24. A novel di-platinum(II) octaphosphite complex showing metal-metal bonding

A novel di-platinum(II) octaphosphite complex showing metal-metal bonding
and intense luminescence; a potential probe for basic proteins.
M.A.F. Pinto, P.J. Sadler, S. Neidle, M.R. Sanderson, A. Subbiah and K.Kuroda.
J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1980, 13-15.
Multinuclear NMR studies on cyclic platinum complexes
I.M. Al-Najjar, M.Green, J.K.K. Sarhan, I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler.
Inorg. Chem Acta 1980, 44 , L187-8.
Control of intra-and extracellular sulphydryl-disulphide balances with gold phosphine
drugs: 31P NMR studies of human blood.
N.A. Malik, G.Otiko and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1980, 12 , 317-322
The structural flexibility of ferric cytochrome c: regulation of the spin-state equilibrium
by an anti-arthritic gold(I) compound at neutral pH
G.Otiko and P.J. Sadler
FEBS Lett. 1980, 116, 227-30.
The structure of the antitumour complex cis-(diammino)-(1,1cyclobutanedicarboxylato)Pt(II):X-Ray and NMR studies
S.Neidle, I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler J. Inorg. Biochem. 1980 13 , 205-12.
Chlorine and bromine isotope shifts in 195Pt NMR spectra
I.M.Ismail, S.J.S. Kerrison and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1980, 1175-6.
An EXAFS study of gold coordination in the antiiarthritic drugs “Myocrisin” and
M.A.Mazid, M.T. Razi, P.J. Sadler, G.N.Greaves, S.J.Gurman, M.H.J. Koch and
J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1980, 1261-2.
Inorganic elements in biology and medicine.
N.J. Birch and P.J. Sadler
Roy. Soc. Chem. Spec. Per. Rep. Inorganic Biochemistry 1980, 2, 315-347.
24 and 162 MHz 31P Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of blood containing an
antiarthritic gold phosphine: relaxation via chemical shift anisotropy.
N.A. Malik, G. Otiko and P.J. Sadler
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1980, 8, 635-636.
Coordination of amides to Cis-[Pt(II)(NH3)2(H2O)2]2+
S.J. Kerrison and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1981, 61-2.
The crystal amd molecular structure of tetra(n-buty1)ammonium bis(toluene 3,4dithiolato)Au(III). Reversible association with SO2 in solution.
M.A.Mazid, M.T. Razi and P.J. Sadler
Inorg.Chem. 1981, 20 , 2872-77.
Gold-substituted azurin.
G. Otiko and P.J. Sadler
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1981, 9, 445-446.
Inorganic pharmacology
P.J. Sadler
Chem. Brit. 1982, 18, 182-8
A carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance study of thiol-exchange reactions of gold(I)
thiomalate (“Myocrisin”) including applications to cysteine derivatives.
A.A. Isab and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Dalton 1982, 135-41.
The comparative evaluation of the physical and chemical properties of gold compounds.
P.J. Sadler
J. Rheumatol. 1982, Suppl. 8 , 71-8.
Effects of chemical shift anisotropy and 14-N coupling on the 1-H and 195-Pt nuclear
magnetic resonance spectra of platinum complexes.
H and 13C Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of gold(I) thiomalate (“Myocrisin”) in
aqueous solution : dependence of the solution studies on pH and ionic strength.
A.A. Isab and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Dalton 1981, 1657-63.
I.M. Ismail, S.J.S Kerrison and P.J. Sadler
Polyhedron 1982, 1 , 57-9.
A Mössbauer study of gold(I) and gold(III) dithiolate complexes related to anti-arthritic
G.H.M. Calis, J.M. Trooster, M.T. Razi and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1982, 17, 139-45.
The resolution of chlorine and bromine shifts in the 31-P spectra of PCl3 and PBr3
M.J. Buckingham, G.E. Hawkes, I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Dalton 1982, 1167-8.
The trans influence in platinum chemistry. A platinum-195 nuclear magnetic resonance
study of [15N]nitrito-, chloro-, and bromo- platinum-(II) and -(IV) complexes.
S.J.S Kerrison and P.J.Sadler
J.C.S. Dalton 1982, 2363-9.
Hypoxic cell sensitization of radiation damage by a new radiosensitizer:
cis-dichloro-bis(1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitromidazole-N3) platinum(II) (FLAP)
J.R. Bales, P.J. Sadler, C.J. Coulson, M. Laverick and A.H.W. Nias
Br. J. Cancer 1982, 46 , 701-5.
