International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 A Heuristic Approach to Cell to Switch Assignment Anil Goyal*1, Rita Mahajan#2, Deepak Bagai#3 *1 E&EC Department, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh -160012, India #2 Assistant Professor, E&EC Department, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh -160012, India #3 Associate Professor, E&EC Department, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh -160012, India Abstract—In this paper, we consider a problem of network design of personal communication services (PCS). The problem is to assign cells to the switches of a PCS network in an efficient manner. We consider two types of costs. First is the cost of handoffs between cells. Second is the cost of cabling between a cell site and its associated switch. There is constraint on the problem by the call volume handling capacity of switch. This paper describes Firefly Algorithm with Heuristic Method and proposes a possible way it to solve the problem of assignment of cells of a geographical area to the available number of switches based on the minimization of total cost for the assignment. involves the consumption of resources while maintaining communication link between two users [3]. Keywords–– CSA, Firefly Algorithm, Heuristics Approach, Particle Swarm Optimization. I. INTRODUCTION Since the last few decades, the significant advancement in the field of mobile communication systems has taken place. Despite this significant improvement in the area of Personal Communication Services, the issues regarding the assignment of cells to switches in order to minimize the handoff cost and cabling costs in a reasonable time is still challenging [1]. The handoff caused by a subscriber movement from one cell to another cell, involves both i.e. the modification of the location of the user in the database of companyand also the execution of a fairly complicated protocol between switches Switch1 and Switch2 as shown in Fig.1. The handoff cost between cell A and cell B is less because it involves only Switch1 and also the handoff is simple while handoff between cell A and cell C is complex and the handoff cost is also more as it involves two switches i.e. Switch1 and Switch2 Therefore, there are two types of handoffs, first involves one switch and the second involves two switches. Intuitively, the cells among which the handoff frequency is high should be assigned to the same switch as far as possible to reduce the cost of handoffs [2] as shown in Fig 1. But the call handling capacity of each switch is limited that however, acts as a constraint. Cabling cost ISSN: 2231-5381 Fig1. Handoff from B to C is more expansive than B to A This paper presents idea to solve the problem of assignment of cells to switches using Firefly Algorithm given In 2008, byXinShe Yang [4] along with Heuristics method used by Bhaskar Sengupta in 1995 [2]. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION The problem of assignment of cells to switches was first introduced by Arif Merchant and Bhaskar Sengupta [2] in 1995. All the cells in a particular region are assigned to the available number of switches in order to minimize the total cost which is the sum of cabling cost and handoff cost maintaining two constraints. Page 1353 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 The problem is constrained by following two facts: 1) Each cell must be assigned to exactly one switch. 2) Each switch has some limited capacity and assignment of cells must be done in such a way so that the total load on the switch should not exceed the capacity of the switch. III. MATHEMATICAL MODELING The terms used in formulating the mathematical expressions are given as [1]. • Let no. of cells be ‘n’ and no. of switches be ‘m’ • hij – handoff cost between cell i and cell j • cik – cabling cost between cell i and switch k • dij – distance between cell i and switch (MSC) j • Mk – call handling capacity of switch k • λi - No of communication in cell i • Y ij – 1 if cell I and j are assigned to same switch and 0 otherwise. • X ik – 1 if cell I is assigned to switch k and 0 otherwise. For all cases, the range of i, j and k are defined as: 1≤ ≤ , 1≤ ≤ , 1≤ ≤ A. Formulation of Constraints 1) We should assign one cell to one switch only = 1,1 ≤ ≤ 2. Total Handoff Cost: We consider two types of handoffs, first that involves one switch and second which involves two switches. The handoff occurring between cells belong to the same switch consume much less network resources than what occurs between cells that belong to two different switches. ℎ (1 − 3. Total Cost: So our objective is to minimize the total cost which can be formed by the addition of Handoff and Cabling cost. The objective function thus formed is given as under: ( ) ,1 ≤ ( ) ISSN: 2231-5381 ) … ( ) V. IMPLEMENTATION OF FIREFLY ALGORITHM ALONGWITH HEURISTIC METHOD ≤ … ( ) 1. Total Cabling Cost: This is formulated as a function of distance between base station and switch and number of calls that a cell can handle per unit time [5]. ( ) is the cost of cabling per kilometre which is also modelled as a function of the number of calls that a cell ‘i’ can handles as: + ℎ (1 − … ( ) B. Formulation of Cost Function = + IV. EXISTING METHODOLOGY There are various methods available for assigning cell to switches like, heuristic approaches, like Genetic Algorithm [6] [7], Ant Colony Optimization [8] and Particle Swarm Optimization [9], Firefly Algorithm [10] have been developed for this kind of problem. In this paper Firefly Algorithm [4] alongwith the Heuristic Method [1] is implemented and results are compared with the Particle Swarm Optimization as used in [9]. 