BRISTON - PF/16/0188 - Erection of two-storey detached dwelling at 27 Mill Lane, Briston, Melton
Constable, Norfolk, NR24 2JG for Mrs S Scott; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 606698,332227
BRISTON - PF/16/0189 - Erection of detached garage and creation of vehicle access with entrance
gates at 27 Mill Lane, Briston, Melton Constable, NR24 2JG for Mrs S Scott; Case Officer: Mr A
Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 606696,332238
BRISTON - PF/16/0216 - Conversion and extension to garage to form ancillary annexe
accommodation at 29 Old Post Road, Briston, Melton Constable, NR24 2NB for Mr & Mrs Pegden;
Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 606203,332467
CATFIELD - PF/16/0236 - Erection of single storey extensions to side and rear of dwelling at
Nuholme, Ludham Road, Catfield, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5AL for Mr Lowe; Case Officer: Mr D
Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 638648,321259
CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/16/0197 - Demolition of extension and erection of replacement
extension, insertion of larger dormer and extension to pavilion building and replacement
windows/doors at Flanders, High Street, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7RB for Mr & Ms Mirams &
Doughty; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604474,343872
CROMER - LA/16/0203 - Application of lime render to front elevation at 7 Jetty Street, Cromer,
NR27 9HF for Russell House and Jetty Street Management Company Ltd; Case Officer: Mr B Smith;
Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621935,342277
CROMER - PF/16/0218 - Variation of condition 8 of planning permission ref: PF/03/0855 to allow for
deliveries to be taken 7 days a week between the hours of 5.00am and 23.00pm at Morrisons
Supermarkets PLC, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9SW for Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc; Case
Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621405,342086
FAKENHAM - PF/16/0145 - Erection of warehouse at Anglian Chemicals, Millers Close, Fakenham,
NR21 8NW for Steel Build Masters Ltd; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 593259,330162
FELMINGHAM - PF/16/0212 - Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwelling at Weavers
Cottage, Church Road, Felmingham, North Walsham, NR28 0LQ for Mr & Mrs Codling; Case Officer:
Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 625081,329132
HIGH KELLING - PF/16/0204 - Erection of replacement detached garage at Mole End, Warren Road,
High Kelling, Holt, NR25 6QU for Mr M Woolliscroft; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission
Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 610166,340239
HOLKHAM - PF/16/0233 - Subdivision of dwelling into 2 flats for staff accommodation in
association with The Victoria Inn. at 32 Park Road, Holkham, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1RG for
Coke Estate Ltd; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
HORNING - PF/16/0112 - Erection of two-storey dwelling at Land at Leeds Way, Horning, Norwich,
NR12 8LU for Mr D Watts; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid
Ref: 634334,317558
INGHAM - PF/16/0238 - Change of Use of agricultural and storage land to residential with
landscaping and access works and external alterations to the Southern barn. at Southern Barn,
Mill Road, Ingham, NORWICH, NR12 9TD for Red Frog Developments Ltd; Case Officer: Miss J
Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 639056,325500
INGHAM - PF/16/0239 - Change of Use of agricultural and storage land to residential with
landscaping and access works and external alterations to the Northern barn. at Northern Barn, Mill
Road, Ingham, NORWICH, NR12 9TD for Red Frog Developments Ltd; Case Officer: Miss J Smith;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 639057,325524
MUNDESLEY - PF/16/0187 - Erection of single-storey rear extension, insertion of window to first
floor side elevation, installation of pitched roof to detached garage and conversion to hobby
room/lobby at 59 High Street, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8JL for Mr S Barker; Case Officer: Mr B
Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631101,336087
MUNDESLEY - PF/16/0205 - Retention of mobile home permanently at 12 Cromer Road, Mundesley,
Norwich, NR11 8BE for Mr H C Truong; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631216,336861
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MUNDESLEY - PF/16/0234 - Removal of condition 1 of 11/0103 to remove time limit for siting of
seafood trailer during summer months. at Land at Public Car Park, Beach Road, Mundesley for Mr
R Dennis; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
NORTH WALSHAM - AN/16/0184 - Installation of fascia sign at 27 Market Place, North Walsham,
NR28 9BS for Mr A Moyes; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Advert Non-Illuminated; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/16/0207 - Erection of single-storey rear extension to provide garden room
and double garage at Erpingham House, 39 Cromer Road, North Walsham, NR28 0HB for Mr and
Mrs Kind; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 627710,330464
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/16/0248 - Erection of two-storey extension to side of dwelling at 9 Alder
Close, North Walsham, NR28 0UT for Ms K Blythe; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission
Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628900,331197
PASTON - PF/16/0186 - Erection of single-storey front/side extension at Pebble Cottage, Vicarage
Road, Paston, North Walsham, NR28 9TB for Mr P Clayton; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 632008,334832
RAYNHAM - LA/16/0035 - Internal and external alterations to facilitate the change of use of first and
second floor of disused control tower to residential dwelling at Former Control Tower, Blenheim
Way, West Raynham, FAKENHAM, NR21 7PL for Mr J Booty; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Listed
Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 584726,324556
RUNTON - PF/16/0242 - Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling at 9 Wyndham Park,
East Runton, Cromer, NR27 9NJ for Ms S Ilsley; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 620518,342500
