684
BLAKENEY - PF/15/1000 - Erection of extension to front and side of dwelling following demolition
of garage (Revised scheme 15/0210 refers) at Blakeney Downs, Morston Road, Blakeney, Holt,
NR25 7BG for Mr R Cole; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid
Ref: 601743,343648
BODHAM - PF/15/0997 - Erection of 1 dwelling and detached garage (Part-revised scheme 03/1689
refers) at Plot 1, John William Way, Bodham, HOLT, NR25 6FG for Mr and Mrs Prince; Case Officer:
Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 612288,340100
BRISTON - PF/15/1037 - Erection of extension to side and rear of dwelling (Revised scheme
PF/14/1605 refers) at 7 Jewel Close, Briston, Melton Constable, NR24 2SH for Mr J Willimot; Case
Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604678,332890
CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/0975 - Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling,
extension and increase in roof height to outbuilding and erection of replacement shed at Porticus,
High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7AP for Mr & Mrs Read; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604515,343680
COLBY - PF/15/0998 - Erection of detached garage to front of dwelling at Spring Meadow, Bridge
Road, Colby, Norwich, NR11 7EA for Mr and Mrs R Hall; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission
Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622169,329896
CROMER - PF/15/0973 - Variation of conditions 2 and 11 of PF/13/0111 (granted on appeal, ref
APP/Y2620/A/13/2202724) to allow for minor changes to design and location of substation, levels
and landscaping. at The Court House, Holt Road, Cromer for McCarthy & Stone Retirement
Lifestyles Ltd; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
EDGEFIELD - PF/15/0989 - Alterations to 1 dwelling to form 2 dwellings at Loke House, The Green,
Edgefield, Melton Constable, NR24 2AL for Mr A Chevallier; Case Officer: Miss J Medler; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 609624,334424
ERPINGHAM - BX/15/1055 - County Reference Y/1/2015/1007
Provision of a portable building for use as a staff room for a period of four years at Erpingham
Primary School, School Road, Erpingham, NORWICH, NR11 7QY for Erpingham School; Case
Officer: Mrs E Starling; County General Regs - Reg.3; County Council; OS Grid Ref: 619199,331404
GIMINGHAM - PF/15/1029 - Erection of single storey extension to front of dwelling at The Smithy,
Church Street, Gimingham, Norwich, NR11 8HE for Mr J Coleman; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628389,336229
GREAT SNORING - PF/15/0939 - Conversion of barns to form two dwellings at School Farm,
Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Fakenham, NR21 0HG for Mr Perowne; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 594679,334217
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GRESHAM - PF/15/1017 - Variation of condition 2 of 14/1113 to allow alterations to access at
Common Farm, Sustead Road, Lower Gresham for A & J Young Pottery; Case Officer: Mr A Afford;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 618211,338078
HOLT - PF/15/1039 - Formation of bay window to front of dwelling at Aralia House, 3 Laurel Drive,
Holt, NR25 6JR for Mr and Mrs Lidgett; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 608667,339082
KNAPTON - PF/15/0966 - Erection of two-storey extension to front and side of dwelling at Brambles,
The Street, Knapton, North Walsham, NR28 0AD for Mr & Mrs D Jackson; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630858,334136
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/15/0949 - Erection of single and two-storey extensions to rear of dwelling.