Inorganic elements in biology and medicine.
N.J. Birch and P.J. Sadler
Roy. Soc. Chem. Spec. Per. Rep. Inorganic Biochemistry 1982, 3 , 372-397.
Ligand exchange reactions of gold drugs in model systems and in red cells.
M.T. Razi, G. Otiko and P.J.Sadler
ACS Symposium Series 1983, 209 , 371-384.
88 MHz 113Cd NMR studies of native rat liver metallothioneins.
J.K. Nicholson, P.J. Sadler, K. Cain, D.E. Holt, M. Webb and G.E. Hawkes.
Biochem.J. 1983, 211, 251-5.
Pt and 15N NMR Studies of anti-tumor complexes.
I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler
ACS Symposium Series 1983, 209 , 171-190.
X-Ray crystal and molecular structure of cis(NN´), trans(OO´)bis-(-2amino-ethanolato)-cis—dichloroplatinum(IV) dihydrate. The relationship of
anti-tumour activity to ring closure.
R. Kuroda, S.Neidle, I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Dalton 1983, 823-5.
The preparation and isomerization of platinum metronidazole complexes: X-Ray crystal
and molecular structures of cis- and trans –dichlorobis[1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5nitroimidazole]platinum(II)
J.R.Bales, C.J. Coulson, D.W.Gilmour, M.A.Mazid, S.Neidle, R.Kuroda, B.J.Peart,
C.A.Ramsden and P.J. Sadler
J.C.S. Chem. Comm. 1983, 432-33.
Bacterial cadmium-binding proteins
D.P.Higham, P.J. Sadler and M.D. Scawen
Inorg.Chim. Acta 1983, 79, 140-2.
Gold-induced spin-state changes in haem proteins
S.J. Berners Price, M.C. Grootveld, G. Otiko, H.R. Robbins and P.J. Sadler
Inorg.Chim. Acta 1983, 79 , 186-7.
Proton, carbon-13 and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of
(Auranofin), a novel anti-arthritic agent
M.T. Razi, P.J. Sadler, D.T. Hill
J.C.S. Dalton 1983, 1331-4
High resolution 1H NMR studies of vertebrate blood and plasma.
J.K.Nicholson, M.J. Buckingham and P.J. Sadler
Biochem. J. 1983, 211 , 605-15.
NMR Studies on ligand exchange and redox reactions of Auranofin in vitro and in red
Au Mössbauer and X-ray crystallographic studies of the gold anti-arthritic
drugs “Ridaura”, Myochrysin, Solganol and related compounds.
D.T. Hill, P.J. Sadler, G. Calis and J.M. Trooster
Proc.Symp. on Bioinorganic Chemistry of Gold Coordination Compounds Smith, Kline
& French Laboratories, Philadelphia, 1983, 67-81.
N.A.Malik, G.Otiko, M.T. Razi and P.J. Sadler
Proc. Symp. on Bioinorganic Chemistry of Gold Coordination Compounds Smith, Kline
& French Laboratories, Philadelphia, 1983, 82-97.
Gold-197 Mössbauer studies of some gold(I) thiolates and their phosphine complexes
including certain anti-arthritic drugs
D.T.Hill, B.M. Sutton, A.A. Isab, M.T. Razi, P.J.Sadler, J.M. Trooster and G.M. Calis
Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22 , 2936-42.
Differences between the structure of the anti-arthritic gold drug “Myocrisin” in the solid
state and in solution : a kinetic study of dissolution.
M.C. Grootveld and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1983, 19, 51-64.
59.. Crystal and molecular structure of three isomers of
dichlorodiamminehydroxoplatinum(IV): cis- trans isomerization on recrystallization
from water.
R.Kuroda, S.Neidle, I.M. Ismail and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22 , 3602-3.
Sorbitol dehydrogenase in a zinc enzyme.
J. Jeffrey, J. Chesters, C. Mills, P.J. Sadler and H. Jornvall
EMBO Journal 1984, 3, 357-360.
Use of high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for rapid multicomponent analysis of urine.
J.R. Bales, D.P. Higham, I. Howe, J.K. Nicholson and P.J. Sadler
Clin. Chem. 1984 ,30, 426-432.
H NMR study of the interaction of aurothiomalate (“Myocrisin”) with human red blood
cells in vitro.
G. Otiko, M.T. Razi, P.J. Sadler, A.A. Isab and D.L. Rabenstein
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1983, 19, 227-235.
H NMR studies of serum, plasma and urine from fasting normal and diabetic subjects.
