An Improved Clustering Approach in UWSN to improve Network Life

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 5- May2013
An Improved Clustering Approach in UWSN to
improve Network Life
Seema Yadav#1, Sanjiv Kumar Tomar*2
Student, M.Tech(CSE), 2Asst. Professor Department of CSE
Amity University, Noida, India
Abstract— A sensor network is the distributed network splitted
in number of clusters. The major concern in this network
architecture is the decision about the cluster formation as well as
the selection of cluster head over the clustered nodes. The
effective cluster head selection results the improved network life
as well as the communication. In fixed networks this kind of
decision can be taken easily by implementing the standard
clustering protocol, But in case of Underwater sensor network it
is also to manage the network localization and the movement of
nodes over the network. In this paper, the idea is presented for a
new clustering approach so that network reliability will be
Keywords— UWSN, Clustering, Localization, Mobility, Network
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks is one of the
emerging field of wireless technology that is been extensively
developed in last few years. It defines the new application
areas to setup a underwater network to perform the monitoring,
communication by using the fixed or the mobile sensors.
These kind of network also having their own responsibilities,
advantages as well as the drawbacks. The architecture
followed for a normal sensor network is not completely
adaptive to the underwater sensor network because of the new
major dissimilarities between these kind of network. In such
networks basically the expensive smart sensors are used.
These smart sensors are having the ability to keep the
information about the neighbouring nodes. It means these
smart sensors are having the memory as well as some times
small processing device. The energy parameters of these
networks are defined in same way as of the normal sensor
Now the main issue discussed here is the clustering process.
Besides, the connectivity of every sensor to a CH has to be
ensured at any time. Furthermore, for data to be routed from
any CH to the PN (Processing Node), all CHs have to belong
to a single connected graph. Hence, for sensors’ states
allocation to be optimal, coverage, connectivity of sensors to
CHs, and routing has to be taken into account within the same
global planning process.
Besides achieving energy efficiency, clustering reduces
channel contention and packet collisions, resulting in better
network throughput under high load.
ISSN: 2231-5381
Generally, energy conservation is dealt with on four different
1. Efficient scheduling of sensor states to alternate between
sleep and active modes;
2. Energy-efficient routing, clustering, and data aggregation;
3. Efficient control of transmission power to ensure an optimal
trade-off between energy consumption and connectivity;
4. Data compression (source coding) to reduce the amount of
uselessly transmitted data
The scope of this paper includes both the first and the second
levels. We address the global problem of maximizing network
lifetime under the joint clustering, routing, and Coverage
The clustering is one of major research concern in case of
sensor networks. There are number of existing protocols that
works on clustered architecture. One of such common
protocol is LEACH. The lean protocol works for the multicast
as well as broadcast networks. In case of clustered network,
there are number of communication areas covered by different
authors such as cluster formation, inter cluster
communication, intra cluster communication, data aggregation
etc. In this section the work done by the earlier research in the
same area is presented. In this work, the leach protocol
architecture is been presented.
The leach protocol is developed by Dr. Wendi Rabnir in 2002.
The author uses a clustering function for the energy balancing
and decreases the communication cost over the network. The
work performed by leach is divided into rounds and every
sensor node gives the self election of the cluster node. The
basic features of Leach protocol are given as under
Self Configuring Clustering
Localization of nodes and the intelligent
Low Energy Communication and data access
Application Specific Data Processing
The leach provides the adaptive clustering approach for the
sensor network for the cluster formation and it is responsible
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for the cluster formation and the inter cluster communication
over the network. It can work on frequency division as well as
time division based scheduling to perform the aggregative
communication over the network. The system defines a base
station to perform the communication and support the concept
of CDMA for providing the required data.
Fig 1: LEACH protocol Phases
The architecture of the Leach Protocol undergoes to the
number of stages.
Setup Phase
In the next cluster setup phase, the member nodes inform the
Cluster Head that they become a member to that cluster with
"join packet" contains their IDs using CSMA. After the
cluster-setup sub phase, the Cluster-Head knows the number
of member nodes and their IDs. Based on all messages
received within the cluster, the Cluster-Head creates a TDMA
schedule, pick a CSMA code randomly, and broadcast the
TDMA table to cluster members. After that steady-state phase
begins. [Kay Romer and Friedemann Mattern, Eth Zurich
(2000)] [ Hiren Kumar Deva Sarma and Avijit Kar (2002)][M.
Ibrahim Channa and Irum Memon(2001)][ Michael O’Rourke
Steady State
In this phase data transmission begins. Nodes send their
data during their allocated TDMA slot to the Cluster-Head.