at 42 Mayfield Way, North Walsham, NR28 0DQ for Mr Warburton; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628924,331110
ROUGHTON - PF/15/0924 - Erection of replacement porch with ramp access to front of dwelling at
Rest Harrow, Chapel Road, Roughton, Norwich, NR11 8AF for Mrs J Sadler; Case Officer: Mr C
Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621821,337097
ROUGHTON - PF/15/0987 - Erection of single storey front and rear extensions and detached carport
at The Woodlands, Felbrigg Road, Roughton, Norwich, NR11 8PA for Mr Gower-Smith; Case Officer:
Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621489,338222
ROUGHTON - PO/15/0665 - Erection of 12 affordable dwellings, infrastructure and associated
parking and turning at Land adjacent to Chapel Road, Roughton for Dove Jeffery Homes; Case
Officer: Mrs K Brumpton; Planning Permission Outline; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621883,336951
RYBURGH - PF/15/0837 - Construction of a Speciality Malt Plant, Steep House, Warehouse
Extension with associated external lighting, Product Bins, Out Loading Bins, Gantry and
associated surface water attenuation works following demolition of existing single-storey
engineering store at Crisp Maltings, Fakenham Road, Great Ryburgh, Fakenham, NR21 7AS for
Crisp Malting Group Limited; Case Officer: Miss S Hinchcliffe; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS
Grid Ref: 595597,327496
SCULTHORPE - PF/15/0907 - Erection of 71 dwellings, new access road, side roads, water
attenuation ponds, drainage works, play areas, landscaping and associated works (Phase 1- full
planning) and Phase 2 of up to 129 dwellings, side roads, primary school, land and community
resource centre, play areas, water attenuation ponds and drainage works (outline permission with
all matters reserved) at Grove Farm Land, Sculthorpe, Fakenham, NR21 9NF for Amstel Group
Corporation Ltd; Case Officer: Mr J Williams; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
SHERINGHAM - PF/15/1020 - Conversion of building from shop and flat to 5 separate dwellings at
Creativity at Home, Gun Street, Sheringham, NR26 8BG for Creativity at Home; Case Officer: Miss J
Medler; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 615967,343426
SOUTHREPPS - PF/15/0994 - Erection of conservatory to rear of dwelling at Bishops Mead, Chapel
Road, Southrepps for Mr M Goss; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS
Grid Ref: 626069,335240
THORPE MARKET - PF/15/0979 - External alterations and extension of rear dormer windows. at
Italska, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8AJ for Mr Baksalary; Case Officer: Miss J
Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624092,335802
THURSFORD - PF/15/0798 - Change of existing window to glazed door to rear of dwelling at
Cottage Farm, Walsingham Road, Thursford, Fakenham, NR21 0PB for Mr C Rheinberg; Case
Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 597346,334873
TRUNCH - NP/15/0984 - Erection of tool/storage shed at Trunch Wood, Brewery Road, Trunch, NR28
OPX for Dr O'Grady; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Prior Notification (Agricultural); Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
TRUNCH - PF/15/1001 - Change of use from self-contained annexe to holiday let. at Home Field
Barn, Brewery Road, Trunch, North Walsham, NR28 0PU for Mr D Moore; Case Officer: Mrs G
Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628490,335034
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TUNSTEAD - PF/15/0990 - Erection of two-storey extension to rear of dwelling and extension to rear
of detached garage. at New Barn Farmhouse, Church Lane, Tunstead, Norwich, NR12 8HU for Mr &
Mrs Edridge; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - LA/15/0545 - External alterations to facilitate installation of name plaque
at The Old School, Polka Road, Wells-next-the-Sea for Homes For Wells; Case Officer: Miss J Smith;
Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591820,343380
WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/0965 - Replacement of existing juliet balcony with protruding
balcony at Flat 6a, The Granary, The Quay, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1JT for Mr P French; Case
Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591775,343752
WICKMERE - PF/15/0898 - Erection of part two-storey and single-storey extension at 33 Church
Road, Wickmere, Norwich, NR11 7NA for Mr N Watchhorn; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616738,333287
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NEATISHEAD - TW/15/0285 - To remove an ash tree at The Old Victory Hall, The Street, Neatishead,
Norwich, NR12 8AD for Mr A Crane; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in
Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 641879,325511
SHERINGHAM - TW/15/0286 - To remove 2 trees at Ortonville Court, Cremers Drift, Sheringham for
Watsons; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Planning Condition; OS Grid Ref:
CROMER - TW/15/0287 - To remove a beech and cherry and reduce the overhang on a sycamore
tree at 23 Norwich Road, Cromer for Watsons; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works
to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 614262,342032
MUNDESLEY - TW/15/0288 - To remove a goat willow tree at MUNDESLEY BECK HOUSE, Water
Lane, Mundesley, NORWICH, NR11 8LB for Mr P Manning; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification,
Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 622391,341197
MORSTON - TW/15/0289 - To remove dead sections on a poplar tree at Hall Farm, The Street,
Morston, Holt, NR25 7AA for Mrs H Harrison; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a
Planning Condition; OS Grid Ref: 607773,338772
ALDBOROUGH - TW/15/0290 - To remove a lime tree at The Old Rectory, Hall Road, Aldborough,
Norwich, NR11 7NT for Mrs P Hammond; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to
Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 630506,334103
RUNTON - TW/15/0291 - To reduce the height of a eucalyptus to 12-15 feet at Summer House, Sandy
Lane, West Runton, Cromer, NR27 9NB for Mrs D Everson; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees
Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 638593,323669
BLAKENEY - TW/15/0292 - To remove 2 pines and a sycamore tree at 4 Whitefriars, Back Lane,
Blakeney, Holt, NR25 7NR for Mr Hassall; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to
Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 608152,339191
GUNTHORPE - TW/15/0293 - Tree works as detailed in a report from Ravencroft Arboricultural
Services June 2015 at Woodlands, Swanton Road, Gunthorpe, Melton Constable, NR24 2NS for Mrs
Bennell; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid
Ref: 637894,326312
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