DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING COMMITTEE Monday, 8th June 2015 SUMMARY OF ACTIONS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Minute 38B.1 38C.1 38G.1 38M.1 42.11 42.12 42.3 43.1 Action required Person(s) responsible To review modules and assess their suitability for affiliate students. Procedure to be BH, AG and SF formalised and reported to staff. The website to be updated accordingly. Discuss with the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering switching to a SF complete electronic format for our Annual Review exercise. MSc preparatory material to be BH created over the summer. 3rd yr project panel presentations. Suggested that these are mixed up more, and that next year they AG with PF are scheduled on Thu/Fri, rather than Fri/Mon Wash-up meeting on MSc Individual projects and setting of SF, AG, LU, MZ earlier dates Review of RBs form for MSc Individual project students who LU and SF work with industry partners. Communication to current finalist students about the deadlines for MR, LU, SF applying to our MSc programmes Report back on meeting with Simon Banks regarding accreditation rules (as relate to our rule allowing up to 3 units of AG failure) Due date ASAP To do once the IQR report has been received Report on progress after the summer Before September Ready for start of process Before term starts. In the weeks leading up to these deadlines (end April, May and July 2016, depending on programme) By end of December 43.5 Module coordinators to provide information on module contributors, to be added to the timetable 43.7 SB to provide AG Request for change of module to with form. AG to ASAP be made for MSc EwF perform Chairs Action. SF to request from MCs 2 Ready for start of term DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING COMMITTEE Monday, 8th June 2015 Room G09, 16-18 Gordon Square – 2pm CONFIRMED minutes PRESENT: Dr Alistair Greig (Chair) [AG] Dr Stavroula Balabani (Graduate Tutor, Taught) [SB] Dr Ben Hanson (Departmental Tutor) [BH] Dr William Suen (Graduate Tutor, Research) [WS] Mr David Wright (Departmental IEP Coordinator) [DW] Mr Douglas Stridsberg (UG Student Representative) [DS] In attendance: Ms Siobhan Fitzgerald (Senior Teaching and Learning Administrator) [SF] Ms Lucy Underhill (PGT & Short Courses Teaching and Learning Administrator) [LU] Key to abbreviations DTC Departmental Teaching Committee FTC Faculty Teaching Committee IEP Integrated Engineering Programme PD Programme Director UPC/GPC Proposal for new Undergraduate/Graduate Module (form) Vacancy PG Student Representative Vacancy Senior Staff Member Preliminary Business 36. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To note: 36.1 Apologies received from Yiannis Ventikos, PJ Tan, Ben Hanson and Sian Lunt. 37. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 11th March 2015 To confirm: 37.1 The minutes of the meeting of 11th March were approved and confirmed. 38. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 3 38A 38A.1 (30D.1, DTC 11/03/15) BH to discuss change of registration revisions with John Mitchell and disseminate revised draft. Check on foreign language requirements. Noted: Action completed. 38B (30I.1, DTC 11/03/15) BH/AG/SF to review modules and assess their suitability for affiliate students. Procedure to be formalised and reported to staff. The website to be updated accordingly. 38B.1 Action: Add a footnote to the module descriptors if modules are suitable for affiliate students. Double check if affiliates students are required to do both terms if they choose modules that run over both terms. 38C 38C.1 38D 38D.1 38E 38E.1 38F 38F.1 (30F.1, DTC 11/03/15) SF to liaise with the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering regarding switching to a complete electronic format for our Annual Review exercise. Noted: This action is to be taken once the IQR report is received. (32.1a, DTC 11/03/15) AG ask with Manish Tiwari to write to External Examiners to explain about the poor performance of students in MECH101P Noted: Action completed. (32.1b, , DTC 11/03/15) Additional test for students who did not pass MECH101P test to be organised Noted: Action completed. (32.2a, DTC 11/03/15) SF in liaison with academics to produce a list of unsuitable teaching rooms. SF to discuss with room-booking about black-listing these rooms for Mech. Eng. Noted: Action completed. 38G 38G.1 (32.2b, DTC 11/03/15) BH to produce MSc preparatory material over the summer. Noted: This item is ongoing. 38H (32.2c, DTC 11/03/15) BH and EB to communicate with 4th yrs the links between their group design project and the rest of their curriculum. Noted: Action completed. 