Euler Systems 1 Heegner points (and BSD) 1.1 Introduction Let E ∼ Q, [F : Q] < ∞ ⇒ ⊗QZr(E,F ) . QE(F ) = E(F−s)tor −1 −s L-function, L(E, s) = p|N (1 − ap p ) + p1−2s )−1 p-N (1 − ap p be an elliptic curve over E , we have an p + 1 − #E(Fp ) p - N 0 E additive at p , N = cond(E). and ap = 1 split multi at p −1 non split multi at p Q Q p Q p Note. L(E, 1) ” = ” p|N ( ) · p Np where Np = #E(Fp )ns . p-N p−ap +1 = Given Conjecture (Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer). 1. ords=1 L(E, s) = rkZ E(Q) = r 2. lims→1 L(E,s) (s−1)r = #X(E, Q) Let det(hPi ,Pj i) #E(Q)2tor E/Q be an elliptic curve Q cv , v|N where {Pi } are generators of with Re(s) > 3/2 E(Q). that E is modular (now we know this is always true): there exists f ∈ S2 (Γ0 (N )) a newform f (q) = P∞Suppose P∞ n −s . Or equivalently ap (E) = ap (f ). This implies that L(E, s) n=1 an q such that L(E, s) = L(f, s) = n=1 an n −s has analytic continuation to C. It has a functorial equation ∧(E, s) = (2π) Γ(s)N s/2 L(E, s). We have ∧(E, s) = − ∧ (E, 2 − s) where ∈ {±1} and is determined by wN (f ) = · f where w is the Atkin-Lehner function. We shall call − the sign(E, Q). / E/Q non-constant morphism dened over Q. f modular representation. φ : X0 (N )/Q OO AJ ( Hecke−op J0 (N ) = JacX0 (N ) 1.2 Class eld theory On ⊆ K be an order, On = Z + nOK , n ≥ 1 an integer. rec : Pic(On ) ∼ = Gal(Kn /K) where Kn /K is an abelian extension unramied away from n. Recall that Pic(On ) = I(n)/P (n) where I(n) = {fractional ideals coprime to n}, P (n) = h(α) : α ∈ OK , α ≡ a mod nOK , a ∈ Zi. The map is dened by [p] 7→ Frob−1 p Let K⊆C be an imaginary quadratic eld. Let By class eld theory: Lemma. an There is a map ∗ ∗ Gn ∼ = Pic(On )/Pic(OK )(∼ = (OK /nOK ) / (Z/nZ) . ` + 1 ` inert in K odd prime unramied in K , then G` is cyclic and [K` : K1 ] = ` − 1 ` split in K Q If n is square free then Gn ∼ G . = `|n ` Let Gn = Gal(Kn /K1 ). Then 1 In particular, if ` is 1.3 Complex Multiplication X0 (N ) classies (up to isomorphism) cyclic N -isogonies, A → A0 where ker(A → A0 ) is cyclic of order N . Let K/Q imaginary eld satisfying Heegner Hypothesis: `|N ⇒ ` splits in K . Can pick an ideal N ⊆ OK such that OK /N ∼ = Z/N Z (cyclic). Consider On = Z + nOK , χn = [C/On → C/Nn−1 ] ∈ X0 (N )(C) where Nn = N ∩ On (⇒ On /Nn ∼ = Z/N Z) . Theorem σ|Kn . (Main Theorem of Complex Multiplication) [aσ ]. Let σ ∈ Aut(C/K) σ|Kn ∈ Gal(Kn /K) ∼ = Pic(On ) −1 −1 χσn = C/a−1 σ → C/Nn aσ σ|Kn = 1. Remark. Suppose Then χσn = χn . Hence χn ∈ X0 (N )(Kn ). χ0 (N )): For each P ` - N , T` is a correspondence on X0 (N ) [φ : A 7→ A0 ] 7→ C⊂A[`],cyclic subgp of order ` [A/C → A0 /φ(C)]. Trace map: Tr` : DivX0 (N )(Kn` ) → DivX0 (N )(Kn ). Hecke action (On DivX0 (N )(F ) T` : (DivX0 (N ))(F ) → dened by Also have the Proposition. so 1. As elements in {χn }n , (n, N D) = 1 D = disc(K). Let ` - N D, then if ` - n is inert in K T` χn DivX0 (N )(Kn ), Tr` (χn` ) = (T` − Frobλ − Frob−1 )χ if ` = λλ - n split in K n λ T` χn − χn/` `|n Consider ` - N is inert X0 (N )(Fλn ). 2. If in K , λ = `OK , λn where is a prime in Kn above λ. Then n redλn` (χn` ) = redλn (χFrobλ ) ∈ n 1.4 Heegner points on E Let φ : X0 (N ) → E . yn := φ(χn ) is the Heegner point of conductor n yK = TrK1 /K (y1 ) (in E(K)) is the basis Heegner point Proposition. E(Kn )). ` - ND : a` yn Tr` (yn` ) = (a` − Frobλ − Frob−1 λ )yn a` yn − yn/` Proposition. (in If τ is a complex conjugation, then there exists if ` is inert in K, ` - n redλn ` (yn` ) = redλn (ynFrobλn ) E(Fλn ) σ ∈ Gal(Kn /K) such that ynτ = ynσ on E(K)/E(K)tors M 00 → M is a continuous . 2 Local Cohomology 2.1 Introduction to cohomology Let G M a G-module. Both G and M have topology. {f : G → M |f continuous and ∀g, h ∈ G, f (gh) = f (g) + gf (h)} Are {f : G → M |f continuous and f (g) = g · m − m for some m ∈ M } be a group and 1-cocycles: Are 1-coboundary: Denition 2.1. H 1 (G, M ) ={1-cocylce}/{1-coboundary}, H 0 (G, M ) = M G Consider the short exact sequence of G-modules, 0 → M 0 → M → M 00 → 0 and section of sets. Then we get a long exact sequence 0 → M 0G → M G → M 00G → H 1 (G, M 0 ) → H 1 (G, M ) → H 1 (G, M 00 ) → H 2 . . . We have some useful maps between cohomology groups: 2 • Let H ≤ G, • Let H CG we get a map Res : H 1 (G, M ) → H 1 (H, M ). be a normal closed subgroup of G, then we have inf : H 1 (G/H, M H ) → H 1 (G, M ) We have the following relationship between inf and Res called the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence inf Res 0 → H 1 (G/H, M H ) → H 1 (G, M ) → H 1 (H, M )G/H → H 2 (G/H, M H ) → . . . 2.2 Galois Cohomology Fox prime `,p and |K : Q` | < ∞ and let be the Inertia group Denote by T Let GK = Gal(K/K) to If un ∼ ∼b Gun K = Gal(K /K) = GK /IK (= Z) Fp -vector space with discrete GK action. K and let IK = Gal(K/K un ) We say that T is unramied if IK acts T. There is a perfect pairing of Fact. be the maximal unramied extension of and be a nite dimensional trivially on K un ` 6= p and T Fp -vector is unramied then spaces H 1 (GK , T ) ⊗Fp H 1 (GK , T ∗ ) → Fp where T ∗ = Hom(T, Mp∞ ). ∗ 1 un H 1 (Gun K , T ) and H (GK , T ) are exact orthogonal complements with respect h , i. Denition 2.2. F for T is a choice of Fp -subspace of H 1 (GK , T ) 1 := H (GK , T )/Hf,F (GK , T ) the singular quotient. A local Selmer structure 1 We call the quotient HS,F (GK , T ) denoted 1 Hf,F (GK , T ). 