Ministry for Communications METHODOLOGY FOR MEASURING THE GEO EXPLOITATION ITU-R Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Spectrum/Orbit Resource Republic of Colombia Joaquin G. Restrepo Coordinator International Affairs Office Ministry of Communications, Colombia Geneva, Switzerland, May 6th 2009 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia GEO ATTRIBUTES Natural Resource: it is determined by laws of the nature, being humanity’s patrimony. Not renewable: GEO results from a unique combination of orbit parameters, and its artificial reproduction is beyond the human capacities. Scarce: a minimum angular separation among GEO satellites is required when they share Bands of Frequencies and cover the same or adjacent regions; therefore, the number of satellites that can be located at the GEO is limited. 2 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia GEO EXPLOITATION GEO exploitation must take into account the above attributes; hence it should be addressed by the following principles (Art. 44 of ITU Constitution, and Res. 80 of ITU Radio Rules): 1.Rationality 2.Efficiency 3.Economic 4.Equitable access to countries or groups of countries 5.Special needs of the developing countries 6.Geographical situation of particular countries. 3 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia OSR COMPONENTS The Spectrum-Orbit Resource OSR is a set of Frequencies, Coverage Areas, and Orbital Position needed for the operation of any satellite communication system. This proposal deals with Fixed Satellite Services (Fixed Satellite Services, FSS), operating from geostationary orbit, GEO, also extendible to Broadcasting Satellite Services, BSS 4 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia OSR COMPONENTS 1. Orbital parameters: GEO is circular, equatorial, at 35,786 km; the only parameter is position into GEO, as a coordinate of Longitude (°), East (E, +) or West (W, -). Latitude is not required (equatorial latitude is 0.0 °) 2. Frequency Plan: Bands of Frequencies to be used, and within each band the channels, both earth to space (uplink) and space to earth (downlink), this to avoid interference between the signals the satellite receives and retransmits to and from Earth, respectively 3. Covered Area: Regions over which the satellite transmits or receives signals. GEO satellite, might “see” one third of the earth surface; regions actually covered depend on the design of antenna systems, RF. 5 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia OSR SHARING Two satellites can operate simultaneously, if: 1. Cover Different Regions: operate since the same position, using the same frequency bands, but radiating different regions, which are not geographically contiguous, e.g., North America and South America 2. Use Different Frequencies: operate since the same position, radiating the same regions, or geographically contiguous, but operating on different frequencies, e.g., both of them covering the Americas, but in C and Ku band respectively 3. Placed at Different Orbit Slot: radiate the same regions, or geographically contiguous ones, using the same frequency bands, but separate at least 3° or 2° (C or Ku Band) ; e.g. both covering the Americas, both in C and Ku band, but operating from 120° and 123° respectively. 6 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia 1. GEO Occupancy Use density, GOU Aimed to measure the average number of Transponders TRP- per Area unit for a given satellite, or targeted for a space network filed before ITU. It is defined as: GOU= [ NB/MB (TRPs/Million Square Km)] /B Where: - NB: Number of TRPs of a given Beam B - MB: Deserved Area for a given Beam (for this exercise, only landmasses or maritime populated areas are considered - B: Number of Beams 7 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia 2. GEO Reuse Factor, GRF Allows to measure the reuse of the SOR done from a given orbit slot, or also to compare the efficient use of SOR from different satellites. It is defined as the ratio between a single global beam satellite and any other one GRFx = GOUx / GOUref Where: - GOUx: GOU of a slot X - GOUref: GOU for X slot if a single Global Beam were used 8 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia 3. GEO Area Service, GAS Allows to measure, for a given Area, the total GOU, radiated over it, since any position. It is determined as: GASR = GOUR Where - R: Considered Region - GOUR: any GOU attending such region R (total or partial) When calculating GASR attention must be taken for every GOUR, only considering beams including such a region. For partial coverage, a weighting must be done, multiplying that GEO by the covered zone over the total zone 9 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia 4. Maximal GASR for a region R, GASMR Allows to measure the maximal GAS for a Region R, considering that since a given position a same area can not have more TRPs than the whole Band (dedicated Beam). Thus GASMR is calculated from its total GEO visible arc, with an orbit separation according to the Band, and assuming a Region Beam from each position. GASMR = GOUR (for all GEO