Cristina Bueti Symposium on “ ICTs and Climate Change”

Cristina Bueti
Symposium on
“ ICTs and Climate Change”
8-10 July 2009, Quito, Ecuador
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU & Climate Change
 ITU is the leading United Nations
Agency for ICTs
Committed to Connecting the WorldCommitted to Connecting it responsibly
 ITU mandate on Climate Change
dates back in 1994 (Res. 35, Kyoto)
Resolution 73 on CC approved at the
WTSA (Johannesburg, Oct. 2008)
 Opinion 3, WTPF (April 2009)
UN SecretaryGeneral,
Ban Ki-moon:
"ITU is one of
the very
in the area of
ITU is co-facilitator in issues related
to WSIS Action Line C7: e-environment
 ITU’s activities on climate change can be found at:
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU and Climate Change
The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) manages the
detailed coordination and recording procedures for space systems and
earth stations, which are used for climate data collection and
environmental monitoring...
ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)
develops standards that are used, for instance, in promoting energy
efficiency, safe disposal and recycling of telecommunication/ICT
equipment, and next-generation networks...
ITU's Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) works
on promoting a role for ICTs in the protection of the environment in
its e-Environment and e-Sustainability programmes…
The General Secretariat coordinates our efforts and for example has
been actively participating in the work of the UN Chief Executives
Board and its subsidiary bodies on developing a unified and
collaborative UN strategy to combat climate change, including a
matrix on activities of each agency and program.
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
2007 COP-13 in Bali launched process for negotiation of new Agreement
 established AWGLCA (Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term
Cooperative Action) to develop work program
2008 AWGLCA meetings
 Bangkok (31 March–4 April)
 Bonn (2-13 June)
 Accra (21-27 August)
2009 Meeting of COP-14
 Poznan, Poland (1-12 December)
2009 COP-15 meets and expected to conclude Agreement
 Bonn (29 March-8 April)
 Bonn (1-12 June)
 Three further sessions will be held prior to Copenhagen: 10-14
August in Bonn (informal meeting); 28 September-9 October in
Bangkok and 2-6 November in Barcelona.
 Copenhagen (7-18 December)
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
 Resolution 73 on Climate Change
 Notes conclusion of GSS that ICT industry
can set an example by committing to
specific programs with objectives to
reduce overall GHG emissions
 Recognizes that ICTs can make a substantial
contribution and be a major factor to mitigate
the effects of climate change, for example
through energy-efficient devices, applications and
 Resolves that CC is a high priority in ITU as part
of our contribution to UN processes and global efforts
to moderate climate change
 Resolves to promote adoption of recommendations
to ensure greater energy efficient of ICT
devices and reduce GHG emissions in all sectors
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
High-Level Segment (HLS) of the ITU
Council 2008
HLS brought together Presidents of Burkina Faso and
Rwanda along with Ministers, regulators and heads of
UN agencies and focused on climate change &
cybersecurity. (12-13 November 2008)
Declaration of the ITU Secretary General on climate change:
 “ITU is mainstreaming this major issue into its regular work programme. ITU is
undertaking important work on how ICTs can help prevent and avert climate
change. There is a strong role for ITU in standards for energy
efficiency of the ICT equipment on which our digital economy
depends. ITU has always taken the lead in setting high
standards for telecommunications and ICTs, and this is
another key area in which ITU can make a real difference.”
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
WTPF – Opinion 3
 World Telecommunication and Policy Forum was held on 2224 April 2009 in Lisbon, Portugal
 Lisbon Consensus - Opinion 3 “ICT and the Environment”
July 2009
– the ITU Secretary-General
to bring the content of Resolution 73 (WTSA-08) on
Information and communication technologies and climate change
to the attention of the ITU Council and take appropriate actions,
taking into consideration the United Nations commitment to lead
by example, to achieve climate-neutral status within three years;
to continue, within the mandate of the ITU, to cooperate
and collaborate with other entities within the UN in formulating
future international efforts for the effective addressing of climate
change, and to report the results of these efforts to the Council;
– The Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, the
Radiocommunication Bureau and the Telecommunication
Development Bureau
to continue to work together, and with relevant study
groups, to raise the awareness of these issues, especially in
developing countries, as work progresses in their respective
to promote liaison with other relevant organizations in
order to avoid duplication of work and to optimize the use of
Committed to Connecting the World
ITU & Acting on Climate Change:
The UN System Delivering as One
 ITU is contributing to the effort
of the UN system to “deliver
as one” to address climate
change and is taking the
necessary steps to deepen the
global understanding of the
relation between ICTs and
climate change.
 "Acting on Climate Change: The
UN System Delivering as One"
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
Assisting Developing Countries
 Develop guidelines, training materials and
toolkits on technology & policy aspects of
e-Environment applications
 Assist developing countries in implementing
relevant ICT applications for environment
and sustainable development
 Challenges and opportunities
 Awareness promotion
 Work with international partners for
capacity building and coordinated
 Support developing countries for pilot
project implementation
 Monitor and evaluate results; share best
practices with other countries
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
ICTs for e-Environment Report
 Objective: Provide guidelines for developing
countries on the use of ICTs for better
management and protection of the
environment as a key part of their
development process, with particular focus on
climate change
 Examines six areas of ICT use: Environmental
Observation, Analysis, Planning, Management
& Protection, ICT Mitigation and Capacity
 Recommendations for developing
 Strengthen national analysis, planning
and implementation
 Use existing and new financial mechanisms
 Foster technology transfer
 Promote best practices
 Promote Public-Private partnerships
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
ICTs for e-Environment Report (cont.)
Building on these recommendations, ITU has
initiated a series of activities to assist decisionmakers in ITU Members States:
e-Environment Readiness Index: Methodology and
indicators for assessing a country’s level of eenvironment readiness
e-Environment toolkit: Practical guidelines for
assessing needs and establishing strategies for the
implementation of national e-environment master plans
Direct assistance to countries in need: Using the
developed tools to facilitate the deployment of
infrastructure and related ICT services
Capacity building: Workshops and training material to
assist Member States in the development of master
plans and the deployment of diverse ICT applications
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
Next Steps
 Circulate the Toolkit draft report and
the EERI and obtain feedback
Support developing countries in
conducting e-Environment readiness
Aid selected countries in developing eEnvironment strategies and action
plans, in collaboration with partners
(see Annex)
Monitor and evaluate results
Share best practices with other
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
“Climate Change is a global challenge that the
world cannot lose.”
Dr Hamadoun I. Touré
ITU Secretary-General, 13 November 2008
“Climate change is the defining challenge of our
ITU’s work to cut greenhouse gas emissions,
develop standards and use ‘e-environment’
systems can speed up the global shift to a lowcarbon economy.
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General, 12 November
July 2009
Committed to Connecting the World
More information
 ITU Activities on Climate Change
 or by contacting us at:
July 2009
Thank you for your attention!
International Telecommunication Union