Participation opportunities

Participation opportunities
Who we are
ITU Telecom World is the leading platform for the
high-level debate, knowledge sharing and networking
that are key to the ongoing success and growth of
the global ICT community. The focus is on building
awareness of future trends and developments in
the ICT sector, and their potential impact upon the
world’s critical economic and societal challenges. ITU
Telecom World is organized by ITU, the lead United
Nations Agency for ICTs.
By fostering constructive, interactive debate on
policies, strategies, models & markets, this event
enables important connections between individuals,
ideas and industry players - opening up partnership
and investment opportunities and highlighting the
importance of collaboration and cooperation.
It is the one conversation that matters with the people
that matter, with the power to shape the future and
make a real difference in our world.
Reasons to be a part of
Telecom World 2014
Unique audience bringing together the public and private sectors
Insight and understanding of the ICT ecosystem
World-class debates with expert speakers
Showfloor experience
Emerging markets and investment opportunities
Highest-level networking
in Focus
The global ICT sector is increasingly impacted by key
trends and exponential developments in technology,
science, media, business and society. Under the
theme Future in Focus, ITU Telecom World 2014 will
cast a broad spotlight on the trends, experiences and
devices that are expected to enter the mainstream
over the next 5-7 years.
suffer further disruption or will it succeed in
disrupting other industries such as broadcast?
Telecom businesses are already converging with
new or previously separate sectors such as social
media, mobile money and online video content.
What are some of the other disruptive scenarios
going forward?
Cross-sector Partnerships
Launching the debate will be an exclusive
Leadership Summit on the future, open to
Leaders at ITU Telecom World 2014. The Leadership
Summit will provide an exciting, immersive
look into future trends, with a highly interactive,
powerful programme extending far beyond the
‘consumption’ of key issues to focus instead on a full
and interactive ‘experience.’ The Summit will equip
top level decision makers from government and
industry with a full awareness and understanding of
the developments that will be driving the ICT sector,
guiding them in their future decision making. The
Summit will include key topics such as:
Internet governance
Privacy and data security
Human machine interfaces
Artificial intelligence
The Internet of Things
Interactive panel sessions, keynotes, high-level
debates, workshops and showfloor sessions will
delve deeper into the future trends transcending
the ICT industry, with in-depth focus on 3 main
The internet has brought about a major disruption
within the music and film industries and is currently
disrupting other media. Will the telecoms sector
Within key verticals, traditional ICT and other
sectors have already converged. These include
crucial applications such as smart cities, with a
focus on smart grids and the different networking
aspects and M2M components which underpin
these types of applications worldwide. Debates will
explore the different regional approaches and the
opportunities involving partnering with other sectors,
moving beyond the traditional infrastructure-focus
and ‘silo-ed’ business models. Intelligent transport
systems will also be a major area of discussion, as
advanced applications such as automated driving
and telematics continue to grow as cars become
increasingly connected, creating further partnership
opportunities across the industry.
The Intelligent Future
Sessions will explore the promise offered by trends
and developments such as the Internet of Things,
advances in artificial intelligence and the deployment
of intelligent software and machines, big datacentric applications and innovative business models.
Within each of these 3 areas, discussions will
explore different tracks focusing on regulatory
and policy issues; business models, services
and applications; and enabling tools, techniques
and technologies. Debates will help guide and
inform participants in their future decision making
and direction, be it in terms of innovation, policy,
regulatory direction, company strategy or technology
focus. Combining perspectives from the government
side together with contrasting industry viewpoints
will guarantee a broad-reaching debate on all of
these issues.
It is about being together.
We are a global company, we
have relationships with carriers
and customers everywhere
throughout the world, and the
beauty of an event like this is
that you can have deep insightful
conversations with people in one
day instead of travelling weeks
or months to meet them. Most
importantly, in these times of
radical change, is finding the
common points, figuring out how
we navigate to that common goal
of accessibility, affordability and
availability of these advanced
services. An event like this is
a perfect opportunity.