J.K. Nicholson, M.P. O’Flynn, P.J. Sadler, A.F. Macleod, S.M.Juul and .H. Sönksen
Biochem. J. 1984, 217, 365-75.
Cadmium complexes of dicysteinoethylenediaminetetraacetic acid exhibit 113Cd NMR
shifts and 113Cd-113Cd couplings similar to those of metallothionein.
R.A. Bulman, J.K. Nicholson, D.P. Higham and P.J. Sadler
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 1118-1119.
Stable gold(I) complexes with chelate rings: solution studies of bis(phosphino)ethane
complexes and X-ray crystal structure of bis([1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane gold(I)
S.J. Berners Price, M.A. Mazid and P.J. Sadler
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton 1984, 969-974.
Progress in the characterization of gold drugs.
M.C. Grootveld, M.T. Razi and P.J. Sadler
Clinical Rheumatology 1984, 3, (Suppl.1), 5-16.
Monitoring metabolic disease by proton NMR of urine.
J.K. Nicholson, P.J. Sadler, J.R. Bales, S.M. Juul, A.F. Macleod and P.H. Sönksen
The Lancet 1984, Sept 29, 751-52.
Cadmium-resistant Pseudomonas putida synthesizes novel cadmium proteins.
D.P.Higham, P.J. Sadler and M.D. Scawen
Science 1984, 225, 1043-46.
The design of metal complexes as anticancer drugs.
P.J. Sadler, M. Nasr and V.L. Naranayan
in Platinum Coordination Complexes in Cancer Chemotherapy, Eds. M.P. Hacker, E.B.
Douple and I.H. Krakhoff, Martinus Nijhoff, Boston, Mass., 1984, 290-304.
Proton NMR studies of plaice liver metallothionein: metal removal by EDTA.
J.K. Nicholson, P.J. Sadler and J. Overnell
in Metals in Animals, Proc. ITE Symposium 12, Inst, Terrest. Ecol., Cambridge, 1984,
NMR and EXAFS Studies of metallodrugs and metalloproteins.
S.J. Berners Price, I.M. Ismail, M.A.Mazid, M.T. Razi, P.J. Sadler and G.N. Greaves
in Biological Systems : Structure and Analysis Daresbury Laboratory 24-25 March 1984,
SERC Report DL/SCI/R22, 1984, 18-27.
NMR- Clinically Significant ?
J.R. Bales, D.Higham, J.K.Nicholson and P.J. Sadler
Medical Laboratory World (United Trade Press, London), 1984, November, 11-16.
Urinary excretion of acetaminophen and its metabolites as studied by proton NMR
J.R.Bales, P.J. Sadler, J.K. Nicholson and J.A.Timbrell Clin.Chem. 1984, 30 , 1631-36.
The environmental chemistry of metals with examples from the speciation of cadmium.
P.J. Sadler, D.P. Higham and J.K. Nicholson in Environmental Inorganic Chemistry,
Proceedings, US-Italy International Workshop on Environmental Inorganic Chemistry,
San Miniato, Italy, June 5-10, 1983, K.J. Irgolic and A.E. Martell, Eds., VCH Publishers,
Inc., Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA 1985, 249-72.
X-Ray and NMR studies of trans-dihydroxo-platinum(IV) antitumour complexes.
R. Kuroda, I. M. Ismail and P. J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1984, 22, 103–17.
Gold drugs.
S.J. Berners Price and P.J. Sadler
in Bioinorganic Chemistry Ed. A.V. Xavier, VCH Publishers, 1985, 376-388.
Preparation, characterisation and anti-inflammatory activity of imido gold(I)
triethylphosphine complexes.
S.J. Berners Price, P.J. Sadler, R. Kuroda, M.J. DiMartino, B.M. Sutton and D.T. Hill
Rev. Port. Quim. 1985, 27, 397-398.
Platinum(II) complexes of nitroimidazoles. Synthesis characterization and X–Ray crystal
structures of cis–Pt[1–(2–hydroxyethyl)–2–hydroxymethyl–5–nitroimidazole]2Cl2 and
J.R. Bales, M.A. Mazid, P.J. Sadler, R. Kuroda, D.W. Gilmour, B.J. Peart and C.A.
JCS Dalton 1985, 795–802.
Cd NMR Studies of reconstituted seven–cadmium metallothionein:
Evidence for structural flexibility.
M. Vasak, G. E. Hawkes, J. K. Nicholson and P. J. Sadler
Biochemistry 1985, 24 , 740–47.
