Dynamic Distributed Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Secure Data Transmission

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 5- May 2013
Dynamic Distributed Broadcasting in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Secure Data
D. Muruganandam#1, R.Regan#2 and M. Umapathy *3
Assistant Professor, Dept. Of CSE., Univeristy College of Engg., Panruti Campus, India.
PG Scholar, Dept. Dept. of CSE, University College of Engineering, (BIT Campus), Trichy, India.
Abstract— In Mobile Ad-hoc networks, local broadcast
algorithms can be differentiated with respect to the forwarding
nodes. A forwarding node can either be statically or dynamically
determined. If it is static then it is based on local topology
information alone. If dynamic, it is based on both local topology
and broadcast state information. In this work, we have
formulated a local broadcast algorithm, which decides the node’s
status “on-the-go” and proves its efficiency along with secured
data transmission. This work achieves both the full delivery and
a constant to the optimum solution. This work expedites the
process of broadcasting by detecting and avoiding collision,
which is achieved by a vigil node in every cell. Thus, this work
saves time, cost overhead and the performance is considerably
Keywords— Mobile Cloud Networks, RREE Protocol.
Wireless ad hoc networks have emerged to support
applications, in which it is required to have wireless
communications among a variety of devices without relying
on any infrastructure or central management. In ad hoc
networks, the name ‘node’ is generally represented for
wireless devices, which have limited transmission range.
Therefore, in ad hoc networks every node has the possibilities
of communicating to other nodes only if they are under their
transmission range (i.e., its neighbours) and requires other
nodes to act as routers in order to communicate with out-ofrange destinations.
In Ad hoc network, ‘broadcasting’ is considered as one of
the basic operation, as in broadcasting, where a node
disseminates a message to all other nodes in the network.
Broadcasting can be simply done through a basic technique
called ‘flooding’, in which every node transmits the message
after receiving it for the first time. However, this technique of
flooding can undergo a problem of a huge number of repeated
transmissions, where it can result in significant waste of
constrained resources such as bandwidth and power. In Ad
hoc networks, generally the nodes are not required to forward
or transmit the messages to participate in the data transmission
of the network and deliver to other nodes of the network.
As the static approach has several flaws in its functionality,
we move ahead towards the dynamic approach. In the
dynamic approach, the status of each node is determined “onthe-go” during the broadcast progress. As a result, the
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broadcast algorithms which are dynamic approach in nature
have little more cost on maintaining than the expected cost but
they are always able to cope up with or against node failures
and to the changes in the network structures. In the existing
systems, they apply a local broadcasting algorithm which uses
the nearby nodes information to reduce the number of
transmission done for the packet delivery. In our proposed
algorithm, each broadcasting node selects at most one of its
neighbours to forward the message. If a node is not selected to
forward, it has to decide, on its own, whether or not to
forward the message. While forwarding, collision may occur
which reduces the performance considerably. To avoid such
unfavourable issue, we make use of CSMA/CD. This collision
notification technique works on the principle of unique
signature. This unique signature is sent along the packets
during the transmission period. The structure of the packet is
illustrated in the figure1.
Sender’s Unique Signature
Figure1: Structure of the data frame
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Many of the existing neighbour-information-based broadcast algorithms in this category can be further classified as
neighbour-designating and self-pruning algorithms. In
neighbour- designating algorithms [1]–[3], each forwarding
node selects some of its local neighbours to forward the
Only the selected nodes are then required to forward the
message in the next step. For example, a forwarding node u
may select a subset of its 1-hop neighbours such that any 2hop neighbour of u is a neighbour of at least one of the
selected nodes [4]. In self- pruning algorithms [5],[6],[7] on
the other hand, each node decides by itself whether or not to
forward a message.
The decision is made based on a self-pruning condition. For
example, a simple self-pruning condition employed in [6] is
whether all neighbours have been covered by previous
transmissions. In other words, a node can avoid
forwarding/rebroadcasting a message if all of its neighbours
have received the message by previous transmissions.