Eric Loeb,
Vice President, International External Affairs,
AT&T speaking at ITU Telecom World 2013
ITU Telecom World events bring together a uniquely
comprehensive audience of public and private sector
players. Heads of State and Government, ministers,
policy makers and regulators meet and network with
top-level representatives from operators, vendors,
service providers, content developers, global media,
plus industry visionaries and leading academics from
across the world.
& Understanding
Against a fast-moving, rapidly evolving industry,
it is essential that global ICT leaders remain at the
industry’s cutting edge. With an agenda combining
top futurists, leading specialists in their fields, top
thinkers and policy makers, together with industry
showcases demonstrating the latest technologies
from around the world, ITU Telecom World 2014 will
equip industry executives & decision makers with
vital knowledge to move forward.
The world-class forum offers highly interactive
debate unrivalled both in the reach of its content and
the quality of its speakers. Panelists are selected
as experts in their fields, thought leaders from
government, business and technology. Together
they offer informed opinions and contradicting
perspectives in passionate discussion of the issues
central not just to the ICT industry today but moving
forward over the next 5-7 years, and encompassing
key verticals. Sharing knowledge, experiences
and best practice leads to creative and innovative
solutions, business models and partnerships.
Top 3 reasons given for
attending ITU Telecom
World 2013*
1)Knowledge-sharing and
increasing awareness of
ICT trends
2) Networking opportunities
*2013 event participant survey
of attendees surveyed said that ITU
Telecom World 2013 provided them with
valuable knowledge and information
The showfloor enables the global ICT industry
and countries from around the world to showcase
products, solutions, technologies, as well as to
highlight investment and partnership opportunities.
Including an OpenSpace meeting hub, the showfloor
features dynamic interactive demo areas, debate
sessions and media and leaders lounges, providing
a natural arena for extending the event’s networking
and knowledge sharing experience. It is the ideal
environment to bring to life and explore further some
of the major areas discussed within the Forum.
Unlike any other ICT event, ITU Telecom World 2014
will convene a vibrant mix of players from across
the globe, with a strong focus on exploring expertise
and opportunities within emerging markets. Previous
ITU Telecom events have highlighted investment
and growth opportunities in countries as diverse as
Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Argentina, India, Nigeria,
South Sudan, Gabon, Malaysia and Thailand.
Networking events, spaces and tools have been
conceptualized and crafted in order to fully facilitate
the connections that matter across the ICT
ecosystem; connections between private and public
sector decision makers, ICT ministers and digital
visionaries, individuals, ideas and industry players.
These are the connections that drive the industry’s
success. Whether through targeted bilateral
meetings, structured social occasions or informal
discussions over coffee, World 2014 stimulates the
conversations that matter; sharing ideas, inspiration
and opportunities within the global ICT community,
for the benefit of people everywhere.
Innovation is a key theme running across Forum
debates and workshops, and can be found in
practice in the InnovationSpace on the showfloor.
This is home to the Lab, a showcase for leadingedge technological applications serving a clear social
purpose, from the simplest solutions to complex
technologies. Working prototypes will be selected
in response to ITU Telecom’s Call for Innovations to
attract the newest technological, social or design
innovations that can transform society.
The InnovationSpace will also host the winners of
the ITU Telecom Young Innovators Competition.
This annual competition celebrates talented
and inspirational young people from around the
world who have developed winning innovative
technological solutions to major global challenges.
For more information on all participation
opportunities please contact:
of attendees surveyed said that ITU
Telecom World 2013 represented a
good investment of time
“It is very important to be able
to observe and take part in
conversations with the different
industry stakeholders, to
coordinate actions with all the
players in the ecosystem, and
to see what is going to happen
in the next few years.”
