Optimized technique to minimize packet loss for

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013
Optimized technique to minimize packet loss for
network suffering from Blackhole attack
Shailja Sabhrwal#1, Ambrish Gangal*2
Computer Science, lovely professional University, Phagwara,India
Computer Science, lovely professional University, Phagwara,India
Abstract— MANET being a self configuring and self changing
network becomes unpredictable in nature poses number of
challenges like network attacks including Blackholes, wormholes,
and gray holes along with problems like routing efficiency,
distribution of load, energy consumption and security issues
.Attacks like Blackholes causes the delays in communication by
their existence. MANET becomes more vulnerable to network
attacks because of lack of centralized trusted authority. In
MANET adhoc network all the routing information is managed
by node itself. Routing protocols includes AODV, DSR, DSDV
etc...Proposed solution is a enhancement in premicious mode in
secured AODV protocol for detection of malicious node referred
to as Blackholenode in MANET.. Detection of these Blackholes
and its recovery will provide security to MANET and
communication will become more successful over network
because delays will be optimized.
shared wireless medium
open network architecture, ,
demanding resource constraints, and, highly dynamic network
topology which makes MANET more vulnerable to
attacks .Attacks can be security attacks, passive attacks,
Active attacks, MAC layer attacks, Network layer attacks ,
Transport layer attack, Application layer attacks.
MAC layer attacks include Jamming attack. Network layer
attacks include Wormhole attack, Blackhole attack, Byzantine
attack routing attacks (,Routing Table Overflow , Routing
Table Poisoning etc)Resource consumption attacks(sleep
deprivation attack) , IP Spoofing attack, State Pollution attack,
Sybil attack, Fabrication, Modification etc.Transport layer
attack includes attacks like Session Hijacking attack, SYN
Flooding attack Application layer attacks can be Repudiation
Keywords— MANET, RREQ, RREP, Blackhole, AODV
In this paper, I have considered a network attack problem in
MANET. To protect communication in the network its basic
functionality of delivering bits of data from one node to
another. I have worked on reducing the packet loss and delay
caused by Blackhole attack. Routing protocols play an very
important role in the creating and maintaining the connections
between the nodes.
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a network formed by
collection of mobile hosts without any requirement existing
infrastructure or base station which provide centralized access.
It is group of mobile nodes which do not need any
infrastructure and communicate over a wireless channel. They
are best for temporary network in case of temporary
communication which do not have an need of pre installed
infrastructure .intermediate nodes are required for
communication because it has limited range of transmission
i.e. why such networks are known as multihop adhoc
networks. Nodes need not only to fulfill the functionality of
being hosts but each node also acts as router for forwarding
the packets. A MANET is a decentralized. In decentralized
wireless system which consists of free nodes. It is sometimes
called mobile mesh network. It is a self configurable wireless
network. These wireless communication devices are
transmitter and receivers. These smart antennas can be of any
kind and nodes can be fixed or mobile. These node referred to
as which are free to move in every direction so these nodes
can be a mobile phone, laptop, personal computer and etc.
These all the nodes are to be located in cars, airplanes or with
people having small electronic devices and etc MANET has
gained popularity because of its self configuring and self
maintaining nature. Application area of MANET ranges from
defense, emergency during disaster recovery by military or in
organizations due to their easy deployment. challenges include
ISSN: 2231-5381
Routing protocols which are used include DSDV
(Destination-sequenced Distance Vector),DSR(Dynamic
source routing),AODV(Ad-hoc on demand Distance vector
Routing).Wireless mobile ad-hoc networks are characterized
as networks without any physical connections. In these
networks there is no fixed topology due to the mobility of
nodes, interference, multipath propagation and path loss.
Hence a dynamic routing protocol is needed for these
networks to function properly.
Routing protocols are classified as:Proactive Protocol (Table-driven), Reactive Protocol (Ondemand),Hybrid Protocol (e.g. ZRP).Proactive protocols:these protocols continuously evaluate route, route is
determined with negligible delay, uses significant wireless
resources E.g.:-Destination-sequenced distance vector Routing.
