Umbilics in orientational order J. Binysh1 1 Centre for Complexity Science University of Warwick March 7, 2016 Liquid Crystals I 1.1 Elastic distortions Described by a director field, n(r ). I |n| = 1, n ∼ −n, i.e n ∈ RP 2 . Figure 1.1: An exemplary Schlieren texture in a nematic liquid crystal. Points with brushes correspond to disclinations with topological strength s = 1/2 and s = 1, Reproduced with the kind permission of Ingo Dierking. The points themselves correspond to singularities, or defects, in the orientation Liquid Crystals 966 NATURE MATERIALS DOI: 10.1038/NMAT2592 a b P A T3-3 T3-2 d T3-1 10 µm T3-2 f Figure 2 | Predetermined optical generation and switching of the toron structures. a, Po two T3-2s of opposite winding (intermediate size) and T3-3 (the largest structure) genera by optical generation of four T3-2s per letter at the letters’ vertices and T3-1 elsewhere wi FIG. 5. M.B.B.A. additionné d’un faible pourcentage de benzoate de cholestérol, examiné entre and analyser (A) are shown by the white bars. b, Polarizing microscopy image showing tha frottés parallèles. Utilisation d’un polariseur perpendiculaire à la direction de frottement sauf pour les figures m et où le polariseur parallèle frottement et l’observation est faite contraste de phase. Pour le détail des figures, voir le texte. Les échelles sont pratiquement les mêmes la figure 1. generated at an arbitrary location in the sample and then moved to the desired position (s que pour Chaque segment représente 20 y. shifting the generating infrared laser beam. c, After optically moving the T3-1 to the image - verres n, en est au Energetics of Liquid Crystals I Free energy naturally described by the geometry of the system - gradients of the director. Z K2 K3 · n)2 + (n · ∇ × n + q0 )2 + ((n · ∇)n)2 2 2 {z } | {z } | {z } K1 (∇ F = 1.1 Elastic distortions 2 | Twist Splay Bend Figure 1.2: Schematic illustration of the elastic distortions in a nematic liquid crystal. following expressions being non-zero: 3 Defects Downloaded from on March 19, 2013 (a) (b) 5 µm (f) 5 µm Figure 2. A silica microsphere, treated so as to align the LC molecules perpendicular to its surface, appears in the form of either a dipole (a) or a quadrupole (d). (a,d) Photographs taken without any polarizers. The small dot in (a) is the hedgehog topological defect. The ring, visible in (d), is the Saturn ring. It is a −1/2 disclination ring, encircling the particle at the equator. The images I inPeople have thought about textures in liquid crystals etc. (b) and (e) are taken using crossed polarizers and the red (lambda) plate. (c,d) A schematic of the director-field distribution. (Online version in colour.) by thinking about defects nematic LC for normal surface-anchoring conditions. The first one has the symmetry of a dipole ...................................................... 5 µm (e) 4 Phil Trans R Soc A 371: 20120266 5 µm (d) (c) Classification of defects Homotopy Theory Alexander et al.: Colloquium: Disclination loops, point . . . I Classifying continuous maps from real space into order parameter space, using homotopy theory. π1 (RP 2 ) ' Z2 π2 (RP 2 ) ' Z FIG. 3. The GSM for the three-dimensional nematic is the real projective plane RP2 . Below each hemisphere which represents RP2 we draw the path in the sample and the corresponding director at each point, with the arrows on the two curves denoting corresponding points and orientations. Any measurement around a closed 503 FIG. 1 (color). (a) Selected 3PEF-PM images from an image stack—the images are 16 m wide and approximately 4 m apart in the z direction. (b) The toron texture from Ref. [12]. The axis of symmetry of this structure is perpendicular to the substrate. (c) Top view, (d) side view: the ‘‘Pontryagin-Thom’’ surface constructed from this image stack. Despite the considerable noise, the robustness of this method allows us to recognize the nontrivial topology of the texture as the winding bands of color meeting at the two hedgehog defects on top and bottom. Non trivial textures with no defects The Hopf fibration NATURE 10.1038/NMAT2592 ARTICLES 1 ðRP2 Þ, while a point boundary, i.e.,MATERIALS a hole in theDOI: surface, through the color wheel a second time if the director rotates carries a Z charge associated