Norberto Berner, Communication Secretariat
(SECOM), Argentina
Doha, Qatar
ITU Telecom World 2014 will take place in Doha,
Qatar. The State of Qatar has appointed leading
international communications company, Ooredoo,
to help organize ITU Telecom World 2014, on
behalf of the Government of Qatar.
Strategically located at the crossroads of three
continents, Qatar provides the ideal location to
continue the ITU Telecom World conversation on
harnessing the power of next generation technology
for the benefit of the ICT industry and the people
of the world. Qatar’s ICT landscape is growing
rapidly with a steady increase in the digitization
of education, healthcare & trade, as the country
moves towards the National Vision 2030 and a
competitive knowledge-based economy. In addition,
with a wealth of sightseeing, leisure and recreation
activities, Qatar is also home to some of the region’s
finest cultural landmarks and world class museums.
ITU Telecom World 2014 will take place at the
Qatar National Conference Centre (QNCC). It is a
world-class, state-of-the-art venue located close to
the central business district of Doha on the Qatar
Foundation’s education and research campus. The
magnificent building has been innovatively designed
to integrate the highest level of environmental and
sustainable standards.
How to be a part of
ITU Telecom World 2014
From showfloor stands to sponsorship and networking, pavilions
and meeting rooms there is a wealth of opportunities for visibility
at ITU Telecom World 2014.
Showcasing Options
Highlighting investment opportunities, regional
technologies and entrepreneurship, National
Pavilions provide a range of valuable networking,
visibility, media and public relations benefits enabling
you to achieve a multitude of key objectives:
Position your country for investment
Showcase growth and opportunities in
your region
Secure investment and partnership through targeted networking
Share best practices to strengthen and define national ICT development
• Showcase regional technologies,
innovation and young entrepreneurship
• Rally support for ICT-related challenges
and initiatives driving socio-economic
• Establish onsite delegation or ministerial
base for negotiations and high-level
• Host exclusive hospitality and targeted
networking functions
• Participate in interactive Forum sessions
and networking events at ITU Telecom
World 2014 (number of access passes
dependent on showfloor space rental)
“The value of ITU Telecom World for Intel is the networking. There’s the government
people here, there’s the industry leaders, there’s ITU, there’s people that touch everyone,
and you get a very powerful group of leaders together and these are the ones with the
resources to make the difference, to drive the change.”
John Davies, VP, World Ahead Group, Intel
Investment Workshop
Pavilion participants can also take advantage of a
dynamic investment workshop, aimed exclusively
at investment project leaders within National
Pavilion delegations.
The Investment Workshop is ideal for National
Pavilion delegations seeking expert input on
ICT investment projects for foreign partners
such as smart cities, technology parks, data
centres, network infrastructure, cloud computing,
outsourcing and more.
For more information on all participation
opportunities please contact:
“It is an opportunity to showcase what we
are doing, but more importantly to learn
what is going on in the world. We get a
chance to speak to some of the leading
minds and thought leaders in the ICT
sector; to look at what other countries
are doing and to learn from that as well;
and to interact in panel discussions. We
take all of that back and see how we can
use it to realign our policies and thinking
and ensure that we continue to have this
fantastic growth in the ICT sector.”
Omobola Johnson, Minister for Information
and Communication Technology, Nigeria
Enabling a link between the key themes explored
at the Forum and the showfloor, Thematic
Pavilions offer a lively, interactive experience to all
participants, showcasing solutions, applications
and technologies.
Thematic pavilion organizers can benefit from the
Corporate exposure as a leader in a
specific ICT field before our highly
influential audience
Insight and understanding on the current
transformation of the ICT industry
Investment and partnership deals
Opportunities to increase membership
and capture high-quality leads
Hosting exclusive hospitality and
targeted networking functions
Participation in interactive Forum
sessions and networking activities (number of access passes dependent on showfloor
space rental)
The Thematic Showcase package includes
networking, visibility, and media opportunities
as value-added benefits, helping ensure Pavilion
organizers and members meet their key objectives
at World 2014. Theme options include Smart City,
Cybersecurity, Satellite, Intelligent Transportation,
ICT & Sport, M2M/IOT/IOE, with many other
themes possible.