SCOTTOW - PF/16/0092 - Change of use of selected existing former military buildings to
commercial uses comprosing light industrial, general industrial and storage (B1, B2 and B8) at
Buildings at Scottow Enterprise Park, Lamas Road, Badersfield, Scottow, NORWICH, NR10 5FB for
Norfolk County Council; Case Officer: Mr R Parkinson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid
Ref: 626066,323055
SCULTHORPE - PF/16/0232 - Erection of extension to side of dwelling. at Cambria, 53 Sandy Lane,
Fakenham, NR21 9EX for Mr Wood; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated;
OS Grid Ref: 591346,330551
SHERINGHAM - PF/16/0213 - Erection of 2 dwellings with associated external works at Land
adjacent 50 Woodland Rise, Sheringham for Mr Long; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 616114,342031
SHERINGHAM - PF/16/0241 - Erection of garage extension to side of dwelling at 22 Uplands Park,
Sheringham, NR26 8NE for Mr A Sturman; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full;
Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 615170,342680
SOUTHREPPS - PF/16/0214 - Erection of extension to dwelling at Sunhaven Cottage, 16 Pit Street,
Southrepps, Norwich, NR11 8UX for Mr & Mrs Holding; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 626275,335616
TRUNCH - PF/16/0224 - Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling at The Cottage,
Brewery Road, Trunch, North Walsham, NR28 0PX for Mrs P Smith; Case Officer: Mr B Smith;
Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 627960,334974
WALSINGHAM - PF/16/0155 - Conversion of former public house to shop and 2 independent flats
to first floor and garage/store building to annexe with one bed accommodation at Oxford Stores,
25 High Street, Walsingham, NR22 6BY for John Gurney Charitable Trust; Case Officer: Miss S
Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 593377,336725
WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/15/1892 - Creation of access track from Freeman Street, relocation of
vehicular bridge and installation of pedestrian footbridge to facilitate use of former pitch and putt
land as a seasonal car park for 60 days per annum. at Land at Freeman Street, Wells-next-the-Sea
for Holkham Estate; Case Officer: Mr G Lyon; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref:
WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/16/0185 - Installation of fixed jetty to lower quay wall at Tugboat Yard,
Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk for Wells Harbour Commissioners; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning
Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591858,343779
WEYBOURNE - PF/16/0220 - Erection of extension (part retrospective) at 25 Pine Walk, Weybourne,
Holt, NR25 7HJ for Mr S Boon; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS
Grid Ref: 611482,342689
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ALDBOROUGH - TW/16/0063 - To remove 20 - 22 trees that are dead/dying/diseassed. A detailed
plan and description of trees to be removed has been provided. at The Granary, Mill Lane,
Aldborough, Norwich, NR11 7NS for Mr P Wedge; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed
Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 610821,337104
THORPE MARKET - TW/16/0092 - To remove an ash tree at Holland, Sandpit Lane, Thorpe Market,
Norwich, NR11 8TJ for Mr M Sparrow; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Planning
Condition; OS Grid Ref: 592094,329672
WICKMERE - TW/16/0093 - To remove 2 poplars and reduce 2 apple trees at 5 Park Farm Barns,
Wolterton Park, Wolterton, Norwich, NR11 7LX for Mr C Lawrence; Case Officer: Simon Case;
Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 589115,330983
HINDRINGHAM - TW/16/0094 - To remove 2 beech trees, a holly, laurel and beech hedge, a multi
stem sycamore an ash and 2 laurels. To reduce an oak tree and reduce most of the yew trees on
the site to rejuvenate them and crown thin a multi stem lime. at Blue Tile House, Blacksmiths Lane,
Hindringham, Fakenham, NR21 0QA for Mrs M Richards; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification,
Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 592649,330069
SHERINGHAM - TW/16/0095 - To remove a fig tree, bay tree, 2 plum and 1 rose tree and coppice a
hazel tree at 6A The Driftway, Sheringham, NR26 8LD for Mr B Craske; Case Officer: Simon Case;
Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 615686,343445
HELHOUGHTON - TW/16/0096 - To prune an ash tree as it is overhanging the neighbours sheds at
Bay Tree Cottage, 2 Buck Yard, Helhoughton, Fakenham, NR21 7BW for Mr R Francis; Case Officer:
Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 641152,320090
THORPE MARKET - TW/16/0097 - To crown reduce a flowering cherry by 10 feet and crown reduce
a coton easter from 15 feet at Newhaven, Sandpit Lane, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TJ for Mr
A Hills; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid
Ref: 609089,339084
BACONSTHORPE - TW/16/0098 - To crown lift a horse chestnut tree over the garden and road,
crown lift an ash tree over the pond and crown lift various trees on the drive at Thorpecote, Long
Lane, Baconsthorpe, Holt, NR25 6LG for Mr & Mrs Pepper; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification,
Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 595392,327359
WORSTEAD - TW/16/0099 - To pollard to fence height 3 beech trees, to trim overhanging branches
of an elder tree, to trim to hedge height several trees overhanging from the neighbours property, to
remove a dead tree and a pine tree at Ivy Cottage, 38 Honing Row, Worstead, North Walsham,
NR28 9RH for Mr S Ginn; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in
Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 624011,335972
SCOTTOW - TW/16/0100 - Various tree works as described in a tree report by Digital Green
Solutions in September 2015 at RAF Coltishall, Badersfield, Scottow, Norwich, NR10 5JR for ; Case
Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref:
FAKENHAM - TW/16/0101 - To remove a holly, cherry and conifer tree at 2 Greenway Lane,
Fakenham, NR21 8BZ for Mr G Stratton; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to
Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 606480,332298
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