Coastal Update Updates and news from around the Coast

Coastal Update
Issue 9
September 2014
Updates and news from around the Coast
Improving Coastal Awareness
Coastal understanding and
awareness is essential to enable
individuals, organisations and
communities to be able to make
well informed decisions. A
grounding in coastal matters is also
very helpful when engaging in
conversations and debate about
coastal management. It can be
difficult to access and understand
documents such as the Shoreline
Management Plans or understand
how government funding for the
coast works.
Image 1: Extract of coastal awareness information leaflet
North Norfolk District Council is in the process of developing a series of informative leaflets
with the aim of increasing public understanding of coastal processes and management
undertaken on the North Norfolk Coastline. The leaflets explore a wide range of topics from
basic coastal processes to the financial cost of building and maintaining coastal defences as
well as the funding avenues available to support coastal projects. We are currently in the
process of refining the documents and welcome feedback.
If you would like to receive copies of the draft documents for review and comment please
Norfolk County Council Coastal Fund
Following last Decembers surge Norfolk County Council created a one off Coastal Fund of
£250,000. NNDC has submitted funding applications to the NCC Coastal Fund for two
projects. The first project has been submitted jointly with Walcott Parish Council for flood
alleviation at Walcott Gap. The second project has been submitted jointly with residents at
Ostend for a targeted rock placement scheme for the properties most at risk. A total of 19
projects were submitted across Norfolk of which 11 were in North Norfolk. The applications
are being considered by NCC and recommendations to the Planning and Transportation
Committee will be made in October.
Coast Protection Maintenance - Last year‟s maintenance works which were postponed
due to the surge have restarted. Seawall improvements at Mundesley have now been
completed and works to improve the seawall apron at Bacton have begun. Improvements to
the cliff retaining wall at Sheringham East will start in the autumn to minimise disruption.
Storm Surge Repairs - Works to repair damaged timber revetments at Overstrand, Vale
Road and Mundesley will commence during the winter period and investigations are
underway to consider repairs to cliff retention gabions at Overstrand.
North Norfolk Coastal Management Update
Coastal Update
Issue 9
September 2014
This winter season NNDC is working towards two further schemes. The rock sill at
Happisburgh is programmed to be relocated and investigations are underway as to consider
the options available. A further large scale scheme is planned to improve 236 m of seawall
at Sheringham West in order to minimise the likelihood of a failure such as that experienced
last winter. NNDC is seeking to draw down funding from the Environment Agency to match
funds already in place from NNDC, totalling approximately £800,000. This project will
reduce maintenance requirement in future years which should enable these resources to be
reallocated to other frontages, benefiting the wider coast.
Cromer Coast Protection
Scheme - The Cromer Coast
Protection Scheme has
restarted for the second winter
season of works. This year
significant work will be
completed across the frontage
including the re-facing of some
seawalls and maintenance of
groynes. Pedestrian access
along the Promenade will be
maintained as far as is practical
and businesses such as the
Pier will remain open.
Image 2: Installation of steel sheet piles last winter season
Investigations - NNDC has commissioned CH2MHill to investigate the stability of the
remains of the beach access ramp at Trafalgar Court at Mundesley and to consider the
possible options for repair/replacement. We await the final report which will then be used to
consider if the access can be repaired or re-provided.
Bruton Knowles who assisted with the property related Pathfinder projects have been
commissioned to investigate possible options for coastal adaptation at Ostend in order to
help inform future discussions.
NNDC and the Environment Agency are working with The Crown Estate who have
commissioned Royal Haskoning DHV to investigate a possible „sandscaping‟ approach
around Bacton and Walcott. Sandscaping is essentially the deposition of a large volume of
beach material in one location to provide protection and nourish beaches for years to come.
It is important to be aware that this is only an investigation at this stage to enable this
possible approach to be considered more equally with other coastal management schemes.
The Local Government Association
Coastal Special Interest Group has
updated their coastal Strategy “On the
Edge” and it is available to view at,
it assists in influencing government.
NNDC is a member of the LGA
Special Interest Group.
On the Edge Strategy