The biggest benefit for us of attending ITU
Telecom World is networking with some of the
most important influencers in the industry as a
whole to help build some consensus around our
ongoing efforts in cybersecurity.
Stuart Carlaw, CRO, ABI Research
Raw space available for constructing customized,
enclosed hospitality suites to host business
meetings, product demos and exclusive social
events; or for open stands to showcase
technologies, innovations, products and services.
Dedicated, fully-equipped and enclosed spaces for
private meetings, business negotiations, product
demonstrations and social functions.
A complete package comprising space, open
structure and furnishing to minimize effort and
reduce expenses; available for both individual stands
and Pavilions.
Delegate registration will open in August 2014.
Pass categories include Leader, Gold Plus, Gold,
Silver and Bronze, each offering different levels of
access and benefits.
Operators at World 2014
Dialogue, cooperation & coordination are critical
in today’s fast moving industry ecosystem. And
dialogue between operators and regulatory bodies
is especially important, to help ensure a level playing
field in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
At our most recent event, we provided some 150
operators from across the globe opportunities to
meet with 80 regulators from countries around the
world, as well as explore growth opportunities in a
wide range of different markets from Argentina to
China, South Sudan to Thailand, Uganda and more.
Operators participating at World 2014 can benefit
from discounts on raw space for showcasing,
meeting room rental and access passes.
For more information on all participation opportunities please contact:
“How the different stakeholders in
the value chain play together, that
is the main message, it is a direct
relationship between how policy
makers, regulators and governments
form the framework for the industry,
and if they get the formula right then
investment happens and then services
come around and then people become
connected, and reap the benefit of
being connected in the longer run”
Jon Frederik Baksaas CEO, Telenor
Promote your brand, message, strategy and talent
before a global audience of decision-takers, policyshapers and deal-makers. Sponsorship opportunities
at ITU Telecom World 2014 include content-related
activities, branding & spaces and networking events.
Define the conversation and make your voice heard.
Sponsor big conversations, keynotes with high-level
debates and Forum sessions - and be a bigger part of
the conversation.
Keynote & High-level Debates
The opportunity for your C-level representative to
deliver the keynote address opening the high-level
panel debates each morning , plus your branding
on digital screens, a session identifier on the digital
programme and the option to share promotional
material and giveaways.
Young Innovators Competition
Sponsor a challenge in the Young Innovators
Competition. Sponsors define the challenge and
young entrepreneurs from around the world
collaborate to co-create an ICT-based solution.
Sponsorship includes your name in the title of
the Challenge, your branding on the competition
crowdsourcing platform, promotion through social
media and ITU press release, as well as the winning
solution showcased in the InnovationSpace.
Big Conversations
Held over lunchtime on Monday 8, Tuesday 9 and
Wednesday 10 December, Big Conversations enable
leading industry figures to discuss key sector issues
from differing perspectives. High-profile visibility
for your participating C-level representative, plus a
session identifier on the digital Forum programme,
and the option to provide branded lunchboxes and
share promotional material.
Sponsored Sessions
Your opportunity to get directly involved in event
content and activities by designing and managing
workshop or panel sessions. Sponsorship includes
a session identifier on the digital programme and
branding on digital screens.
Panel Lunches
Enjoy unique visibility, shape the agenda of
discussions and connect with our influential
audience with a networking lunch as part of a
Panel Session designed by you in partnership
with ITU Telecom. Your branding on relevant
announcements/invitations, reserved seating for 10
personal guests to attend and the chance to share
promotional material and giveaways.
