Multiple Sensor Feeding Supported Building Automation System Using Arduino Platform

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology- Volume4Issue2- 2013
Multiple Sensor Feeding Supported Building
Automation System Using Arduino Platform
With Exposure of 802.15.4 Functionalities
Mahendran.N#1, Geo Joe Mathai#2, Veenesh.M.U#3
Department of P.G Studies, S.A Engineering College
Chennai, India
Abstract— Building Automation system is a revolution in
automation technology based on the Arduino platform. BAS
doesn’t need any dedicated hardware console and hence this
involves in low cost of the system with simple design. This BAS
will control the applications based on its time based profile
connected via a serial protocol named as I2C communication.
This time based profile is modified by user defined. It also has
the ability to communicate, organize and manage the time using
Zigbee. This BAS can be used for building “Intelligent
Automation System” for connecting multiple sensor input/
output unit interconnections with Arduino. Moreover, we
describe the design and implementation of a protocol library and
expose Zigbee functionalities.
Keywords— BAS, I2C, Zigbee, protocol.
Nowadays, the world is facing many challenges in reducing
energy consumption and global warming. At the same time,
there are many technologies that can be used to resolve these
problems and moreover support better living. Most buildings
posses a Building Automation System with the required
functionality for monitoring, controlling and managing a
number of subsystems. The management of crucial building
resources such as power, room lighting, air conditioning, and
communications are few typical services offered by a BAS.
Legacy BAS consisted of an unsorted collection of pneumatic
and electromechanical devices. BAS were evolving towards
automatized control systems with connections to a digital
network, with the advent of modern and cheap
microcontrollers and microprocessors. Nowadays BAS can be
seen as a sophisticated distributed system, where the different
modules are usually interconnected via wired or wireless
internet and/or intranets to front-end computers and human
interface devices.
A Zigbee Wireless Network (ZWN) is a network consisting
of distributed devices that provide sensing features such as
temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion etc. The last
few years systems applied on ZWN are becoming more and
more noticeable. Arduino which is one of the most common
hardware prototyping platforms and is used globally (not only
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for prototyping but also for creating interactive objects or
environments as well) would make the perfect wireless sensor
network node, due to its small size, low cost and modularity.
However, Arduino lacks any wireless connection whatsoever
which makes it impossible to use it in a ZWN.
The system can be configured with time-based profiles. For
example, one could have it automatically turn on the lights at
6:00 PM in the evening. At 10:00 PM. It could automatically
turn off the main lights and turn on a night lamp. It could then
turn off the night lamp the next morning.
A multiplexer or demultiplexer enables you to expand
the in-and outputs on your Arduino board. I2C is a serial data
bus protocol that allows multiple devices to connect to each
other with fairly slow data transfer rates. These slow data
transfer rates are fast enough for many devices and allow the
bus to be very simple to implement. The real beauty of this
protocol is that you can control up to 112 devices with just
two wires from a microcontroller. Arduino has inbuilt I2C
serial protocol. Many microcontrollers have libraries to
support I2C; an Arduino the official Wire library is supported.
The proposed system is designing and implementing Low
cost automation system with the help of case studies and
completely modified the existing automation system. Using
multiplexer/ demultiplexer concept number of sensor and
control circuit are connected to single Arduino
microcontroller chip, So single microcontroller are enough to
provide automated services for whole organization or
Building Automation System. The authorized people can
identify by security services and automation service will be
provided with the help of intelligent system as well as RTC
using I2C Serial Protocol. This system can be configured with
time-based profiles. The authorized people can be scheduled
or modify this time based profile.
A. Block Diagram Description
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dependent resistor the Light is turn ON and turn OFF. FP
sensor is used to provide authentication or to identify the
person. Using this authentication the time based profile is
modified through Zigbee network. These modifications are
done in all the Zigbee end devices connected in the Zigbee
network. LCD display is used to display the time based profile.