1 1 1 0 → Hf,F (GK , T ) → H 1 (GK , T ) → HS,F (GK , T ) → 0 (†) We say F is an unramied structure if Using the Tate pairing we dene the IK 1 ) (via inf ). (GK , T ) = H 1 (Gun Hf,F K ,T ∗ ∗ Dual Selmer structure F on T to be In this case (†) identies with inf-res. the exact orthogonal complement of 1 Hf,F (GK , T ). In particular 1 HS,F (GK , T ) ⊗Fp Hf,F ∗ (GK , T ∗ ) → Fp we get an induced perfect pairing. 2.3 Local cohomology for elliptic curves Let (⇒ E be an elliptic curve over K . We let T = E[p] = E(K)[P ]. We E[P ]∗ ∼ = E[P ]). We have a short exact sequence of GK -module have the Weil pairing E[P ] ⊗ Fp E[P ] → µp p 0 → E[P ] → E(K) → E(K) → 0 If we take the associated long exact sequence 0 → E[P ]GK → E(K)GK → E(K)GK → H 1 (GK , E[P ]) → H 1 (GK , E(K)) → . . . (††) From (††) we get: δ 0 → E(K)/pE(K) → H 1 (GK , E[p]) → H 1 (GK , E(K))[p] → 0 where sends δ is dened as follows: for Q ∈ E(K) σ ∈ GK to σ(L) − L ∈ E[P ]. Denition 2.3. Fact. x L ∈ E(K) The geometric local Selmer structure F on such that E[P ] pL = Q. Then is the image of δ in δ(Q) is the 1-cocycle which H 1 (GK , E[p]). The dual geometric local Selmer structure is the geometric local Selmer structure (it make sense since E[P ]∗ ∼ = E[P ]) If E has good reduction over K and ` 6= p. Then E[p] is an unramied agrees with the unramied structure. 3 GK -module and the geometric structures 3 Global Section In this talk K will be a number eld, Gv . GK × T → T is v K , Kv the completion of K at v , Gv = Gal(K v /Kv ) and Iv T to be a nite dimensional Fp -vector space with a discrete given the discrete topology. We choose an embedding K ,→ K v a place of the inertia subgroup of As in the last talk we let GK -action. continuous when Gv ,→ GK . dimensional and GK acts T is which gives us an embedding Since T is nite v For each place T is unramied Resv : H 1 (K, T ) → H 1 (Kv , T ). discretely, this implies that we have a restriction map almost everywhere. 3.1 Selmer Groups Denition 3.1. place v F A global Selmer structure on T is a choice of a local Selmer structure 1 Hf,F (Kv , T ) for each 1 Hf,F (Kv , T ) = H 1 (Kvunr , T Iv ) almost everywhere. 1 1 group SelF (K, T ) of F is dened to be ker H (K, T ) → ⊕v Hs,F (Kv , T ) . such that The Selmer If we take E to be an elliptic curve over Denition 3.2. K and T = E[p]. The geometric global Selmer structure obtained by setting 1 Hf,F (Kv , T ) F on E[p] is dened to be the global Selmer structure to be the local geometric structure at each v. SelF (K, E[p]) = Sel(p) (E). In this setting 3.2 Global Duality Denition 3.3. ∗ ∗ Let F be a global Selmer structure on T . The Cartier dual Selmer structure F on T = 1 ∗ HomFp (T, µp ) is dened to be the global Selmer structure obtained by setting Hf,F (K , T ) to be the local Cartier ∗ v dual Selmer structure. F and F ∗ and start omitting it from notation. 1 1 Given an ideal a C OK , we dene Sela (K, T ) = {c ∈ H (K, T ) : cv ∈ Hf,F (Kv , T ) for all v - a}. a Sel (K, T ) = {c ∈ SelF (K, T ) : cv = 0, ∀v|a}. This gives us the following exact sequences We now x an 1 0 → Sel(K, T ) → Sela (K, T ) → ⊕v|a HS,F (Kv , T ) → 0 1 0 → Sela (K, T ∗ ) → Sel(K, T ∗ ) → ⊕v|a Hf,F (Kv , T ∗ ) → 0 We have 1 1 ∗ ∨ ⊕v|a Hs,F (Kv , T ) ∼ = ⊕v|a Hf,F ∗ (Kv , T ) . We can put the two sequences above together as M 1 0 → Sel(K, T ) → Sela (K, T ) → Hs,F (K, T ) → Sel(K, T ∗ )∨ → Sela (K, T ∗ )∨ → 0 follows v|a Proposition 3.4. The above sequence is exact. The exactness of this sequence yields 1 0 → ⊕v|a Hs,F (Kv , T ) im(Sela (K, T )) → SelF ∗ (K, T ∗ )∨ → Sela (K, T ∗ )∨ → 0 3.3 Bounding Sela p 6= 2. If τ ∈ GK is an involution, we have a decomposition T = T + ⊕ T − , where T = {t ∈ T : τ (t) = t}. We say that τ is non-scalor if T + 6= 0, T − 6= 0. From now on, T will be assumed to be irreducible. L/K = nite Galois extension such that the action of GK on T factors through Gal(L/K). 1 a 1 If S ⊆ H (K, T ) nite dimensional Fp -subspace S = {s ∈ S : sv ∈ Hf,F (Kv , T ) and (sV = 0∀v|a)}. We can 1 nd a nite Galois extension M/L such that S ⊆ inf(H (M/K, T )). Assume that τ ∈ Gal(L/K) is a non-scalar involution and that it extends to an involution in Gal(M/K). Let {γ1 , . . . , γr } be a set of group generators for Gal(M/L). From now on 4 Proposition 3.5. K ω1 , . . . , ωr Let a = v1 · · · vr . and set M such that FrobM/K (wi ) = τ γi . S ⊆ inf(H 1 (L/K, T )). be places of a Then we have Let vi be the restricted places to E be an elliptic curve over Q without CM, T = E[p]. ρ : GK GL2 (Fp ), H 1 (Q(E[p])/Q, E[p]) = 0. Let L0 /K be an extension such that GK factors through Gal(L0 /K), and we assume that K is a quadratic extension of K0 . We also assume that the action Gal(L0 /K) is a restriction of a Gal(L0 /K0 )-action on T . We have Let M L L0 K 2 K0 S H 1 (M/K, T ) and τ will be Gal(K/K0 ). By the action of τ will be a nite dimensional subspace of projects to the non-trivial element of a non-scalor involution in on H 1 (M/K, T ), Gal(M/K0 ) which we have the decomposition H 1 (M/K, T ) = H 1 (M/K, T )+ ⊕ H 1 (M/K, T )− We further assume that again let {γ1 , . . . , γr } Proposition 3.6. to K. 4 Set S ⊆ H 1 (M/K, T ) be a set of generators of Let a = v1 · · · vr , ∈ {±}. Gal(M/L). for some w1 , . . . , wr be places of M such a 