Opening Ceremony
ITU World Club Dinner
LeaderSpace & Refreshments
Leadership Summit
Leaders Lunch
Welcome Reception
Keynote & High-Level Debate
Sponsored Dinner
Different levels of sponsorship are available, ranging
from Platinum at the highest end to Bronze, each
attracting different levels of networking and visilibility.
Big Conversation
Panel Lunch
YIC Challenge
Time Keeper
Innovation Sponsor
Networking Lunch
Event App
Sponsored Session
Networking Reception
Coffee Break
Outcome Document
Forum Session Digital
Access passes to value of 30% of the total sponsorship
are included in each sponsorship package.
& Spaces
Your brand across a range of environments and
materials at the heart of the event.
LeaderSpace and Refreshments
OpenSpace Sold
Make your presence felt in the showfloor lounge
area for some 350 leaders (and their guests) to
meet, network and relax. We offer a meeting room
for your C-level representative plus 5 guests, your
branding at the entrance to the LeaderSpace as well
as on digital screens both outside and within the
lounge area, plus the option to share promotional
materials and giveaways.
Your messaging in the OpenSpace, the lively
central area for workshops, informal discussions
and relaxation. The networking hub open to all
participants, it includes lounge, coffee bar, charging
stations, and internet facilities. Branding throughout
the duration of the event, plus the option to
distribute promotional material and giveaways.
For more information on all participation opportunities please contact:
MediaSpace Sold
Your branding incorporated in the design of the
event home for some 300 press and media
representatives, including press conference, TV
studio and lounge facilities. Your content broadcast
on digital screens within the MediaSpace, plus the
option to share promotional materials and giveaways.
Registration & Lanyards Sold
Your branding on event badges and lanyards, in the
onsite registration area, on the online registration
webpage and on the confirmation page sent to all
registered event participants. Registration team
T-shirts will also carry your logo.
OrientationSpace & T-shirts Sold
Your branding on the orientation desks conveniently
located to address participant queries, as well as on
orientation team t-shirts throughout the venue.
Event App Sold
Your branding in the Event App plus the opportunity
to place a promoted post or sponsored notification.
Available from September across multiple operating
systems, the interactive app provides key event
news, session information, exhibitor listing, updates
and a networking platform to connect with other
participants, speakers, sponsors and partners before,
during and after the event.
Your brand and people as part of the opening and
closing events, addressing key gatherings and
attending influential receptions.
Opening Ceremony Sold
Take centre stage at the official event launch with an
address to 1000-plus assembled event participants
and special guests, including Heads of State and
Ministers, Heads of UN Agencies, regulators,
C-level industry representatives, Forum speakers
and accredited media. Further benefits include
reserved seating for up to 20 guests, your branding
on Opening Ceremony announcements and digital
displays and the chance to distribute promotional
material and giveaways.
Leadership Summit Sold
The high-profile, exclusive Leadership Summit on
the future on Sunday 7 December offers insight,
understanding and actionable items on the future
of the industry from leading futurists and visionary
experts. Sponsorship includes welcome remarks
at the Leadership Summit, your branding on the
Leadership Summit webpage and the option to share
promotional material and giveaways.
ITU World Club Dinner
Welcome Refreshments Sold
An opportunity for your C-level representative to
give a short address at the formal 200-person
ITU World Club Dinner, the exclusive social event
kicking off World 2014 on Saturday 6 December –
plus invitations and reserved seating for up to 15
personal guests. Your branding on digital displays,
announcements and invitations, as well as the
chance to distribute promotional material and
Your branding on invitations and announcements
and the option to share promotional materials and
giveaways at the welcome refreshments held for
some 1000 high-level participants immediately
before the important official Opening Ceremony.
Leaders Lunch Sold
Taking place on 07 December, this Lunch offers
an outstanding opportunity for your C-level
representative to address an audience of some
300 high-level guests at the influential Leaders
Lunch on the first day of the event, with invitations
and reserved seating for 20 personal guests. Your
branding on invitations, plus the option to share
promotional material and giveaways.