Reactive protocols: - these protocols evaluates route on
demand, delay is significant and avoid wastage of
resources.eg:-dynamic source routing (DSR).
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013
Hybrid protocols: - Nodes maintain route information for
all the nodes within routing zone example ZRP. It Consists
of route discovery/accumulation and discovers multiple
routes to destination involves fewer hops.
or more stable path to the destination node during the finding
process of path. The malicious node can do this in order to
hamper the process of path-finding or to intercept the data
packets which are being sent to the destination node in the
network and as a whole disturbing the communication.
Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing
protocol [1][2], uses on-demand approach to find its routes
that is, only when source requires route it is established for
transmission of data packets. It works on destination
sequence number for recognizing very recent path. In
AODV, the source node and all the intermediate nodes
stores next-hop information corresponding to each flow
for data packet transmission. In an on-demand routing
protocol, the RREQ packet is flooded in network by
source node when a route is not available for the desired
destination. By flooding RREQ packets we may obtain
multiple number of routes to different destinations with a
single RREQ. AODV routing protocol uses a destination
sequence number to determine most upto dated path for
the destination. Destination sequence number tries to
indicate the newness of the route which is accepted by
source. When RREQ is received by intermediate node it
RREQ, it either forward it or prepare RREP if it is having
a valid route to the destination. All intermediate nodes
which have valid route till destination, or itself is
destination node , sends RREP to the source. RREP is a
unicast reply message sent back along the recently saved
path to the source node or it again broadcast the RREQ
message otherwise. This process continues till a RREP
message by the destination node or an intermediate node
which has a fresh route to the destination node is received
by source node. As the RREP is sent back to the source, all
intermediate nodes sets forward route entry in their
respective tables. The route maintenance process utilizes
notifications of link-layer, which are intercepted by nodes
neighbouring the one which caused the error. These nodes
produces the error message and then forward route error
(RERR) messages to its all neighbours that are using
routes which contain the broken link. While the reception
of a RERR message a node initiate the route discovery for
replacing the disastrous paths.
AODV being a collaborative protocol [10] allowing nodes
to distribute the information which they are holding about
other nodes. RREQ messages is not necessarily required
to reach the destination node during the process of route
discovery. If an intermediate node already knows a route
towards the destination, it do not forward the RREQ more
further and generate the RREP message. This enables
more quicker replies and limits the flooding of RREQs
when it is not required.
Route discovery
adverse that can
MANET. In this
falsely advertises
is much vulnerable in AODV, which an
exploit to perform a black hole attack on
attack, any malicious node in the network
good path which can either be shortest path
ISSN: 2231-5381
Black hole attack is network layer attack in which vicious
node sends a forged route reply (RREP) packet to source node
that initiates the route discovery and pretending itself to b the
destination node. By comparing the destination sequence
number contained in RREP packets when a source node
received multiple RREP, it judges the greatest one as the most
recent routing information and selects the route contained in
that RREP packet. In case the sequence numbers are equal it
selects the route with the smallest hop count. If the attacker
spoofed the identity to be the destination node and sends
RREP with destination sequence number higher than the real
destination node to the source node, the data traffic will flow
toward the attacker. Therefore, source and destination nodes
became unable to communicate with each other. The fact that
ad-hoc networks lack fixed infrastructure and use wireless link
for communication makes them very susceptible to an
adversary's malicious attacks, adding more to it - open
medium, dynamically changing topologies, reliance on
cooperative algorithms, absence of centralized monitoring
points, and lack of clear lines of defense are loopholes for
Black hole attacks. Black hole attack could disturb routing
protocol and bring about enormous damage to the network’s
topology. The routing protocol must have the ability to
manage the frequent topology changes caused by the mobility
of nodes and these need to be efficient as compared on basis
of efficiency in terms of bandwidth and power as well as on
basis of load Transmission Therefore Blackhole attack can be
defined as any unwanted transmission in the network structure
that lead to eroded transmission from source to destination by
handling of bytes by unauthorized node.
