International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 Analysis Of The Fixed Window Functions In The Fractional Fourier Domain Mahendra Malviya1, Dr. Ashutosh Datar2, Dr. S.N. Sharma3 1 PG student, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg., SATI, Vidisha, M.P., India. 2 Head, Bio Medical Engg., SATI, Vidisha, M.P., India. 3 Head, Electronics and Communication Engg.,SATI, Vidisha, M.P., India. ABSTRACT In this paper, the equivalent noise bandwidth, coherent gain and scallop loss in the Fractional Fourier domain have been characterized and the characterized expression for these parameters has been provided. Along with these parameters, 3db bandwidth, 6 db band width, Highest side lobe, Main lobe width, Worst case processing loss for different fixed windows, have also been evaluated in Fractional Fourier domain and the result is analyzed. Keywords ( ) FrFT: Fractional Fourier Transform, ENBW: Equivalent Noise Bandwidth, BW: bandwidth, HSL: Highest Side Lobe, MLW: Main Lobe width, WCPL: Worst Case Processing Loss. Where by : ( 1. Introduction ( ) ( ∫ ) ( ) is known as the kernel of the transformation, is given ) ( √ (( ) )) The window functions are highly useful in the FIR realization and spectral analysis of any transfer function. The selection of any transfer function is depends upon the window parameters like ENBW, 3dB BW, 6 dB BW, HSL etc. where is the imaginary unit, The Fractional Fourier transform of window functions provides a wide range of possibilities regarding spectral analysis and FIR realization. We may use FRFT of window function at any fractional order, for directly convolution in the Fourier domain or for the truncation of infinite series. Apart from this, In the presence of time variant noise the filtering is highly beneficial if it done in fractional domain. Here also windowed filter can perform much better in fractional domain also. For all these purpose we need the knowledge of window function in the fractional domain. The FrFT realize on the basis of parameter and can be interpreted as an angle in the time frequency plane and is known as the fractional order. One of the special case of the FrFT with , corresponds to the Fourier transform and the FrFT corresponds to the corresponds to the identity operator. For the FrFT response is the equal to the flipping of the signal along the time axis. 2. The Fractional Fourier transform For any given window we can define the equivalent noise bandwidth as the broadband noise included in the peak power of the window. [1] The Fractional Fourier transform is the generalization of classical Fourier transform.[2,5,6] The ath order Fractional Fourier transform define as ISSN: 2231-5381 ( ) may be Here for ( ) ( and ) and . ( ) ( ) respectively . 3. The Equivalent Noise bandwidth in the Fourier and Fractional Fourier Domain Let ( ) is a continuous window function exist from –T/2 to T/2, ( ) is the Fourier transform of ( ) and is the Noise power per unit bandwidth, then the equivalent noise bandwidth can be given as: Page 4512 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 ( ) ∫ In the fractional domain the coherent gain is evaluated by [ ( )] Here the numerator term is the total noise energy in frequency domain. The total signal energy is equal in both time and frequency domain, even it is equal in all the domains. The dominator is equal to the peak spectral power. Now let the ( ) is the fractional domain representation of the window function ( ) at some fractional order and ( ) is the noise power per unit bandwidth in fractional domain corresponds to order . Then the equivalent noise bandwidth for ( ) can be given as: ( ) ∫ ( )] The ENBW of the window function should be smaller for good selectivity and good cut off of the FIR characteristic implemented through the window; on the other hand if we have the requirement to cover out more spectral energy, we would need the high ENBW. definition. 5. Scalloping Loss The scalloping loss is given by the ratio of the half bin spectral gain to the peak spectral gain both in the Fourier and Fractional Fourier domain [1]. This factor shows the reduction in the signal amplitude due to the change in the signal frequency. It is given by: | 1. Coherent gain can be described as the ratio of output signal to noise ratio to the input signal to noise ratio.