My Ref: DE21/14/0055 Your Ref:

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My Ref: DE21/14/0055
Your Ref:
22 April 2014
Mr G Lyon
Telephone: (01263) 516226
Mr S Blatch
North Norfolk District Council
Council Offices
Holt Road
NR27 9EN
Dear Mr Blatch
The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations
EIA Screening Opinion – Local Development Order for development in support of the
operational and maintenance requirements of offshore wind energy sector.
Land at Bunkers Hill, Wells Road, Egmere
Thank you for your request for a formal Screening Opinion, received on 18 March 2014,
together with related enclosures in respect of the above proposed development.
The Proposed Development
The development in respect of which you request a formal Screening Opinion comprises a
Local Development Order (LDO) which will allow for the erection of administrative offices;
operational control centres; staff welfare, briefing and training facilities; warehousing and
storage facilities from which the co-ordination and operation of offshore wind energy
developments through the design, development and operational phases will be undertaken.
The proposed LDO would cover an area of approximately 30 hectares and would include the
following areas:
Areas of greenfield land for future development – 9.8 hectares
Areas of proposed new structural planting – 8.6 hectares
Areas of existing buildings in business use – 7.3 hectares
Areas of existing woodland (to be retained / improved) – 2.1 hectares
With the balance constituting areas of highway – the B1105 road and Edgar Road
within the area of the proposed LDO/
The LDO would include a Design Code which prescribes maximum build heights of 10 or
12m across defined areas together with a Proposed Planting Palette which includes for the
provision of extensive structural planting along the northern and eastern boundaries of the
An illustrative layout (drawing number B13023.01) has been produced by the Landscape
Partnership which sets out the potential form of development having regard to the proposed
structural planting around the boundaries.
EIA Regulations
Having taken into account the proposed development it is considered that the proposal does
not fall within the definition of “Schedule 1 Development”.
It is considered that the proposed development falls within the description of development
contained in Schedule 2, 10 (a) 'Industrial Estate Development' and the area of the
development would exceed 0.5 hectares, hence the need for a formal screening opinion.
In considering whether the proposal is EIA development, Schedule 3(2) of the Town &
Country Planning (Environmental Impact Regulations) 2011 requires consideration of the
environmental sensitivity of geographical areas likely to be affected by development. In this
regard the proposed location of the development would be within relatively close proximity to
the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
In assessing the need for an EIA, the Local Planning Authority has sought advice from the
a variety of external consultees including:
Natural England;
Norfolk Coast Partnership;
Environment Agency;
Norfolk County Council Highways; and
English Heritage
An internal consultation with the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (interim)
has also be carried out to identify whether there would be any likely significant effects from
the proposed development. I have attached a copy of all comments received with this letter
for ease of reference.
From the consultee responses received it is clear that, notwithstanding the likelihood of a
slight increase in traffic in the area associated with the proposed development, having taken
account of the extensive structural planting proposed, it is considered that the proposed
development is unlikely to result in significant harmful effects on the receiving environment.
In summary, having taken careful account of the development proposed and having regard
to the advice of consultees, North Norfolk District Council, as Local Planning Authority,
considers that an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required in this instance for the
proposed development.
Yours sincerely
Team Leader Enforcement & Special Cases
(01263) 516226