NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE PERIOD 22/07/2015 to 28/07/2015 AYLMERTON - PF/15/1011 - Erection of 1.95 metre fence to part of front boundary at Broad Acre, Holt Road, Aylmerton, Norwich, NR11 8QA for Mr & Mrs Sadler; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 617504,340946 BEESTON REGIS - PF/15/0959 - Erection of two-storey triple garage at Closewood, Sheringwood, Beeston Regis, Sheringham, NR26 8TS for Mr A Burton; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616349,341741 BRISTON - PF/15/1057 - Erection of single-storey agricultural workers dwelling at Brambles Farm, Thurning Road, Briston, MELTON CONSTABLE, NR24 2JW for Mr M Holden; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 606908,331299 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - LA/15/0860 - Removal of render to front elevation at The Old Manor House, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7RN for Mr D Goodman; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604531,343944 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/1040 - Erection of extensions to front, side and rear of dwelling including front and rear balconies, and erection of detached garage at Quay House, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7RR for Mr A Livesey; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604494,343979 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/1045 - Erection of detached garage/boat store at Riverside House, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7RB for Mr A Livesey; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604446,343926 CORPUSTY AND SAXTHORPE - PF/15/0919 - Conversion of and erection of side and rear extensions to agricultural barn to residential dwelling at Millers Barn, Matlaske Road, Saxthorpe for Mr & Mrs Last; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 611774,330865 ERPINGHAM - PF/15/1056 - Erection of single-storey side and rear extensions at Eastend, The Street, Erpingham, Norwich, NR11 7QB for Mr and Mrs S Hawkes; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 619328,332030 FAKENHAM - PF/15/0854 - Redesign of approved and extant scheme (07/0477) to provide re-siting and re-modelling of 6 cottages and 14 flats at Newmans Yard, Norwich Street, Fakenham for Michael McNamara Associates; Case Officer: Mr G Linder; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 592052,329687 FAKENHAM - PF/15/0977 - Erection of first floor extension and two-storey extension to side of dwelling at 63 Oak Street, Fakenham, NR21 9DZ for Mr Page; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591755,329874 FAKENHAM - PO/15/1036 - Erection of two-storey dwelling (Outline) at 1 Jubilee Avenue, Fakenham, NR21 8DG for Victory Housing Trust; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Outline; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 592392,330335 FULMODESTON - PF/15/0917 - Demolition of existing single-storey extension, erection of two-storey side and rear extension, single-storey side/rear extension and detached double garage/store at Croxton Cottage, Croxton Road, Croxton, Fakenham, NR21 0NP for Mr and Mrs M Buckle; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 598505,331151 HEMPTON - PF/15/0986 - Electricity substation in fenced compound at Land off, Shereford Road, Hempton for Lightsource SPV 148 Ltd; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 590421,329349 HICKLING - PF/15/0981 - Conversion of redundant barn to form 1 dwelling (Part-revised scheme PF/14/1264 refers) at Brightmere Barn, Brightmere Road, Hickling, NORWICH, NR12 0AE for Caddow Design and Build Ltd; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 640748,323739 HIGH KELLING - CL/15/0951 - Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of land for residential development at Land off Heathfield Road, High Kelling for Colimarc Construction Ltd; Case Officer: Mr R Howe; Certificate of Lawfulness-Existing Use; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 610237,340283 Page 1 of 3 HOVETON - PF/15/1046 - Erection of extension to Police station. at 12 Stalham Road, Hoveton, Norwich, NR12 8DG for Norfolk Constabulary; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630535,318226 ITTERINGHAM - PF/15/0909 - Erection of single-storey extension with flues to dwelling at 3 Mere Farm Barns, Matlaske Road, Mannington, NORWICH, NR11 7BE for Mr McGinty; Case Officer: Mrs E Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 613219,332603 ITTERINGHAM - PF/15/1047 - Erection of one and a half storey side extension at Peter Smith's Cottage, The Common, Itteringham, Norwich, NR11 7AN for Mr Busby; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616158,330834 LANGHAM - LA/15/1008 - Demolition of conservatory and replace with single-storey side extension at The Old House, 21 North Street, Langham, Holt, NR25 7DG for Sir Gozney; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 600743,341521 LANGHAM - PF/15/1007 - Erection of single-storey side extension at The Old House, 21 North Street, Langham, Holt, NR25 7DG for Sir Gozney; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 600743,341521 MUNDESLEY - PF/15/1003 - Erection of two single-storey dwellings at Land Rear of 33A, B, C and D, Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8BN for Mr Fortis; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631594,336296 NORTH WALSHAM - PF/15/1031 - Replacement Operational Deployment Base for Norfolk Constabulary including demolition of existing