Proton NMR spectra of urine as indicators of renal damage:
mercury–induced nephrotoxicity in rats.
J. K. Nicholson, J. A. Timbrell and P. J. Sadler
Molecular Pharmacology 1985, 27, 644–651.
A high resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance approach to the study of hepatocyte
and drug metabolism. Application to acetaminophen
J. K. Nicholson, J. A. Timbrell, J. R. Bales and P. J. Sadler
Molecular Pharmacology 1985, 27, 634–643.
Stable, chelated, tetrahedral, silver(I) complexes with bidentate phosphine ligands. A
novel application of INEPT to {31P}–109Ag NMR
S.J. Berners Price, P.J. Sadler, C. Brevard and A. Pagelot
Inorg. Chem. 1985, 24 , 4278–4281.
Two–dimensional proton nuclear magnetic “resonance maps” of Acetaminophen
metabolites in human urine.
J. R. Bales, J. K. Nicholson and P. J. Sadler
Clin. Chem. 1985, 31, 757–62.
Cadmium resistance in Pseudomonas putida: growth and uptake of cadmium.
D. P. Higham, P. J. Sadler and M. D.Scawen
J. Gen. Microbiol. 1985, 131, 2539–2544.
Tertiary phosphine complexes of gold(I) and gold(III) with imido ligands: 1H, 31P and
N NMR, anti–inflammatory activity and X–ray crystal structure of
S.J. Berners Price, J.J. Dimartino, D.T. Hill, R. Kuroda, M.A. Mazid and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1985, 24 , 3425–3434.
Pt NMR Studies of Pt(II) dimethyl sulphoxide complexes.
S. J. Kerrison and P. J. Sadler
Inorg. Chim. Acta 1985, 104 , 197–201.
H, 13C NMR and electronic absorption spectroscopic studies of the interaction of
cyanide with aurothiomalate
G.G. Graham, J.R. Bales, M.C. Grootveld and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1985, 25, 163–173.
NMR Studies of crab and plaice metallothioneins
D.P. Higham, P.J. Sadler and M.D. Scawen
Environ. Health Perspect. 1986, 65 , 157-165.
Cadmium-binding proteins in Pseudomonas putida : pseudothioneins.
D.P. Higham, P.J. Sadler and M.D. Scawen
Environ. Health Perspect. 1986, 65, 5-11.
Effect of cadmium on the morphology, membrane integrity and permeability of
Pseudomonas putida.
D.P. Higham, P.J. Sadler and M.D. Scawen
J. Gen. Microbiol. 1986, 132, 1475-1482.
The application of high resolution proton NMR spectroscopy to the detection of drug
metabolites in biological samples.
J.K. Nicholson, P.J. Sadler, K. Tulip and J.A. Timbrell
Methodol. Surv. Biochem. Anal. 1986, 16, 321-335.
One- and two-dimensional 1H NMR spectroscopic studies of body fluids: practical
methods of water suppression.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown and P.J. Sadler
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1986, 14 , 1263-1264.
Proton NMR studies of urine.
P.J. Sadler in Biochemical mechanisms of platinum antitumour drugs, Eds. D.C.H.
McBrien and T.R. Slater, IRL Press Ltd., Oxford, 1986, 383-392.
Studies on antiarthritic and anticancer metallodrugs by X–Ray absorption spectroscopy.
M.A. Mazid, P.J. Sadler, M.T. Razi and I.M. Ismail
Proc. Symp. on the Role of Physics for Development, Dhaka Jan. 20-24, 1982
Bangladesh Physical Society, Dhaka, 80-83.
Pt NMR Spectroscopy: applications to the study of anticancer drugs.
F.M. Macdonald and P.J. Sadler in Biochemical mechanisms of platinum antitumour
drugs, Eds. D.C.H. McBrien and T.R. Slater, IRL Press Ltd., Oxford, 1986, 361-381.
Reactions of triethylphosphine gold(I) complexes with haem proteins: novel spin-state
changes in cytochrome b562, myoglobin and haemoglobin.
M.C. Grootveld, G. Otiko, P.J. Sadler and R. Cammack
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1986, 27, 1-15.
[Cu(Ph2PCH2CH2PEt2)2]Cl: A chelated copper(I) complex with tetrahedral
stereochemistry. Rate of inversion compared with isostructural silver(I) and gold(I)
S.J. Berners Price, C. Brevard, A. Pagelot and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 596-599.
Characterisation of P-Au-N bonds in the solid state by 15N NMR.