visible Arc, dedicated Beam, whole Band) 10 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia 5. GEO saturation of a given region R, GSR For a given region R, it is the ratio between is current GASR and its maximal GASMR. GSR = GASR / GASMR Where: - GSR: actual GAS for a region R - GSMR: Maximal GAS for a region R, 11 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia EXAMPLE A Satellite A over Atlantic Ocean, with 36 TRPs in Ku Band, in a Global Beam: Americas (58.6 Millions Km2), Europe (23 Millions Km2) and Africa (30.2 Millions Km2); hence: 1. GOUA = [36/(58.6+23+30.2)]/1=36/11.8 = 0.322 TRP/Million Km2 A satellite B uses 4 zonal beams: North America South America, Europe, and Africa, each beam with whole Ku Band (36 TRPs): 1. GOUB =[36/20+36/17.9+36/23+36/30.2]/4= 1.65TRP/Million Km2 2. GRFB= 1.65 / 0.322 = 5.12 12 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia EXAMPLE Taking as R South America, a visible arc of 120.0°, (Elevation angle >20.0°) ), in Ku Band, with at least 2.0°separation; it can be implemented 60 beams, each one from different orbit slot, spaced 2.0 °) . Then, for this region its GASRM is: 4. GASRM: 120/2 (# of slots) x 36 (# of TRP) / 17.9 (South America Area) = 120.6 TRP/Million Km2 I the sum of current GASR for South America were, 60.3, then: 5. GSR= 60.3 /120.6 = 0.5 = 50% 13 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia EXAMPLE Taking as R South America, a visible arc of 120.0°, (Elevation angle >20.0°) ), in Ku Band, with at least 2.0°separation; it can be implemented 60 beams, each one from different orbit slot, spaced 2.0 °) . Then, for this region its GASRM is: 4. GASRM: 120/2 (# of slots) x 36 (# of TRP) / 17.9 (South America Area) = 120.6 TRP/Million Km2 I the sum of current GASR for South America were, 60.3, then: 5. GSR= 60.3 /120.6 = 0.5 = 50% 14 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia VARIABLES TRADE OFF Symbol SLOT ORIENTED GEO Occupancy Use density, for a slot S, several or dedicated Beams GOUS GEO Occupancy Use density, for a slot S, Single Global Beam GOUS GEO Reuse Factor, for a slot S GRFS REGION ORIENTED GEO Area Service, for a Region R GASR Maximal GEO Area Service , for a Region R GASMR GEO Saturation, for a Region R GSR Up = Up Up = Up 15 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia POSIBLE STUDIES 1. Historic behavior of GEO exploitation: evaluating how the GFR has been increased by introduction of new techniques both in antenna design and manufacturing and signal processing, not only for a given GEO Arc, but also for the deserving different Regions. 2. Regulatory and Commercial GEO Status: it can be used both for the spacecrafts placed onto GEO and satellite networks notified before ITU, to analyze the GEO occupancy since the commercial and regulatory perspectives. 3. Comparisons between commercial and regulatory approach: to compare the quantity of SOR reserved vs. exploited, both from GEO Arcs and deserved regions perspective. 16 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia APPLICATION TO BASIC PRINCIPLES (Res. 80) 1. Efficiency: the GFR allows measuring a given GEO Arc efficiency vs time, looking last 40 years of GEO exploitation, and foreseeing their evolution, based on future satellites and notified or networks or in coordination. It can also applied for GASR, analyzing their increase vs time for a given Region 2. Economical: comparing the average cost per TRP vs time, then applied to average GOUS cost or GASR cost, showing the cost reduction or increase. It can be focused since satellite cost (industry view) or space capacity leasing (users view), and compare it, to answer questions as: a more economic GOUS leads to a cheaper GASR ?, in other words, how the economy benefits of GOUS evolution is being transferred to GASR ? 17 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia APPLICATION TO BASIC PRINCIPLES (Res. 80) 3. Equitable Access: It can be deducted by comparing the GASR and GASMR for different Regions; also it can be done by comparing by considering specific administrations exploiting a given GOUS they have notified before ITU. 4. Equitable Access for Developing Countries: As the equitable Access, using as a Region a given Country, or Group of Countries. Also it might be extended to particular geographical situations, as arctic or tropical regions. 5. . Rationality: it can be derived from comparisons between satellites in GEO vs notified networks, 18 Methodology for Measuring the GEO Exploitation Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORKS 1. With this mathematical approach, measurable analyzes of the basic principles ruling the SOR exploitation can be conducted, and also measurable conclusions can be attained. 2. Impact of current or proposed regulatory procedures can be analyzed or simulated respectively. 3. These analyses can support modifications to RR procedures or the inclusions of new considerations, in order to improve an actual achievement of every basic principle. 19 Ministry for Communications Republic of Colombia THANK YOU! Further Information: Joaquin G. Restrepo Ministry for Communications: 20