1 then S ⊆ inf(H (L/K, T ) ). that Let σ ∈ Gal(M/L0 ) FrobM/K (wi ) = τ σγi be such that and let vi τ στ −1 = σ −1 . We be the restrictions of wi Calculations in Galois Cohomology Let E be an elliptic curve over Q. K/Q an imaginary quadratic extension Fix yk ∈ E(K) a Heegner point Theorem 4.1. Let p≥3 E 2. Gal(Q(E[p])/Q) ∼ = GL2 (Fp ) 3. yk ∈ / pE(K) has good reduction at Sel(K, E[p]) is of Fp Condition 2.) implies Cond(E) split. be such that 1. The where all primes dividing p dimension 1 and generated by κ(yk ). Gal(K(E[p])/K) ∼ = GL2 (Fp ) Fact. Under complex conjugation yk 7→ yk (up to torsion) where is the global root number. Recall: Sela (K, E[p]) restricted. Sela (K, E[p]) (⇒ yk ∈ (E(K)/pE(K)) relaxed. this gives the exact sequence Sela (K, E[p]) → M Hs1 (Kv , E[p]) → Sel(K, E[p])∨ → Sela (K, E[p])∨ → 0 v|a Complex conjugation commutes with the maps so splits into a Let L0 = K(E[p]). For z such that Lemma 4.2. Gal(L/L0 ) There exists an ideal −1 such that τ στ = σ −1 . We can choose a such that a a pz = yk of K let + part and the − part. L = L0 (z). such that Sela (K, E[p])± ⊆ H 1 (L/K, E[p])± . is divisible by primes lying above primes of 5 Q with Moreover if we x FrobL/Q ∼ τ σ . σ ∈ ) 4.1 Preliminaries Lemma 4.3. Let ` be a prime of 1. E 2. ` 6= p 3. FrobK(E[p])/Q ` ∼ τ has good reduction at HS1 (Kλ , E[p])± Then such that ` is a 1-dimensional Fp -vector-space. mod p representation. Then Neron-Ogg-Shar implies that K are unramied in K(E[p]). FrobK/Q ` ∼ τ 6= id, the residue class of ` in K/Q is 2, and the residue class degree of ` in K(E[p])/K is 1. Hence ` splits completely in K(E[p])/K . So K(E[p])λ = K` , i.e., E[p] ⊆ E(K` ). Proof. E[p] K(E[p]) Q is the xed eld of the kernel of the is unramied at ` and so all primes above ` in HS1 (K` , E[p]) unr G ∼ = H 1 (I` , E[p]) K` = HomGunr (I` , E[p]) K ` = HomGunr (I` /pI` , E[p]) K ` I` /pI` ∼ = Gal(K`unr (`1/p )/K`unr ) ∼ = µp . HS1 (K` , E[p]) ∼ = Hom(µp , E[p]). ± ∓ complex conjugations. We also get Hom(µp , E[p]) → E[p] . Everything done so far commutes with 4.2 − eigenspace Lemma 4.4. H i (L0 /K, E[p]) = 0 Lemma 4.5. H 1 (L/K, E[p]) Lemma 4.6. Gal(L/L0 ) Consider H 1 (K, E[p]) is for all i 1-dimensional Fp is isomorphic to Gal(L/L0 ) ,→ E[p] E[p] as -vector-space generated by κ(yK ). Gal(L0 /K)-modules. Gal(L/L0 )± σ : {z 7→ z + q} 7→ q . H 1 (L0 , E[p])Gal(L0 /K) . dened by under the restriction to Proposition 4.7. exists Let ` be a prime of Q with FrobL0 /Q ∼ τ which c(`) ∈ Selλ (Kλ , E[p])± such that c(`)sλ 6= 0 in Hλ1 (Kλ , E[p]). Theorem 4.8. And is 1-dimensional. This map is actually the image of does not split completely in L/L0 . κ(yK ) ∈ Then there Sel(K, E[p])− = 0. 1 6= σ ∈ Gal(L/L0 ) such that τ στ = σ −1 . There exists a such that Sela (K, E[p])− ⊆ H 1 (L/K, E[p])− . But the second thing is 1-dimensional and is generated by κ(yK ). If we pick a such that it is divisible only by primes 1 − lying over `1 , . . . , `r ∈ Z with FrobL/Q Li ∼ τ σ . ⊕li |a Hi (K`i , E[p]) has dimension r , but we use the fact there s exists c(`1 ) such that c(`i )λ 6= 0 with linear independent images. Hence the cokernel is 0. Proof. 5 Finishing the proof 5.1 Notation and Recap Notation. • E an elliptic curve of conductor • φ : X0 (N ) → E • K N a modular parametrization an imaginary quadratic eld with discriminant D, 6 in which every prime dividing N splits. • p • a prime at which Assume • τ E has good reduction. Gal(Q(E[p])/Q) ∼ = GL2 (Fp ). complex conjugation • Kn • Let K the ring class eld of unramied away from ` ∈ Z of conductor be a prime such that completely in Kn n, which (among other properties) is an abelian extension Kn /K n. ` K/Q and splits in K(E[p])/K . Setting λ = `OK , λ Kn` . In the case n and ` are coprime we get: is inert in and is totally ramied in splits λn` Kn` tot ramified K` λn Kn K1 tot splits λ K 2 inert ` Q • Note that • redλn Kn,λn = Kλ . the reduction map E(Kn,λn ) → E(Fλ ). We have the short exact sequence 0 → Hf1 (K, E[p]) → H 1 (K, E[p]) → Hs1 (K, E[p]) → 0, imκ. E We also recall that if has good reduction at then G Hs1 (Kλ , E[p]) ∼ = Hom(Iλ , E[p]) Kλ , Theorem 5.1. There For any integer n not dividing N D there exists a point yn ∈ E(Kn ) Tr` yn` = a` yn ∈ E(Kn ) and is inert in K , redλn` (yn` ) = redλn (FrobKn /K λn · yn ) exists σ ∈ Gal(Kn /K) such that τ yn = σyn in E(K)/E(K)tors . 5 with Gun Kλ = such that then • L0 = K(E[p]), This Hf1 (K, E[p]) = un `, Gal(Kλun /Kλ ). ` - ND ` - ND with For z such that pz = yk let L = L0 (z). weeks have been building towards proving Theorem. • E Let p be an odd prime such that: has good reduction at p • Gal(Q(E[p])/Q) ∼ = GL2 (Fp ) • yK ∈ / pE(K) Then Sel(K, E[p]) has order p; it is generated by the image of yK under the Kummer map. This was done by using the cohomology tools that Chris and Pedro set up, to bound restricted and relaxed a Sel (K, E[p]) and Sela (K, E[p]). Sel(K, E[p])± using the Alex proved this last week under the assumption of the following two proposition, which we will prove this week. Proposition. in L/L0 . Proposition. L0 /L. Assume that There there exists yk ∈ / pE(K). Let ` ∈ Q be a prime with FrobL0 /Q ` ∼ τ c(`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p])− with c(`)sλ 6= 0 in H 1 (Kλ , E[p]) yk ∈ / pE(K). Let ` ∈ Q be a prime with FrobL/Q ` ∼ τ c(q`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p]) with c(q`)sλ 6= 0 in H 1 (Kλ , E[p]). Assume that There there exists and and ` ` not splitting completely not splitting completely in We will prove this using the Heegner points that Marc introduced in the rst week to construct a class in H 1 (K, E[p]) that satisfy those conditions. 