with 2 ðRP2 Þ. To illustrate, by 2, as it does, forb instance, in z^ cfor the standard radial a l=9 3 P the surface z^ for a toron is shown in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d). hedgehog shown in Fig. 3. Inl =fact, since all point defects in A T3-3 the director It is the set of all points in the material where a uniaxial nematic can be oriented [16], the usual n^ ! n^ T3-2 20 µm is perpendicular to z^ and forms a surface that connects symmetry does not come into play, and the director always the two point defects at the ‘‘top’’ and ‘‘bottom’’ of rotates through the color wheel an even number of times, e d 8 l=5 the toron. that is, by a multiple of 2.l =As a result, a point defect of The surfaces, however, do not carry enough information charge p 2 2 ðRP2 Þ will have a winding of 2p, or will T3-1 10 µm to determine the point charges. In order to capture this cover the color wheel 2p times, providing a unique idenT3-2 of informaf g Thus,l =looking information, we must add an additional piece tification of point defects in l nematics. at the 9 =3 tion to the surface, namely, the direction of the director in toron in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d) again, the surface z^ is colored p^ . We represent this pictorially through a color wheel, as described, and about each point defect there is a twofold winding of the full color wheel, identifying them as carryranging from red to violet—through orange, yellow, green, ingofunit charge. blue, and indigo—as the director rotates byoptical . generation We pass Figure 2 | Predetermined and switching the toron structures. a, Polarizing optical microscopy texture showing T3-1 (the smallest), two T3-2s of opposite winding (intermediate size) and T3-3 (the largest structure) generated next to each other. The inset shows the letters ‘CU’ obtained by optical generation of four T3-2s per letter at the letters’ vertices and T3-1 elsewhere within the characters. The orientations of the crossed polarizer (P) and analyser (A) are shown by the white bars. b, Polarizing microscopy image showing that the two T3-2s of opposite spiralling and the T3-1 can be generated at an arbitrary location in the sample and then moved to the desired position (such as the one shown in c) using optical manipulation by laterally shifting the generating infrared laser beam. c, After optically moving the T3-1 to the image centre, the new T3-3 structure is generated in the top right corner of the image. d–g, This T3-3 structure is shown transforming into a T3-2 structure (d,e), then to T3-1 (f) and again to the T3-3 configuration (g) by using Laguerre–Gaussian beams of appropriate topological charge values l marked on the images. Note that the T3-3 structures in c,d,g have different diameters of the disclination rings at the top and bottom surfaces and all T3-2s and T3-3s have lateral dimensions 1.1–1.5 times larger than T3-1s. a c ẑ ŷ x̂ xy 10 µm d d FIG. 2 (color). (a) A simulation of a toron in which the point hedgehogs are replaced with disclination loops. (b) Flow lines of the 5 µm famous Hopf fibration. (c) The preimage surface of the Hopf fibration, which one can get from (a) by bringing together the two d xz 5 µm ẑ disclination loops through the center of the spool. (d) An experimental image of the same texture. I b xz 237801-2 Discontinuities don’t tell us everything. Here’s a topologically non trivial texture containing no defects. e I π3 (RP 2 ) 'Z xz Non trivial textures with no defects Lambda lines UKH AND O. D. LAVRENTOVICH PHYSICAL REVIEW E 66, 051703 共2002兲 CPM texturesIof Not verticalsingularities x-z cross sections in of the Grandjean-Cano with right-handed CLC, p⫽5 m, strong planar directorwedge - degeneracies in the twist disclination separating 0 and 1 Grandjean zones; 共b兲 b⫽p/2 dislocation with a core split into a ⫺1/2 ⫹1/2 Umbilic ir, separating 2 derivatives. and 3 Grandjean zones; 共c兲 the lines. same, between 13 and 14 zones; 共d兲 b⫽p dislocation with a core split ⫹1/2 disclination pair, 22 and 24 zones, the slice obtained along the bb line in Fig. 3共b兲. Polarizer P is parallel to the y axis irection is along the x axis. Bright regions correspond to n兩兩 P, darker regions correspond to n⬜P or bounding glass plates. Using the differential