[1] Fourier domain the coherent gain is given by: 3. [ ( )] 4. ( ) Thus in Fourier domain coherent gain can be given by the reciprocal of the ENBW. The evaluation of the CG is done by In the fractional domain the coherent gain is given by: ( )] ( ) The term in the numerator shows the bandwidth of the signal in the fractional domain, if we consider the unit signal bandwidth in the Fourier domain. 3dB and 6dB bandwidth: These are denoted by the frequency at which the gain becomes 3dB and 6dB respectively. The 3dB and 6dB BW should be smaller for the sharp cutoff of the window implemented FIR filter or other transfer function. Highest side lobe: It is the maximum power level of the side lobe among all the side lobes of the window. The side lobe level is corresponding to the spectral leakage. Half Main lobe width: It can be defined by the frequency range at which the gain becomes equal to the side lobe level. This parameter should be small for good frequency selectivity. Worst case processing loss: It can be given by the sum of the scalloping loss and the coherent gain both in dB. It should be small. 7. Different window Function There are 2 types of window functions, that is fixed window function and the variable window functions. [1] The fixed windows are the windows for which the parameter is constant, where as for the variable windows the shape of the window is determine by the window’s parameter. The fixed window functions used for the analysis are given below: 1. ISSN: 2231-5381 )| 6. Some other Parameters 2. [ ( Scalloping loss should not be higher for the window otherwise it results in the higher reduction in the processing gain (CG) due to signal frequency. 4. Coherent gain in the Fourier and Fractional Fourier domain ∫ The coherent gain should be larger, as per its ( ) The strategy used above for the calculation of ENBW in Fourier domain is also used for calculation of ENBW in the Fractional Fourier domain. ( ) . ( ) [ ∫ ( ) the Bartlett-Hanning window Page 4513 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 The equation for computing the coefficients of a Modified Bartlett-Hanning window is: 0 a=1.0 a=0.5 a=0.2 a=0.05 -20 ) | { | ( * +) -40 Gain in dB ( 0 a=1.0 a=0.5 a=0.2 a=0.05 -10 -20 -60 -80 -100 -120 Gain in dB -30 -140 -40 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 normalized frequency 0.2 0.25 -50 Fig 7.3 FrFT response of Bohman window for different Fractional order -60 4. -70 Flat Top window -80 Flat top windows are summations of cosines. The coefficients of a flat top window are computed from the following equation: -90 -100 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 normalized frequency 0.2 0.25 ( Fig 7.1 FrFT of Bartlet window for different Fractional order ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) { 2. Blackman-Harris window where: ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) 0 { a=1.0 a=0.5 a=0.2 a=0.05 -20 where: -40 Gain in dB 0 a=1.0 a=0.5 a=0.2 a=0.05 -20 -80 -40 Gain in dB -60 -60 -100 -80 -120 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 normalized frequency 0.2 0.25 -100 Fig 7.4 FrFT response of Flat top window for different Fractional order -120 -140 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 normalized frequency 0.2 0.25 Fig 7.2 FrFT response of Blackman Harris window for different Fractional order 3. In the above discussion the FrFT of the different window functions are also shown , the main lobe of the window get shrink with the gradual decrement in the fractional order alpha.[3] Bohman window ( [ ) ] [ ] [ ] { ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 4514 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 3. 