7 5.2 The derivative operator Let R K/Q Lemma 5.2. and splits in For all primes E[p], Proof. As on mod gcd(n, pN D) = 1 and K(E[p])/K , and that E has good be the set of square free integers, is inert in ` ∈ R, p|` + 1 `|n then FrobK(E[p])/Q ` ∼ τ . `. This implies that ` reduction at p|a` = ` + 1 − #(F` ) and complex conjugation and if Frob are conjugate, their characteristic polynomial must be the same p Recall that, for Fix a generator ` ∈ R, G` = Gal(K` /K1 ) is σ` and for a prime ` dene • D` = P` iσ`i , • T` = Pl σ`i . i=1 i=0 • For n∈R • Let γi we dene Dn = Q `|n D` For any n∈R we have Q Gn ∼ = `|n G` ) P Gal(Kn /K). T = i γi , Gn in Q Gn = `|n G` , we just need to show that (σ` − 1)Dn yn ∈ pE(Kn ). (σ` − 1)D` = ` + 1 − T` , Theorem 5.1 and Lemma 5.2. Pn = TDn yn ∈ E(Kn ). ` is inert in K ). T −1 = P i γi−1 . Dn γn ∈ (E(Kn )/pE(Kn ))Gn . Proof. As We dene (as (using the fact that be a set of coset representative for Lemma 5.3. `+1 cyclic (Marc's talk) of order If we consider This is calculations using the identity Pn in E(Kn )/pE(Kn ), then by the above it is Gal(Kn /K)-invariant and independent of the choice made for T. Consider the following, we want to get an element in H 1 (K, E[p]) from Pn ∈ E(Kn )/pE(Kn ) E(Kn )/pE(Kn ) H (Kn , E[p]) κ 1 H 1 (K, E[p]) As the Kummer map is equivariant, Lemma 5.4. / H 1 (Kn , E[p])Gal(Kn /K) res κ(Pn ) ∈ H 1 (Kn , E[p])Gal(Kn /K) . The restriction map is an isomorphism H i (Kn /K, E[p]Gal(Kn /K) ) for i = 1, 2 for n ∈ R, these two groups are trivial. Proof. Using long exact sequence have that the kernel and cokernel of res is respectively. Using the non-trivial fact that E has no Kn -rational p-torsion Hence the restriction map is an isomorphism So we let Recap: c(n) ∈ H 1 (K, E[p]) c(n) = κ(Pn ). c(n) ∈ H 1 (K, E[p]) the + or − space be such that At this point we have constructed a class yn ∈ E(Kn ). Lemma 5.5. We now show it lies in one of Let n∈R have k prime factors. Then which comes from an Heegner point k c(n) ∈ H 1 (K, E[p])(−1) 8 . τ Proof. As res, we show τ Pn = (−1)k Pn Y = τT D` yn Definition commutes with τ Pn κ and in E(Kn )/pE(Kn ). `|n = T −1 Y T −1 Y τ D` yn by τ T = T−1 τ `|n = (`T` − σ` D` ) τ yn `|n = −1 T Y (`T` − σ` D` )σyn Lemma 5.1 `|n Y = T−1 (−σ` D` )σyn since T` yn = a` yn/` = 0 in E(Kn )/pE(Kn ) `|n k = (−1) σ Y σ` T−1 Dn yn `|n Then using the fact that Dn yn is Gn -invariant, and Pn is Gal(Kn /K)-invariant, this collapse down to what we want. Lemma 5.6. Proof. Let ν Fix n = `1 . . . `r R, be a place of K then c(n) ∈ Selλ1 ...λr (K, E[p]) distinct from λi such that E has good reduction at ν (The proof of ν has bad c(n)ν ∈ Hf1 (Kν , E[p]), we w be a place of Kn above ν reduction is more involved and uses tools we have not developed). Instead of showing c(n)sν = 0 in Hs1 (Kν , E[p]). We note that Kn,w /Kν is unramied. show and unr Hs1 (Kν , E[p]) = Hom(Iν , E[p])GKν . Let Hence its inertia group is also Iν , and using the have exact sequence we get the following commuting diagram: E(Kν )/pE(Kν ) E(Kn,w )/pE(Kn,w ) / Hom(Iν , E[p]) res / H 1 (Kn,w , E[p]) κ / Hom(Iν , E[p]) Gunr unr Hom(Iν , E[p])GKν ⊆ Hom(Iν , E[p]) Kn,w ⊆ Hom(Iν , E[p]). s s denition resc(n)ν = κ(Pn ), so (resc(n)ν ) = 0. Hence c(n)ν = 0. where we use By / H 1 (Kν , E[p]) κ Then it is jut a matter of diagram chasing. As Pn` ∈ E(Kn` ) is Gal(Kn` /K)-invariant in E(Kn` )/pE(Kn` ), and G` = Gal(K` /K1 ) ≤ Gal(Kn` /K), we have (σ` − 1)Pn` ∈ pE(Kn` ). Setting `+1 a` Qn,` = TDn γn` − Pn (†) p p (which makes sense by Lemma 5.2) we see has no Kn` -rational p-torsion Lemma 5.7. redλn` (Qn,` ) Proof. First we show for σ = 1, but as point, Qn,l is trivial in pQn,` = (σ` − 1)Pn` is the unique point in E(Fλ ) if and only if (using Lemma 5.3). Note that by the fact that Kn` Pn ∈ pE(Kλ ) redλn` (σyn` ) = redλn (FrobKn /K λn · σyn ) for all σ ∈ Gal(Kn /K). 5.1 with the ideal σ −1 λn . This is true by Theorem 5.1 and we use Theorem redσ−1 λn` (yn` ) = redσ−1 λn (FrobKn /K (σ −1 λn ) · yn ) redλn` (σyn` ) = redλn (σFrobKn /K (σ −1 λn ) · yn ) FrobKn /K (σ −1 λn ) = σ −1 FrobKn /K λn σ we are done. By the denition of Dn and redλn` (TDn λn` ) = redλn (FrobKn /K λn · TDn yn ) 9 E with that property. T, we have Hence combining this with (†) we get redλn` (Qn,` ) = redλn `+1 a` FrobKn /K λn − p p Pn (` + 1)FrobKn /K λn − a` annihilates E(Fλ ). Note that E(Fλ ) = E(Fλ )+ ⊕ E(Fλ )− as FrobKn /K λn is an + − involution. But E(Fλ ) = E(F` ) which by denition has order ` + 1 − a` . Then by the Weil conjectures E(Fλ ) has order l + 1 + a` . Now FrobKn /K λn is the reduction of a complex conjugation, so FrobKn /K λn Pn = τ Pn , which by the proof of k Lemma 2.4 τ Pn = (−1) Pn in E(Kn )/pE(Kn ), so FrobKn /K λn Pn = νPn + pQ for some ν ∈ {±1} and Q ∈ E(Kn ). Claim: redλn` (Qn,` ) = (` + 1)ν − a` redλn (Pn ) ∈ E(Fλ )ν /pE(Fλ )ν p p-primary part of E(Fλ )ν is cyclic. First we note that p|(l + 1) ± a` , so we have at least p p-torsion point in E(Fλ )± . Suppose we had more