NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE PERIOD 20/04/2016 to 26/04/2016 ALBY WITH THWAITE - PF/16/0402 - Replacement of existing windows, 4 windows to the front of the property,French doors to the rear and window to bedroom to first floor rear at 2 Walpole Barns, Thwaite Common, Erpingham, Norwich, NR11 7QG for Mr D Wells; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 620026,332490 BACTON - PF/16/0513 - Erection of 2 bay cart lodge at The Pollards, North Walsham Road, Bacton, Norwich, NR12 0LG for Mr P Betts; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 633663,332967 BRISTON - PF/16/0405 - Demolition of redundant agricultural buildings and replacement with modern general purpose agricultural building at Holly Farm, Norwich Road, Briston for R G Carter Farms Ltd; Case Officer: Mr D Watson; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 608676,332227 BRISTON - PF/16/0460 - Site for the erection of two-storey dwelling and detached garage at Meadow House, Providence Place, Briston for Mr R and Mrs S Craske; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 606300,333202 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/16/0181 - Change of use of residential studio to wine tasting studio and construction of car port and creation of new access at Pheasant Cottage, Church Lane, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7UD for Mr M Lynton; Case Officer: Miss J Medler; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604769,343499 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/16/0435 - Installation of 5 rooflights in kitchen roof and addition of window at ground floor of dwelling at Green Barn, Holt Road, Cley-next-the-Sea, Holt, NR25 7TZ for Mr & Mrs Besant; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 604691,343234 CORPUSTY AND SAXTHORPE - PF/16/0294 - Erection of 2 livestock buildings and associated feed bins, hardstandings and dirty water tank. at Hill Farm House, Briston Road, Saxthorpe, Norwich, NR11 7BX for D & J Perry-Warnes; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 610823,331098 CROMER - LA/16/0025 - Installation of slimline sealed units into the existing windows to north elevation at The Regency, New Street, Cromer, NR27 9HP for David Phillip Investments; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621884,342330 CROMER - LA/16/0334 - Installation of CCTV camera to south elevation at Cromer Town Council, North Lodge, 21 Overstrand Road, Cromer, NR27 0AH for Cromer Town Council; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622206,342130 CROMER - PF/16/0443 - Demolition of outbuilding and replacement with single storey rear extension at 111 Station Road, Cromer, NR27 0DY for Mr Brookes; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622819,341241 CROMER - PO/16/0410 - Site for the erection of 2 detached one and a half-storey dwellings at 2 East Grove, Cromer, NR27 0BL for Ms Dee; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Outline; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622426,341285 FAKENHAM - PF/16/0336 - Variation of condition 6 of 15/1657 to allow clear glazing to the first floor en-suite windows on the southern elevations of Plots 1 and 2. at 188 Norwich Road, Fakenham for Haller Developments Ltd; Case Officer: Miss J Medler; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 593917,329928 FAKENHAM - PF/16/0419 - Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single-storey garden room rear extension. at 11 Nelson Road, Fakenham, NR21 9EN for Mr & Mrs Francis; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591725,329913 FAKENHAM - PF/16/0433 - Erection of first floor extension to rear of dwelling at 16 Wells Road, Fakenham, NR21 9AA for Mr Wright; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591824,329990 HOLKHAM - LA/16/0462 - Internal alterations to convert former office to residential flat at Former office at Longlands, Holkham Estate, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1RU for Viscount Coke Fund; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 588261,339915 HOLKHAM - PF/16/0461 - Conversion of former office to form residential flat at Former office at Longlands, Holkham Estate, Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk, NR23 1RU for Viscount Coke Fund; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 588261,339915 Page 1 of 3 HOVETON - PF/16/0450 - Erection of single storey rear extension at 27 Two Saints Close, Hoveton, Norwich, NR12 8QP for Mr A Icke; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630441,319082 INGHAM - PF/16/0512 - Change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage at Woodlands, Calthorpe Street, Ingham for Mr and Mrs Conrathe; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 640265,325424 LANGHAM - PF/16/0444 - Erection of two-storey extension to side and rear of dwelling at Lion House, Holt Road, Langham, Holt, NR25 7BX for Mr R Green; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 600988,341273 LITTLE SNORING - PO/16/0507 - Erection of twenty residential dwellings and associated works at Land adjacent to Kettlestone Road and north of Holt Road, Little Snoring, Norfolk for Mr S Gray; Case Officer: John Dougan; Planning Permission Outline; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 596252,332223 LUDHAM - PF/16/0389 - Erection of single storey extension to side and rear and porch to front of dwelling at Windyridge, Norwich Road, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5QD for Mr and Mrs S Glynn; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 638496,318326 LUDHAM - PF/16/0414 - Erection of single storey extension to side of dwelling at Keepers Cottage, Lovers Lane, Ludham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5NR for Mr A Tedder; Case Officer: Miss S Tudhope; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 638674,317778 MUNDESLEY - PF/16/0301 - Erection of extension and dormer extension to rear of dwelling at Windmill Cottage, 40 Paston Road, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8BW for Mr L Stefanowicz; Case Officer: Mr C Reuben; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631521,336246 MUNDESLEY - PF/16/0329 - Erection of two dormers to rear elevation roof at Bay Tree Cottage, 56 High Street, Mundesley, Norwich, NR11 8JL for Mr & Mrs Webster; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631071,336285 NORTH WALSHAM - PF/16/0451 - Change of use of land to extend residential curtilage and retention of fence at 6 DeBenne Road, North Walsham for Mrs E Bowles; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 628180,330878 NORTHREPPS - PF/16/0458 - Variation of condition 7 of PF/96/1393 to allow use of a maximum of 10 karts at any one time at Karttrak, Hall Road, Northrepps, Cromer, NR27 0JW for Karttrak Cromer; Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622808,340623 PASTON - PF/16/0413 - Erection of single storey extension to dwelling at 2 Pound Cottages, Mundesley Road, Paston, North Walsham, NR28 9TE for Ms C Owen; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 631762,335005 POTTER HEIGHAM - PF/16/0467 - Erection of two-storey extension to side of dwelling at 6 Green Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5LP for Mr P Upton; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 641073,320015 ROUGHTON - CL/16/0393 - Lawful development certificate for existing commencement of planning permission ref: 88/2034 for agricultural dwelling at Land off Norwich Road, Roughton, Norfolk for Mr P Thurston; Case Officer: Mr R Howe; Certificate of Lawfulness-Existing Use; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622023,337901 ROUGHTON - PF/16/0370 - Erection of two-storey detached dwelling at The Ark, Chapel Road,Roughton for Mr P Stemp; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 621732,337166 ROUGHTON - PF/16/0387 - Siting of 2 additional static caravans on existing site at Six Acres Caravan Site, Norwich Road, Roughton, Norwich, NR11 8ND for Mr Julian; Case Officer: Miss J Medler; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 622236,338127 RUNTON - PF/16/0408 - Erection of 3 bay garage/cart shed at Brackenhurst, Shawcross Road, West Runton, Cromer, NR27 9NA for Mr Foreman; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 618387,341682 RUNTON - PF/16/0418 - Erection of detached garage to front of dwelling at Crossrow, Cromer Road, West Runton, Cromer, NR27 9QT for Mr & Mrs Fulford; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 617805,342759 SHERINGHAM - PF/16/0422 - Erection of garden room following removal of annexe to rear of dwelling at 34 Morley Road, Sheringham, NR26 8JE for Mr and Mrs Espin; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 615906,342633 Page 2 of 3 SLOLEY - PF/16/0404 - Erection of front extension at Haynes Oak, Frankfort, Sloley, Norwich, NR12 8HG for Mr Blackwell; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630151,324433 STALHAM - PF/16/0376 - Demolition of workshop and associated buildings (car sales office), and erection of 8 dwellings with access and parking at Land at High Street & Ingham Road, Stalham, Norwich, NR12 9BB for Tradebase; Case Officer: Mr G Linder; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 637408,325120 STIFFKEY - PF/16/0454 - Variation of condition 2 of 15/0014 to allow erection of 1.8m high wall and gate and alterations to windows. at Rose Cottage, 82A Wells Road, Stiffkey, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1AJ for Mr Howard-Jones; Case Officer: Mrs G Lipinski; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 596583,343447 STIFFKEY - PF/16/0465 - Erection of outbuilding for storage and hobby workshop. at 131 Camping Hill, Stiffkey, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1QL for Mr Jackson; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 597492,343135 STODY - LA/15/1706 - Part demolition of coach house and erection of replacement coach house at Blickling House, Holt Road, Hunworth, Melton Constable, NR24 2EY for Mr R Beavis; Case Officer: Miss J Smith; Listed Building Alterations; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 607062,335449 THORPE MARKET - PF/16/0373 - Installation of air source heat pump at Bensley House, Cromer Road, Thorpe Market, Norwich, NR11 8TH for Mr M Williams; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 624067,336199 WALCOTT - PF/16/0514 - Erection of 3 bay cart lodge style garage at Hayfield Cottage, Walcott Green, Walcott, Norwich, NR12 0NX for Mrs Meale; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 636246,330620 WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/16/0437 - Erection of extension to side of dwelling. at St Benets, 33 Waveney Close, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1HU for Mrs Emmett; Case Officer: Mr B Smith; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 591932,342929 WESTWICK - PF/16/0464 - Erection of detached garage/garden room at 5 The Hill, Westwick, Norwich, NR10 5BQ for Mr Randell; Case Officer: Mr A Afford; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 627476,327037 WEYBOURNE - PF/16/0511 - Extension and conversion of double garage to create residential annexe. at Lingwood, Station Road, Weybourne, Holt, NR25 7HQ for Mr Denny; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 611359,342733 WORSTEAD - PF/16/0447 - Erection of two-storey and first floor extension to rear of dwelling at 1 The Cottage, Meeting Hill Road, Meeting Hill, Worstead, North Walsham, NR28 9LR for Mr Loveridge; Case Officer: Mrs L Starling; Planning Permission Full; Delegated; OS Grid Ref: 630544,328325 Page 3 of 3 NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL TREE WORKS NOTIFICATIONS FOR THE PERIOD 20/04/2016 to 26/04/2016 LETHERINGSETT WITH GLANDFORD - TW/16/0175 - To remove a silver birch at Riverside Barn, Riverside Road, Letheringsett, Holt, NR25 7YE for Mrs L Wiles; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 596638,328206 HINDRINGHAM - TW/16/0176 - To reduce in height a poplar by approx. 3.5 metres and reduce the lateral limbs by 2 - 3.5 metres at Drift House, 5 Great Snoring Road, Hindringham, Fakenham, NR21 0PG for Mr Sutherland; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 634775,320271 STALHAM - TW/16/0177 - To remove a multi stemed sycamore on the boundary with the school at Dexlyn House, Camping Field Lane, Stalham, Norwich, NR12 9DT for Mr R Ray; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 607729,338688 NEATISHEAD - TW/16/0178 - To coppice 2 hazel to reduce the height, remove 7 ash and remove or thin a group of small ash trees at March House, The Street, Neatishead, Norwich, NR12 8AD for Mr R Costa; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 606262,333262 HOLT - TW/16/0179 - To pollard a poplar tree at 8A Letheringsett Hill, Holt, NR25 6BJ for Mrs D Bolam; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 615862,343052 HANWORTH - TW/16/0180 - To reduce the height of an oak tree by 50%, shape and make safe at The Old Kitchens 3 Bell Yard, Gunton Hall, Gunton Park, Hanworth, Norwich, NR11 7HJ for The Grove Gunton Park Association; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 618652,342599 CROMER - TW/16/0181 - To crown lift and thin lower heavier limbs and crown reduce by 2 metres on a sycamore and remove a further sycamore at Cemetery No 1, Holt Road, Cromer for Cromer Town Council; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 595480,332098 CROMER - TW/16/0182 - To crown lift a lime overhanging the road, remove long limb that has snapped on a further lime, crown lift branches on 2 sweet chestnuts and a lime that are overhanging headstones. at Cemetery No 2, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9JJ for Cromer Town Council; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Planning Condition; OS Grid Ref: 633348,332625 CLEY-NEXT-THE-SEA - TW/16/0183 - To lift the lower canopy on 3 beech trees overhanging the road and re-shape at St Margarets Church, Church Lane, Cley-next-the-Sea for St Margarets Church; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 605152,336385 SHERINGHAM - TW/16/0184 - To remove an oak tree at The Lodge, Sheringham House, Cremers Drift, Sheringham, NR26 8HZ for Mr J Hewitt; Case Officer: Simon Case; Works to Trees Subject to a Tree Preservation Order; OS Grid Ref: 638002,327348 ERPINGHAM - TW/16/0185 - To reduce an apple tree to previous cuts by 1.5 metres, crown thin and clean by 30% and remove overhanging branches from a pine tree at Ash Tree Farmhouse, West End, Ingworth, NORWICH, NR11 6PH for Mr R Oliver; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 616045,342019 NORTH WALSHAM - TW/16/0186 - To remove a lime and sycamore tree and remove the deadwood from a further sycamore at 36A Vicarage Street, North Walsham, NR28 9DQ for Ms D Billing; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 607729,338688 HINDRINGHAM - TW/16/0187 - To remove an ash tree and deadwood a further ash tree at Grange Farmhouse, Harvest Lane, Hindringham, NR21 0PW for Mr T Holliday; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 615615,343447 HOLT - TW/16/0188 - Crown reduce the height and spread of a cedar by 1.5 - 2 metres at The Beeches, Station Road, Holt for R G Maintenance Services Ltd; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 610577,340040 SUSTEAD - TW/16/0189 - To remove a cherry tree at Pestle Cottage, The Street, Bessingham, Norwich, NR11 7JR for Mrs Spurrell; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 638686,322162 Page 1 of 2 CATFIELD - TW/16/0190 - To crown raise a beech tree by approx. 6 - 8 metres, reduce the branches by approx. 4 - 6 metres and reduce a branch towards a neighbouring property by approx. 8 - 10 metres. at Foxglove Cottage, The Street, Catfield, Great Yarmouth, NR29 5AA for Mr Bacon; Case Officer: Simon Case; Notification, Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Area; OS Grid Ref: 606277,333272 Page 2 of 2