In [8], it was shown that neither neighbour-designating nor
self-pruning algorithms can guarantee both full delivery and a
constant approximation if they use only 1-hop neigh- bor
information and do not piggyback information into the
broadcast packets. The authors then proposed a self-pruning
algorithm based on partial 2-hop neighbour information and
proved that the algorithm achieves a constant approximation
to the optimum solution and guarantees full delivery.
However, in their proposed algorithm, each node was
assumed to have its (approximate) position information, which
is not practical in some applications/scenarios. Also, having
position information can provide non-trivial information in
wireless ad hoc networks and can greatly simplify the problem.
We assume that the network consists of a set of nodes V,
|V| = N. Each node is equipped with omni-directional
antennas. Every node u ∈ V has a unique id, denoted id(u),
and every packet is stamped by the id of its source node and a
nonce, a randomly generated number by the source node. For
simplicity, we assume that all nodes are located in twodimensional space. However, all the results presented in this
paper can be readily extended to three-dimensional ad hoc
To model the network, we assume two different nodes u ∈
V and v ∈ V are connected by an edge if and only if |uv|≤R,
where|uv| denotes the Euclidean distance between nodes u and
v and R is the transmission range of the nodes. Thus, we can
represent the communication graph by G(V,R), where V is the
set of nodes and R is the transmission range. This model is, up
to scaling, identical to the unit disk graph model, which is a
typical model for two-dimensional ad hoc networks.
In reality, however, the transmission range can be of
arbitrary shape as the wireless signal propagation can be
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affected by many unpredictable factors. Finally, we assume
that the network is connected and static during the broadcast
and that there is no loss at the MAC/PHY layer.
These assumptions are necessary in order to prove whether
or not a broadcast algorithm can guarantee full delivery. Note
that without these assumptions even flooding cannot
guarantee full delivery.
The dynamic approach, the status of each node is
determined “on-the-go” as the broadcasting message
propagates in the network. In particular, in neighbour
designating broadcast algorithms, each forwarding node
selects a subset of its neighbours to forward the packet and in
self-pruning algorithms each node determines its own status
based on a self-pruning condition after receiving the first or
several copies of the message.
It was recently proved that self-pruning broadcast
algorithms are able to guarantee both full delivery and a
constant approximation factor to the optimum solution. We
achieve both full delivery and a constant approximation factor
even when position information is not available. Only
connectivity information is used here.
In this work, we have a vigil node which checks for
collision. If collision occurs, then nodes in the network stop
forwarding messages and try to solve this problem by
maintaining a queue. After dispatching all the queued
messages, normal process gets started again. Thus, collision is
Algorithm is presented below and is invoked
whenever broadcasting hits the scene. Broadcasting takes
place when a single node transfers a message to all the other
start Broadcast, vigil node;
mark unique node id;
stamp the message with source id;
if (message is new)
forward it;
discard message;
end if
maintain a list of nodes through which the message passed;
if(collision found)
stop forwarding messages;
empty the queue;
end if;
Whenever broadcasting starts, the vigil node is started and
the unique id of all the nodes are noted. Then, the message is
transmitted, if a particular node has already received the same
message, then the message is discarded else it is forwarded.
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Thus, it is the node to decide whether or not to transmit the
message further. If collision is found, further message
forwards are stopped and the queue is emptied. Thus, this
work ensures full delivery.
The nodes available in Mobile Ad Hoc networks also have
the limitations of limited battery power. Like in the existing
system if the nodes are frequently used for transmission of
data, then enormous energy may be consumed by every node,
which leads to insufficient energy level after a period of time.
So our proposed system also considers this issue of energy
consumption with dynamic broadcasting.
We have simulated our system in Java. We implemented
and tested with a system configuration on Intel Dual Core
processor, Windows XP and using Netbeans 7.0. We have
used the following modules in our implementation part. The
details of each module for this system are as follows:
Figure4: Nodes passes their ID’s
Figure5: Data Forwarding
Figure2: Source Node from where data are transmitted
Figure6: Energy Levels of each node
Figure3: Simulation Setup
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In this work, we’ve made use of a dynamic broadcasting
algorithm that achieves full delivery. We employ a vigil node
in every network to sense collision. This vigil node takes care
of collision, once it is detected. In future, this work can be
enhanced by having nodes with different transmission rate and
also nodes distributed in 3D space.
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