Fig. 1 Block Diagram of Proposed System
The above block diagram shows the overall co-ordination
of the system. It shows how the concept is implemented as the
real time application. It especially it tells how the
Multiplexer/Demultiplexer operate with multiple number of
sensor input/output unit and multiple number of Control unit,
how it is processed, how it is providing authentication security
services using Finger Print Recognition, power supply
connections for the appliances using relay circuit and
interfaces among the hardware modules such as Lighting
Control System, fan control system, air conditioners
temperature monitoring, security service based electronic
doors system, etc. Arduino has inbuilt I2C serial protocol,
using this serial protocol in this system develop a time based
Based upon this time based profile the automation system is
functioning and operate. This BAS providing to authorize a
person to modify the time based profile. From a group of
Building Automation System no need to change the time
based profiling on each and every BAS system. Using Zigbee,
the modified time based profile has to change in all the
building automation system. This System and block diagram
mainly design for providing Low Cost Automation System
such as BAS or HAS. The LCD display is used to display the
time based profile and real time clock. The keypad is used to
provide to change the time based profile.
All the design of proposed system are described in the
following below.
Fig 1.a Basic Circuit diagram of this proposed system
A. Arduino
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform,
so it is also called as Open hardware platform. The Arduino
UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It
has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
header, and a reset button. The core libraries of Arduino are
written in C and C++ and compiled using avr-gcc and AVR
Libc. Arduino hardware is programmed using a Wiring based
language, similar to C++ with some simplifications and
modifications, and a Processing based IDE.
The figure 1.a shows the basic circuit diagram of this
proposed system. For example in this project consider two
LDR connected to Multiplexer. Based upon the light
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Fig 3 Zigbee topologies
Fig 2 Arduino UNO
B. 4051
A multiplexer or demultiplexer enables you to expand the
in-and outputs on your Arduino board. The 4051 is an 8
channel analog multiplexer / demultiplexer, thus: If you use
the 4051 as a Multiplexer: You can choose between 8
different inputs and select just one you want to read at the
time. If you use the 4051 as a Demultiplexer you can choose
between 8 different outputs and select just one you want to
write at the time.
C. Zigbee
Zigbee could be configured to run star, mesh, cluster tree or
even hybrid modes as shown in Fig 3. Referring to Fig 3 the
star network is the easiest kind of network implementation as
it is controlled by a single hub.The main propose of Zigbee
used in this system is used to extention of BAS to form a
campus of Automation System.
The cluster tress network makes use of some local
processing in the nodes, in Zigbee, we call it Zigbee routers.
These nodes have the ability to pass information to and from a
central point (normally a Zigbee coordinator) and they are
slightly more powerful in terms of processing power
compared to Zigbee Devices, which are the end-nodes so that
we could introduce a low level algorithm in the routers for
local processing. Mesh network on the other hand is the
hardest to implement but it offers the most robust way in a
Wide Sensor Array (WSA) network. It offers Zigbee routers
to pass information to each other so that a single point of
failure would not cripple the whole network. Peer to peer
network is a single point to point communication, which is not
used useful in a WSA network.
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Fig 3.a Zigbee topologies
First, the two possible topologies (Star and Mesh) are
compared with each other. There is just one Zigbee
coordinator in each topology, therefore it just forms a single
personal area network (PAN).These topologies are used
simulate with OPNET modeller. The comparison includes the
statistics: end-to-end delay, number of hops and global
throughput. The network with two ZCs forms two PAN
network. The comparison includes the statistics: end-to-end
delay and ZC throughput.
1) End to End Delay: End-to-end delay is an OPNET
global statistics. Global statistics provide information that
relates to the overall system. Different objects may contribute
to the global statistics. Figure 4 shows the end-to-end delay
result of the two topologies.
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Fig. 4 End to End Delay Resul t
Fig. 6 Throughput Result
2) Number of hops: The number of hops is the number of
times a packet travels from the source through the
intermediate nodes to reach the destination show in fig 5. The
number of hops for the Star topology is one, meaning the
source and the random destinations has another intermediate
node, which relays the data. That node in this topology is the
coordinator. The Mesh topology uses a routing table and the
average number of hops is more than two.
BAS is an undeniable resource in automation with
modifiable time profile based on the Arduino platform.
Everyone can easily control their electrical devices via BAS in
required fields dependently using Zigbee. As this system
doesn’t require any dedicated hardware console, we can
implement this at a low cost. Our future work includes the
implementation of additional applications, the refinement of
our implementation, especially with regard to communication
and possibly porting our framework to other platforms.
Fig. 5 Number of Hops Result
3) Throughput: The global throughput is a global statistics
and any object could contribute to its value. It gives a general
idea of the overall throughput of the system and show in the
fig 6.
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