38H.1 38I 38I.1 38J 38J.1 38K 38K.1 38L 38L.1 38M 38M.1 (32.3b, DTC 11/03/15) AG and EB to confirm whether prototyping should be included in MECH202P Noted: Action completed. (32.3b, DTC 11/03/15) AG and SJ to confirm further details about MECH312P, and SJ to update the UPC accordingly. Noted: This item is ongoing. (32.3c, DTC 11/03/15) AG to chase up AW for the UPC for MECH205P. Chair’s action for approval to be taken once received. Noted: Action completed. (33.1, DTC 11/03/15) SF to organise the removal of redundant PGT modules from Portico during the Module diet window in April-May. Noted: Action completed. (34.2, DTC 11/03/15) AG and PF discuss suggested changes to organisation of 3rd yr project panel presentations. Noted: This item is ongoing. 4 38N 38N.1 (34.5, DTC 11/03/15) SF to organise a wash-up meeting on MSC Individual Project allocation process in the summer. Earlier deadlines and updated allocation process to be agreed on. Noted: Action completed. 38O SF to liaise with PDs about MSc March exam start dates, and ensure lectures do not take place too close to start of exams. 38O.1 Noted: Keep as it is, but ensure that nothing but revision sessions are scheduled in the week before exams start. 39. CONFIRMATION OF CHAIR’S ACTIONS SINCE THE PREVIOUS MEETING 39.1 Change to Mechanical Engineering with Business Finance yr 2 module diet. AG requested that the modules and timing that the department of Management Science & Innovation provide on this programme be changed. Instead of MSIN7016A Managerial Accounting for Decision-making (MAD) in Term 1 and MSIN7022 Business Economics in Term 2, they will have MSIN7022 Business Economics in Term 1 and MSINXXXX Managerial Accounting for Engineers (MAFE) in Term 2.MAFE is more engineering focussed, and also fits in better with the timetable since it doesn’t run over scenario weeks. This change has been agreed to. Business for Discussion 40. REPORT FROM WORKING GROUPS TO THIS COMMITTEE – standing item Discussed: 40.1 IEP Strategy Group. Progress on second year modules is being made, currently the content of the scenarios is being worked out. DW will give an overview of yr 2 scenarios at the upcoming departmental meeting. DW also to give an overview of how yr 1 scenarios went in the first year of the IEP. TB will also contribute to preparing this overview. 40.2 IEP Firefighting group. No fires to report. Anything that has come up has been relatively minor, and has been resolved. 41. TO REPORT ON CHANGES TO UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING – standing item Discussed: 41.1 ENGS203P Mathematical Modelling & Analysis. Concerns have been raised by Ian Eames and Becky Shipley around two issues: a) the number of tutorials need to be increased b) Mechanical Engineering should ideally take ownership of specific aspects that are particularly important to our students (mainly the PDE part), and also monitor what students might need additional help with. Noted: Two additional hours per week have been requested on the timetable, these are split into 3 groups, to cater for different needs. This extra time has been attached to MECH206P. 41.2 Reports from module co-ordinators on 1st yr of IEP 5 Noted: Not all reports have been submitted. When they are all in, they will be sent round for discussion. 42. TO REPORT ON CHANGES TO POSTGRADUATE TEACHING – standing item Discussed: 42.1 MSc Project allocation This didn’t go very smoothly this yr. A meeting will be held to discuss issues and come up with earlier deadlines. 42.11: Action: SF to organise a meeting between AG, Mehrdad Zangeneh, and Lucy Underhill. After discussion at the MSc Group Meeting, a new method of choosing projects has been decided on, whereby three choices are initially made, followed by another round. Selfproposals will be encouraged. An issue that was identified is where students work with someone from industry as their supervisor. It was mentioned that Richard Bucknall uses a form in cases like this to agree on how this relationship will work. 42.12: Action: LU to obtain a copy of this form in order to create something suitable for all students working with industry. Another issue that was mentioned was student requests for feedback. The guidelines state that students may request feedback from the supervisor directly after the marking of the report. PJ informs academics about this. 42.2 MSc Exams Issues with organisational difficulties and paper problems were discussed. Plans are already in place for improvements next year. 42.3 MSc Admissions numbers and closing date discussions This year it was agreed that the target number would be slightly reduced, however it looks like numbers will actually increase. Four programmes have now closed early. This has caused a problem with some internal students who have missed the deadline for application, however it was noted that they were emailed with warnings about the likely early closure of programmes. Next year the dates will be shifted forward, and we will let our let our students know of the dates well before the exam period. It was noted that a big issue with application deadlines is that Home and EU students tend to apply later. Action: SF/LU to request that Mykal Riley include