2) Each switch has some capacity ≤ ) … ( ) A. Firefly Algorithm Firefly algorithm is developed by Xin-She Yang [5] in 2008 and as used by Apoorva Sharma [10] in 2012 which is inspired by the mutual attraction of fireflies based on the absorption of light and distance between two fireflies. Algorithm assumes that position of each firefly is fixed in the space and a firefly moves towards a light source that produces more power than it. Firefly algorithm idealizes some of the characteristics of the firefly behavior. Three rules are followed by them. They are mentioned as under: … ( ) 1) 1) All the fireflies are of same sex. = 1,2, … … ( ) 2) A firefly brighter than other firefly attracts that firefly towards itself; strength of the attractiveness is proportional to the firefly’s brightness andafter some distance the brightness attenuates; the brightest firefly moves randomly. Page 1354 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 3) The quality of solution determines brightness of every firefly; in most of the cases, it can be proportional to the objective function. B. Heuristic Method Heuristic Method is used to find out the best initial solution as given in [3] and we assign this best solution to one firefly and all other p-1 fireflies are assigned random values. The various values of constants used are as follows: Randomness, α=1 Absorption coefficient, β=1 Brightness at source,γ=1 The various parameters used for the initialization of problem are: handoff cost between two cells= 0 to 21 per hour constant A used in cabling cost=1 constant B used in cabling cost=0.001 C. Algorithm TABLE I COMPARISON TABLE The steps for implementation of algorithm are as follows: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Initialize the number of cells (n), switches (m) and number of fireflies (p) in the solution space. Initialize p-1 fireflies randomly and assign the initial best solution to one firefly as obtained by the Heuristic Method. The position of cells and switches is assigned randomly in the search space. Calculate the distance between each cell and switch. Generate the assigned matrix (xij) for each firefly where each particle is between 0 and 1. The row and column of matrix represents switches and cell respectively. Gets the solution matrixusing the assigned matrix by making the largest value of each column to 1 and all other are set to 0. Total cost is calculated based on this solution matrix. The brightest firefly is foundon the basis of this new cost which has the minimum cost for the assignment. Based on the attractiveness of best firefly, update the position of all other firefliesand also on the basis of distance and randomness of fireflies. The position of best firefly is updated randomly. Repeat step 3 to 5 until we get the desired results. VI. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS To test the effectiveness of the method suggested above for the cell assignment problem, we conduct a number of experiments. MATLAB code is used to perform the experiments for various cases of cells and switches for firefly algorithm. Also we assume that the cells lie on a hexagonal grid of roughly equal dimensions in 2 dimensions. Various comparison results are shown in Table I. ISSN: 2231-5381 No of Switches, No. of cells Cabling 2, 25 126 1857 Total cost Total cost by FA + by PSO Heuristic Method 1983 2177 2, 50 308 7823 8131 9070 2, 100 522 33422 33944 35339 2, 150 834 74814 75648 79461 2, 200 1017 133730 134747 140670 2, 250 1434 2137700 2139134 2201330 3, 25 149 2131 2280 2989 3, 50 304 10714 11018 11436 3, 100 708 45060 45768 46553 3, 150 737 95789 96526 105210 3, 200 1154 178400 179554 187100 3, 250 1734 280480 282214 291850 5, 25 135 2408 2543 3710 5, 50 293 12723 13016 13936 5, 100 563 53340 53903 56452 5, 150 860 120870 121730 126100 5, 200 1135 216590 217725 224530 5, 250 1448 342720 344168 352100 10, 25 115 3414 3529 3980 10, 50 286 14889 15175 15538 10, 100 629 60949 61578 62940 10, 150 823 139320 140143 142990 10, 200 1127 248670 249797 253440 cost Handoff cost Page 1355 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 A. 1460 388520 389980 394120 Cost Comparison Graphs FOR 2 SWITCHES 2500000 T O T A L 2000000 1500000 Total cost by FA + Heuristic Method 1000000 C O S T 500000 FOR 5 SWITCHES 400000 T 350000 O T 300000 A 250000 L 200000 150000 C 100000 O 50000 S T 0 Total cost by PSO 0 2, 25 COMBINATION OF CELLS AND SWITCHES (SWITCH, CELL) O T A L 300000 250000 200000 Total cost by FA + Heuristic Method 150000 C O S T 100000 FOR 10 SWITCHES 450000 T 400000 O 350000 T 300000 A L 250000 200000 150000 C 100000 O 50000 S 0 T Total cost by PSO 50000 0 3, 25 3, 3, 100 200 COMBINATION OF CELLS AND SWITCHES (SWITCH,CELL) ISSN: 2231-5381 Total cost by FA + Heuristic Method Total cost by PSO 10, 25 10, 50 10, 100 10, 150 10, 200 10, 250 350000 T Total cost by PSO COMBINATION OF CELLS AND SWITCHES (SWITCH,CELL) 2, 2, 100 200 FOR 3 SWITCHES Total cost by FA + Heuristic Method 5, 25 5, 50 5, 100 5, 150 5, 200 5, 250 10, 250 Combination of Cells and Switches (Switch,Cell) VII. CONCLUSION From the experiments performed we can conclude that firefly algorithm along with Heuristics Method can be implemented successfully for the assignment of cells to the switches. As we increase the number of fireflies the probability of finding the minimum cost and in less number of iterations is increased. The time required by CPU is less in case of firefly algorithm and Heuristic Approach is less as compared to PSO. Page 1356 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue5- May 2013 1. VIII. REFERENCES Siba K. Udgata, U. Anuradha, G. Pawan Kumar, Gauri K. Udgata, “Assignment of Cells to Switches in a Cellular Mobile Environment using Swarm Intelligence”, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, pp 189-194, 2008. 2. Arif Merchant and Bhaskar Sengupta, Assignment of cells to switches in PCS network, IEEE Transactions on Networking, Vol 3 No 5, pp 521-526, Oct 1995. 3. 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