than p p-torsion point in one of E(Fλ )± , then we would 2 2 + − have p of them, but p > |E(Fλ ) [p]| + |E(Fλ ) [p]| = |E(Fλ )[p]|which is a contradiction (as ` is a good prime, E(Fλ )[p] = p2 ). We can conclude that E(Fλ )ν /pE(Fλ )ν is cyclic of order p. Hence redλn` (Qn,` ) = 0 if and only if redλn (Pn ) ∈ pE(Kn,λn ) = pE(Kλ ). But the kernel of redλn is pro-`, which is coprime to p, so Pn ∈ pE(Kλ ) We now claim that the Lemma 5.8. Let n` ∈ R with ` c(n`)sλ = 0 prime. Then if and only if Pn ∈ pE(Kλ ). un Proof. Since ` ∈ R we have Hs1 (Kλ , E[p]) = Hom(Iλ , E[p])GKλ We shall show this factors as follows: so we can view c(n`)sλ as a homomorphism Iλ → E[p]. / E[p] O Iλ ( Iλ /Iλn` ∼ = G` To see this we consider the diagram H 1 (Kλ , E[p]) E(Kn` )/pE(Kn` ) Then c(n`) κ res / H 1 (Kn`,λ , E[p]) n` c(n`)(Iλn` ) = 0. ` - n), we see that G` lies in the image of the Kummer map, hence Looking at the diagram in the introduction (since λ. / Hom(Iλ , E[p]) nl is the inertia group of Gal(Kn` /K) at Hence considering the diagram Kλ Iλn un Kn`,λ n` Iλ Kn`,λn` G` Kλun G` Kλ = Kn,λn Iλ /Iλn` ∼ = G` . Hence c(n`)sλ = 0 if and only if c(n`)(σ` ) = 0. 1 Fix Q ∈ E(K) such that pQ = Pn` , then we claim that the cocycle GK → E[p] given by σ 7→ (σ − 1)Q − (σ − p 1 1)Pn` represents c(n`) (where p (σ − 1)Pn` is the unique point in E(Kn` ) which is a pth root of (σ − 1)Pn` ). This we have 10 E[p]. To see it represents c(n`) one checks that resc(n`) = κ(Pn` ), but κ(Pn` ) is just σ 7→ (σ − 1)Q and for all σ ∈ GKn` (σ − 1)P = 0. Now c(n`)(σ` ) = (σ` − 1)Q − Qn,` (as we had pQn,` = (σ` − 1)P ). Fix a prime λ of K over λ and consider red : E(K) → E(k λ ). As E has good reduction at p, this map is injective on p-torsions, so c(n`)(σ` ) = 0 if and only if red((σ` − 1)Q − Qn,` ) = 1. Note that red((σ` − 1)Q) and red(Qn,` ) are p-torsion (we had red(Qn,` ) = p1 ((l + 1)ν − a` )red(Pn )), and σ` lies in inertia and hence acts trivially, we have that red((σ` − 1)Q) = 0. So red((σ` − 1)Q − Qn,` ) = −red(Qn,` ). Hence c(n`)(σ` ) = 0 if and only if red(Qn,` ) = 0 if and only if Pn ∈ pE(Kλ ) expression is easy to see is in the cocycle Proposition. in L/L0 . Assume that There there exists yk ∈ / pE(K). Let ` ∈ Q be a prime with FrobL0 /Q ` ∼ τ c(`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p])− with c(`)sλ 6= 0 in H 1 (Kλ , E[p]) and ` not splitting completely Proof. We let c(`) be the class dened by the Heegner point yk . Then Lemma 5.5 and 5.6 shows that c(`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p])− . Lemma 5.8 tells us that c(`)sλ 6= 0 if and only if P1 ∈ / pE(Kλ ). But P1 ∈ E(K) is the point yk by denition. Since by denition L is the minimal extension of L0 which yk is divisible by p, we have that yk is divisible by p in E(Kλ ) if and only if λ splits completely in L/L0 . By assumption it does not, hence yk ∈ / pE(Kλ ). For the Sel(K, E[p]) space we need to reintroduce some work done by Alex. Let c(q) ∈ Selq (K, E[p])− and c(q)sq 6= 0. 1 0 dened, i.e., c(q) ∈ H (L , E[p]). previous proposition, so c(q) ∈ H 1 (K, E[p]) Lemma 5.9. Proposition. L0 /L. Let is ` be a prime with FrobL/Q ` ∼ τ . Then We let L0 Pq ∈ pE(Kλ ) if and only if yk ∈ / pE(K). Let ` ∈ Q be a prime with FrobL/Q ` ∼ τ c(q`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p]) with c(q`)sλ 6= 0 in H 1 (Kλ , E[p]). Assume that There there exists q be a prime satisfying the be the smallest extension of ` and L such that splits completely in ` L0 /L. not splitting completely in Proof. By the same argument as above we have c(q`) ∈ Selqλ (K, E[p]) . Then using the previous lemma and Lemma s 1 5.8 we have that c(q`)λ 6= 0 in Hs (Kλ , E[p]). s It remains to show that c(q`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p]) or equivalently that c(q`)q = 0. As FrobL/Q ` ∼ τ we have that ` − splits in L/L0 , hence γK ∈ pE(Kλ ) using the proof of the above proposition. So considering c(`) ∈ Selλ (K, E[p]) , s − = 0 as Alex proved last week. Hence c(`) = 0 by Lemma 2.7, we have c(`)λ = 0 and hence c(`) ∈ Sel(K, E[p]) itself, and since by construction resc(`) = κ(P` ) = 0, we must have P` to be 0 in E[K` ]/pE[K` ], i.e., P` ∈ pE(K` ). s So P` ∈ pE(K`,q ), hence by Lemma 2.7 c(q`)q = 0. 6 __ (Angelos) 6.1 Notation • p, ` • K are primes such that is a eld and • GK = Gal(K sep Kv p is xed p 6= ` denotes the completion of K at v /K) • A is a GK -module and A∗ = Hom(A, µ∞ ). ∗ ∗ m (A = A1 ), Am = A [p ] In general, A is a free Zp -module of nite rank then Am = A/pm A • H i (K, A) = H i (Gm , A) Comment: Since, i > 1.For A∗ A may not be a discrete GK -module, then it doesn't hold that everything is ne since it has discrete topology 11 H i (GK , A) = lim H i (GK , Am ) ←− for 6.2 Dualing Theorem 6.1. A Suppose is nite GK -module, then the pair invK ∪ H 1 (GKv , A) × H 1 (GKv , A∗ ) → H 2 (GKv , µ∞ ) → v Q/Z is perfect Remark. Hf1 (Q` , E[pm ])⊥ = Hf1 (Q` , E[pm ]) F is Selmer structure of A then we get a Selmer structure for Am just H (Kv , Am ) . This denes a Selmer structure for A∗m and from that we HF1 ∗ (Kv , A∗ ) = lim HF1 ∗ (Kv , A∗m ). ←− If 1 Proposition 6.2. It holds that Denition 6.3. F, G Note that if If G⊂F HF1 (K, A) = lim HF1 (K, Am ) ←− are Selmer structure of A, and we say that using the canonical map dene Selmer structure H 1 (Kv , A) → F ∗ for A∗ by HF1 ∗ (K, A∗ ) = lim HF1 (K, A∗m ). −→ G⊂F if HG1 (Kv , A) ⊂ HF1 (Kv , A) for all v. then • HG1 (K, A) ⊂ HF1 (K, A) • F ∗ ⊂ G∗ Theorem 6.4. F1 , F2 Suppose are Selmer structure for a nite ⊕res L ⊕res L • 0 → HF1 1 (K, A) → HF1 2 (K, A) → • 0 → HF1 2∗ (K, A) → HF1 1∗ (K, A) → Summing over v such that GK -module A and F1 ⊂ F2 . Then HF1 2 (Kv , A)/HF1 1 (Kv , A) HF1 1∗ (Kv , A)/HF1 2∗ (Kv , A) HF1 1 (Kv , A) 6= HF1 2 (Kv , A). The images of ⊕res are orthogonal complement of each other with respect to the Tate pairing. From now on K Denition 6.5. will be Q. The canonical Selmer structure Fcon for A is dened to be • If v ∈ {∞, p} then HF1 con (Qv , A) = H 1 (Qv , A) • If v∈ / {∞, p} then HF1 con (Qv , A) = ker[H 1 (Qv , A) → H 1 (Qun v , A) ⊗ Qp ]. Proposition 6.6. If Proposition 6.7. If F = Fcon F = Fcon for A = E[pm ] and ` 6= p, then HF1 (Q` , E[pm ]) = HF1 ∗ (Q` , E[pm ]∗ ) = Hf1 (Q` , E[pm ]) . The following are the same 0 → Selpm (E/Q) → HF1 (Q, E[pm ]) → HF1 (Qp , E[pm ])/Hf1 (Qp , E[pm ]) 0 → HF1 ∗ (Q, E[pm ]) → Selpm (E/Q) → Hf1 (Qp , E[pm ])/HF1 ∗ (Qp , E[pm ]) 6.3 The Hypotheses H.1 A H.2 There is H.3 H 1 (Q(A)/Q, A) = H 1 (Q(A∗ )/Q, A ) = 0 H.4 Either is an absolutely irreducible τ ∈ GQ such that Fp [GQ ]-module, τ =1 on ∗ A 6∼ = A∗ or µp∞ and not isomorphic to A/(τ − 1)A where p≥5 12 Q(A) Fp or µp is free of rank one over Zp is the xed eld of the kernel of GQ → Aut(A). Let Σ be a nite set of primes which contains ∞, p and ` such that A is ramied at ` 1 HF1 (Q` , A) 6= Hun (Q` , A). For every ` ∈ Σ, H 1 (Qv , A)/HF1 (Qv , A) is torsion-free. H.5 Fcon Remark. ` such that satises H.5 A = Tp (E) Let and all with Fcon Selmer structure. Assuming • p≥5 • p-adic representations GQ → Aut(E[p∞ ]) = GL2 (Zp ) Aut(E[p]) is surjective). Then Tp (E) satises H.1 to H.5. the is surjective (for p≥5 this is the same as GQ → 6.4 Euler - Kolyvagin Systems Σ be a nite set of primes containing ∞, p and all primes where A ramies. Zp [x]. Let N = {npk : n is square free product of primes ` ∈ / Σ, k ≥ 0}. Let Denition 6.8. ( P` (Frob−1 ` )Fn Fn` = 7 Fn ` 6= p . otherwise A `∈ / Σ, P` (x) = det(1−Frob` x|A ) ∈ F = {Fn ∈ H 1 (Q(µn ), A), n ∈ N } is a collection Let ES(A) denote the Zp [GQ ]-module such that for of Euler system of n` ∈ N A. Kolyvagin Systems (Céline) Notation. A An Euler system for If K a non-archimedian local eld of characteristic 0. IK ⊂ GK , φ ∈ Gal(K un /K) , k residue eld, |k| = q . GK -Module 7.1 Transverse and Unramied cohomology groups Denition 7.1. Suppose L/K is totally tamely ramied extension of degree q − 1. Then there is a canonical Gal(L/K) = k ∗ . In this talk, K = Q` and L = Q` (µ` ). 1 1 1 1 We dene the L-transverse cohomology subgroup Ht (K, A) ⊂ H (K, A) to be Ht (K, A) = ker[H (K, A) → 1 1 GL H (L, A)] = H (L/K, A ). isomorphism Proposition 7.2. Suppose that A is a nite unramied 1. Ht1 (K, A) ∼ = Hom(Gal(L/K), Aφ=1 ) 2. Ht1 (K, A) ∼ = Aφ=1 3. Direct sum decomposition: GK -module such that (q − 1)A = 0. Then H 1 (K, A) = Hu1 (K, A) ⊕ Ht1 (K, A) Denition 7.3. Suppose that n|q − 1, let R = Z/mnZ. Suppose that A is an unramied GK -module, free of R, det(1 − φ|A ) = 0. Consider P (x) = det(1 − φ|A x) ∈ R[x]. By assumption P (1) = 0 so P (x) = (x − 1)Q(x) with Q(x) ∈ R(x). By Cayley-Hamilton, P (φ−1 ) = 0, then Q(φ−1 )A ⊂ Aφ=1 . Dene the nite rank over unramied-transverse comparison map by ∼ Q(φ−1 ) Hu1 (K, A) → A/(φ − 1)A → {z | φut Example. case φ ut Under the same hypotheses: Aφ=1 Aφ=1 → Ht1 (K, A) } is free of rank one if and only if is an isomorphism. 13 A/(φ − 1)A is also as well. In this 7.2 Kolyvagin Systems: Denition GQ . Assume that A is ramied at only nitely m, we have nite GQ -module An := A/pn A. For a given Selmer structure F for A, let Σ be a nite set of places of Q containing p, ∞, ` where A ramies, all ` where HF1 (Q` , A) 6= Hu1 (Q` , A). Let A be a Zp -module of nite rank with a continuous action of many primes. For every positive integer Denition 7.4. follows, c be ( a positive integer such HF1 (Qv , A) v - c . HF1 (c) (Qv , A) = Ht1 (Qv , A) v|c Let that c is not divisible by any prime in Σ. F(c) We dene for A as Fix a Zp [GQ ]-module A and a Selmer structure F for A satisfying H.1 to H.5. If ` ∈ / Σ, let ν(`) = max{m|l ≡ 1 mod pm and Am /(φ` − 1)Am is free of rank 1 over Z/pm Z}. Dene NA =be the set of square free product of primes `∈ / Σ. If n ∈ NA then we dene ν(n) = min{ν(`)|`|n} and set ν(1) = ∞. n o Denition 7.5. A Kolyvagin System is a collection κn ∈ HF1 (n) (Q, Aν(n) )|n ∈ NA such that if n` ∈ NA the following commutes κn ∈ HF1 (n) (Q, Aν(n) ) Hu1 (Q` , Aν(n) ) φut κn` ∈ HF1 (n`) (Q, Aν(n`) ) Let KS(A) be the Zp -module / Ht1 (Q` , Aν(nl) ) res` of the Kolyvagin system for A. 7.3 Kolyvagin system construction There exists a canonical map Construction: For every ES(A) → KS(A, Fcan ) n ∈ NA , let Γn = Gal(Q(µn )/Q). For ` ∈ / Σ, Q x a generator σ` n ∈ NA , Dn = `|n D` ∈ Z[Γn ]. Proposition 7.6. in H 1 If ξ (Q(µn ), Aν(n) )Γn . Proposition 7.7. If under the restriction Denote Recall: For ξ0 ξ0 for Γ` , If such that if ξ→κ then n = n1 n2 , Γn = Γn1 × Γn2 . κ1 = ξ1 then the image of Dn ξn ξ ∈ ES(A), n ∈ NA , then the image of Dn ξn 1 1 Γ map H (Q, Aν(n) ) → H (Q(µn ), Aν(n) ) n . under HF1 can (Q, A) With this identication dene the Kolyvagin's Derivative operator ∈ ES(A), n ∈ NA , in D` := Γn = P`−2 i i=1 iσ` Q `|n Γ` . ∈ Z[Γ` ]. If H 1 (Q(µn ), A) → H 1 (Q(µn ), Aν(n) ) has a canonical inverse image in lies H 1 (Q, Aν(n) ) ξn0 to be the canonical inverse image of Dn ξn as above. Let ξ 0 = {ξn0 |n ∈ NA }. H 1 (Q` , Aν(n) ) = Hu1 (Q` , Aν(n) ) ⊕ Ht1 (Q` , Aν(n) ), Res` (ξn0 ), (ξn0 )`,u , (ξn0 )`,t . to be a Kolyvagin system we need: 1. Res` (ξn0 ) ∈ HF1 can (Q` , Aν(n) ) 2. Res(ξn0 ) ∈ Ht1 (Q` , Aν(n) ) 3. 