8. Results and analysis Results for Bohman window We implemented the methodology of the FrFT evaluation given in [3] and used it in our work. The different parameters, for the different fixed window functions, are evaluated in this section and Here the result is tabulated below. Table 8.3 parameters of Bohman window 1. Results for Bartlett-Hanning window Table 8.1 parameters of Bartlett-Hanning window EN BW (Bins) CG Scall op Loss 3-dB BW (Bins) 6-dB BW (Bins) HSL (dB) MLW (Bins) WC PL (Bins) 1 1.49 0.49 1.46 1.42 1.98 35.89 3.87 3.18 0.9 3.18 0.33 1.50 1.40 1.95 35.89 3.83 6.52 0.8 6.28 0.23 1.62 1.35 1.88 35.89 3.68 9.59 0.7 9.71 0.18 1.85 1.27 1.76 35.88 3.45 11.72 0.6 13.71 0.15 2.25 1.15 1.60 35.88 3.13 13.62 0.5 18.78 0.12 2.97 1.01 1.40 35.88 2.74 15.71 0.4 25.71 0.09 4.37 0.83 1.16 35.87 2.28 18.47 0.3 36.49 0.07 7.60 0.65 0.90 35.86 1.76 23.22 0.2 56.98 0.04 19.05 0.44 0.61 0 0 36.60 α 2. Results for Blackman-Harris window Table 8.2 parameters of Blackman-Harris window ENB W (Bins) Scall op Loss 3-dB BW (Bins) 6-dB BW (Bins) HSL (dB) CG 1 2.04 0.35 0.79 1.93 2.71 92.10 8.06 3.90 0.9 2.79 0.30 0.81 1.91 2.68 92.10 7.96 5.27 0.8 4.57 0.23 0.88 1.84 2.58 92.10 7.66 7.48 0.7 6.82 0.18 1.00 1.72 2.42 92.10 7.18 9.34 0.6 9.54 0.15 1.22 1.56 2.20 92.10 6.52 11.01 0.5 13.02 0.12 1.59 1.37 1.92 92.10 5.70 12.74 0.4 17.84 0.09 2.32 1.14 1.60 92.10 4.75 14.83 0.3 25.38 0.07 3.91 0.88 1.23 92.10 3.68 17.96 0.2 39.74 0.04 8.64 0.60 0.84 92.11 2.53 24.64 α ISSN: 2231-5381 MLW (Bins) WC PL (Bins) α ENB W (Bins) CG Scall op Loss 3-dB BW (Bins) 6-dB BW (Bins) HSL (dB) MLW (Bins) WC PL (Bins) 1 1.82 0.40 0.98 1.73 2.42 46.00 5.52 3.59 0.9 2.80 0.32 1.01 1.71 2.39 46.00 5.45 5.49 0.8 5.07 0.23 1.09 1.65 2.30 46.00 5.25 8.14 0.7 7.71 0.18 1.24 1.54 2.16 46.00 4.92 10.11 0.6 10.85 0.15 1.51 1.40 1.96 46.00 4.46 11.86 0.5 14.83 0.12 1.98 1.23 1.71 46.00 3.90 13.69 0.4 20.33 0.09 2.89 1.02 1.42 46.00 3.24 15.97 0.3 28.90 0.07 4.93 0.79 1.10 46.00 2.51 19.53 0.2 45.23 0.04 11.20 0.53 0.75 46.00 1.71 27.76 4. Results for Flat-top window Table 8.4 parameters of Flat-top window EN BW (Bins) CG Scal lop Loss 3-dB BW (Bins) 6-dB BW (Bins) HSL (dB) MLW (Bins) WC PL (Bins) 1 3.84 0.21 0.00 4.15 5.03 0 0 3.59 0.9 3.21 0.23 0.00 4.10 4.97 0.00 0.00 0.8 3.73 0.21 0.00 3.95 4.79 0.00 0.00 5.07 0.7 5.01 0.17 0.00 3.70 4.48 0.00 0.00 5.72 0.6 6.75 0.14 0.12 2.79 3.50 67.74 7.63 7.01 0.5 9.03 0.12 0.02 2.94 3.56 0.00 0.00 8.41 0.4 12.25 0.09 0.06 2.44 2.96 0 0 9.58 0.3 17.33 0.07 0.21 1.89 2.29 0.00 0.00 10.94 0.2 27.04 0.04 1.14 1.28 1.56 0.00 0.00 12.60 α 5.85 Page 4515 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 Here the graphical comparison of the different window parameters, for different-different windows are given below: 0 -2 60 -4 Bartlet-Hann Blackman Harish Bohman Flattop -6 Scallop loss 50 40 -8 -10 ENBW -12 30 -14 Bartlet Hann -16 Blackman Harris 20 Bohman -18 -20 10 0 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.5 Graph between ENBW and Fractional order for different windows 0.5 Bartlet-Hann Blackman Harish Bohman Flattop 0.45 0.4 CG 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.7 Graph between Scalloping loss and Fractional order for different window functions The scallop loss increases with decrement in the fractional order. The rate of decrement is higher for the Barttlet-Hann window. The flattop window shows almost a constant value of scallop loss up to a fractional order 0.3. As the WCPL is the sum of CG and the Scallop loss (all in dB).As the Scallop loss increases with the decrement in the fractional order and CG decreases with the same that why its dB value will increase with a negative sign, So WCPL also increases with the decrement in the fractional order. 0.35 0 Flattop 0.2 The 3dB BW and the 6 dB BW decreases with the decrement in the fractional order. The 3dB and 6dB bandwidths of flat top widow are relatively higher as compare to other windows. We also get some irregularity in its characteristic near the fractional order 0.6 Fig 7.6 Graph between CG and Fractional order for different windows 0 From the above plot it is clear that the ENBW increases when we gradually decrease the fractional order alpha form 1 to 0. The Rate of growing up of the ENBW is higher for the Barttlet-Hann window. Barttlet Hann Blackman Harris Bohman Flattop -5 -10 WCPL -15 The coherent gain decreases with decreasing the fractional order alpha. The coherent gain is higher among the all four for alpha equals to1. But with the gradual decrement in the fractional order the CG characteristic of the different windows are almost overlap after a value of alpha equals to 0.7. -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.8 Graph between WCPL and Fractional order for different windows ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 