Networking Lunches
Your C-level representative can deliver a short
address at one of the daily Networking Lunches,
before an audience of your personally-invited 100
guests. Your branding on announcements, and the
option to share promotional material and giveaways.
Networking Receptions Sold
The opportunity for a short address from your
senior representative at the relaxing and refreshing
networking receptions which close each day of the
event. Your branding on relevant announcements,
and the chance to share promotional material.
Sponsored Dinners
Sponsored Dinners on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9
December offer excellent opportunities for your
C-level representative to address an audience of
some 300 people as invited by you. Your branding
on invitations/announcements for up to 20 personal
guests to attend the dinner and the option to share
promotional material and giveaways. Appointment
fee based sponsorship.
ITU Telecom World 2013 presented an
outstanding opportunity for Huawei to
communicate its vision and network with
leading industry and government figures
at the event.
Deputy Chairman and Rotating CEO, Huawei
For more information on all participation opportunities please contact:
Who you will meet
ITU Telecom World brings together a unique
combination of public and private sector, innovative
businesses and world governments, operators and
manufacturers. You’ll have the opportunity to meet
regulators and policy makers, innovators and big
thinkers, leading decision makers and influential
advisors. ITU Telecom World 2014 will help expand
your network and your influence.
ITU Telecom World 2013
brought together 6000
attendees drawn from
153 nations to take part
in 58 forum sessions. They
experienced the showfloor
with 166 organizations
from 33 countries,
including 22 national and
thematic pavilions.
Private 54%
46% Public
Participants by sector distribution
Financial Institution/Investor 1%
Administration 30%
1% International Agency
1% Content provider
1% NGO
2% Systems Integrator
2% Industry Association
3% Academia
3% Consultant / Analyst
Director / CxO 52%
1% Marketing/Sales
1% Engineer
3% Research & Development
3% Analyst/Consultant
4% Government Official
18% Minister
8% PR/Press/Media
11% Regulatory
Operator 19%
18% Equipment/Software
Participants by company type
Leaders by job function
2% Regulator/Policy advisor
2% CIS
2% Minister
4% Analyst/Consultant
4% Research & Development
Official 30%
18% Regulator/Policy advisor
2% The Americas
3% Arab States
4% Europe
12% Africa
Asia & Pacific 77%
9% PR/Press
10% Engineer
Director/CxO 22%
Participants by job function
17% Marketing/Sales
Participants by region
(World 2013 in Bangkok)
Event Calendar
7 - 10 December 2014
Sunday 7th
Welcome Refreshments
Opening Ceremony
VIP Tour
Sponsored Sessions
Leaders Lunch*
Leadership Summit
Networking Break
Sponsored Sessions
Innovation Hour
Welcome Reception*
Big Conversation & Lunch
Panel Lunch
Networking Lunch
Panel Sessions
Networking Break
Sponsored Sessions
Innovation Hour
Networking Reception*
Dinner Reception*
Big Conversation & Lunch
Panel Lunch
Networking Lunch
Panel Sessions
Networking Break
Sponsored Sessions
Young Innovators Session
Innovation Hour
Dinner Reception*
Big Conversation & Lunch
Panel Lunch
Panel Sessions
Networking Break
Forum Closing Conversation
Farewell Reception*
Monday 8th
Keynote & High Level Debate
Networking Break
Panel Sessions
Sponsored Session
Tuesday 9th
Keynote & High Level Debate
Networking Break
Panel Sessions
Sponsored Session
Wednesday 10th
Keynote & High Level Debate
Networking Break
Panel Sessions
Sponsored Session
Correct as of 06 August.
Full programme available online at:
*by invitation only
Be part of the
conversation that matters.
ITU Telecom is part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the lead United Nations agency for information and
communication technology. ITU Telecom organizes the annual influential ITU Telecom World event, bringing together key players from
across the global ICT community in strategic debate, knowledge-sharing and networking at the highest level.