0 φut ◦ Res` (ξn/` ) = (ξn0 )`,t ∈ Ht1 (Q` , Aν(n) ) satises 1 and 3, but if if `-n `|n (ξn0 )`,u 6= 0 in general. for `|n But we can dene a Weak Kolyvagin System by ignoring 2. and then rening it to create a Strong Kolyvagin System. 7.4 Application A, if HF1 (Q, A)}. Give a Kolyvagin system for j δ(K) = max{j|κ1 ∈ p κ1 6= 0, then HF1 ∗ (Q, A∗ ) 14 is nite and has length or equal to δ(K) where 8 Kato's Euler system Let p ≥ 5 be T = Tp E prime. E/Q modular Elliptic Curve over Q conductor N. f newform weight 2, level N. (ζn ∈ H 1 (Q(ζn ), T ))n∈N , Σ ⊃ {∞, p} ∪ primes(N ) k N = {squarefree product ( of ` ∈ Σ × p } −1 P` (Frob` )ζn ` 6= p CoQ(ζn` )/Q(ζn ) ζn` = ζn `=p Euler system: 8.1 Overview of construction (O(Y (n, L))∗ ) 2 / H 2 (Y1 (N )Q(ζ ) , Zp (1))2 n ét / H 1 (Y (n, L), Zp (1))2 ét 2 Hét (Y1 (N )Q(ζn ) , Zp (2)) 1 H 1 (Q(ζn ), Hét (Y1 (N )Q , Zp (2)) H 1 (Q(ζn ), T (1)) Proposition 8.1. Let E/S be an elliptic curve, c prime to 6. Then there exists a unique c θE ∈ O(E\E[c])∗ such that 1. divisors 2. For all c2 (0) − E[c] a coprime to c, [a]∗ : O(E\E[ac])∗ → O(E\E[c])∗ , [a]∗ c θE = c θE . Proof. Uniqueness: Let Existence: 2 2 f = ug , u ∈ O(S)∗ , f = [a]∗ f = [a]∗ ug = ua [a]∗ g = ua g , [a]∗ f = ua f with u ∈ O(S)∗ . If we let 2 uba −1 2 = uab −1 , Hence 2 ua −1 =1 so a = 2, 3 and u = 1. g = u−3 2 u3 f . ( (E, e1 , e2 ) E/S Denition 8.2. N ≥ 3, Y (N ) modular curve over Q represent S → . e1 , e2 Z/N Z − basis of N torsion Y (N )(C) ∼ = (Z/N Z)∗ × Γ(N )\H. If N |N 0 , there is a map Y (N 0 ) → Y (N ) so O(Y (N )) ⊂ O(Y (N 0 )). Denition 8.3. Lα,β N ≥ 3, c coprime = ae1 + be2 : Y (N ) → E[N ]. Let to 6N . (α, β) = ( Na , Nb ) ⊂ (Q/Z)2 \ {(0, 0)}. Then c gα,β := L∗α,β ( c θE ), GL2 (Z/N Z) Y (N ) Proposition 8.4. 1. 2. σ ∈ GL2 (Z/N Z), σ ∗ c gα,β = c g(α,β)σ Q 0 0 if a prime to c: then c gα,β = aα0 =α,aβ 0 =β c gα ,β . a b 1 0 Denition 8.5. Let M, N ≥ 3, M |L, N |L and dene Y (M, N ) := G\Y (L) where G = c d ≡ 0 1 mod M N GL2 (Z/LZ), S → {(E, e1 , e2 ) : E/S, e1 is M torsion,e2 is N torsion, (a, b) ∈ Z/N Z × Z/N Z 7→ ae1 + be2 is injective}. Denition 8.6. pn ∗ ∗ 1 1 → µpn → OX → OX → 1. O(X)∗ → Hét (X, µpn ), (Z/pn Z)(k) := (µpn )⊗k . i i ∗ 1 Hét (X, Zp (k)) = lim Hét (X, µpn (k)). O(X) → Hét (X, Zp (1)). ←− étale sheaves: 15 Then M N ⊂ ∪ j i+j i 2 Hét (X, Zp (k)) × Hét (X, Zp (k 0 )) → Hét (X, Zp (k + k 0 )), f, g ∈ O(X)∗ , {f, g} := κ(f ) ∪ κ(g) ∈ Hét (X, Zp (2)). Lemma 8.7. f :U →V Denition 8.8. nite étale, u ∈ O(U )∗ , v ∈ O(V )∗ , f∗ {u, f ∗ v} = {f∗ u, v}, f∗ {f ∗ v, u} = {v, f∗ u}. M, N ≥ 3, (c, 6M ) = 1 and (d, 6N ) = 1. Dene c,d ZM,N 2 := { c g M1 ,0 , d g0, N1 } ∈ Hét (Y (M, N ), Zp (2)). Proposition 8.9. primes(N ) = 0 0 0 0 0 If we take M |M , N |N , (c, 6M ) = 1 and (d, 6N ) = 1 with primes(M ) = primes(M ) and 0 0 0 primes(N ). Then Y (M , N ) → Y (M, N ). The push-forwards of c,d ZM 0 ,N 0 is c,d ZM,N . `-N If / Y (M (`), N ) T 0 (`) ∼ Y (M, N (`) ) u Y (M, N ) Proposition 8.10. M |M 0 , N |N 0 , (c, 6M 0 ) = 1 If we take dened by c,d ZM `,N ` 7→ 1 − T 0 (`) 1/` 0 0 1 and (d, 6N 0 ) = 1, ∗ + 1/` 0 0 1/` there is a map ∗ ` · c,d ZM,N ) = Y (N, 1), n, N ≥ 3, n|L Y1 (N , N |L and primes(L) = primes(nN ). ∗ ∗ G= mod N, det ≡ 1 mod n , Y (n, L) → Y1 (N )Q(ζn ) 0 1 Let Denition 8.11. Proposition. c,d Z1,n,N 2 ∈ Hét (Y1 (N )Q(ζn ), Zp (2)) σ` ∈ Gal(Q(ζm )/Q) Dene c,d ζn :=map Theorem 8.12. 9 Then Y1 (N )Q(ζn ) ∼ = G\Y (L). push-forward of c,d Zn,N ` - nN ` 1 − T 0 (`)σ`−1 + 0 c,d Z1,n`,N ` 7→ where Y (M `, N `) → Y (M, N ) and ` 0 ∗ σ`−2 ` c,d Z1,n,N ∗ 0 = σ` 1 of c,d Z1,np,N p . ( c,d ζn ) 0 1/` Σ = primes(6cdN p). is an Euler system Euler Systems and BSD Notation. Let E be an elliptic curve over all primes at which T Q, T = Tp E Tate module. Σ =nite set of prime containing p, ∞, {cn }, cn ∈ H 1 (Q(µn ), T )} with corestriction conditions and ramies. Euler system 9.1 Recap: What can we do with Euler systems? Mantra: Existence of Euler systems leads to bounds on Selmer groups. Sel(Q, E[p]) ζ ∈ KS(A), ζ1 6= 0 ⇒ Sel(Q, A∗ ) is nite. Pedro, Alex and Florian: Used Heegner points to bound Céline: Kolyvagin systems, Today we'll use a variant, Theorem 9.1. then Let ∞ Sel(Q, E[p ]) Proposition 9.2. Lemma 9.3. If E/Q be an elliptic curve, T a Tate module, c ∈ ES(T ). If locsp (c1 ) 6= 0 ∈ H 1 (Qp , T )/Hf1 (Qp , T ), is nite. There exists an exact sequence locsp (c1 ) 6= 0, then E(Q) and 0 → E(Q) ⊗ Qp /Zp → Sel(Q, E[p∞ ]) → X(E/Q)p∞ → 0 X(E/Q)p∞ 16 are nite. 9.2 Twisting Recall: Aurel constructed an Euler System for the wrong module, T (1), i.e., T twisted by the cyclotomic character χp . Motivation: Bloeh-Kato conjecture: existence of 'nice' cohomology classes Euler Systems means lots of nice cohomology. systematic vanishing of Fact. vanishing of L-values L-functions. For all elliptic curves over modular form ↔ So we might expect Euler systems to exists where there is a