buildings and construction of hardstanding / landscaping and external works at Norfolk Constabulary, Yarmouth Road, North Walsham, NR28 9AW for Norfolk Constabulary; Case Officer: Mr G Linder; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628411,329780 NORTHREPPS - PF/15/1009 - Erection of rear extension and porch at Field Cottage, 43 North Walsham Road, Northrepps, Cromer, NR27 9LE for Ms Dimmock; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622786,338476 OVERSTRAND - PF/15/1041 - Conversion of outbuildings to habitable accommodation and erection of single-storey link extensions (Revised scheme PF/14/0831 refers) at 8 The Londs, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0PW for Mr T Bagnell; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624798,340786 POTTER HEIGHAM - PF/15/0963 - Removal of canopy structure and erection of single storey granny annexe at Rose Cottage, Mill Road, Potter Heigham, GREAT YARMOUTH, NR29 5HY for Mr Frost; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 641432,318826 RAYNHAM - PF/15/1021 - Erection of an agricultural building for storage of straw at Land at former West Raynham Airfield, West Raynham, Norfolk for Harrison Brothers; Case Officer: Miss S Hinchcliffe; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 585541,323838 SHERINGHAM - PF/15/0960 - Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 41 Beeston Common, Sheringham, NR26 8ET for Mrs A Hancock; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616447,342850 SHERINGHAM - PM/15/0961 - Erection of three two-storey dwellings at Land rear of 15 Weybourne Road, Sheringham for Blaber Builders Ltd; Case Officer: Mrs K Brumpton; Planning Permission; Reserved Matters; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 615132,343030 SWAFIELD - PF/15/1051 - Demolition of detached two-storey dwelling and erection of two-storey replacement dwelling at Park House, Knapton Road, Swafield, North Walsham, NR28 0RP for Mr McKeever; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 629478,332953 TATTERSETT - PF/15/1105 - Retention of dropped kerb and parking area to front of dwelling. at 9 Towerside, Tattersett Road, Syderstone, King's Lynn, PE31 8SA for Mr M Vertigan; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 583766,332045 THORPE MARKET - LA/15/1033 - Infill walls of loggia at The Gunton Arms, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TZ for Mr Braka; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624304,334119 Page 2 of 3 THORPE MARKET - PF/15/1032 - Infill walls of loggia at The Gunton Arms, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TZ for Mr Braka; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624304,334119 THORPE MARKET - PF/15/1034 - Relocation of storage shed and re-siting car park entrance at The Gunton Arms, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TZ for The Gunton Arms; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624304,334119 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - LA/15/1084 - Variation of condition 2 of Listed Building Consent LA/12/0906 to vary design details (part retrospective) at Plattens Fish And Chips, 13 The Quay, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1AH for Mr P Platten; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591664,343767 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/0955 - Variation of condition 2 of planning permission PF/12/0907 to vary design details (part retrospective) at Plattens Fish And Chips, 13 The Quay, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1AH for Plattens Fish & Chips; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591664,343767 WORSTEAD - LA/15/1038 - Erection of canopy at Bengate House, Tucks Road, Bengate, Worstead, North Walsham, NR28 9LU for Mr Rogowski; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630742,327314 Page 3 of 3 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL TREE WORKS NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE PERIOD 22/07/2015 to 28/07/2015 MUNDESLEY - TW/15/0294 - Reduction work to group of Beech trees. at Sully House, Station Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8JH for Mr W Northam; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 619990,342643 RUNTON - TW/15/0295 - Reduction work to 1 Silver Birch. at Ash Tree Cottage, The Hurn, West Runton, Cromer, NR27 9QS for Mrs S Kenwall; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 632908,334462 RAYNHAM - TW/15/0296 - Remove 1 Holly tree. at 21 The Street, West Raynham, Fakenham, NR21 7EZ for Mr J Hickman; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 593322,336742 LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD - TW/15/0297 - Reduction work to a Beech and 2 pine trees at Bayfield Brecks Farm, Wall's Lane, Bayfield, Holt, NR25 7DZ for Bayfield Estate; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 591762,329900 INGWORTH - TW/15/0298 - Remove 1 Conifer. at The Mill House, The Street, Ingworth, Norwich, NR11 6AE for Mr R Hoare; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 620149,342245 CROMER - TW/15/0299 - Remove 1 Sycamore, 1 Rowan & 13 Conifers. Pruning works to 2 Chestnuts & 1 Cherry. at Hirondelle, Hall Road, Cromer, NR27 9JQ for Mr P Thrower; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 634988,333431 OVERSTRAND - TW/15/0300 - Remove 2 Common Limes & 1 Holm Oak. at Grange Gorman, 16 Coast Road, Overstrand for Mrs A Ozansoy; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 625457,336566 Page 1 of 1