This transmission uses a minimal amount of energy (chosen
based on the received strength of the Cluster-Head
advertisement). The radio of each non-Cluster-Head node can
be turned off until the nodes allocated TDMA slot, thus
minimizing energy dissipation in these nodes. When all the
data has been received, the Cluster-Head aggregate these data
and send it to the BS [Kay Romer and Friedemann Mattern,
Eth Zurich (2000)]. Here fig 2. is hsowing the basic clustering
Fig 2: Clustering Algorithm [7]
A The nodes in the sensor network could be the Next Node
with certain probability and the network load is balanced,
because of the Next Node randomly being selected by the
LEACH clustering algorithm. In addition, there is no center
node to control and coordinate the selection of Next Node,
and each node decides whether to be the Next Node itself,
therefore the LEACH can choose the Next Node with
distributed and self-adaptive manner.
During the term of selecting Next Node, the node generates a
random number range from 0 to 1, and the system generates a
random threshold T (n) at the same time. If the random
number is smaller than the T (n), it could be the Next Node.
Then the node broadcasts that it is a Next Node now. To
ensure that the node which already been the Next Node could
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 5- May2013
not be the Next Node again in one round, the value of T(n) for
the node will be set as 0. Otherwise the node can participate in
the selection of Next Node with the probability of p, the p
represents the percentage of Next Nodes in the sensor network
each round. With the number of selected nodes as Next Node
increasing, the threshold value T (n) of the nodes which are
never being selected is also rising up. Therefore the
probability of nodes generating random number is smaller
than T (n) is increasing. That means the excess nodes have
higher probability to be the Next Node.
However when the value of T (n) is 1, it indicates that the
nodes must be the Next Node. Node which has been selected
as Next Node will broadcast a message that it becomes the
Next Node in this round. Then other nodes not being Next
Node now can collect the information of each Next Node.
According to the intensity of each Next Node’s signal, one
node can join the cluster which has the lowest cost to be
Initialize all the parameters.
Cluster head selection:-A sensor node chooses a random
number,r between 0 and 1. If this random number is less
than a threshold value, T(n), the node becomes a
clusterhead for the current round. This threshold value is
calculated using :-
p = predetermined fraction of nodes that elect themselves
as CHs.
G = The set of nodes that have not been selected as a
cluster-head in the last (1/P) rounds.
r = number of current round.
Now CH receives data from Non-CH nodes and
aggregates them. And send to the BS. If the distance
between the CH and the BS is more than here we used
multi-hopping concept, acc to this if the distance between
the CH and the BS is more than one CH send data to the
other CH which is more closer to the BS.
Now energy dissipated is calculated and subtracted from
the remaining energy of every node and if some nodes are
having energy less than minimum than those nodes are
deleted from the network and the life time close .and we
get the output. Hence this round will be completed.
If the Energy (ClusterHead) <=0 then we set the
ClusterHead=Second ClusterHead. And also find the next
vice cluster head as the next option.
The process of cluster head selection criteria is different.
It is on the basis of three factors i.e. Minimum distance,
maximum residual energy, and minimum distance. Based
on received signal strength, each non-cluster head node
determine its cluster head, greater the signal strength
means shorter the distance between them and if distance is
small then for the transmission less energy is required .
The proposed approach will improve the network life as
never the cluster head will die. As a cluster head will die it
will be replaced by its vice Cluster head.
LEACH has two phases: the set-up and steady-state. In the
set-up phase, the cluster-heads are chosen “stochastically”,
which is randomly based on an algorithm. A threshold is
determined based on this algorithm.
distance and maximum energy. We will also select the
Vice Cluster Head. The Vice Cluster head is that alternate
head that will work only when the cluster head will die.
Formation of the cluster:-calculate the distance between
the cluster head and the sensor node, which have the
shortest distance that node join that cluster. The second
parameter is the energy and third parameter is residual
Energy. As a cluster head will be selected with minimum
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In case of sensor networks energy efficiency is one of the
main challenges in the design of protocols for WSNs. The
ultimate objective behind the protocol design is to keep the
sensors operating for as long as possible, thus extending the
network lifetime. In this paper we have surveyed and
summarized recent research works focused mainly on the
energy efficient hierarchical cluster-based routing protocols
for WSNs. As this is a broad area, this paper has covered only
few sample of routing protocols. The protocols discussed in
this paper have individual advantages and pitfalls. The
proposed work will increase the network lifetime with some
intelligent cluster selection approach.
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