S.J. Berners Price, K. Morden, S.J. Opella and P.J. Sadler
Magn. Res. Chem. 1986, 24 , 734-736.
Analysis of human aqueous humour by high resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy.
J.C.C. Brown, P.J. Sadler, D.J. Spalton, S.M. Juul, A.F. Macleod
Exp. Eye Res. 1986, 42 , 357-362.
100. In vivo antitumour activity and in vitro cytotoxic properties of bis[1,2bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]gold(I) chloride.
S.J. Berners Price, C.K. Mirabelli, R.K. Johnson, M.R. Mattern, F.L. McCabe, L.F.
Faucett, C.-M. Sung, S.-M. Mong, P.J. Sadler and S.T. Crooke
Cancer Res. 1986, 46, 5486-5493.
101. Gold(I) complexes with bidentate tertiary phosphine ligands: formation of annular versus
tetrahedral chelated complexes.
S.J. Berners Price and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25 , 3822-3827.
102. 1H NMR Studies of urine during fasting: excretion of ketone bodies and acetylcarnitine.
J.K. Nicholson, J.R. Bales and P.J. Sadler
Magn. Res. Med. 1986, 3, 849-856.
103. Gold resistant bacteria: excretion of a cystine-rich protein by Pseudomonas cepacia
induced by an antiarthritic drug.
D.P. Higham, M.D. Scawen and P.J. Scawen
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1986, 28, 253-261.
104. High resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of human cerebrospinal fluid.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown, P.J. Sadler, A.F. Macleod, P.J. Sönksen, R.D. Hughes and R.
Clinical Science 1987, 72 , 563-570.
105. Multinuclear NMR methods for the in situ characterisation of chemical species.
P.J. Sadler in Dahlem Konferenzen Life Sciences Research Report 33, Eds. M. Bernhard,
F.E. Brinckman and P.J. Sadler, Springer Verlag, 1986, 563-578.
106. The importance and determination of chemical species in biological systems.
W.R. Wolf, K.H. Irgolic, J.K. Ludwicki, R.J. Melhorn, W. Mertz, C.F. Mills, U.
Oehmichen, M. Piscator, P.J. Sadler, R.N.F. Throneley, G. Weber and M. Zeppezauer
Dahlem Konferenzen Life Sciences Research Report 33, Eds. M. Bernhard, F.E.
Brinckman and P.J. Sadler, Springer Verlag, 1986, 17-58.
107. Crystal and molecular structure of (+)-bis(ethyl-L-methionylamido)EDTA
copper(II). 1.5 H2O. Asymmetric induction in synthesis and amide carbonyl coordination
to copper.
R.A. Bulman, N. Jobanputra, R. Kuroda, A. MacKinnon and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 2483-2486.
P NMR Studies of [Au2(-dppe)]2+ antitumour complexes. Conversion into
[Au(dppe)2]+ induced by thiols and blood plasma.
S.J. Berners Price, P.S. Jarrett and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3074-3077.
109. Assignment of resonances for “acute-phase” glycoproteins in high resolution proton
NMR spectra of human blood plasma.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown, J.K. Nicholson and P.J. Sadler FEBS Lett. 1987, 215 , 311-315.
110. 1H NMR Studies of human blood plasma: assignment of resonances for lipoproteins.
J.D. Bell, P.J. Sadler, A.F. Macleod, P.R. Turner and A. LaVille
FEBS Lett. 1987, 219 , 239-243.
111. Probing the reactivity of the zinc and cadmium ions bound to rabbit liver
metallothioneins with EDTA.
D.P Higham, J.K. Nicholson and P.J. Sadler in Metallothionein. Proceedings of the
second international meeting on metallothioneins and other low molecular weight
metal-binding proteins. Zürich, 1985, Eds. J.H.R. Kägi and Y. Kojima, Birkhaüser
Verlag, Basel, 1987, 191-201.
112. A possible role for copper in the antitumour activity of diphosphines.
P.S. Jarrett, S.J. Berners Price, P.J. Sadler, R.K. Johnson, S,K, Mong, J.O. Bartus, S.T.
Crooke, C.K. Mirabelli and M.R. Mattern
Rec. Trav. Chim. (Pays-Bas) 1987, 106, 393.
113. Reactions of platinum antitumour drugs with biologically-relevant fluids: cell culture
medium and blood plasma.
J.D. Bell, R.E. Norman and P.J. Sadler
Rec. Trav. Chim. (Pays-Bas) 1987, 106 , 383.
