Op-ed Workshop Working with University Communications March 30, 2015 Presented by J. Paul Johnson American University and the Next Decade Leadership for a Changing World Ten Transformational Goals 1. Epitomize the Scholar-Teacher Ideal 2. Unsurpassed Undergraduate Education 3. Distinction in Graduate Studies 4. Engage in the Great Issues 5. Reflect and Value Diversity 6. Bring World to AU, AU to World 7. Act on Values of Social Responsibility, Service 8. Engage Alumni in Life of University 9. Encourage Innovation, High Performance 10. Win Recognition and Distinction http://www.american.edu/strategicplan/ American University Strategic Plan Goal #10 Win Recognition & Distinction “Our profile will rise as we tell the story of American University to the world.” “Increase the number of positive mentions of AU in national and international media, including on the Web.” “Increase the acknowledgement and recognition of the university and its units for exceptional performance or contributions in key areas of our mission and plan.” Faculty Op-eds Great way to present your research, expertise or analysis • • Platform for your words and your words only High degree of control in communicating your research, expertise, analysis Allows you to identify a problem, offer a solution, shape the debate, or present new findings • Op-eds are news-cycle/time sensitive Helps to establish you as a thought-leader • • Read by decision-makers, opinion-makers, other thought-leaders Established media outlets lend prestige by having chosen your op-ed in the very competitive space on their opinion pages Provides wide exposure to research, ideas • • Readers often share op-eds via social media—Twitter, Facebook, etc. Generates other opportunities Faculty Op-eds Los Angeles Times Chris Edelson on U.S./Taliban Swap. (6/6/14) Today Chris Edelson on President Obama request for new USA AUMF. (3/15) Bal3more Sun, David Lublin on state senate hearing for new bill where he was tesLfying. (3/10) 650 words/avg Compe22on is Fierce Be Provoca2ve/Make it Personal Philadelphia Inquirer, Guy Ziv Cite a Problem & Propose a Solu2on SIS, solicited aSer pitching his Be Flexible on Placement: event in Philly for J. Street. Appeared day before Israeli elecLons. (3/16) TheHill.com, Jon Gould one of several AU regular contributors who agreed to provide at least 6 commentaries over the year. (11/24/14) Faculty Op-ed Guidelines • Work with Univ Comms. We can strategize the message and structure with you. We have a good track record of getting fast turnarounds from news outlets because we are a trusted source and respect their guidelines. • Generally 600-800 words. Some news outlets accept more, but you stand a better chance of placement if you provide a concise, compelling first draft. • Competition is fierce so make it personal and/or provocative. Top news outlets can receive hundreds of submissions a week. • Cite a problem and propose a solution. • Be flexible on placement. Top news outlets have dedicated opinion writers e.g. Thomas Friedman, Peggy Noonan, Michael Gerson. Social media boosts the reach of online news outlets. • Most news outlets require exclusivity. Leave time for plan B and plan C submissions. Consider establishing a blog to post your op-eds. Op-eds that were not successfully placed • Were evergreen and did not have a good news hook • Did not leave enough time to pitch to multiple outlets • Failed to stake out a position and analyze a topic by either making recommendations or identifying a problem/solution • Rehashed the news • Were targeted to a very narrow audience and were esoteric How University Communications Can Help • Placed more than 50 op-­‐eds in 2014 in publicaLons in the United States and abroad for SIS and SPA alone. • IdenLfy strategic placements domesLcally or internaLonally – naLonal print & online, regional, niche, blogs, internaLonal print & online. • Develop a Plan A, B, and C for placement. • Manage submission and ediLng process including follow up. • Strong relaLonships with op-­‐ed editors and their staff/submissions get reviewed quickly. University Communications Contacts What are you working on? What can you comment on? Camille Lepre Asst. VP of Communications 202-885-5978 lepre@american.edu Kelly Alexander Director, Public Relations 202-885-5952 kellya@american.edu Paul Johnson SIS, SPA Public Relations Manager 202-885-5943 jjohnson@american.edu