Q, L(E, S) has a simple zero at s = 0. (More generally, L(f, 0) = 0 for all f) Twisting by characters of nite order. Let χ : GQ → Z∗p of nite order. Let ker χ L := Q L/Q , nite. For all n, GLQ(µn ) ⊂ ker(χ), hence the natural map on cocycles induces an isomorphism ∼ = cm H 1 (LQ(µn ), T ) ⊗ χ O / H 1 (LQ(µn ), T ⊗ χ) ⊗Zχ H (Q(µn ), T ) 3 cχn cor cn c ∈ H 1 (LQ(µ ), T ) m n 1 c1 Theorem 9.4. cχ = {cχn } is an Euler Systems for P ∪ {` : `|cond(χ)} χp Twisting by kerχ L := Q = Q∞ = ∪k Q(µpk ) so corestriction doesn't exist. n k Idea: Z/p Z(1) is a trivial GQ(µ k ) -module, hence T /p ∼ = T /pk ⊗ Z/pk (1) ∼ = T /pk (1) p 1 k 1 k H (Q(µpk ), T /p T ) ∼ = H (Q(µpk ), T /p T (1)) Problem: Denition. The Iwasawa cohomology group for T over to corestriction. as GQ(µpk ) -modules. So 1 (Q(µn ), T ) = limk H 1 (Q(µnpk ), T ) with respect Q(µn ) is H∞ ←− Proposition 9.5. 1 H 1 (Q(µnpk ), T /pk T ) (Q(µn ), T ) ∼ H∞ = lim ←−k 1 1 (Q(µn ), T (1)) (Q(µn ), T ) ∼ H∞ = H∞ Corollary 9.6. Note: If c ∈ ES(T ), Theorem 9.7. then for any χ cχp = {cnp } n, we can dene 1 cn,∞ = {cnpk }k≥0 ∈ H∞ (Q(µn ), T ). is an Euler System. 9.3 BSD General Euler systems machinery doesn't require conditions at p. But: For the arithmetic applications, we'll need to be precise about conditions at p. Hence we will need p-adic Hodge Theory. Fact. There exists a specic Hf1 (Qp , V ) ⊂ H 1 (Qp , V ), which is a 1-dimensional Qp -vector such that its Selmer group is equal to the usual Selmer group. ∗ 1 There exists an isomorphism, exp : Hs (Qp , V ) → Qp · ωE , where Theorem 9.8 −1 c0 = cχp ((Kato)) . Let . Then there exists corresponding to ωE . Corollary 9.9. If is the regular dierential for V = T ⊗ Qp , E. E/Q be an elliptic curve, T a Tate module, c the Euler system described by Aurel, r L (E,1)ωE rE ∈ Z \ {0} such that exp∗ (locsp (c01 )) = E N pΩE , where ΩE = real period of E LN p (E, 1) 6= 0, then Proof. Euler factors are non-zero at Theorem 9.10. ωE space where E(Q) `|N p and X(E/Q) are nite. . L/Q be an abelian number eld, χ : Gal(L/Q) → C∗ . E(L) ⊗ C : σ(P ) = χ(σ)P ∀σ ∈ Gal(L/Q)} and X(E/L)χ are nite. Let 17 If L(E, χ, 1) 6= 0 then E(L)χ = {P ∈ 10 Euler Systems: Some Further Topics 10.1 Recap Let E/Q be an elliptic curve. Theorem 10.1. If L(E, 1) 6= 0, then E(Q) is nite, and Xp∞ (E/Q) is nite for many primes p. E(Km ) where K is imaginary quadratic eld, Km ring class eld Gal(Km /K) as −1) Kato: Proof using Siegel units - cohomology classes for Tp E over cyclotomic elds. Kato can tell you about L(E, χ, 1) where χ is a Dirichlet character σ −1 Kolyvagin: can tell you about L(E/K, ψ, 1) where ψ is a character of a ray class group of K such that ψ = ψ . Kolyvagin: Proof using Heegner points in (abelian extension of K such that Gal(K/Q) acts on 1. Can we say something about arbitrary abelian extension of character K (↔L-functions L(E/K), ψ, 1) for any ray class ψ )? 2. Are there Euler systems for other Galois representations (not just Tp E )? 10.2 An Euler System for two modular forms Theorem 10.2. Let f, g exists an Euler system for be two modular forms of weight 2. Galois representations Tp (f ), Tp (g). Then there T = Tp (f ) ⊗ Tp (g). Starting point: Siegel units, = c2 gα,β − gcα,cβ Y Y = qw 1 − q n q a/N e2πib/N 1 − q n q −a/N e−2πib/N c gα,β ga/N,b/N n≥0 n≥1 1 a a2 12 − 2N + 2N 2 . ∗ Not a modular form, it has poles at cusps (like the j -function). This lives in O(Y (N )) . In particular can take ∗ 1 a = 0, b = 1, c g0,1/N ∈ O(Y1 (N )) → Hét (Y1 (N ), Zp (1)) using a Kummer map. 1 Consider ∆ : Y1 (N ) ,→ Y1 (N ) × Y1 (N ) diagonally. We get the pushfoward ∆∗ : Hét (Y1 (N ), Zp (1)) → 3 2 1 Het (Y1 (N ) , Zp (2)) → H (Q, Tp (f ) ⊗ Tp (g)) for all f, g weight 2 level N . where w= This idea is due to Beilinson in 1984 (Beilinson - Flach elements) Theorem 10.3 . (Lei-Loer-Zerbes) Y1 (m2 N ) → Y1 (N )2 not Q. dened by Can extend this to an Euler System as follows: for 1 z 7→ (z, z + m ). Then take cm = (∆m )∗ ( c g0,1/m2 N ). m ≥ 1, ∆m : Q(µn ) consider This is only dened over (40 pages later) Some version of norm-compatibility relation holds. 10.3 Twisting Tp (E)(1) of Q(µpr ). Recall: In Kato's setting, had to twist from of p, Tp (E)(1) ∼ = Tp (E) as representations to Tp (E). This was possible because, modulo any power pr Tp (f ) ⊗ Tp (g) are not the ones we've immediately get at. Their elements are related to (like L(E, 0) = 0 in Kato's case). Want to consider weight f is 2 and weight g is 1. r r Idea: The Galois representation of g mod p shows up in cohomology of Y1 (N p ). Special case: K imaginary quadratic eld, ψ ray class character of K . ψ gives a weight 1 modular form θψ . This Interesting cases for L(f, g, 1) always being 0 answers Q1. 18 10.4 More Euler systems? Suppose we have some variety where Y X and we want Euler Systems in cohomology of X.We look for subvariety Y ,→ X is a modular curve (or product of modular curves). If you are lucky and pushforward of Siegel units lands in the right degree, then maybe that will give an Euler System. This is reasonable if SL2 over X and Y are Shimura varieties (comes from Matrix groups, like modular curves come from Q) Eg, • GL2 ,→ GL2 × GL2 • SO2 ,→ GL2 (BF elts) (Heegner points) • GL2 × GL2 ,→ GSp4 • SL2 ∼ = SU (1, 1) ,→ SU (2, 1) Problem: Very hard to show that these Euler Systems are not 19 0.