structure I The texture is more than continuous - it’s differentiable. I The derivatives have obvious structural importance Z K1 K2 K3 F = (∇ · n)2 + (n · ∇ × n + q0 )2 + ((n · ∇)n)2 2 2 2 I Rather than looking at n(r ) alone, also look at ∇n(r ). These gradients contain structural, topological information. The structure of ∇n I At each point n(r ) defines a line and a plane - it splits the tangent bundle. T R3 ' Ln ⊕ ξ I ∇n eats an element of T R3 , and returns a direction in the orthogonal plane ξ ∇n ∈ Γ(T ∗ R3 ⊗ ξ) ' Γ((L∗n ⊗ ξ) ⊕ (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ)) ∇n in a local frame I I We see this explicitly by expressing ∇n in a nice local frame. Let {d1 , d2 } ∈ ξ. Then {n, d1 , d2 } form a local basis. Two parts - bend (derivatives in the direction of n), and everything else. n d2 d1 ∇n ∈ Γ(T ∗ R3 ⊗ ξ) ' Γ((L∗n ⊗ ξ) ⊕ (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ)) 0 (n · ∇)n · d1 (n · ∇)n · d2 0 (d1 · ∇)n · d1 (d1 · ∇)n · d2 0 (d2 · ∇)n · d1 (d2 · ∇)n · d2 Umbilic Lines I Lets focus on the part that lives in (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ). Call it ∇⊥ n. Its analogous to the shape operator. I The action of SO(2) on (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ) gives a natural way to further decompose ∇⊥ n. 1 1 1 0 0 −1 ∆1 ∆2 + n·∇ × n + ∇⊥ n = ∇ · n ∆2 −∆1 0 1 1 0 2 2 (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ) = I ⊕ J ⊕ E I The places where ∆ ∈ Γ(E) vanishes are called Umbilic Lines. These turn out to contain structural information about the vector bundle ξ. I ∆ really does vanish along lines. 2 constraints in R3 . zero, so you can scale it to have unit length. Then Zeroes andfield Topology r of the vector around the zero is characterised I Let’s motivate number, why looking at themap. zeroes of ∆ is interesting. the degree, or winding of that Again, I An example of the connections between know whether the vector field is winding positively I zeroes of a section of a vector bundle the vector bundle (both base and fibre) around the I structure of a vector bundle e indices of two or more zeros we need to extend this I topology of a space en, computing of theorem. the indices of the zeros of Is the the Hopfsum index oyable. os on the sphere thout any. Here pole with some ns trying to hold ngs to straighten s ‘travel along a d what we mean allel transport’2 . arkably enlightbe non-zero ev- Everywhere on this little circle the vector is nonzero, so you canTheorem scale it to have unit length. Then Hopf Index r of the vector field around the zero is characterised aka "the hairy ball theorem" the degree, or winding number, of that map. Again, X know whether the vector field is xwinding positively index (v ) = χ(M) i the vector bundle (both base and fibre) around the i e indices of two or more zeros we need to extend this 2 I We cannot construct a nonzero section of T (S ). en, computing the sum of the indices of the zeros of I Why we can’t is related to χ(S2 ), a purely topological thing. oyable. os on the sphere thout any. Here pole with some ns trying to hold ngs to straighten s ‘travel along a d what we mean allel transport’2 . arkably enlightbe non-zero ev- u go around a little circle about the zero. on this Index little circle the vector is nonHopf Theorem u can scale it to have unit length. Then Abovethe wezero hadisacharacterised surface, S2 , and its tangent bundle T S2 . tor field I around or winding number, of constructions that map. Again, I Analogous exist for a general vector bundle her the vector is winding positively overfield a general space. In particular, for the bundle ξ (and bundle (both and fibre)byaround the field. (ξ ∗base ⊗ ξ))defined the director two or more zeros westructural need to extend this about the bundle ξ by I We learn information ing the sumstudying of the indices of the zeros the zeroes of ∆. of here Here some hold hten ng a mean ort’2 . ighto ev- What I’m doing I I ∇⊥ n ∈ Γ(ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ) has been partially analysed. I’m beginning work on similar constructions for (L∗n ⊗ ξ), and seeing how they relate to one another. ∇n ∈ Γ(T ∗ R3 ⊗ ξ) ' Γ((L∗n ⊗ ξ) ⊕ (ξ ∗ ⊗ ξ)) 0 (n · ∇)n · d1 (n · ∇)n · d2 0 (d1 · ∇)n · d1 (d1 · ∇)n · d2 0 (d2 · ∇)n · d1 (d2 · ∇)n · d2