4516 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 9 4.5 Battlet Hann Blackman Harris Bohman Flattop 4 3.5 Barttlet Hann Blackman Harris Bohman Flattop 8 7 6 3 MLW 3dB BW 5 2.5 2 4 3 1.5 2 1 1 0.5 0 0 -1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.9 Graph between 3dBBW and Fractional order for different windows Barttlet Hann Blackman Harris Bohman Flattop 4.5 4 3.5 6dB BW 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.11Graph between MLW and Fractional order for different windows The HSL remains almost constant and MLW gradually decreases with the fractional order. But the flat top window shows some irregularity near the fractional order 0.6 in both HSL and MLW characteristic. Otherwise MLW of flat top window is zero for all other values. The Barttlet -Hann window also shows some unevenness for the value of fractional order lower than 0.25 5.5 5 1 3 9. Conclusion 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.10 Graph between 6dBBW and Fractional order for different windows 10 0 With the diverse opportunities provided by the FrFT we may use different window shapes for the normally used windowing for Filter or Filter bank implementation [4] or for some other FIR implementation. And the results can be optimized by adjusting the value of alpha according to the prior knowledge of the window parameters. -10 -20 -30 HSL Thus we have explained characterization of the ENBW, CG and scallop loss with the characterized expression. Along with these parameters we evaluated some other parameters which are tabulated and the comparative analysis of the different window function is done on the basis of these different parameters using the graphical representation. Thus with the help of the given results the behavior of the window functions can easily understand. -40 -50 -60 Barttlet Hann Blackman Harris Bohman Flattop -70 -80 -90 -100 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 alpha 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Fig 7.11 Graph between HCL and Fractional order for different windows ISSN: 2231-5381 For the lower order windows we might get so many irregularities in the characteristic of the different parameters with different fractional order but for the higher order windows the behavior of the different parameters is regular, on the basis of which we may provide the following conclusions: With the reduction in the fractional order, the 3dB and 6dB bandwidth are reducing, which is good for the pulpous of spectral analysis. It provides the good frequency characteristic in terms of sharp cut off. The ENBW is increasing in the graph which is undesirable for the good Page 4517 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 4 Issue 10 - Oct 2013 frequency selectivity and FIR cut off characteristic but it’s good if we preferring the spectral analysis with less samples per unit bandwidth. With the reduction in the fractional order the coherent gain is decreasing so in terms of coherent gain we don’t having any benefit by FrFT. The MLW is reducing in the graph which corresponds to the good frequency selectivity. HSL is almost constant in the characteristic shown but it has still some of the minor reduction, so for HSL we are at little profit without loss. The scallop loss and WCPL are increasing which is undesirable. So the choice of the window function for the spectral analysis or FIR implementation, should be as per the concluded benefit and drawbacks, so as to get a good window to get the optimum performance for some specific application. In future we may try to minimize the drawbacks and to enhance the benefits of the spectral analysis and implementation of the FIR through the window function obtained through FrFT. 10. References [1] F.J. Harris, “On the use of the window for the harmonic analysis using Discrete Fourier transform”, IEEE, vol. 16, no.1, Jan. 1978. [2] H. M. Ozaktas, O. Arikan, “ Digital computation of the Fractional Fourier Transform”, IEEE trans. signal processing, vol 44, no. 9, Sep. 1996. [3] S. N. Sharma, R. Saxena, S.C. Saxena, “Tuning of FIR filter transition bandwidth using fractional Fourier Thransform”, Signal Processing, vol. 87, pp. 3147-3154, 2007. [4] A. Datar, A. Jain, P.C. 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