messages about the deadlines for MSc applications in his bulletins to students. It was noted that the MSc review will be starting soon. A meeting with John Mitchell will be held to discuss this process. Other Business for Approval or Information 43. ANY OTHER BUSINESS To discuss: 43.1 IQR Summary Report The draft of the final report has ow been received. AG reported that there are no surprises in the report. The department was complemented on the thoroughness, frankness, and openness of the submission, and commended for being fully engaged with students. Classroom observations (peer review), was commented on as particularly strong. Space and resources were recognised as problem areas; these are issues we are fully aware of. 6 It was noted that the next review to take place is accreditation. This is for 2016/17, and as we would like the review to take place early in that year, we will need to make our submission in 2015/16. Data collection for this will therefore need to begin quite soon. A potential problem, which is Faculty-wide, is that under UCL rules students are permitted to fail up to 3 units, but this is more than accrediting bodies are comfortable with. We might need to review our rules on this – AG speaking with Simon Banks on this. Action: AG to report back on his meeting with Simon Banks on accreditation rules. 43.2 Module feedback issues MECH3003 Crack Detection and Measurement techniques Lab Report: timely feedback was not given, as the TA who was in charge of this left and no one else took on the task. Feedback has now been provided. It was noted as the module coordinator’s responsibility for ensuring that all elements of assessment are fed-back on, regardless of whether these parts are undertaken by other academics or TAs. A discussion then ensued about other ways of producing and providing feedback AG noted that the IQR draft report recommended that the department contact UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) to discuss whether a Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment (TESTA) audit would help staff to improve assessment processes audit of feedback. This recommendation and any others will be reviewed and discussed once the IQR draft response is ready. 43.3 Items to note from FTC Referrals being kept for one more year, possibly two more. After that time the plan is to offer summer resit exams. A potential issue with this is for PGT students still working on their projects. 43.4 Module feedback data A discussion about students being unhappy with module feedback took place. The second year UG students seemed to be the most dissatisfied. It was speculated that students may fill in the box about feedback being unsatisfactory even when they have been told that they won’t receive any. 43.5 Timetable issues – Kai Lui has requested that module coordinators inform the PS team about the contributors for each module, so that information will show on timetables. Action: SF to request this information to add to bookings. 43.6 Berne Eccles has reported his concerned about a reduction in student attendance of lectures over the last 2-3 years, and wonders if this may be because lecture material is available on Moodle. He would like attendance records to be used for lectures, but it was noted that this would be impracticable. A discussion ensued about changes in lecturing-style, and the need to make lectures more of a discussion that use the material online in a dynamic way. It was noted that some lecturers use group exercises in order to ensure that good attendance is maintained. Tim Baker would be a useful person to speak with on this. Action: Action point for this? 43.7 MSc Engineering with Finance. SB plans to replace CEGEM010 Environmental Systems with something that contains more numerical analysis for finance, and is discussing options with Computer Science. SB is waiting for the Module Coordinator’s response to her request. In the longer term SB and Manish Tiwari are discussing the possibility of creating a new module, but at this point in time no new modules are allowed to be created, since the department is already overloaded. 7 Action: SB to complete the required form and submit to AG this week. AG will need to pass this through Chair’s Action. SB also needs to check on prerequisites for the course, and find out when the exam takes place. 43.8 DS fed-back on MECH310 Design Presentations. Concern over the level of presentation skills was raised. DW noted that as part of the IEP there is a big emphasis on presentation skills, so this will be addressed through that programme. AG and the committee thanked Douglas Stridsberg for his contribution over this year. 44. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note: 44.1 The next meeting of the DTC is scheduled as follows: Early September – date TBC. Siobhan Fitzgerald Senior Teaching and Learning Administrator Department of Mechanical Engineering [TEL 0203 108 1346, EXT; 51346, ] 8