114. Phosphines in medicine.
S.J. Berners Price and P.J. Sadler
Chem. Brit. 1987, 23, 541-544.
115. The autoxidation and proton dissociation constants of tertiary diphosphines: relevance to
biological activity.
S.J. Berners Price, R.E. Norman and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1987, 31, 197-209
116. Copper(I) complexes with bidentate tertiary phosphine ligands: solution chemistry and
antitumour activity.
S.J. Berners Price, R.K. Johnson, A.J. Giovenella, L.F. Faucette, C.K. Mirabelli, F.L.
McCabe and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3383-3387.
117. Coordination chemistry in biological media: reactions of antitumour Pt(II) and Au(III)
complexes with cell culture media.
J.D. Bell, R.E. Norman and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1987, 31, 241-246.
118. Interaction of the antitumour Au(I) complex [Au(Ph2P(CH2)2PPh2)2]Cl with human
blood plasma, red cells, and lipoproteins.
S.J. Berners Price and P.J. Sadler
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1987, 31, 267-281.
119. Proton NMR studies of neonatal urine
J.C.C. Brown, P.J. Sadler, G.A. Mills and P.J. Sadler
Ann. Clin. Biochem. 1987, 24, S101-103.
120. The anticancer activity of metal phosphine complexes.
S.J .Berners Price and P.J. Sadler, in Platinum and Other Metal Coordination
Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy Ed. M. Nicolini, Martinus Nijhoff Pub. 1988, 527537.
121. NMR Studies of metallodrugs
P.J. Sadler in NMR Spectroscopy in Drug Research, Alfred Benzon Symposium 26,
Eds. J.W. Jaroszewski, K. Schaumburg and H. Kofod, Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1988,
122. NMR Studies of blood plasma and plasma proteins: the recognition system for anions.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown, G. Kubal and P.J. Sadler
Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1988, 16 , 714-5.
123. Metabolic profiling of body fluids by proton NMR self-poisoning episodes with
paracetamol (acetaminophen).
J.R. Bales, J.D. Bell, P.J. Sadler, J.K. Nicholson, J.A. Timbrell, P. Bennett, R.D. Hughes
and R. Williams
Magn. Reson. Med. 1988, 6, 300–306.
124. NMR-invisible lactate in blood plasma.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown, G. Kubal and P.J. Sadler
FEBS Lett. 1988, 235, 81-86.
125. Factors affecting 1H NMR spectra of blood plasma: cancer, diet and freezing.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown, R.E. Norman, P.J. Sadler and D.R. Newell
NMR in Biomed. 1988, 1, 90-94.
126. Antibacterial and anticancer activity of tetrahedral, chelated, diphosphine silver(I)
S.J. Berners Price, R.K. Johnson, A.J. Giovenella, L.F. Faucette, C.K. Mirabelli and P.J.
J. Inorg. Biochem. 1988, 33, 285-295.
127. NMR spectroscopy of body fluids.
J.D. Bell, J.C.C. Brown and P.J. Sadler
Chem. Brit. 1988, 24 , 1021-1024.
N NMR studies of amine release from platinum anticancer drugs: models and human
blood plasma.
R.E. Norman and P.J. Sadler
Inorg. Chem. 1988, 27, 3583-3587.
Cd NMR studies on metal-thiolate cluster formation in rabbit Cd(II)-metallothionein:
evidence for a pH dependence.
M. Good, R. Hollstein, P.J. Sadler and M. Vasák
Biochemistry 1988, 27, 7163-7166.
130. Phosphines and metal phosphine complexes: relationship of chemistry to anticancer and
other biological activity.
S.J .Berners Price and P.J. Sadler
Structure and Bonding, 1988, 70 , 27-102
131. Cadmium accumulation and resistance mechanisms in bacteria.
M.H. Rayner and P.J. Sadler in Spec. Pub. Soc. Gen. Microbiol.: Metal-microbe
interactions. R.K. Poole and G.M. Gadd, Eds. 1989, 26, 39-47.
132. Non-transferrin-bound iron in plasma or serum from patients with idiopathic
hemochromatosis. Characterization by high performance liquid chromatography and
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
M.C. Grootveld, J.D. Bell, B. Halliwell, O.I. Aruoma, A. Bomford and P.J. Sadler
J. Biol. Chem. 1989, 264 , 4417-4422.
133. Ultraviolet and magnetic-circular-dichroic spectroscopic studies of Gd(III) complexed
with diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid. A contrast agent for NMR imaging.
S.W.A. Bligh, A.F. Drake and P.J. Sadler
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