Characteristics of Transverse Oscillations in a Coronal Loop Arcade E. Verwichte1 , V.M. Nakariakov1 , L. Ofman2 and E.E. DeLuca3 1 2 University of Warwick, UK Catholic University of America / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA 3 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,USA Contact: Preprint:∼erwin/Publications/ Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.1/16 Introduction Aschwanden et al. (1999) detect transverse loop oscillations with TRACE and interpret them as standing fast magnetoacoustic kink waves, triggered by a passing disturbance. Comparison between such wave observations with MHD wave theory allows for the determination of coronal physical parameters crucial to coronal heating models (e.g. strength of magnetic field or dissipation). Nakariakov et al. (1999) notice oscillation damping in the order of 10-15 min. Various hypothesis are proposed to explain damping: 1. anomalously high shear viscosity or resistivity (Nakariakov et al., 1999) 2. photospheric loop footpoints topology (Schrijver & Brown, 2000) 3. phase-mixing through small-scale loop inhomogeneities (Roberts, 2000; Ofman & Aschwanden, 2002) 4. energy transfer through resonant absorption (Ruderman & Roberts, 2002; Goossens, Andries & Aschwanden, 2002) Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.2/16 The observation sequence TRACE 171 Å sequence of April 15th , 2001, between 22:00:43 and 22:27:50 UT, with a resolution of 26 s temporally and 1 arcsecond spatially. Target: AR NOAA 9415, then on the SW limb, which was active with a X14.4 flare at 13:48 UT. A post-flare loop arcade was first seen by TRACE at 14:40 UT. This arcade is disturbed by a prominence eruption nearby to the north, which presumably is the cause for transverse oscillations in the loops of the arcade. Subfield of an 195 Å EIT/SoHO full-disk image at 20:24 UT Subfield of TRACE observation at 22:11 UT with paths used in the analysis Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.3/16 Description of oscillations Because the active region is close to the solar limb and the arcade axis lies quasi-meridionally, the spacecraft looks along the plane of the arcade loops. The transverse loop oscillations appear as a back and forth motion of the loop plane. The oscillation period is of the order of five minutes and 2-2.5 oscillation cycles can be clearly distinguished. The oscillation amplitude decays with time. Time-space diagram of path following top of loop arcade with North to the right. . Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.4/16 Loop superpositions The scene is often confused due to the superposition along the line of sight of shifting loops and/or the two branches of the same loop, causing loops in space-time diagrams to appear double, confusing the oscillation amplitude or increasing the intensity. =⇒ interactive selection of oscillation displacement. The loop in path G appears at times double, with the two parts oscillating with the same amplitude, period and phase. It is an example of superposition of two branches of the same loop. In path C two loops cross at the end of the sequence, giving the impression of a growing oscillation amplitude (simulated below). Simulation of the superposition of two crossing loops. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.5/16 Path parameters Path ∆x H L (Mm) (Mm) (Mm) ∆s/L A 9 65 203 0.17 B 5 68 214 0.12 C 12 70 218 0.19 D 18 73 228 0.23 E 10 74 233 0.17 ∆x is the analysed x-interval, H is the loop height F 7 74 233 0.14 defined as the projected distance between the loop top G 15 76 237 0.20 H 7 75 235 0.14 I 12 75 236 0.18 and the solar limb and L is the length of a circular loop H . The analysed loop fraction, ∆s/L, is the fraction of the circular loop that is covered by ∆x, and is calculated as arccos((H − ∆x)/H)/π . If with radius the superposition of the loop legs is taken into account, this fraction needs to be doubled. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.6/16 Oscillation measurement A path is taken along a loop with width of 25 pixels. At each fixed point along the loop, a space-time plot is contructed from a transverse slice and the oscillation displacement is measured (e.g. path G). Two methods: 1d wavelet transform with Morlet motherwavelet (Torrence & Compo, 1998). curvefitting with function ξ(x, t) = A e−(t/τn ) estimates for A, P and φ from WT. n cos(2πt/P + φ) with starting Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.7/16 Oscillation parameters Path A(x) (km) 453 ± 140 - (34 ± 27) x A B φ(x) (deg) (156 ± 188 + (30 ± 52) x) 342 ± 66 + ( 1 ± 12) x (a) C 430 ± 109 - (25 ± 14) x (a) D (135 ± 66 + (14 ± 7) x)(a) 487 ± 77 - (13 ± 9) x 424 ± 69 - (10 ± 12) x (c) E F G H I - 231 ± 38 184 ± 94 102 ± 112 (a) 7 ± 188 (a) 183 ± 9 certain measurements. (a) Based upon estimates from wavelet analysis. (b) Linear trend in phase ob- - (6.6 ± 1.7) x (b) served for x < 10 Mm. (c) Based upon measurements 191 ± 18 for x < 7 Mm. 176 ± 143 557 ± 68 - (12 ± 14) x 171 ± 65 238 ± 86 - ( 6 ± 12) x 143 ± 76 (218 ± 50 - ( 8 ± 9) x) (a) Values between brackets are un- 172 ± 92 Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.8/16 Oscillation parameters (bis) Path wavelet P fit P τ1 τ2 τ3 (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) - - - - - - A 301 ± 50 B - C 247 ± 33 448 ± 18 D 242 ± 31 396 ± 20 326 ± 107 393 ± 77 315 ± 144 (980)(a) 920 ± 290 860 ± 300 (405 ± 35) - (1550 ± 640) (1400 ± 320) - - - - 392 ± 31 F - G 346 ± 78 358 ± 30 1030 ± 680 1060 ± 420 920 ± 260 325 ± 107 357 ± 89 (960 ± 760) 1400 ± 580 1360 ± 650 I 317 ± 80 326 ± 45 - 1350 ± 480 1840 ±580 379 ± 54 243 ± 103 1320 ± 570 1780 ± 560 E H 382 ± 12 1180 ± 1050 960 ± 420 1180 ± 340 - 1010 ± 380 930 ± 310 Values between brackets are uncertain measurements. (a) Based upon one measurement. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.9/16 Dependency of displacement amplitude on distance For a circular, homogeneous loop with its loop plane in the line-of-sight fundamental standing mode: (1) A(x) = A(xtop ) − (A(xtop )/H)x , where H is the loop height. With A(xtop ) and H in the ranges 100-600 km and 65-76 Mm resp. ⇒ dA/dx ≈ -5 km Mm−1 < 0. second harmonic standing mode: (2) A(x) = Amax sin(2 arccos((H − x + xtop )/H)) . ⇒ dA/dx > 0 near loop top. √ Position of the maximum amplitude is xmax − xtop = (2 − 2)H/2. For both loops C and D the value of H is in the range 70-73 Mm. ⇒ xmax = 20.5-21.4 Mm, ≈ 20 Mm from the loop top. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.10/16 Multiple oscillations Path D Top left: magnitude of |WT| at x = 11 Mm from looptop. Two periods are detected: 240 and 400 s. Top right: and : P (x). •: WT. +: n=1, ∗: n=2 n=3 curvefitting. Bottom left: A(x) for P 400 s. • is WT. Each dataset is fitted by a straight line (−−: n=1, −.−: n=2, − · · · −: n=3 and −−: WT). Bottom right: A(x) for P 240 s. Only WT available as •. The dashed line is a linear fit. The solid curves represent the profile of a second harmonic standing mode for several amplitude values. Periods and amplitude profile as a function of distance suggest that P 400 s and P 240 s are the fundamental and second harmonic standing fast kink wave respectively. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.11/16 Deriving plasma quantities The transverse oscillation is considered to be a standing fast magnetoacoustic kink oscillation: q 2L 2 VA with Ck the kink speed. Vphase = nP ≈ Ck = 1+ρ /ρ e 0 =⇒ Alfvén speed VA and magnetic field strength B. Assuming Ne = 1-6 1015 m−3 and ρ = 0-0.3 ρe , find ranges 600-1800 km s−1 and 9-46 G for nine loops resp., consistent with previous results (Nakariakov & Ofman, 2001). Two hypothesis: phase mixing predicts τ ∼ P 4/3 , ideal mode conversion (resonant absorption) predicts τ ∼ P (` constant). Ofman & Aschwanden (2002) found τ ∼ P 1.17±0.35 , which does not permitt to distinguish between the two hypothesis. phase-mixing is assumed =⇒ coronal, kinematic (bulk) viscosity coefficient ν. Theory predicts a (compressive) Reynolds number R = LV A /ν ≈ 106 for nine loops, with which the measurements are consistent. if Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.12/16 Deriving plasma quantities: results Path A B C Ck VA B ν (km s−1 ) (km s−1 ) (G) (m2 s−1 ) 880 - 1000 13 - 36 - - 770 - 880 11 - 31 - - 620 - 700 9 - 25 690 - 790 10 - 28 0.6 - 1.0 × 108 670 - 760 10 - 27 - - 820 - 940 12 - 33 0.3 - 0.4 × 108 860 - 980 13 - 35 0.8 - 1.5 × 108 4.4 - 7.6 × 106 1360 - 1550 20 - 55 - - 940 - 1070 14 - 38 1.4 - 2.8 × 10 8 0.8 - 1.8 × 106 1020 - 1160 15 - 41 940 - 1070 14 - 38 0.6 - 0.9 × 10 8 2.6 - 4.1 × 106 1250 ± 410 1090 ± 210 880 ± 120(a) 970 ± 40 D 940 ± 120(a) 1160 ± 90 E F G H I 1220 ± 40 1920 ± 810 1320 ± 110 1440 ± 200 1320 ± 330 (a) R 0.9 - 1.4 × 108 1.3 - 2.2 × 10 8 (a) 1.0 - 1.7 × 106 1.4 - 2.9 × 106 1.4 - 3.0 × 106 1.1 - 2.0 × 106 Oscillation is assumed to be a second harmonic. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.13/16 Damping time Vs. period Slope of our measurements consistent with previous results. The predictions of both hypothesis fall within one standard deviation from the observational result ⇒ observations cannot distinguish. Our measurements of the damping times have a bias towards longer times: - post-flare loops are different than ordinary active region loops. - nearby erupting prominence may be responsible for exciting oscillations over a certain time period instead of a single excitation. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.14/16 Discussion Analysis of multiple transverse oscillations in post-flare loop arcade in TRACE sequence of April 15th , 2001, which are interpreted as fast magnetoacoustic standing kink waves. Oscillation characteristics are determined as a function of position along the loop. Oscillation damping has similar period dependency as found earlier, but has a bias towards longer times probably due to different excitation mechanism or loop structure. Consistent values for the coronal magnetic field strength and viscosity are derived. For the first time, the second harmonic oscillation is observed. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.15/16 References Aschwanden, M. J., Fletcher, L., Schrijver, C. J., Alexander, D.: 1999, Astrophys. J. 520, 880. Aschwanden, M.J., De Pontieu, B., Schrijver, C.J., Title, A.M.: 2002, Solar Phys. 206, 99. Goossens, M., Andries, J., Aschwanden, M.J.: 2002, Astron. Astrophys 394, 39. Nakariakov, V.M., Ofman, L., DeLuca, E.E., Roberts, B., Davila, J.M., 1999, Science 285, 862. Nakariakov, V.M., Ofman, L.: 2001, Astron. Astrophys. 372, 53. Ofman, L., Aschwanden, M.J.: 2002, Astrophys. J. 576, 153. Roberts, B.: 2000, Solar Phys. 193, 139. Ruderman, M.S., Roberts, B.: 2002, Astrophys. J. 577, 475. Schrijver, C.J., Brown, D.S.: 2000, Astrophys. J. 537, L69. Torrence, C., Compo, G.P.: 1998, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 79, 61. Transverse oscillations in a coronal loop arcade – p.16/16