Purpose of Blackhole attack on network:- To stop
the delivery of packet forwarded by source node.
To change the parameters in routing message.
Blackholes results in delays or communication loss.
A. Types of Blackhole attacks in MANET:Single Blackhole attack: - single Blackhole attack stands for a
Blackhole attack in which there exists one source node and
one destination node and in between both the node there lies a
malicious node which hampers the communication over a
Collaborative Blackhole attack:- multiple malicious nodes
groups them together to make them hidden from detection
approaches. These are also known as cooperative Blackholes.
A black hole [1][3], is a network attack in which the intension
of the malicious node is to create hindrance in the path finding
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013
process or to intercept all data packets that are being sent to
destination node. In such attack the malicious node listen to a
route request packet in the network, and respond with reply of
having an most shortest route or stable route to the destination
node when it is not having.
intermediate nodes. The route which is having less number of
hop counts and greater sequence number is selected as the best
route for data routing. Through every route destination sends
range table .In this table destination sends the information to
the source that which nodes are in the range of the destination.
The malicious nodes send different information to the source
and malicious node will be detected. When the malicious node
and destination are in the range of each other this case is
extension of the case 1 in this case destination also sends the
DIR table to the source node
Fig. 1 Blackhole attack
A. Network Setup
Set up the network with minimum number of 16 nodes. In the
network declare one node as the malicious node
B. Path establishment
The path from the source to destination is established using
AODV reactive routing protocol.
AODV use RREP AND RREQ messages for the path
establishment. Black hole node responds back with the
minimum hop counts and higher sequence numbers.
Cooperative nodes can help black hole node to perform black
hole attack
C. Black hole Attack Prevention
In our technique we are assuming following two cases:
Case1:-When the malicious node are not in the direct range of
the destination node. When the source node flood the network
with the route request packets to the destination multiple
nodes reply to the source node with the RREQ packets and
multiple route are available to the destination through
ISSN: 2231-5381
Every node maintain the table of its neighbour node DIR table
DIR table.
In NODE ID column node id is defined
In FROM column value may be zero or one .Zero when no
data is pass from the node and 1 when data pass from node
In THROUGH column value will be 0 OR 1. O when no data
will pass through that node and 1 when data pass through that
node. In route established, every node has to presents its
neighbour DIR table. Some node is having from and through
entries Zero. But it is not sure that node which is having DIR
table value 0 is a malicious node For the verification source
broadcast the message, when nodes receives the message
every node in the network go to the promiscuous node. At the
same time source node sends the fake RREP message
destination. The in the promiscuous mode verifies and inform
the source that whether all the nodes in the route are passing
the message or not. If any nodes will not pass the message to
its next hop will be the malicious node.
Case2:- Destination sends both the DIR table and range table
to the source and on the basis both tables malicious node will
be detected.
For simulation we are using Network simulator2. NS2 [10] is
a network simulation tool that simulates discrete events
targeted at networking research. It provides substantial
support for simulation of TCP, routing protocols over wired
and wireless networks. Wireless and wired packet mode
communication network. NS2 provides a comprehensive
environment for designing network protocol, creating and
visualizing scenarios under user specific condition and
analysing their performance.
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Figure 3 represents the impact of balckhole attack on
throughput. Initially the throughput was not constant and was
fluctuating but proposed solution provides higher and constant
In this paper, we have analysed and describe the solution to
detect the single black hole in the network. We are using
AODV routing protocol and made it more secure routing
protocol. Security of our approach is better than AODV’s
security. In our approach, we are enhancing premicious mode
by providing DIR table with ranges for detecting Blackhole.
In future work can be carried out on cooperative Blackholes
and using other routing protocols.
Fig. 2 Impact of black hole on network Packet loss and packet loss in
proposed algorithm under black hole attack
Figure 2 represents the impact of black hole attack on packet
loss. The packet loss in network is increased due to the impact
of black hole but the proposed solution provides less packet
loss with black hole attack.
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Fig. 3 Impact of black hole on network throughput and network throughput
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